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MichelleR's hair journal (Read 164932 times)

August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #90 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 5:47pm
I vote for grey.  Do you know about www.sockdreams.com? ; They have great tights!
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Midnight Angel
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #91 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 8:44pm
Probably gray. Just make sure that the tights do not have any sort of pattern or texture to them as that would clash horrendously with a tweed skirt. Shocked
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #92 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 10:20pm
Thanks ladies!  I'll have to check out that website, Sakina. 

I got one pair black and one pair "Heather Graphite."  I would describe it as a heathered dark charcoal gray.  I think it will go well with the skirt.  When I got the skirt out to put up next to the tights, I realized it was actually a very light plaid pattern, not a tweed.   Shocked  Well, I said I was no good at fashion details right?  LOL

I also decided to take a look at the business suits as they were having a sale.  I found a suit on the clearance rack and found a blouse to go with it.  I've never worn a suit before; I wonder if I looked as uncomfortable as I felt in it!  Well, the fit was right and it will give me a more professional look when I go on more formal interviews (the lady setting up the interview for the passport job mentioned wearing one if I had it).  I can still wear the blouse and skirt for the temp agency and other jobs where the dress is business casual.
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #93 - Oct 14th, 2009 at 3:21am
I'm glad the others could advice you on tights.  I have nylons and even stockings but I always end up putting on tights when I have to choose.  Convenience and comfort.  I don't know how tall you are but if you're really short, then it's recommended that you match the leg wear to your shoes.  I think matching socks or tights to the bottom of your pants or skirts is just as good though if you're trying to achieve a professional look. 

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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #94 - Oct 14th, 2009 at 6:24pm
Thank you, Drear!  I wore the gray tights to an interview this morning with a temp agency and I think they looked great.  They were a bit on the small side though.  They barely made it all the way up to the crotch and were pretty tight around the bum.  I am 5'8" and "big-boned" shall we say,  Wink so I usually end up at the upper end of the size chart.  Unfortunately that was the biggest size they had in the gray, although I was able to find one size larger in the black.  

Tomorrow is the interview with the passport agency and I will be wearing my new suit.  I have some knee-high tights to wear with that.  

The cold is getting better.  I'm not having the sinus headaches and fatigue like I had been.  Still some nasal congestion and coughing, but I can tell it's less and less each day.  

Today after the interview, I came home and was changing into more comfortable clothes.  I noticed my cat, Yoda, staring intently out the window and meowing.  I went to see what he was looking at and:
I took a dish of food out to him and he ran away, terrified.  I don't know if he's feral or what.  I also don't know if it's a boy or girl, so I'm just saying he/him for convenience.  His eyes are totally yellow/green and have no kittenish blue anymore, so between that and his size I am guessing he is maybe 12-14 weeks old.  I finally got him to come back to the window and he just loved sitting there talking to Yoda through the screen.  I sat there for about 2 hours with him.  He let me get about 3 feet away and just sit there, but would bolt if I made any move toward him.  Finally I thought, "hey, what if I take off the window screen and put a dish of food on the window sill?"  Sure enough, he came right into the bedroom and I put the screen back on from outside.  Now I just have to catch him and inspect him for fleas, ear mites, etc.  I suspect if he's been outside all this time, it's a matter of how bad, not if.  The poor little thing was so hungry he ate a whole can of cat food and has no collar, so I don't believe he belongs to anyone.  Even if he does, he's clearly not being cared for, so I really don't care to try to find any potential owners.   Angry  Not sure yet if we'll keep him, have to discuss that with hubby.  At least we will get him cleaned up and take him to a shelter if we have to.  I hope there is a no kill shelter around here that will take him.   Cry
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Posts: 2375
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #95 - Oct 14th, 2009 at 6:42pm
Awwww....what a cutie!  I love cat's! Cheesy

I think that perhaps you should try to find it's owner just in case.  Someone out there may be missing their kitty. Embarrassed  My cat loves to eat so much that she ALWAYS eats as though she's starving...the size of her belly gives her away though. Tongue

Good luck on your interviews!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #96 - Oct 14th, 2009 at 7:06pm
Your Yoda is super cute!!!

I hope you have a happy result from your interviews!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Midnight Angel
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #97 - Oct 14th, 2009 at 11:08pm
Yoda! What a great name for a cat! Grin

Your Yoda looks a lot like my Blackie, who passed almost a decade ago. Cry
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Posts: 909
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #98 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 3:45am
I've never seen myself as a cat person but I'm melting.  My mom's always had cats and I had a couple but mine thought they were dogs and the last one my mom still has, barks.  I hope you get results with your interviews.
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #99 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 9:27am
LD: The more we have this kitten in the house, the more I am convinced it's feral.  He's very bold and not nervous about exploring, but the moment one of us moves, he bolts.  We tried to catch him last night so we could inspect him for fleas and he is just too fast for us!  We had him trapped in one bedroom and the two of us just could not get a hold of him. 

Hubby suggested he could be an outside cat, but with him being so small and winter coming, I don't think I could live with that.  I would be fine with him living here and not letting us touch him, but he needs to go to the vet and get flea dipped, shots, tested for feline leukemia/parasites and get neutered.  I don't want Yoda to catch anything from him.
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #100 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 4:19pm
Woohoo!!  They offered me the job at the passport agency!  It's contingent upon passing the federal background check, but I can't imagine anything that would cause problems with that.  *happy dance!*
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Midnight Angel
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #101 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 5:30pm
Wow, lady. Congrats! Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #102 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 8:32pm
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #103 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 11:50pm
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #104 - Oct 16th, 2009 at 4:08am
Congrats!!!!  That's wonderful news! Smiley
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