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MichelleR's hair journal (Read 165225 times)

Posts: 2375
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #150 - Nov 30th, 2009 at 5:03pm
This stuff is either my husband's new shampoo, or it's going down the drain.

It's funny how we always pass off "the bad stuff" to our husbands. Grin

I think you should try ACV rinses for build up.  I'm not sure what the science is behind it but they do work for me.  Since doing ACV rinses, I haven't had a need for a clarifying shampoo.  And with such dry hair and the need for lot's of moisturizing products, I sometimes build up a lot of gunk. Tongue

Good luck! Smiley
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #151 - Nov 30th, 2009 at 5:23pm
After all, he is almost bald and wears his hair clipped close.  It's not like he's trying to grow his hair long and protect it like me!  LOL
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #152 - Nov 30th, 2009 at 5:44pm
It's not like he's trying to grow his hair long and protect it like me!  LOL

I'm sure that's the case with most men, I was just teasing. Wink  Believe me, I've given my husband a great deal of my discarded products.
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #153 - Dec 1st, 2009 at 5:24pm
It's been cold and rainy today and yesterday, so I decided to make soup yesterday.  I've never done chicken soup from scratch and wanted to try it.  I boiled the whole chicken with an onion, then split up the broth and meat cleaned from the carcass into a bunch of jars.  I'll use that to make chicken noodle soup later. Then, I made a vegetable soup.  Celery, carrots, onion, garlic, potato, zucchini, eggplant and lentils went into to it, and seasoned with chicken stock, soy sauce and a little bit of rooster sauce.  I let it simmer for a few hours and mashed it with a potato ricer.  Sure made me wish for an immersion blender!  We had that for dinner last night and it was really tasty!  Next time though, I'll leave out the celery and lentils and maybe add barley.  The tough fibers of the celery and skin of the lentils detracted from the softer texture of the rest of the veggies.  I jarred and froze some of that soup too, since it made so much.
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #154 - Dec 1st, 2009 at 8:33pm
Wow, let me bow down to the queen! Shocked 

I doubt anything I've ever made includes that many steps. Grin

I'm sure it was tasty...sounds good! Smiley
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #155 - Dec 2nd, 2009 at 4:59am
Makes me want to try to make it if I can find all the ingredients.
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #156 - Dec 2nd, 2009 at 10:12am
I haven't done anything with the chicken soup yet.  My step-mom says to get better flavor I had better put all the broth back into the pot and simmer it until it reduces down more.  The veggie soup was super easy!  I just cut everything up and put it in together and let it simmer for about 3 hours.  The lentils I put in at the end and let them cook, adding a little bit of water every once in a while until they were tender. 

It snowed here this morning!  I was so excited, I put on my heavy coat and hat and gloves and went outside in it.  It turned back into rain after about an hour though and all the snow that was on the grass is melted away.  I did take pictures though.  Here is the link.  http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2024656&id=1518530140&l=cfea972881
It is supposed to be a "public" link that anyone can see without signing into Facebook, so let me know if it doesn't work.
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #157 - Dec 2nd, 2009 at 10:57am
Snow!! Cheesy Great pix, MichelleR! It looks so pretty where you live. And yes, they're visible to people who aren't on FB...I still don't have one. Wink
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #158 - Dec 2nd, 2009 at 7:55pm
Thanks Angel. I'm glad to hear the link works.

Well, I tried an ACV rinse this morning.  It didn't make my hair any more shiny or soft like I have heard some others experience, but it did seem to help with the build up, so I'm happy about that! Perhaps a rinse once or twice a week is in order.  If that works, then I won't have to buy a clarifying shampoo at all!  Will continue to use it and see how it works long term.
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Posts: 909
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #159 - Dec 3rd, 2009 at 2:25am
Oooh!  You've got snow! Smiley  I wouldn't want it today when hub's out driving but I hope we'll see just a bit this winter.  Maybe not heavy snow at the end of December.  Dad's coming over form CA.  But we need just a bit of snow for the pictures while he's here. Grin
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #160 - Dec 4th, 2009 at 5:05pm
Love the pics, Michelle! Smiley  Snow is definitely something that I'd rather see in pictures than experience myself. Thanks for sharing!
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #161 - Dec 10th, 2009 at 2:49pm
Hair news: My skin and hair have been so dry lately!  I decided to cough up the money to buy a jar of coconut oil.  I oiled my hair last night, tied it back into a pony tail and put it up under a cap.  While working it into my hair, I generated a ton of static electricity and my hair was sticking out in every direction!  I haven't washed it yet, so I don't know how it will turn out.  I also put some on the dry areas of my face and slathered it onto my hands.  My skin really sucked it up. 
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #162 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 8:31am
My hair is at that point where it's long enough for my husband to accidentally lay on it when he rolls over in bed.  It hasn't been this long in a long time!  But not long enough yet for braids to keep it out of the way.  I can't believe it's almost been two months since my last picture.

I broke down and bought another bottle of the Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo.  I'll shampoo with that this morning to get a nice clean slate, then do coconut oil tonight and see how it washes out in the morning.  When I did the coconut oil earlier this week, it seemed like it took two washes to get it all out, but that could have been because of all the build-up I've been fighting making it not absorb or rinse properly. 

Other news: My car is in the body shop and I have a rental.  It's a Chevy Cobalt, and I hate it.  Just another cheesy, flimsy low end car.  My own car is one of the cheapest on the market too, in the same price range as the Cobalt, but at least Toyota made it solid!  The windows actually rattle in the door frame when I drive the Cobalt.  Plus, the buttons don't work very well on the remote key fob, although that could be a battery problem.  Still, it's not earning any brownie points when I have to use the key to get in the trunk or car and that sets off the alarm!
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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the 'Burgh
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #163 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 11:15am
Oh, please let me know how you like the coconut oil. I've been toying with the idea of trying it out, but haven't brought myself around to trying yet. If you don't like the coconut, I hear many people like shea butter, another sort of solid nut oil, too.

It always seems that they stick you with the most miserable rental car when your own car is in the shop! I've never driven a Cobalt, but my last rental car was a Ford Aveo. What a miserable car! At least it didn't have a car alarm to go off every time I opened the trunk. Hope you get your car back soon!
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #164 - Dec 17th, 2009 at 4:29pm
KNS: I think I like the coconut oil so far.  My hair isn't dry or damaged, so it doesn't necessarily feel better.  However, I hope to avert any damage as my hair grows longer, especially in this dry air we've been having.  My hands on the other hand are a mess and nothing seems to help.  I just keep slathering on the lotion and Eucerin and hope it doesn't get worse. 

Other: I finally heard back from my recruiter!  She told me I passed my security clearance!  Yay!!!  Then she told me that because it had taken so long (9weeks) that they had already filled all the open spaces at the passport office and didn't have any room for me anymore!   Shocked

So yeah, the last 9 weeks of waiting have been a total waste, because even though I had a job offer and was told I could start as soon as I passed the background check, they took too long and now I have no job.  Awesome!  Oh, but if a space opens up in the future, I'll be the first one they ask.  Yeah, let me just hold my breath for that. 

I'm really in a bad place right now.  I haven't yet gotten over the shock of it and I'm still in that angry, wanna-destroy-everything phase.  Haven't quite made it into the next coping-what's-my-next-move phase.
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