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MichelleR's hair journal (Read 165203 times)

Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #30 - Aug 13th, 2009 at 7:18pm
Not much news with my hair.  It's still too short to do anything with.  I just pin my bangs back everyday to keep my hair out of my face.  

We took my son to the park yesterday.  There were lots of pretty dragonflies around, and a friendly bird.






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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #31 - Aug 13th, 2009 at 8:01pm
Cool Pics! Smiley
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #32 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 12:37am
I love your pics!  And how jealous am I?  I'm never able to get a picture of a dragon fly, they don't sit still for me. Tongue
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #33 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 12:53am
Thanks Isabelle and LD! 

I was actually really surprised they did sit still for me!  Most of them flew away before I could take a picture.  
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #34 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 4:15am
Beautiful pictures!
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #35 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 7:30am
Very cool pics!  Your son is a cutie pie!
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #36 - Aug 16th, 2009 at 8:22pm
Thanks everyone! 

Hair: Only rinsed with water today in the shower, then CO on the ends and at my temples where the hair is finer and frizzier.  After towel drying, I just lightly finger combed and let it be instead of combing it straight.  It didn't really dry more wavy, but it has a more tousled, "bedhead" look.  I think it has more volume if anything.  Not sure yet if that's a result of the not combing, or the not shampooing. 

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DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #37 - Aug 17th, 2009 at 12:51am
Hair feels a bit more greasy than it would if I had shampooed.  I expect that's normal.  Also my scalp feels a little itchy.  Hopefully that will go away as my scalp adjusts.
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #38 - Aug 17th, 2009 at 11:05pm
Day three of no shampoo (last time was Saturday).  I've continued to rinse with water and CO on the ends.  My scalp is very greasy and looks really nasty.

I've read online about people who've tried this and complained about the smell.  Maybe I haven't done it long enough yet to experience that, or maybe I'm a little more accepting of "natural" odors.  There is a difference between the natural odor of the body and a "bad" smell due to infection or other disease.  So far all I notice is the natural smell of my greasy scalp.  Sounds gross, but isn't necessarily a "bad" smell if that makes sense. 

I'm not sure I can stand to do this cold turkey.  I will probably try diluting my shampoo to a runny consistency tomorrow and see if that gives me some relief without stripping all the oils out.  If that works, I'll try going longer and longer between washings and see if I can wean myself off the shampoo altogether. 

I haven't decided yet if this will be a permanent change or not.  I'm just having fun with the experimentation at this point.   Cheesy
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #39 - Aug 17th, 2009 at 11:28pm
Hi, MichelleR! Smiley

Loved the pics, by the way! I was reading your last entry and I wondered how long your hair was. I remember reading one of the Measure Up sections and I think you said it was 17''? I think? haha, I just remembered because mine is pretty much the exact same length! lol, I know how it feels, then not to have too many options for what you can do with your hair style-wise. Just wanted to wish you good luck!
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #40 - Aug 18th, 2009 at 9:40am
Jilayne75 wrote on Aug 17th, 2009 at 11:28pm:
Hi, MichelleR! Smiley

Loved the pics, by the way! I was reading your last entry and I wondered how long your hair was. I remember reading one of the Measure Up sections and I think you said it was 17''? I think? haha, I just remembered because mine is pretty much the exact same length! lol, I know how it feels, then not to have too many options for what you can do with your hair style-wise. Just wanted to wish you good luck!

Thanks!  My hair is just barely collar length.  I'm not sure I would even consider it shoulder-length yet.  *sits up very straight...nope not quite yet*  You're right; there isn't much I can do style-wise yet.  I have lots of layers, so I can't really even do a pony tail yet, or my layers all fall out around my face.  I need the layers though, while my hair is growing out or else I have the poofy triangle look around my face and that's not flattering to anyone!  Good luck to you too!

The last time I took a picture of the back of my hair was July 2nd.  I think it's time to check again and see my progress.  I'll wait until the beginning of Sept. though, so I can see two full months of growth.  

This morning I went ahead and washed my hair with diluted shampoo, then conditioner all over.
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #41 - Aug 18th, 2009 at 4:53pm
haha, you're welcome.  Smiley

Oh! You have layers too? I know how you feel!
I love my layers and probably wouldnt go back to one length if I could (I know I need them because my hair is so thick, and because it helps enhance the natural curl) but sometimes they get annoying, like when they dont fit into things. My hair is about an inch past my collar bone, but the layers do fit into a ponytail.

Yeah. I'd love to see a picture!  Smiley
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #42 - Sep 3rd, 2009 at 3:35pm
I don't have a sewing measuring tape (last time I posted in the Measure Up thread I tried to use a regular metal-type one) so I'm just going to keep posting my pictures here.  

July 2nd

I gave up on the no washing my hair thing.  It was pretty gross and I felt like it was affecting my face as well.  I can go maybe every other day, but not longer.  I can almost get it all up in a pony tail.  I did try to trim my bangs as they had gotten quite long, but I think I messed them up.  I may have to go and get them fixed.  Maybe I can find a hair dresser who will charge me only to trim my bangs, as I can't afford to pay for a full cut right now (and I don't want a full cut right now anyway).

Other: There is a katydid on my window.  He's probably just under 2" long.  He's been sitting there for a few hours now.

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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #43 - Sep 3rd, 2009 at 5:24pm
Your hair is looking very nice!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #44 - Sep 3rd, 2009 at 10:43pm
Thanks!  Cheesy
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