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MichelleR's hair journal (Read 165198 times)

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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #60 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 7:50pm
Doesn't it feel good to get things organized? Smiley

Yes, please post pictures if you can! Cheesy
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #61 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 11:38pm
Doesn't it feel good to get things organized? Smiley

Oh my goodness yes!  Even if it's just boxes crammed away out of sight in a back closet, I still know it's there!

Ok, so here is some of my "work."  I really enjoy doing this, but it's extremely time consuming.  I want to branch out and make some of my own items to embellish, but I don't know how to operate a sewing machine.  That's something I really want to learn to do; I would like to eventually take a class.  I think this type of beading would translate well to wrist cuffs, pouches (like a cell phone pouch maybe?), journal covers, etc.  

Some of my patterns are iron-on, some are plastic stencils.  I have used various methods to trace the design onto the fabric, like fabric pencils and chalks, to fabric paints.  I thought the paints would make a nice effect (like the silver on white fabric one at the end) but I think I prefer the simplicity of the chalk/pencils that wash out and leave only the beads showing the design.  I wish I had taken a picture of some of the ones I did for my step-mom.  One of them was a white sweatshirt with a large snowflake on the front done in silver.  It was really pretty!

These are a pair of jeans that were my first project.  Unfortunately this was not a wise choice to start with, because I had no idea of what I wanted the overall effect to be, so it's a mish-mash of different size and color beads, and it doesn't look pulled together.  I really need to take off the beads I don't like, but the design would still be there because it was one of my iron-on ones.  Sad
A head scarf I made and wore to a renaissance faire:
Another of my design methods: I stitched cross stitch fabric (the kind you can throw in the wash, it disintegrates and then you pull out the threads that are left) onto a little tote bag and was following a cross stitch pattern.
A sachet bag: the idea was for potpourri, wedding favors, bath soaps or salts, etc.
Here's the silver and white hanky:
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #62 - Sep 17th, 2009 at 4:52am
I really like the scarf, the bag and the sachet which is so cute.
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #63 - Sep 17th, 2009 at 12:45pm
Nice work! Smiley
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #64 - Sep 17th, 2009 at 12:49pm
Wow, how very cute! Cheesy 

You're very talented.  You should take sewing lessons. That'll help speed up your process.  I have plans to learn to sew as well but haven't yet. Tongue

I like everything you did but especially the satchel, only because it was an unexpected touch.

A few years ago, I got one of those electric iron rod things (I forget what they're called) that you use to apply rhinestones.  I went rhinestone crazy with that thing, I applied them to shoes, jeans, jackets and even my cellphone Grin

I have some old jeans that I want to put iron on embroidered patches on but I didn't get around to it this summer... and I don't own an iron. Roll Eyes

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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #65 - Sep 17th, 2009 at 4:29pm
Thanks ladies!  It's something I really like to do, but don't have much time to do it.  Sad  *sigh*  Now, if I could just win the lottery or something...  Cheesy
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #66 - Sep 20th, 2009 at 1:24pm
From your mouth to God's ears!!!  I was thinking the same for myself!
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WWW Curlgirl64  
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #67 - Sep 20th, 2009 at 9:38pm
So I was just reminiscing today about a lotion I used to use probably over 10 years ago.  It was a lotion by St. Ives which was in a spray bottle.  It was very light and refreshing and a nice light scent.  It's been discontinued forever, and I still haven't gotten over it.   Cry  I've been thinking about it again lately because with the humidity and heat here, I can't stand using normal lotion (even one I found by Eucerin that is supposed to be light and non-greasy) but I still get that "ashy" look to my skin and need something. 

I haven't seen any spray lotions since.  Anyone know of one?  Failing that, I was thinking of maybe watering down some lotion and putting it in a spray bottle.  Has anyone tried that?
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Midnight Angel
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #68 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 11:16am
Never tried the spray lotions, or making one for that matter. I use Suave's oil-free lotions for light work since there's practically nothing to them. The natural oatmeal one is especially good, in my experience. But then, I live in a very dry climate so results may  vary. Undecided
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #69 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 11:47am
Never tried the spray lotions, or making one for that matter. I use Suave's oil-free lotions for light work since there's practically nothing to them. The natural oatmeal one is especially good, in my experience. But then, I live in a very dry climate so results may  vary. Undecided

Yeah, when we lived in SoCal I needed a pretty heavy duty moisturizer.  My skin has changed since we moved here.  And just when I had gotten into a good routine with my facial cleanser and moisturizer.   Angry
If I can find a travel size bottle of the Suave lotion I'll pick it up and see how that works.  Thanks for the tip Angel.  I'll try diluting the lotions I have as well and buy a little spray bottle.  I'd like to be able to use up what I have!  

I need to make a trip to Bath & Body Works too.  My little boy likes to take baths and used about an inch of my shower gel and now I'm almost out!   Shocked  I need to get him some kid's bubble bath so he doesn't use my expensive stuff.
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #70 - Sep 21st, 2009 at 8:01pm
Well, I think it's my turn to have the cold.   Sad  It didn't start in my head this time; it's in my chest.  I have a raw feeling in my chest and I can tell I'm wheezing slightly.  I'm not coughing too much like a maniac yet though.  

Went to the mall and got more of my body wash from Bath & Body Works.  I luuuurrrrv the Butterfly Flowers fragrance!  
They have a new one called P.S. I Love You.  Doesn't do anything for me.  Too much fake rose fragrance in my opinion.  
They rolled out another fragrance a couple of months ago called White Citrus which is heavenly!  I have a candle in that scent and I just love it.  
They're having a Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale so I got a Butterfly Flowers body wash, a White Citrus body wash and a Moonlight Path bubble bath.  The Moonlight Path is very relaxing and calming, but kind of sexy too.  

Then went over to Target and picked up a 2oz spray bottle and some travel size lotions.  
I got Suave Skin Therapy Aloe with Cucumber, St Ives Whipped Silk, Vaseline Aloe Fresh Hydrating and Johnson's Body Care 24 Hour Body Lotion.  They were each under $1 so I figure if I hate them it's not as bad as tossing a full size bottle.  

When I got home I tried the St Ives Whipped Silk since my arms were really dry and scaly looking.  It absorbed really well and was very light.  I actually needed to apply more than I estimated.  So far it feels ok, but I want to try it first thing out of the shower and wear it all day.  

I'm going to try mixing my Butterfly Flowers Body Lotion with water and using the spray bottle.  

Whilst I was in line at Target, a recipe book caught my eye.  I usually never buy magazines at the store, and rarely buy anything off the impulse racks, but this is a Campbell's Casserole & One-Dish Recipe Card book.  I'm told I'm a very good cook, but I have no inspiration like some of you ladies, so I never know what to make, and frankly I'm pretty lazy about it.  So I thought this would be a good thing to try.  They are simple recipes and I can throw them in every once in a while to break up the monotony of my typical freezer stir fry dinners.
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #71 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 9:07am
Feel better soon! St Ives Whipped Silk is one of my fav lotions Smiley Love the bead work btw!
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #72 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 9:25am
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #73 - Sep 22nd, 2009 at 3:34pm
I can't believe that you have a cold too.  Ugh...it just seems too early in the season for that nonsense.  Anyway, I hope you feel better soon.

Sorry I can't help with the lotion.  I cannot use watery lotions.  I need something thick and ultra moisturizing.   
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #74 - Sep 23rd, 2009 at 7:50pm
Grrr, I'm so fed up with my husband right now. 

I asked him to pick up some soup and a package of those Shower Soothers for me.  I told him I would be in the shower, and this is the message I get from him: "I don't se shower things and u don't answer phone so u have to buy urself"  Thanks honey. 

Dammit, if he was sick and wanted something, I'd drive all over town to find it.  At least I would ASK someone at the store to help me find it.  He is the worst when it comes to being sick and wanting to be nursed a little.  God forbid something happens to me when we're old and he has to take care of me.  I'd better die first.   Angry
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