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Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair (Read 7823 times)

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Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair
Jul 27th, 2009 at 10:43pm
I've written lots of journals, but sadly I could never keep interest in them. So I'm basically writing this on a whim and hoping I'll keep up this it! But I'm sure you don't care about any of that!  Grin Anyway I'm Kelsey a soon to be sophomore at a school that won't be named (the internet has some weird people! better to be safe then sorry.) I know pretty much nothing about hair. In fact as a child my hair was longer but really unhealthy, my parents brushed it while it was wet and i never brushed it at all. So after I moved to a new town, just about to start 7th grade I cut my hair. It was a little above my shoulder and it stayed around that length until this year. I damaged it from straighting and blow drying and not caring for my hair. (will I never learn?!)

This year starting high school around my birthday I decided I would just chop it off!  Angry Well kinda I got it cut in kind of a shaggy pixie so it had many layers. It was a smidgen longer then my ears. and has bangs I've so far grown out one layer and still have one more to go. Also I've changed up my bangs that where longer and to thick and gotten new ones. Basically my hair is a short layer-y messy thing. I've also used sun-in on it, so that is growing out too  Cry. My hair is now kinda blond with light brown roots.

Honestly I don't know much about hair, but from a young age I loved long hair. I always thought it was so pretty like a princess or something. I'm sure It's going to take me a long time to grow my hair to an average length. I've looked at some of the pictures of the woman here with their long hair and I have to say I'm envious! I hope someday my hair will be that long!

But enough of my rabbling, thanks to anyone thats reading this or who will in the future! Hopeful I will keep on with growing long beautiful hair! Smiley

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Midnight Angel
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Re: Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair
Reply #1 - Jul 27th, 2009 at 11:12pm
Hey, Kelsey.

Congrats on starting your hair journal. Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair
Reply #2 - Jul 28th, 2009 at 12:14am
Welcome, Kelsey.  Sounds like you're starting off at about the same length I was at when I decided to grow my hair.  Um, that's been almost 5 years now and I'm almost at BSL (bra strap length).  You're lucky you're so young 'cause your hormones will help your hair grow faster.  Starting good habits now will last you a lifetime!

Good luck with your hair growing and your journaling.
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Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair
Reply #3 - Jul 28th, 2009 at 12:24am
Welcome to LL  Smiley  This is the best place on the net to learn about growing long hair sans the weirdos! Grin
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Re: Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair
Reply #4 - Jul 28th, 2009 at 2:20pm
Welcome Kelsey   Smiley  Now that you're taking better care of your hair (I hope) I bet you'll be surprised at how quickly it grows.  Good luck and don't hesitate to ask questions.
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Re: Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair
Reply #5 - Jul 28th, 2009 at 4:32pm
Welcome, Kelsey.  I wish I had the good sense to start growing my hair when I was your age.  You will have beautiful hair, I am sure.
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Re: Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair
Reply #6 - Jul 28th, 2009 at 7:20pm
Welcome,Kelsey!  Glad you've started a journal here.  Looking forward to reading about your journey to longer hair.
Feel free to ask questions, give an opinion or just kick back to relax & enjoy LongLocks!
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair
Reply #7 - Jul 28th, 2009 at 9:47pm
Thanks for all the support! I dug out my digital camera and was trying to take pictures of my hair, unfortunately I have some very weird lighting in my bathroom making everything a funky orange color plus I have no clue how to put picture on here!  Grin I am taking better care of my hair now, my biggest problem was i wasn't responsible enough to brush it. Today I try a vinegar rise and used suave clarifying shampoo and conditioner.  I think that I either didn't rise well enough in one spot, which seems a little weird or the shampoo has something weird in it that my hair doesn't like. I'm not crazy about suave shampoo and conditioner so I think I'll just finish that bottle and buy something else that will get rid of build up.

In some other news I've started playing the wii fit again so i can get some exercise in! I only played/worked out for 30 minutes but at the end I was pretty tired. Maybe in a few weeks I'll be in shape. Some of the stuff like the soccer and the hula hoop I'm really good at. Anything else not so much. I'm also trying to eat a little better. This summer I've gotten into baking and cooking so it should be interesting to see how this works out. I made baked custard for the first time today, I'm not a big fan of it but my mom really likes it! I'll know what to make when she get mad at me now!  Wink Speaking of my mom I also did some chores for a lil extra cash today. Hopefully I can keep this up!    

I was wonder how people measure hair on here as weird as that sounds. My hair's wavy so should I pull it straight? Where do you start just the length of the hair? I feel like I have a lot to learn! Good thing I'll have plenty of time  Roll Eyes 
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Re: Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair
Reply #8 - Jul 29th, 2009 at 9:14am
Just an FYI and from what I've heard from other people is that you don't want to do a ACV rinse and a clarifying shampoo at the same washing.  It probably is too drying for your hair as it is for other people.  I suggest that you do either or but not together.  Then see how your hair responds. Smiley
As for the measuring,the concept is to be consistant.  Either measure your hair when it's wet or when it's dry.  I have curly/wavy hair too,so when I measure I always do it right after I wide tooth comb my hair.  You can take a dressmaker's measuring tape(the cloth kind),place it at your hairline at your forehead,drape the tape measure over yourhead down your back to the longest hair and that's your measurement.  Some people measure every month,some measure every 3 months.  Your choice.  There's a topic here on the site that is for hair measuring so you can chart your progress.
Also there is info on how to post a pic.  If you are still having problems,p/m me and I'll walk ya through it! Wink
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair
Reply #9 - Jul 29th, 2009 at 11:46am
Gah, Suave es no bueno. Shocked Their conditioners work well as light conditioners in CWC's but their shampoos are death for hair! It does make a good household cleaner though... Roll Eyes

Incidentally, I use a clarifying shampoo and an ACV rinse together once a week without any trouble at all. And I do measure every month, but I'm not sure what the protocol is for wavy hair.
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Re: Kelsey's Hopefully Long JourneyTo Long Hair
Reply #10 - Jul 29th, 2009 at 1:34pm
Hey Kelsey! Welcome to LL.  Smiley

I think I am a bit younger than you, but the way you describe your hair seems a bit similar to mine. I started off with my hair at my chin last year, and now it's about an inch-and-some past my collar bone with layers, the shortest layers being about 2 inches past my chin (when pulled straight). You just have to keep at it, because sometimes it will get frustrating. I'm also a blonde, and my hair is pretty wavy/curly, so I know about the measuring thing.

When I measure my hair, I get a measuring tape and place it at the hairline, and then let it go along down the back of my head. Then I take the measurement of my hair without pulling it. (I do this when it's dry). Then I do the exact same thing with my hair again, but this time pull it straight. That way I have two measurements; one curly, and one straight.
I hope that helps! Good luck on the growing!  Cheesy
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