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Melusine's Strange Journey (Read 275203 times)

August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #405 - Jul 19th, 2010 at 9:56pm
I know I'm being annoying about the pictures.  I really, very badly want to see them.  I just know I'm missing out on something beautiful!

Hmm, I'll have to check into the canvas idea.  Thanks.

Wow-elephants rescue trucks.  Awesome!!
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #406 - Jul 25th, 2010 at 11:20pm
Well, it was the 3rd weekend of Faire and FINALLY weather that wasn't hotter then hell and humid as a wet sponge.  I really do dislike the weather here.  It is too cold, too hot, too windy or too humid 90% of the time.

Yesterday I couldn't get to Faire because of the flooding in Chicago.  All but 2 of the interstates were under water.  I called Tim (I work for him in the early pms) and told him I wasn't coming up because it was pouring rain and I didn't want to do the 65-mi. drive in a rainstorm, plus if it was going to rain up there, he wouldn't need me anyway.  He said the skies were blue and it looked like a lovely day.  So I said okay that was better then sitting home watching it rain.  So I got dressed, loaded the car and left.  It took me 1.5 hrs to drive 19 mi. because of the rain and the traffic jam caused by water overflowing the expressway.  All cars were forced to exit, altho' the semis could get thru.  Where we were forced to exit was onto another expressway that could get me back home in 15 min.  And it started to rain again, so I just went home.

Today was much better.  I thought attendance would be higher, considering that many people simply couldn't get to Bristol on Sat, but it wasn't very crowded.

Oh, yes, I found out on Fri that our next-door neighbors are moving to Texas and haven't sold their house.  So either I will have renters next to me (with 5 bedrooms and a pool, I can just imagine who will rent the house) or a foreclosure sitting vacant.  Neither possibility pleases me at all.
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carpe noctem

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #407 - Jul 26th, 2010 at 10:14am
Quel horreur, what a day! Shocked
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #408 - Jul 29th, 2010 at 12:35am
Thank you, Angel,  I agree, what a horrible day.  Yesterday I was depressed because of the weather, I think.  It is either very hot and humid or it rains.  I am sick of it.

Only one more week of summer school, then I get 2 wks off.  I have to read the new book and get my lessons and Powerpoint shows done in the next 3 wks.  Knowing me, I will probably wait until the last day or 2 to do it.

Have been sewing like a fiend.  Last week made a chemise and skirt for Anya (Tim's girlfiend).  Have to make the overskirt and deliver it on Sat.  I am charging her $130 to do that.  Am re-hooping a hoopskirt for another friend and will charge her $40 for that.  So I should get close to $300 in cash this weekend.  Which is good as I will be spending about $150 on 2 new bodice chillers and 2 fancy cups, and a new front piece for my suede bodice.

I salvaged the fancy trimming off 2 old skirts and will be making 2 new court skirts.  I had bodices to match, but they are too small, so salvaged the material and will make front pieces for the suede bodice next week, after I get a good look at the one I am having made and can copy it.  Chortle, chortle.  Roll Eyes  I am so glad I can sew.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #409 - Jul 30th, 2010 at 11:58pm
Have been sewing all day.  Got the navy blue overskirt made for Anya.  That went fast, only took 2 & 1/2 hrs. All machine sewing, and the only piece I cut was 6" off the end of the yardage for the waistband and back placket.

Put the boning in the hoopskirt.  Couldn't get the steel hooping I used to buy as the place where I bought it in the past can't get it any more, so bought a cheap hoopskirt on eBay and scavenged the steel hoops out of it.  So my friend now will have a 5 hoop skirt that won't collapse under the heaviest skirts.

Finished my new skirt and it is gorgeous!  The fabric is dark blue with alternating matte and shiny 1/2" stripes running vertically and has a paisley (blues, wine/pink and gold) corduroy edging down the front slit edges and around the hem.  I covered the seam with a wide black ribbon embroidered in blue and lavendar flowers with gold filigree.  (Actually I salvaged the paisley corduroy edging off an old skirt that was wearing thin; it was just broadcloth.)  I will wear it with a rose pink moire taffeta underskirt and a black suede Elizabeth bodice with blue jacquard stomacher.  I have more of the paisley and will make a new stomacher for the bodice out of it.

Next week, I will make the green and black striped overskirt with the embroidered black corduroy edging, also salvaged from an old skirt.  That one should go faster since I now know what I am doing.  I have enough of that corduroy, too, to make a stomacher for the suede bodice.

I think I am now thru with sewing for others for this season.  I always say I will do it, but don't really enjoy it because they either don't want or cannot afford the really beautiful things I can do.  I would have charged at least $450 for the blue skirt I described above with a matching bodice.

I love creating beautiful garb; it makes me blissfully happy.  Smiley
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« Last Edit: Jul 31st, 2010 at 1:16am by melusine »  
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #410 - Aug 1st, 2010 at 9:26am
I'm so happy for you that you can sew.  You can certainly be proud.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #411 - Aug 3rd, 2010 at 1:07am
Thank you, Drear.  Wore the blue skirt on Sat with the black suede Elizabeth bodice with a dark blue stomacher, and my blue silk tall hat.  Got many compliments.  Sun wasn't so good.  Got mud on my green moire taffeta overskirt in the parking lot, dropped salad oil on the gold silk underskirt and discovered in the pm that green braid (made in China) on the skirt was coming apart.  I was furious!  So have spent 3 hrs. this pm taking the braid off and will replace it with gold ribbon.

I am so sick of shoddy products made in China.  I am making a point of not buying anything made in China, unless I have absolutely no other choice.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #412 - Aug 3rd, 2010 at 7:17am
I am so sick of shoddy products made in China.  I am making a point of not buying anything made in China, unless I have absolutely no other choice.

What a disappointing and frustrating experience.  I have to admit that I don't look at where children's clothes are produced but other than that I do try to buy things that are produced closer to home because it's my experience that the quality is better.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #413 - Aug 5th, 2010 at 7:09pm
Okay, summer school is over and I have 2 weeks off before the fall semester starts.  Whoopee.  I could certainly use more than 2 weeks.  This is the last summer I will teach both summer sessions.  I told my husband last week that next year, I will only teach the first summer session; I am taking the second session off.  I need the time to recoup for the fall semester which is always grueling.  Besides I want the time to concentrate on Faire while I am still young enough to enjoy it.

The green and black striped skirt is done and it is smashing!  The 1" stripes are picked out with a deep fuschia very small stripe that looks like a line of stitching.  The front guards and hem guard are black corduroy embroidered with flowers and vines in colors of pink, varying from the palest to deep fuschia.  The ribbon covering the seam between the guards and the skirt fabric is black with fushia flowers and gold vines.  I will wear it with a fuschia raw silk underskirt, a gold and black bodice, and white chemise with black embroidered sleeves.  I just need to hem the underskirt.

At least we should have decent weather this coming weekend, altho' it will be hot and humid on Sun.  As long as it doesn't rain, I will be happy.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #414 - Aug 5th, 2010 at 7:39pm
It sounds lovely!  Pics?
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #415 - Aug 6th, 2010 at 8:20am
You deserve some time off.  Yes, pics please.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #416 - Aug 13th, 2010 at 12:15am
After Faire is over and I have more time to fool with the camera, I will try to post some pics.  The only problem is that my husband will have to take the pictures and he isn't very good at it.

Finished another court set.  This one is blue diamonds running vertically, with alternating flat and textured surfaces with small red flowers at the intersections.  The front and hem guards are wine corduroy with blue/lavendar/gold flowered ribbon.  The matching bodice has wine corduroy shoulder puffs with ribbon stripe overlays.  I tried it on yesterday and it is breathtaking!  And it should be.  The fabric was an absolute bitch to work with.  The threads for the flowers were carried loose across the back of the fabric like Fair Isle knitting, which is very authentic, I am sure,  Tongue but caught on everything.  It took 2 days to get the skirt done, which is partly my fault because I forgot to check the direction of weave on the corduroy and got half the hem guard on upside down, so had to take whole thing off, reassemble it and re-apply it.  Part of the ribbon was some I had salvaged off an old skirt, and it shredded when I tried to remove it, so had to replace about 4 yds of ribbon, too. 

Started another set today--wide stripes of wine fading to light red, and plum/purple, alternating with narrower stripes of beige and old gold on a classic flower and vine jacquard.  The front and hem guards are plum velveteen.  I have to get the ribbon, haven't found anything yet that I like. It will have a bodice to match with sleeve puffs of the plum velveteen, overlaid with ribbon stripes when I get it.  The underskirt is a flower and vine pattern on a red/bronze poly/silk that changes color.  This one will be really striking.  And the fabric is much easier to work with, too, being mostly cotton.

I bought the fabric for all of these last year but couldn't finish them because I couldn't get what I needed.  The JoAnne superstore nearest me closed and they quit stocking the regular store because they were moving it to larger quarters.

Saw the doctor yesterday.  I have a yeast infection around my mouth.  Have had it before, but it is really bad this time.  The doctor prescribed two ointments--anti-fungal and strong cortico-steriod-- and says it will take about a week to clear.  She is scheduling me for blood tests as she thinks I may have pernicious anemia, which wouldn't surprise me, as my mom has it.

I can handle the big crises very well, but it is the little things that drive me batty.  This infection; last week I reinjured the old sprain in my left foot and ankle while wearing hi heel sandals; and about 3 mos ago I stubbed my toes on the right foot and probably cracked a metatarsal, at least, as it still hurts.  So now all I can wear comfortably are my really decrepit gym shoes or the custom-made Windwalker mocassins that I wear with my garb.  And we are going to big party on Sat for the big Air and Water Show at our friend's Mag Mile condo and I can't wear either of those.  We'll see what I can walk comfortably in on Sat.  I really would rather be at Faire.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #417 - Aug 13th, 2010 at 12:31am
Just realized that I haven't written much about hair lately.  I am still coloring it once every 4 weeks,  it seems to have reached terminal length at about 24", I am still using Burt's Bees volumizing shampoo and conditioner with deep conditioning treatments about every 2 wks.  I shampoo, vinegar rinse and condition about every 3 or 4 days.  Oh, yes, I did buy another comb from Ric so I have one to leave on my dressing table and one to carry with me, as I kept leaving the first comb on the table and finding myself without a comb when I needed one.
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #418 - Aug 13th, 2010 at 2:16am
Glad you go another one of Ric's combs.  He's really the best at what he does!
Sorry you're having some health issues Sad.  With the meds. the doc gave you, you should be fine in a jiffy!
Could it be that you broke a toe instead of a metatarsal?  Toes are easier to break than you'd imagine!!
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #419 - Aug 13th, 2010 at 4:43pm
Hi, Curlgirl, I probably did break the second toe; it certainly was an interesting shade of purple, but didn't hurt as much as I thought a broken bone should.  Certainly not as much as I remember my cracked rib hurting when I was 16.

Went to the JoAnne Superstore that is about 40 min. away early today and spent $57 on ribbon.  Found a nice ribbon for the striped skirt and bodice, and bought more of the ribbon I will use for another skirt and bodice.  I have 3.5 yrds of it already, just have to salvage it off the old skirt it is on.

Have been going thru my stash of material and sorting things out and throwing some things away.  I always save leftover fabric if the pieces are fairly large (more than 10" sq.), in case I need it or can use it for something else.  It's amazing what I found.  Gives me all kind of ideas.  Boy, am I going to be in trouble.   Roll Eyes
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