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Angelhair (Read 228988 times)

Posts: 2318
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #75 - Feb 18th, 2010 at 10:58am
80°F "winters" just aren't the same.

I'll trade locales with you!!   Cool
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #76 - Feb 19th, 2010 at 2:06am
Curlgirl64: Thanx. Smiley

Trisha: Gladly!

Hair: Another CWC + Detangling spray routine. Style du jour was my signature twisted updo but it has since come down for bed. Still haven't gotten around to that last S&D section. Embarrassed

Etc.: Congrats to fellow long haired San Diegan Shaun White for taking gold in yesterday's halfpipe event in Vancouver. Nice job, lad.
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Angelhair
Reply #77 - Feb 19th, 2010 at 10:51am
Wasn't Shaun's routine fenominal? I was watching that,the skiing with Lindsay Vonn and the men's hockey.
When I spoke with my mother I was shocked to learn that she knew who he was and what he did!!  She knew about him before he won the gold.  My mother is 70.  Not too shabby for being hip at 70!
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Head Board Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
WWW Curlgirl64  
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #78 - Feb 19th, 2010 at 11:36pm
Curlgirl: He did quite well, yeah. Lindsay Vonn did too.

Hair: Friday WTC. It's been awhile since I could make that claim. Wink My mother and sister went to work horses this morning, so I had time. I've learned that I can get away with about 45-50 minutes of a conditioning treatmet before they come back from the ranch, which is better than not treating at all. Between random deep conditioning treatments while the family is away and overnight heavy oilings, my hair might get the moisture it needs after all.
    Although, I must confess that I don't care much for the new shampoo blend I made. The TRESemmé seems to be very drying, just as I remember, so I might just dump the mix, go back to my diluted Ice Shine and save the TRESemmé crap for non-hair cleaning. Tongue
    Ice Shine. Hehe. That makes me smile.

Anyway, today's leave-ins were Pantene Detangling spray and Kenra serum. The latter of which is too heavy and made my hair stringy and greasy looking. Tongue It may have to get dumped as well. I only bought it for the bottle anyway. Roll Eyes


You Are The Brain


You're the type of person who's always on, always churning.
You are alert and quick to react. You like to stay busy.

You are responsible but also demanding. You take up a lot of energy.
You are someone of deep mystery. There's a lot below the surface that's hard to figure out.

What Internal Organ Are You?

Blogthings: Quizzes and Tests and Memes, Oh My!

I been up to Villiers Terrace
I been in a daze for days
There's people rollin' 'round on your carpet
Bitin' wool and pullin' string
You said people rolled on the carpet, boys
But I never thought they'd do those things

    -Echo & The Bunnymen, Villiers Terrace
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #79 - Feb 20th, 2010 at 1:59pm
Hair: Nothing yet. It's Saturday and I'm not a morning person. 'Nough said.
    When I finally do get it together, though, I'll do a CWC + Detangling spray and ELOO as leave-ins. Maybe a flipped ponytail for style - I haven't done one of those in awhile. Hey, that rhymed.

Etc.: Taking it easy this morning. My window is wide open and I've been watching and listening to the rain outside. There are annoying patches of sun on occasion.
    Tonight, I'll be glued to the telly for more Olympic drama.

You Are a Zebra Print


You are a very unique and special person. And you like to surround yourself with similarly unique people.
It's hard for you to compromise with other people. You do things your own way, and you can be a bit stubborn at times.

You are intelligent and perceptive. You have a very interesting take on the world, and you tend to see things a bit differently.
You are always growing, changing, and learning. You question limits and always challenge yourself to do more.

What Animal Print Are You?

Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man mad
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no one else had

    -Shocking Blue, Venus
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #80 - Feb 21st, 2010 at 6:19pm
Hair: CWC with an ACV rinse. Leave-ins were Pantene Detangling spray and Kenra serum. The latter isn't terribly heavy as I managed to only use a small drop. In fact, my hair is behaving so well today that it would be a shame to have to put it up, which I'll end up doing if I wear my hoodie out.

Etc.: Yesterday, my eyes were assaulted by what appeared to be boogers on one of the walls in my shower. ... As though my sister's bf had done a farmer blow in there (which would be bad enough) and not cleaned up afterwards. Ah, the joys of having another male roommate. ...
    Not that I'm accusing him of anything. I'm not saying that's what happened, just what appeared to have happened. Either way, I spent part of last night cleaning in there, singing to the tune of Echo & The Bunnymen's Pictures On My Wall, "booooogers on my waaaaall....are about to melt and faaall....blow it...all....blow it...aaaaaaall..."
    Anyway, just thought I'd share. You're welcome. Roll Eyes

On a totally different note, the weather here has been tolerable, not breaking 70°F, with occasional bouts of rain. Much more appropriate for February than the pseudo-summer we had last week.

That's about it for now. Back to music and other diversions for weekend ennui. *dance*

When I see you comin', I just have to run
You're not good and you certainly aren't very much fun
When I see you walking down the street,
I step on your hand and I mangle your feet
You're not the kind of person that I'd even want to meet
'Cause you're so vicious
Baby, you're so vicious

       -Lou Reed, Vicious
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Posts: 2318
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #81 - Feb 22nd, 2010 at 1:59pm
I never thought I'd say this but...apparently I am a liver.   Huh

You Are The Liver


You are a very versatile, adept person. You are able to do many jobs.
You seek balance at all times. You are good at adjusting yourself to keep things level.

You are able to counteract bad influences. You can neutralize anything toxic.
You are resilient like no one else. You can rebuild yourself completely if you need to.

What Internal Organ Are You?

Blogthings: If Quizzes Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Take Quizzes            
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Posts: 909
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #82 - Feb 22nd, 2010 at 2:52pm
Just got caught up with your photos.  They're great.  My uncle sent me photos of plants and flowers that are already coming out of the ground in Ojai.  I enjoyed your photos.  I'm envious, not jealous.  I'm glad you have such fantastic nature around you though I appreciate different kinds of nature and quite like the nature around here as well.  Oh, and I don't hate you. Smiley
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #83 - Feb 23rd, 2010 at 1:28am
Trisha: Interesting results. Wink

Drear: Thanx, but aren't jealous & envious roughly the same thing? It's good to not be hated. Roll Eyes

Hair: The usual routine. CWC + Detangling spray + serum. Meh. One of these days, I'll get around to doing a S&D on the last section of my hair.

Etc.: Participated in a random online Q&A sesh with Apolo Ohno this morning. That was fun. Also found out that one of my fave bands were (supposedly) releasing their US tour dates today. Stoke! Cheesy

The good mood was short lived, however. My father barged into my room with another car bill, informed me that I probably only had a few more unemployment checks coming and said that he would sell my car if I could no longer afford it. Of course, he took the usual domineering, threatening tone. Sigh...

Thus, I spent the rest of the day despondent, frantically searching for work and contemplating everything from relocation to suicide. Not fun.
    Then, I looked up UI procedures in my state and found that extensions were automatic, so I'll hopefully be safe a bit longer. Hopefully. Undecided Da[r]n this recession!
    Since my mother is living on unemployment as well, I thought I'd relay the news...which was naturally met with her usual blend of skepticism, imminent doom and false accusations. ... You're welcome, mother.

Once again retreating to my chamber, I threw my hands up. I can't control how they are, nor did I make them that way. It isn't my fault. And while I may not be able to ignore their negative bs completely, I don't have to be swallowed by it.

Tomorrow, I'm returning a lady's call about a job. My nails are stripped and clipped with the tips rounded. Short, clean and natural...just in case I get called in for an interview.
    It's crucial to remain positive and focused. Think positive, do positive. Anything's possible.
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Posts: 2318
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #84 - Feb 23rd, 2010 at 9:44am
I can't control how they are, nor did I make them that way. It isn't my fault. And while I may not be able to ignore their negative bs completely, I don't have to be swallowed by it.

It's crucial to remain positive and focused. Think positive, do positive. Anything's possible.

Yes!  Yes, yes and yes!  I know it's difficult to stay positive within the confines of your, um, "environment", shall we say, right now, but keep trying to maintain that, my gothy girl.  Attitude is everything and positive vibes are key.  *hugs*   ...
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #85 - Feb 23rd, 2010 at 7:10pm
Trisha: Thanks, lady. Smiley

Hair: Another CWC today. Leave-ins were Pantene Detangling spray and ELOO. The latter is a bit heavy, but it's alright. It went into a twisted updo as soon as it was dry.

Etc.: No interview today. My contact person flaked. Angry Whatever. At least I held up my end of the bargain.
    Sent out 2 more résumés to different companies that seem to be a better match for me anyway. Didn't miss a beat. No regrets. Wink

After a long hiatus, the band is getting together for a jam on Thursday. Guess I should brush up on those harmonies. Roll Eyes

In other music news, Echo & The Bunnymen will unfortunately not be playing anywhere near me on their return trip to the states. Blast! Road trip to San Fran, anyone? Roll Eyes

You Are Rain


You can be warm and sexy. Or cold and unwelcoming.
Either way, you slowly bring out the beauty around you.

You are best known for: your touch

Your dominant state: changing

What Type of Weather Are You?
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Posts: 909
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #86 - Feb 24th, 2010 at 7:26am
Drear: Thanx, but aren't jealous & envious roughly the same thing? It's good to not be hated.

Didn't think of it that way when I wrote it. Smiley  I'd like to have your weather but I don't mind that you can enjoy the weather and the nature you have around you.  However, envy was still a wrong choice of word because to feel envy I'd have to have ill feelings which I don't. 

No interview today. My contact person flaked.  Whatever. At least I held up my end of the bargain.
    Sent out 2 more résumés to different companies that seem to be a better match for me anyway. Didn't miss a beat. No regrets

You go!  I wonder why your contact person couldn't at least notify you ahead of time if they had to cancel on you?  Never mind now.  You and Trisha are both so right.
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #87 - Feb 24th, 2010 at 11:13pm
Drear: Our weather? You can have it. Tongue Most people consider it ideal, but I'm not most people. Plus, I've lived in it for 30 years - it's time for a change!
As for the interview, it actually happened today. The contact person finally called me back at round 6 PM last night and scheduled an interview for this morning, saying it would take between 45-60 minutes. 5 grueling hours later, I returned home, having been informed that the position was temporary. Angry
    They did tell me that I had a very professional demeanor and appearance, and looked like I belonged in the arts. Roll Eyes Thanks for noticing.

Hair: Hmm. Didn't have time to clarify today since I had an interview, so I'll do that tomorrow. Maybe do a heavy overnight ELOO treatment tonight.
    This morning, it was the same ol' routine. CWC + Detangling spray + Kenra serum. My hair hadn't finished drying by the time I had to leave, so I wound it into a bun and pinned it in place. The classic corporate "I have no time" style.
    As of now, it's down and looking a right mess like the rest of me. Whatever. Roll Eyes It's not like I have to see anyone.

Etc.: Sent out another résumé today. Now I'm waiting for footage from the 500 m (short track) heats to air. So hoping Apolo Ohno wins big on Friday.
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #88 - Feb 27th, 2010 at 12:45pm
Dressed up like a million dollar trooper
Tryin' hard to look like Alice Cooper
Super duper Cool

As I tweeted this morning, "You know your day's going to be epic when you start it with Baked Ruffles and spinach dip at 7AM..." Huh

Been laying in bed listening to the rain. A waste of time, I know. I'd rather be out in it, but I haven't even bothered to shower yet. It's Saturday and it's supposed to rain all day, so I don't have to hurry.

Did a heavy overnight ELOO treatment last night, so I'll be washing that out. Yesterday, I was able to refresh my Pantene supply, so I'll now be using Ice Shine S&C - the former slightly diluted. I'm falling in love with wintry, watery products again. Picked up Suave Ocean Breeze conditioner yesterday too, as my Daily Clarifying stuff will soon run out.
    So that's the plan today. WCC and the usual leave-ins. Detangling spray and maybe a little serum. Yesterday's only leave-in was ELOO on the ends, which rendered my hair a tangled, static-ridden mess. Tongue Spray conditioner is absolutely essential. No exceptions.

The battle of ELOO vs. serum for end treatments wages on. I'll use them interchangeably depending on whichever one I think would work best that day. In general, I think I prefer serum, but ELOO has its benefits. Whether those benefits could be gained with oil-free substitutes, I'm uncertain. But right now, I have ample supplies of both, so I'll continue to use both.

At Target yesterday, I found the cutest top. A black burnout tee with scrolly designs & silver jewels on the front - every bit as cute as anything Express makes, at about half the price. Had to have it.
    Hope to shop a bit today as well. I need more gothy crafting supplies to customize my wardrobe. Hehehe. Wink

come let's mix
where Rockefellers
walk with sticks
or umbrellas
in their mitts
puttin' on the ritz

  -Taco, Puttin' On The Ritz
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Angelhair
Reply #89 - Feb 28th, 2010 at 3:08pm
i think you pulled alice off perfect angel lol whered you get that picture?
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&&...&&&&&&&&metal head straight
fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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