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Trisha 2010 (Read 134019 times)

carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #165 - Aug 3rd, 2010 at 2:44am
The thing is, my hair is far too thin.  I need the illusion of fuller hair that Pantene provides me.  It's that simple.

*nods* Yep yep. It does that for mine too. Wink

Hope you're able to fix your water heater soon. I remember when our last one died. Ugh. Tongue Cool showers = refreshing. Ice cold = not so much!

Oh, and I'm digging the new icon, mom. Wink
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #166 - Aug 3rd, 2010 at 7:07am
Hit one of my local thrift shops on Saturday and scored two pairs of pants along with two tops.  Will be making a donation to the Good Will store after work today and will also have a look-see.  I'm always on the hunt for casual pants, skirts and jeans. 

The clothes I've had the longest and that has held up the best have all been thrift buys.  Sounds like you made a good deal there.
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #167 - Aug 4th, 2010 at 12:41pm
Wednesday 4 August 2010
Hair  Didn't wash this morning; hair is in a high pony.  I couldn't face having to dunk my hair in the kitchen sink yet again.  Yes, we were still without a working water heater this morning.  However...

Other  (mid morning) We now have hot water again! 
The free repair kit arrived from Whirlpool on Tuesday.  But in trying to install the new thermocoupler, hubby discovered a problem within the thermostat itself (the port on the thermostat where the "coupler" screws in).  He said it looks as if this thing was constructed incorrectly at the factory.  I think we're lucky the water heater lasted 6 years.   Huh  So our choices were to buy the part (around $250) and still have a 6 year old propane water heater with no warranty, or buy a brand new electric water heater (complete with warranty).  In the end, the difference in money was such that we chose the new water heater.  We really didn't want to lay out this kind of money right now, but that's why we have the emergency credit card.  *nods*  And thankfully, hubby knows how to install this kind of stuff.  Tomorrow morning, fellow babies, I'll be reveling in a shower...   Cool

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #168 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 12:29pm
Wednesday 11 August 2010
Hair  Didn't wash this morning; hair is up in a claw clip.  I should measure but I just haven't felt like doing anything.  Curse you, summer humidity.   Angry 

Other  Hubby got the new electric water heater installed with no problems.  He's just that handy.   Cool 

Daughter in law is supposed to find out the sex of the (grand)babies this Thursday...well, tomorrow, yeah.  Hubby is predicting they're both boys.  I'm predicting at least one of them is a boy. 

Would still sort of like to have a part time job, but haven't really been looking.  *shrug*  I don't know.  Yes, the extra money would certainly make life easier.  But I don't want to wear myself out just for money.  It's nice coming home at the end of the day and knowing I'm done.  Know what I mean? 

I've now gone 5 1/2 weeks without wearing mascara.   Smiley  This Friday will make 6 weeks.  It took me a while to get used to seeing myself without mascara, at least a couple of weeks.  And I'm not saying I'll never wear it again; I could change my mind tomorrow.  But for now, I'm enjoying not having to hassle with it. 

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #169 - Aug 13th, 2010 at 11:43am
Friday 13 August 2010
Hair  Chose to have a no-wash day; hair is up in a clip.  Need to do a vinegar rinse over the weekend.  Pixie cuts are apparently "in" right now.  I think one must have fairly delicate features to pull off that look...which I do not.  But then, I'm not considering cutting my hair either.   Cool

Other  So!  The gender of the grandbabies is... one of each!  There's a boy and a girl.   Smiley  Her name will be Zettie Mae.  It sounds positively old fashioned and I like it.   Cool  The boy's name hasn't been decided yet.  Army Son wants to continue the tradition of having the middle name of Scott, shared by both he and his father.  We'll see. 

Eating has been terrible lately.  I haven't given up on my healthy eating altogether, but it's doggone close.  *sigh*  Tomorrow is another day. 
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carpe noctem

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #170 - Aug 13th, 2010 at 12:44pm
Pixie cuts are apparently "in" right now.

You've noticed that too, eh? Aren't they darling?
To be perfectly honest, it's taking a lot of restraint lately not to get one myself.

I think one must have fairly delicate features to pull off that look...

If by "delicate features" you mean rocking the anorexic look, you'd be right. You need an amazing body and a striking face to get away with having hair that short...which is why I haven't done it. *sigh* Well, that and not wanting to upset the people who like my hair long. Ahem. Wink

Her name will be Zettie Mae.  It sounds positively old fashioned and I like it. Cool

Very midwestern. Grin

Eating has been terrible lately.  I haven't given up on my healthy eating altogether, but it's doggone close.  *sigh*  Tomorrow is another day.

*hugs* We all have binge phases where we become possessed by the nom monster who compels us to eat crap. Mmmm, crap. After a few days, this is usually followed by a purge phase where we exorcise said nom monster and remind ourselves that crap is, in fact, not good for us. Roll Eyes Vicious cycle.
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Believe and whatever you
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #171 - Aug 13th, 2010 at 4:51pm
You are so right about the "pixie" haircut.  My mom did that to me when I was little and it looked horrible.  I always had a definite nose, even when I was small.

As for junk food, do you include chocolate?  And ice cream?  They may not be good for you in large doses, but in moderation.....  I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday still looking for black jacquard fabric, and could not leave without buying chocolate-covered vanilla cream drops.  They taste like the ones my grandma used to have, and I love them.  So what if I gain 5 lbs.? They are worth it. Grin
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #172 - Aug 13th, 2010 at 8:34pm
That's great news about the grandbabies!  A boy and a girl to spoil!! (then send them home to mommie and daddie! Grin )
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #173 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 3:46pm

Monday 16 August 2010
Hair  *shrug*  Nothing new to report. 

Other  Hubbie hates--absolutely HATES the name Zettie Mae.  Which I find somewhat funny; I don't know why!  LOL  He keeps mumbling "hillbilly" and other words which I cannot mention in polite company.  *snort*  I don't know why he's fretting...as grandparents we're allowed to call the tykes anything we want, aren't we?   Cool  I figure at some point we'll just end up calling them "Jesus Christ" and "Daxxit" anyway. --Shades of Bill Cosby, anyone? 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwYVqMj5i6k ;  Grin

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Believe and whatever you
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #174 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 5:10pm
That is one of my all-time favorite comedy sketches.  The only one that tops it is Richard Prior's "Goin' Huntin."  I was watching it on TV with my ex and friends, and we were literally rolling on the floor.  It was hilarious!  It's too bad today's comedians aren't that talented and funny.

You are right, grandparents can call the babies anything they want.  Sweetie, cutie and darlin' are the first ones that come to mind.
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #175 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 11:05pm
Grin Apologies but I'm with your husband on that one, Trish.

"But dad, I'm Jesus Christ!" Grin

Who knows? Maybe you'll end up giving your grandchildren a nickname that will stick with them. *casually eyes screen name* Wink
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #176 - Aug 18th, 2010 at 3:01pm

Wednesday 18 August 2010
Hair  ...

Other  Army Son called early this morning, talked to his dad.  The good news is he won't be deployed this year and should be stateside for the birth of his babies.  Bad news is he will most likely be deployed in the spring--to Afghanistan.  Yeesh. 

Classes for the fall term will get underway next Monday at
the university where I work. A few students can already be
seen milling about, paying bills, picking up textbooks, trying
to figure out where the buildings are. Monday will be
organized chaos; fall terms are always worse than spring.
And each fall I can feel myself growing less and less desirous
of being here, of being part of this academic dog-and-pony show.  Ah well, I try not to complain too much.  I know I'm lucky to still have a job. 
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #177 - Aug 23rd, 2010 at 10:11am
Monday 23 August 2010
Hair  Did a vinegar rinse yesterday morning.  Today hair is up.  It started out down, but was bothering me.  It's weird...I want long hair, yet 9 times out of 10 I end up either putting it in a ponytail or a clip.   Huh 

Other  Oh.  My.  God. 
His old boss at the locksmith shop asked him to come back to work for him, because one of his guys quit.  This is perfect on so many levels.  #1 hubby will have an income, therefore I won't have to find a second job.  #2, and most important, locksmithing is what hubby is trained to do and what he loves.  You should see his eyes light up when he talks about rekeying a doorknob or picking open a lock, etc.  He's happy and I'm happy for him!   Cool  He hasn't performed as a locksmith in about 7 years, so hubby is a little nervous about being rusty.  But I told him, locksmithing is like riding a bike; it'll come back to you quicker than you think.  I hope he has a good day.  It felt a bit like sending a kid off to school--do you have your wallet?  Your tools?  LOL   Grin   
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #178 - Aug 23rd, 2010 at 1:13pm
Hehehe. Congrats to your hubby. Smiley

And I know what you mean about wearing your hair up - mine's almost waist length and is usually in a bun or braid. Granted it's over 100°F here. Undecided
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #179 - Aug 23rd, 2010 at 5:19pm
Congrats to your hubby and you!! Cool Smiley
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