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Trisha 2010 (Read 133919 times)

carpe noctem

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #195 - Oct 11th, 2010 at 12:24pm
Awwwwww, kitty in a box!

Great pix, Trisha. Smiley
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #196 - Oct 11th, 2010 at 12:35pm
I agree!  Great pics!
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #197 - Oct 11th, 2010 at 2:46pm
Cuuuute!  The orange looks great on him/her.

Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #198 - Oct 12th, 2010 at 11:33am
Of all the cats, he is the best poser.  I swear he was a male model in another life!   Grin 

Hair  I'm trying to decide if I want to get a trim now, say, within the next month, or if I want to wait until the spring.  I do this every time... I seem to end up getting my hair trimmed fairly short right before cold weather sets in, and letting it grow during the hot months.   Huh  My mother called it being "bass ackwards" -- interpret it yourself.   Smiley  I'm leaning towards letting it go until the spring.  I mean, if I feel like it's getting too long, I can always get someone to just give me a quick cut straight across the bottom. 
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #199 - Oct 14th, 2010 at 12:53pm
Thursday 14 October 2010
Hair  Okay, I think I'll put off a trim until spring.  --A professional trim, that is. 

Other  The leaves are turning colors like crazy here,
changing very quickly. I think my hummingbirds
are done for the season. Haven't seen any of the
little darlings in a few days. Just in case, I changed
their water last evening and rehung two feeders. May
have a few stragglers yet.  At the most, I'll keep one
feeder going for another week or so, then I'll close
the book on hummingbird season 2010. 

I'm out front here at work, covering yet again for
the secretary, who has taken vacation today and
tomorrow.  At least it's fall break, so things are
nice and quiet. 

This Saturday evening, hubby and I will attend
the installation ceremony making him master of
lodge #2 -- he belongs to two lodges, and has
already been master of lodge #1.  Ideally, we
shouldn't be responsible for cooking the dinner
that precedes the ceremony, yet we're doing it.
I think hubby wants to make sure it gets done
right...or just gets done *period*.  At least
another lodge member is cooking the meat, a
ham and some pork tenderloin, so we only need
to do sides and desserts.  What am I saying "only"?!
Those are the biggies!   Smiley  I have to get some
supplies after work today; 10 pounds of potatoes
that will end up as tater salad (my specialty),
pork and beans that will magically transform into
baked beans (hubby's specialty) and some
disposable aluminum servings pans.  The salad
fixins will wait until Saturday and we'll pick up
the cake that afternoon.  I'm already tired
just thinking about this.  --Be glad when it's over.
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #200 - Oct 19th, 2010 at 10:45am
Tuesday 19 October 2010
Hair  No wash day; hair is in a low ponytail.  Now that hubby is once again bringing home some bacon, I can afford to try the cassia obovata that Sakina recommended.
According to their chart, I will need 2-3 boxes for my shoulder length hair.  I think I'll start out with 2 and see how it goes.  It would be fantastic if this stuff makes my hair appear thicker, but I'm not holding my breath.  Well, at the very least, the cassia sounds as if it will make a good deep conditioner.  --Okay, I've just submitted the order, so now I wait.   Wink  Let's see, today is Tuesday, so I should receive my pkg by Saturday, I'm hoping. 
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #201 - Oct 20th, 2010 at 1:00pm
Wednesday 20 October 2010
I read with great sadness that our forum is shutting down. 
Guess we had to see that one coming.  *sigh* 
I'm already Facebook friends with Lisa and Sakina. 
But what about the rest of you few who are left here??   Sad
Angel truly is my internet daughter and I do not want
to lose touch with her.  *sigh*  ...Have a feeling I'll
be doing a lot of that (sighing) in the next few days. 
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carpe noctem

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #202 - Oct 20th, 2010 at 2:17pm
Sent you a PM, mom. Wink
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Shooting Star

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #203 - Oct 21st, 2010 at 9:15am
I wanted to thank you for your long term participation here.  I've always enjoyed your posts.  You have been "mom" to many.  Good luck and stay happy.

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #204 - Oct 21st, 2010 at 9:27am
Thursday 21 October 2010

This will be my last official post here at LL, however I will be checking pm's through tomorrow (just in case). 

Measured my hair this morning, one last time for old time's sake.  I'm now at 20 inches.  Hair is in very good condition.  Still trying to come up with solutions for the thinness at the crown and up front.  I guess I'll battle that until the day I die (or no longer care, whichever comes first).  The good news is that I don't really observe my hair getting any thinner in those areas, but I'm certainly not seeing a great amount of new growth either.  As I said earlier this week, I'm hopeful the cassia will help but I'm reserving judgment.  I will probably touch upon my hair issues at my blog, here:
Yep, I have a blog.   Cool  Secret's out of the bag now, eh. 

Well, what's there to say...
I've met a lot of people here, even formed some really good friendships that I hope to continue.  I came to LL in February of 2005, two years after my cancer scare.  I remember doing an online search for hair care tips and landing here.  I read the articles and *knew* that's what I wanted to do -- grow my hair long.  Ah, memories.   Wink  I've learned a lot from the other members here.  I can only hope that I've helped as many folks as have helped me.  Well, I guess there's not much point in lingering.  Keep fighting the good fight, people.  And remember:  never let anyone tell you what to believe. 

Rock on, my long haired sistahs!!!

P.s. I'm modifying this last message to include my email addresses, should anyone want to contact me. 
I check both of these daily (well, *week*daily):
And I can also be found on Facebook using the google mail address.
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« Last Edit: Oct 22nd, 2010 at 9:13am by Trisha »  
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