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Trisha 2010 (Read 134049 times)

August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #15 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 12:14pm
Good luck with the cat!  He's gorgeous!!

Whenever I get a fro from curling my hair, I just stick a headband on and wear my hair big that day.  I bet a scarf tied like a headband would look adorable on you!
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #16 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 11:46pm
Forgot to mention, I did a wet pin curl set last Friday night and woke up Saturday morning looking like Bozo the clown.

LOL, I probably would've liked it. Grin  I like big hair.

Poor kitty, I hope everything goes okay.
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #17 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 6:35am
Did you "remember" to brush, brush and brush those pin curls?  Supposedly that's what "you do".  Pin curling takes too long for me, I don't like the result brushed or unbrushed, on me that is.  I don't like what foam rollers do to my hair.  I like natural curls even when they're frizzy, I like big hair but I just don't like the frizzy unnatural curly hair look on me. 

When I had short, layered hair it grew like weed which was a good thing because my hair grows in an upward pattern so I was just waiting for it to be long enough to collapse on itself.  Each to their own, some have the right personality and style for spiky "hedgehog" hair others are blessed with hair that grows downward. Smiley
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #18 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 3:56pm
Monday 25 January 2010
Posted by: la diosa      Posted on: Jan 22nd, 2010 at 8:46pm
Forgot to mention, I did a wet pin curl set last Friday night and woke up Saturday morning looking like Bozo the clown.

LOL, I probably would've liked it. Grin  I like big hair.

--You would have been the only one then, my dear.   Grin

Posted by: Drear      Posted on: Today at 3:35am
Did you "remember" to brush, brush and brush those pin curls?  Supposedly that's what "you do".  Pin curling takes too long for me, I don't like the result brushed or unbrushed, on me that is.  I don't like what foam rollers do to my hair.  I like natural curls even when they're frizzy, I like big hair but I just don't like the frizzy unnatural curly hair look on me.

Er, no--I forgot the brush, brush, brush commandment.   Sad  When I curl my hair, with whatever implement, I tend to just finger-comb only.  Golly, now I have to do another pin curl experiment where I remember to brush.  Dang it!   Grin 

I took a curling iron to my hair on Saturday and have to admit, it looked pretty good.  (Why didn't I snap some pics?!  *sigh*)  I think it's a 1" barrel, which produced some nice waves.  I should have sprayed my 'do because later, when confronted with windage, most of the curl disappeared. 

Haven't painted my nails in a week; am enjoying my bare nails again.   Smiley  However I can feel a "paint" comin' on.   Cool

Slim (the cat) is fine.  After some sedation, the vet lanced the wound, drained and flushed it, then gave him an antibiotic injection.  He was treated to a stay at the indoor kitty motel (re: the large cage set up in our living room ((the cat, not the vet) and was back to normal activity on Saturday.   Cool 
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #19 - Jan 26th, 2010 at 11:59am
Glad the "puss" is ok!
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #20 - Jan 27th, 2010 at 1:55pm
Wednesday 27 January 2010
Hair  I just did a makeshift measure of my hair (yes, she's bored).  --Makeshift because I had to tape together two pieces of paper, mark the spot with my fingernail and then measure that with a ruler.   Grin  16 inches.  It's now to the point where I have to untuck it from coats and scarves.  Ah...the beginning of the awkward stage! 

Other  We're under another winter storm watch for Friday.   Sad   Golly, I hope it misses us...or just scrapes us a little.  Have I mentioned how much I hate winter? 

Army Son called last night; he thinks he'll be deployed in August to Iraq to help with the troop withdrawal. 

What else, what else?  *thinks hard*  Hmm, seems like I had something else to say, but it went away!   Huh
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carpe noctem

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #21 - Jan 28th, 2010 at 2:22pm
Army Son called last night; he thinks he'll be deployed in August to Iraq to help with the troop withdrawal.

Shocked So sorry to hear this.
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #22 - Feb 1st, 2010 at 4:41pm
Monday 1 February 2010
Hair  Another little side experiment I'm going to do...  When my bottles of Pantene Volume s+c run out, which won't happen for some time, I'm going to start using my daughter's TreSemme.  The experiment is to see how long I can go w/out buying s+c.  She's got, like, 3 different kinds of TreSemme in the bathroom closet and I'm thinking, "Holy merde, why am I spending money on s+c when I have access to all of *this*?!"  LOL 

Other  Had about 8 or 9 inches of snow dumped on us last Friday, so I took another unexpected vacation day.  It was nice to stay at home and not have to worry about driving in the stuff.  Oh spring...you cannot arrive too early this year.   Sad   I've felt very prickly the last couple of days and I'm wondering if the lack of sunshine is starting to get to me. 
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #23 - Feb 3rd, 2010 at 10:34am
Wednesday 3 February 2010
Hair  Since I'm in a phase of actively growing out my hair, I decided to post the length in "measure up".  Of course I didn't think about measuring until I got to work so again had to use my makeshift ruler, i.e. 2 pieces of paper taped together.  When I did this the other day I measured at 16", but today I'm getting 15.   Huh  I'll get out my real tape measure when I get home and settle this. 

Other  We may get more snow tomorrow or Friday.   Sad 

Army Son asked (emailed) me for relationship advice.  Awww...   Smiley  He says he wants a relationship like his father and I have.  Awww...   Smiley    I'm just flattered that he feels he can talk with me about these things. 

As you can see, I put a ticker thingy in my sig, counting down to the first day of spring.  --Anything to help with these blahs.   Tongue   

Listening to Shinedown this morning.   Cool
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #24 - Feb 4th, 2010 at 3:25am
How nice that your son wants to talk about things like that.  Sorry about his deployment. 

Oh spring...you cannot arrive too early this year.

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #25 - Feb 4th, 2010 at 9:15am
Thursday 4 February 2010
Hair  I took several readings with a real tape measure last night and kept coming up with between 15 1/4" and 15 1/2".  As I stated in "measure up", this was much easier with longer hair!   Smiley 

Other  One month, two weeks and two days until spring officially arrives!   Cheesy  Now I know very well that the official arrival of spring according to the calendar does not guarantee springlike weather.  But it lifts my spirits to think so, and that counts for a lot these days.   Cool
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #26 - Feb 5th, 2010 at 10:34am

Friday 5 February 2010
Hair  My new favorite thing:
Scunci No-slip Grip bobby pins 

I needed some new bobby pins a couple of weeks ago and decided to give these a whirl.  Wow.  For those of us with fine/thin hair, these are a marvel (also available for thick hair).  I'm so glad I purchased these instead of the regular old bobby pins.  Scunci, you are my hero.   Cool   Need to do a vinegar rinse this weekend. 

Other  Each year, usually in February, the university where I work offers a wellness screening; normal tests include cholesterol, blood glucose, thyroid and PSA, blood pressure, etc.  Up to now everything has been free.  Yeah, no more.  Just got notice today that the wellness screening will still happen this year but, oh by the way, now we have to pay for the cholesterol, blood glucose, thyroid and PSA tests.   Angry  Well, phooey on that.  This place gets enough of my money; I refuse to help them pay for another useless water fountain or whatever.  If I have to pay for these tests anyway, I will get them done by my doctor.  Harumpf. 

No big plans for the weekend.  I think our weather here is supposed to be rainy or at the very least cloudy and dreary.   Sad  Will do laundry and some house cleaning.  Need to stock up on girly things like mascara and travel size plastic bottles.  Those are good for so many uses.  Need to make a run to the health food store for erythritol and dried unsweetened coconut (with which to make coconut flour). 
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carpe noctem

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #27 - Feb 5th, 2010 at 1:33pm
Just got notice today that the wellness screening will still happen this year but, oh by the way, now we have to pay for the cholesterol, blood glucose, thyroid and PSA tests. Angry     Well, phooey on that.  This place gets enough of my money; I refuse to help them pay for another useless water fountain or whatever.  If I have to pay for these tests anyway, I will get them done by my doctor.  Harumpf.

Nothing like gouging people in the midst of an economic recession. Angry Maybe most of the people who used to go for the free screenings will pass on them this year.
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #28 - Feb 6th, 2010 at 9:45am
In my limited experience with pin curling, bobby pins are pretty much throw away worthy after 1-2 sets.  I hope these lasts much longer for you. 

Aw- I'm sorry they expect you to pay now of all times. 

Now I know very well that the official arrival of spring according to the calendar does not guarantee springlike weather.  But it lifts my spirits to think so, and that counts for a lot these days.

I've begun to appreciate Spring and Summer in recent years.  However, this year I'm not able to think that way.  It just looks like endless snow and ice chaos out there.
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #29 - Feb 11th, 2010 at 3:40pm
Thursday 11 February 2010
Hair  Nothing to report.  Just letting it grow and be happy.  Still washing every morning and using mousse.  Need to do another vinegar rinse this weekend. 

Other  Starting today, I'm doing a no-mascara challenge for one week.  The only makeup I wear is mascara and that only on weekdays when I'm at work. I wear Great Lash by Maybelline, one of the less expensive brands, but I noticed that Wally World recently raised the price to $4.88. Not a lot, I know, but any increase in prices right now hits my pocketbook pretty hard. So I got to thinking...why do I wear it? Hubby thinks I'm gorgeous without it...in fact, I only started wearing it some years *after* we'd been married. It's a pain in the caboose to put on, it leaves faint dark circles under my eyes (and on towels, etc.), I never wear it on weekends and it's really just a vanity thing. So again, why do I wear it?? *shrug* Therefore, I've decided that, starting today, I'm boycotting the wearing of mascara for at least one week. I'm hoping that after the first week, this is one habit I can relegate to the trash bin forever.  We'll see. 
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