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Trisha 2010 (Read 133637 times)

2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

Posts: 221
the 'Burgh
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #75 - Mar 25th, 2010 at 10:33pm
Argh! I use garnier fructis occasionally, and that evil blue button on the tip is the worst!

Hubby tried prying his bottle of shampoo open one time in the shower and dropped the whole thing, busting cap into several pieces.
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #76 - Mar 26th, 2010 at 5:54am
No, GF don't really care what the customers think!  Perhaps they look at sales numbers and if they're okay, everything's okay. Roll Eyes
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #77 - Mar 26th, 2010 at 9:16am
kittennoodlesoup wrote on Mar 25th, 2010 at 10:33pm:
Argh! I use garnier fructis occasionally, and that evil blue button on the tip is the worst!

Hubby tried prying his bottle of shampoo open one time in the shower and dropped the whole thing, busting cap into several pieces.

I know--it's very aggravating!!  I mean, yes, I could transfer the contents of the GF products to a different bottle with a more user friendly cap, but that's not the point.  Customers shouldn't have to do that.  Did you write a letter?  You should write a letter!!    Smiley
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #78 - Mar 26th, 2010 at 9:18am
Drear wrote on Mar 26th, 2010 at 5:54am:
No, GF don't really care what the customers think!  Perhaps they look at sales numbers and if they're okay, everything's okay. Roll Eyes

Oh, you're right.  I realize that most companies nowadays only care about their profit margins.  I'm one of those wacky gals who holds out hope that things can change if enough people speak up. 
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carpe noctem

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #79 - Mar 26th, 2010 at 1:07pm
Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Have you tried just leaving the cap slightly ajar so you don't have to pry it open every single time?
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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the 'Burgh
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #80 - Mar 28th, 2010 at 10:48pm
Trisha wrote on Mar 26th, 2010 at 9:16am:
kittennoodlesoup wrote on Mar 25th, 2010 at 10:33pm:
Argh! I use garnier fructis occasionally, and that evil blue button on the tip is the worst!

Hubby tried prying his bottle of shampoo open one time in the shower and dropped the whole thing, busting cap into several pieces.

I know--it's very aggravating!!  I mean, yes, I could transfer the contents of the GF products to a different bottle with a more user friendly cap, but that's not the point.  Customers shouldn't have to do that.  Did you write a letter?  You should write a letter!!    Smiley

Honestly, it never occurred to either of us to write in about it. We just chalked it up to bad luck. I guess that makes us irresponsible consumers.  Grin
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #81 - Mar 29th, 2010 at 10:22am
Angel wrote on Mar 26th, 2010 at 1:07pm:
Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Have you tried just leaving the cap slightly ajar so you don't have to pry it open every single time?

I've considered that, but am leery of doing so -- I keep my s+c on top of the tub/shower unit, in the corners.  They *seem* pretty stable there, but I'm a bit afraid of the bottles falling and spilling, should I leave the caps ajar.  They never have before, though, so I may try doing that.
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #82 - Mar 29th, 2010 at 10:34am
Monday 29 March 2010
Hair  Is getting longer--I can't wait to measure on Thursday.    Smiley  As I expected, the Biotin is having no effect whatsoever.  I will continue to take it, though, as I can't justify tossing a $7 bottle of pills. 

Other  I'm feeling irritated this morning.  I'm having to share my office with a co-worker whose machine is being worked on, and her presence is just bugging the fire out of me.  She weighs at least 400 pounds and that's not an exaggeration.  Because she's been obese for decades, she now walks with a cane; she also has respiratory problems most of the time because... She's a smoker, so several times a day she huffs and puffs her way out to the designated area.  She's in such bad shape physically that she has to rest in the front office before shuffling back to her office.  I hope the techs return her machine sometime today or I'm going to go crazy.   Angry 
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #83 - Mar 29th, 2010 at 12:05pm
Biotin never worked for me either. What a crock.

And ICK @ your co-worker! That's dead nasty. Tongue
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #84 - Mar 29th, 2010 at 2:06pm
Trisha, I'm sorry you're having to deal with that co-worker.  I once had to share an office with a woman who talked to herself out loud constantly and often did it in cartoon voices.  I feel your pain, and hope she gets back to her space very soon!!!  If you can, get some lavender eo and put some on a tissue and inhale that while she's around and especially when she comes back from smoking.  The odor alone could set your nerves on edge.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #85 - Apr 1st, 2010 at 12:22pm
Thursday 1 April 2010
Hair  I totally forgot to measure this morning!   Cheesy  Ah well, I'll do it tomorrow after my shower.  I've already said that the Biotin has done nothing to improve the thickness of my hair.  However, my hair doesn't seem to be getting any thinner--again, no thanks to the Biotin, because it's unchanged from when I started taking that supplement.  So if *this* is as thin as my hair gets, it'll be all right.

Other  I am now the proud, and nervous, owner of a 2005 Buick Century.   Shocked  Proud because I've upgraded from a 1984 Chevy Citation II.  Let me do the math for you--that's a 26 year old car and it's beginning to show its age.  The Citation has an AM-only radio in it that gets 2 channels on good weather days...and both of them talk radio.   Tongue  The Buick has a *real* stereo with AM *and* FM stations and a friggin' cd player, for cryin' out loud!!!  I've been driving the Citation for 6 years now and I cannot express to you how much I've missed listening to music while driving to and from work.   Cool  Oh!  Another thing is that I'll have a/c this summer, yay!!  Now the nervous part is stretching our already-stretched budget to make the monthly payments.  So Yours Truly may be looking for a second part-time job soon.   Tongue
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #86 - Apr 1st, 2010 at 12:41pm
Now the nervous part is stretching our already-stretched budget to make the monthly payments. So Yours Truly may be looking for a second part-time job soon.

Story of my life, hunnay. Your advantage is buying used. You should be able to pay it off in no time.
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #87 - Apr 2nd, 2010 at 10:41am
Congrats on the car!   Smiley
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Head Board Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
WWW Curlgirl64  
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #88 - Apr 5th, 2010 at 10:12am
Monday 5 April 2010
Hair  is at 16 1/2".   Smiley  Still like the Garnier Fructise shampoo and conditioner, however I would not hesitate to return to my beloved Pantene products. 

Other  Thanks Angel and Curlgirl, it really is a super nice car and I'm enjoying driving it.   Cool 

Found out on Friday that one of our cats is borderline diabetic.  He's now on a super low dose of insulin and on a special diet.  No more treats of any kind.  Aaaand since he's on a special diet with no treats, ALL of the cats are doing the same. 

So, newer car means $$$, special food for cats means $$$, insulin for kitty means $$$.   Tongue  I just don't know where it's going to come from.  I've already applied for a part time job as a, what's the title?  Oh, reservation sales agent.   Roll Eyes  For Drury Hotels here in town.  So we'll see.  I know if I'm supposed to have a second job then one will make itself known.  --That's usually how these things work for me.  And if I can't find another job, why, then we'll just start cutting things from our already sparse budget. 
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #89 - Apr 8th, 2010 at 12:48pm
Thursday 8 April 2010
Hair  Is...I don't know.   Huh  Feeling rather dry and rough, I think would be the best description I can come up with.  It also seems to be losing luster.  It's got to be the Garnier Fructise, eh?   Undecided  Yeah.  Crap.  Time to run back to my beloved Pantene, I guess.   Why do I even try other products when I know Pantene is my hair's savior?!   Cool
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