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The sheer weight of it (Read 15972 times)

Posts: 1
The sheer weight of it
Mar 23rd, 2004 at 3:45pm
My hair is  three times as thick as most ppls and dead straight. Because of the thickness and the weight i have trouble finding a good hairstyle and im getting awfully tired of ponytails. Ive tried braiding, but i need to make atleast four separate braids to make it work and most of the clamps, combs, barettes (i know they are nonos) and hairsticks on the market just wont hold it. Does anyone have any ideas?
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Shooting Star

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Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #1 - Mar 23rd, 2004 at 4:46pm
How long is your hair?  It would also help to know the circumference of your ponytail.

And..... WELCOME!!
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Beauty is in the eye of
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Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #2 - Jun 20th, 2004 at 2:10am
I have thick hair too and what I do is wrap my hair and it  helps it to be a lot flatter and manageable.
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #3 - Jun 20th, 2004 at 2:20am
Can you describe how you wrap it?
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #4 - Jun 20th, 2004 at 2:48pm
long aQuote:
Can you describe how you wrap it?  

I'd also be interested to know!

Ambapali - why don't you try low ponytails? High ponytails hurt my scalp too, but if I clip it at the base with a big barrette, hair slide, velvet scrunchie etc it works quite well.

Have you tried bunning too? I think Bikerbraid suggested double buns (one on top and one on the bottom, or I guess you could do them diagonally or horizontally). Also you could make one bun with the crown section of your hair, and wrap the rest of the hair around it. Hope that helps!
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Beauty is in the eye of
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Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #5 - Aug 10th, 2004 at 5:33am
after I wash it I basically just put oil or whatever im going to put on it to help smooth it. Then I just wrap it piece by peice arond my head then put on a scarf. It takes a while to dry but when you take it down it will be a lot flatter and smoother. You can also do it when its dry. Do you wear hair clips at all? I also wear them, they dont tear my hair or anything Ive been wearing them for years.  The big ones can hold alot of hair. I hope this is helpfull. Undecided
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can you say "3 person
thick hair"?

Posts: 14
Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #6 - Sep 8th, 2004 at 6:52pm
My mother and my teachers all say my hair is thick as 3 and a half women's and they say it's "a gift". PFFFT! As if. for the first long part of my life, I kept it down and poofy. Now it's constantly up in a ponytail. Not even the biggest hair clasp in Marie Clair's could hold it up!  Shocked
My hair is about...1 or 2 inches above mid-back. I have no bangs, and it's wavylike (my dad's hair is thick and straight and my mom's is regular and curly). I'm sick sik sick of ponytails! not even the hair scrunchies can hold up a bun! I dont know about hairsticks, but would they hold? Is there one thing that can hold my hair up without all the complicated washing and straightening processes? (I dont want to damage my hair with overgeling or something) Thanks!
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Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #7 - Sep 8th, 2004 at 10:01pm
Scrunchies only hold up buns if your hair is neither long nor thick. I have thick, straight hair below my waist, and it's getting thicker all the time down its length, thanks to taking good care of it.

I've got a new job where I wear my hair up every day. The key is that you have to pin up the hair carefully to distribute the weight across your scalp. I can use hairsticks in my hair, but I find u-shaped hairpins to be more versatile, hairsticks being rather dressy. An assortment of sizes is good. Some people like Amish hairpins, my favorite big ones are from bunheads, the dance people.

Right now your hair isn't long enough to make a classic bun yet, but you could probably make a french twist, which my hair is too long and thick to do.
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Shooting Star

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Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #8 - Sep 8th, 2004 at 11:33pm
Welcome!  Your hair sounds lovely!  Have you tried a french braid?  I found french braiding a great style for a bit of a change, yet still keeping my hair out of my face.

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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
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can you say "3 person
thick hair"?

Posts: 14
Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #9 - Sep 11th, 2004 at 2:01pm
I barely have time in the morning to do my hair and plus, if I cant see what I'm doing, I won't be doing it right. My mom most likley wont be doing my hair  Roll Eyes.

eKatherin: My mom says theFrench Twist might be good, but it takes a bit of time. I go to school early, I have to be outta the house by 6:45 a.m. and I gotta be up at 6:10 or 6:15 ad i have to eat, wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed, get my lunch, get together my school bag and stuff and make it down to the bus station in time. Not much time for hair doing. I need simpl and quick. I wish I had my mom's hair, when it wasnt dyed and stuff, and not curly. It's nice and lightweight and stuff.

Bikerbraid: My mom's tried the french braid. It wont work. My hair is so heavy. It just collapses and falls apart. I love and hate my hair all at once.

Thanks for the help so far though. It's made my hair a bit happier  Tongue Wink.
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Bike Paths of the Midwest
Gender: female
Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #10 - Sep 11th, 2004 at 7:15pm
If a french braid loosens up on you, maybe try a dutch braid.  These tend to hold in the braid better.  (When dutch braiding, the strand goes under, instead of over.)
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
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Posts: 14
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Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #11 - Sep 12th, 2004 at 6:44pm
My hair is alway very thick at one time I even had the salon try thining it out but I was to scared to let them do anything really drastic! Of course it didn't seem to help either but I would rather suffer so to speak. Everyone tells me how lucky I am to have my thick hair and sometimes I do agree but other times I don't.
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can you say "3 person
thick hair"?

Posts: 14
Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #12 - Sep 17th, 2004 at 5:40pm
I love hairsticks. I bought a plastic pair today from  a 99 Cents store and I've tried some quick bun, and they hold pretty well. Now I just need to do it step by step and it will hold so well...I cant wait until monday to show off my hairsticks. I'm not gonna get any metal ones, like you sell here (no offense, of course) since I cant afford it and my hair is heavy enough as it is. so plastic for me. The only problem with the hairsticks I bought is that they're green. they were the only good color left! Otherwise it's yellow and I'm not a fan of yellow. BUT they're he type that shines a few different colours, but I still would have prefered the solid color ones in Red and blue and black and a darker green. I will be trying every possible hairstyle. Thank you all so much for suggesting all these hairstyles, I will try as many as possible. I owe you a lifetime of hair.

- Chopstix
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Bike Paths of the Midwest
Gender: female
Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #13 - Sep 17th, 2004 at 5:47pm
FYI, Chopstix, the hairsticks that Susan makes here typically use either bone or wood for the stick.  They are not heavy at all.  And many of us have hairsticks from other sources - only Susan can "afford" to wear her sticks exclusively I would guess.  (I'd better run and hide now, before she sees this!!)
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Global Salon Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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can you say "3 person
thick hair"?

Posts: 14
Re: The sheer weight of it
Reply #14 - Sep 17th, 2004 at 6:04pm
lol, yea, I'd run if I were you  Tongue Wink

I didnt know they were wood. I guess I should read about it more carefully...lol...but still, it's expensive, and shipping and handleing is expensive in my town, so plastic for me. My mother's manager mistaked her proffesion. She shouldn't be a bank manager, she should be a hair stylist! She showed my mom how to make this really pretty look with a hair scrunchee and then add the hairsticks for decor. I loved the look. I just have to pick which look I will use on Monday...I better wake up early...
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