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Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl (Read 268019 times)

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #420 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 12:14am
Dear Journal,

  We just got back from a bday party/superbowl party. All went well. It was really fun actually.  Hair was in a sleek bun.   It was fabulous and I had a really cute alfit.  If I could only lose these last 20 pounds and fit in my hot jeans.  Oh that would make me so happy. 

Jimmy is doing ok.  he has a doctors appointment tomarrow morning.  Hopefully it will go good.  thank god for everything.  he is such a sweet angel and never complains.  he has to take medication daily. he takes it so bravely.  God bless him always.  It breaks my heart to see him not feel well. It's a struggle, but hopefully we will be ok.

Ryan,  is a good boy.  He is 5 and loves thomas the train.

Julia's hair was in two pig tails.  Her blond curly hair is cute but very frizzy. we straightened it a month ago.



p.s.  i hope all is well with everyone.
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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #421 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 10:25am
Dear Journal,

   Today, we are going to my husbands neice's  tinkerbell birthday party.   All the little girls are required to wear little green dresses.  So of coarse I went to the Disney store and bought my daughter a tinkerbell green dress.   Its so cute.  Her hair is really a hassle.  Its frizzy, knotty and blond.  Just like her mother, except the blond part.     I'll make two pigtails if she lets me.    My hair is getting longer, I havent trimmed in a while.   
Gotta go for the kids.

                                                                                               Love Curlygirl
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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #422 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 12:50pm
Have a great time!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
WWW Curlgirl64  
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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #423 - Aug 18th, 2009 at 9:25pm
Dear Journal,

    Its been a while since I journaled, but things are going quite well thankgod.    Today  I took the kids to the neighborhood pool, and they had a blast.  We just got in and I gave them a bubble bath and everyone is in there pajamas.   I'm excited because I lost 6 pounds.   I joined Weight Watchers and it does work.   Basically I am eating small portions.    Everyone has made a big fuss that I have gained some weight.  I'm determined to get in my skinny jeans.

  Hair has been good.  Its  getting longer and  I'm happy with it.   My husband really wants me to straighten it for good,but i
cant part with my beloved curls.   A few Sundays ago,  my neighbor who is a hairstylist came over and   blowdryed my hair.  There was the biggest knot ever in it.  ThankGod it got out.     My daughter Julia who turned 3 has unruly curls and some people say what frizzy hair she has.   I hope she will learn to love her hair as I did.

     My therapist asked if I had any hobbies and I told her that mine is trying to grow my hair long to amazing lengths.  She thought that was pretty cool.   I still battle with bouts of depression.  It was hard to deal with Jimmy's diagnosis.   ThankGod  Jimmy is doing well. 


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A womens hair is her life

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #424 - Aug 19th, 2009 at 8:27am
It's great to hear from you! Smiley
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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #425 - Aug 19th, 2009 at 10:26am
Glad all is well!  You sound good,too!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
WWW Curlgirl64  
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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #426 - Aug 19th, 2009 at 1:20pm
Thanks Isabelle and Curlygirl64!  I hope your hair is growing wonderfully.   

  Dear Journal,

    Julia didn't get accepted to the neighborhood preschool and I am disappointed.   There is a few other preschools but they are expensive, and right now we can't afford it.   I really wanted her to go and she wants to go to school. Oh well what can we do.  I'm just glad the boys are going back to school.  It's been a long summer entertaining the kids.   

   Hair has been good.  I use Suave conditioner and to style my hair I use gel.   I like the fact that its been getting longer and people realize that.


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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #427 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 12:22am
Dear Journal,

    Hubby and I got into an argument.   Some of the things he said really hurt my feelings, and I cried.   I feel better now, I don't remember the last time I cried.   It feels good though to let it all out.   It was over something very silly.  Too long of a story to type it all out.   

     This stress can't be good for my hair.  At least my hair looks cute.....ThankGod. Cool

    Yesterday, I was reading in my old journals and It really brought back some terrific memories.  I'm so blessed to belong to longlocks.  Something I am very passionate about.
My hair and even my kids hair  gives us a confident boost.  My 7 year old Jimmy takes such pride in his hair.  Brushing his wavy brown hair back with gel.  My 5 year old Ryan wont let me touch his hair with a brush.  His brown curly hair is adorable.   Julia has been blessed with blond curly locks.   Ya know what.   ThankGod we all have hair.  It was so hard when Jimmy lost his hair   and he was upset about it and It hurt me because there was nothing I could do,  except pray.


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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #428 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 1:39pm
Angry @ the husband. Guys are jerks.

It's good to hear from you again, though, lady. Hang in there. Kiss
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Posts: 606
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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #429 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 4:37pm
Thankyou Midnight Angel!  It's great to hear  a reply from you ladies because I really missed longlocks. 

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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #430 - Sep 5th, 2009 at 5:34pm
Dear Journal,

     My hair has so much dandruff.  I don't know why but its so annoying.  I have to pick me up a bottle of head and shoulders shampoo.  Everything else is going good ThankGod. Julia's hair is so frizzy curly and blond.    

  Today we are invited to dinner at my sister in laws house.  I hope it goes well.  Last time we went out to a restaurant with my inlaws  Julia cried the whole time, because she wanted to go home and she didn't have a nap  that day.      

   It just tickles me that Jimmy and Ryan are back to school full time.  Its such a blessing.  It makes me happy when they are off to school.  ThankGod.   Julia will start some classed in about a week.   That will be fun.

                                                                                    xoxo Curlygirl
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Posts: 909
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Re: Classic anc Chic:A Tale of a Curly Girl
Reply #431 - Sep 6th, 2009 at 1:22pm
It just tickles me that Jimmy and Ryan are back to school full time.  Its such a blessing.  It makes me happy when they are off to school.  ThankGod.   Julia will start some classed in about a week.   That will be fun

Yeah...I feel entirely different about school breaks now.  Especially after the two first weeks.

The dandruff has been a lifelong chronic state for me and it's over two decades since I last tried to seriously get rid of it. Embarrassed  This probably isn't relevant to you but as much as I love sculpted hairstyles on others, I've just had to accept that my scalp appreciates the less I do with my hair though it doesn't cure the dandruff, just makes it less irritating.
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