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Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows (Read 278239 times)

Posts: 825
Southern Louisiana
Gender: female
Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Apr 24th, 2007 at 7:26pm
I don't know how often I'll update this, at least monthly, hopefully!
My current routine is wash and condition with Pantene Pro-V Daily Moisture Renewal, followed by running infusium 23 through my hair and combing it out with my tangle tamer comb. I've never seen anything like it - I'd never even heard of it until my BF convinced me to buy one. It goes through knots like a hot knife through butter, and doesn't break hardly any hairs, even in the worst snarls.

Anyway, I went and got my hair trimmed today by my neighbor, who's been doing this for years. I know she only does trims, not any short fancy styles, so I was fairly ... well not confident, but not spazzing anyway.
Walked into her single chair salon, and was greeted by a picture of a woman with absolutely gorgeous dark brown tailbone length hair. It turns out she's been taking care of her sister in law's hair since she had it chin length. Needless to say, I was quite a bit reassured. I wasn't sure how much I wanted taken off, I knew, 2-3 inches, no more!  she held up a comb with inch marks on it. "this is three inches". Looking up close at how much hair that would take off, I started shaking.  Two inches would be more than sufficient.
It came out beautifully, if I do say so myself.  She cut it in the slightest of u shapes so it would look less pointy draped over my shoulders.
Then I returned home and washed/conditioned it, and it's currently air drying and soaking my computer chair.
Next time I go to Baton Rouge I'm planning on going to hong kong seafood market and getting a pair of fancy laquered chopsticks for my hair. It's not a set of Longlocks hairsticks, but for now it's going to have to do. Once I've bought the harp I'm currently saving for, I'll start saving for a pair.
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #1 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 8:27pm
Yea!  Another new journal!

Sounds like you may have found a great person to do your trims - lucky you!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #2 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 9:26pm
Im glad you started a journal. You have very pretty hair. Where can i get that detangling comb from? It sounds wonderful.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #3 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 10:07pm
Congrats on starting your hair journal, Kiraela. Look forward to reading more.  Smiley
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Southern Louisiana
Gender: female
Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #4 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 11:14pm
Thanks for y'alls encouragement, comments, and compliments! I got my Krest Tangle Tamer at Sally Beauty supply, I'm not sure but I think you can get them at most drug stores like walgreens, CVS, etc. It's got curved teeth, facing each other set sort of apart... I'm not sure how to describe it, except with a picture http://www.chatelaine.com/english/images/issue/2006/04/20060207_163948_2840_02.j... (that's not it but it's got the same teeth) and I don't know why it works, but it does. I'm not sure if they come in any colors other than a pretty dark teal. that's the only one I saw.
Yes, Mrs. Jo is a great lady... I can't believe how much difference a small chunk off the bottom makes! My entire hair looks so much silkier and shinier, and all around healthier. (that could be the new conditioner, too, but I'm sure that's not all it, I've used it before and it wasn't this good) I think it's a little shorter than I wished for, though. I'm now at 28'' almost exactly. So I think she took off 3'', rather than 2''... but it was, honestly worth it. that's another inch's worth of damage I don't have to worry about later. And I did say, 2 or 3 inches... Undecided at least it will grow better now, without splits travelling up the shaft.  I found one hair earlier when I tried dusting my hair for the first time, that had a split about 3/8 of an inch long! I didn't even know it could possibly split that far. Sad but now, it's so much better looking and feeling, I'm happy as a clam!
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Bike Paths of the Midwest
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #5 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 8:26am
Sometimes it is worth having more trimmed off when there is a lot of damage.  And remember - it will grow back!  Your hair sounds like it grows pretty fast, so you will regain that length pretty quickly.  Hang in there!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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Posts: 825
Southern Louisiana
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #6 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 9:26am
That's what I have to keep reminding myself. It feels so short now, though! I know that's rediculous, but I'm so used to the comb going throug my hair a certain way, and now it stops before it feels like it should. Does that make sense?  I guess it will take some getting used to.
And yep, I grow pretty fast... I think I've been averaging one inch a month, roughly.
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #7 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 12:59pm
lol It totally makes sense. I feel the same way when combing my hair after a trim. There's just this kind of blunt feeling when the comb stops short. It does take some getting used to.

One inch per month is phenomenal! I don't think that many ladies here grow that fast. You shouldn't be missing those last few inches long.  Wink
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #8 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 1:44pm
Hi Kiraela, I grow that fast also.  I know the feeling of missing something.  Next week it will feel better.  Soon enuf, you wont notice its gone at all  Grin.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #9 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 2:26pm
Welcome to the wonderful world of journaling!!   Cool
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Posts: 825
Southern Louisiana
Gender: female
Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #10 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 3:58pm
WOO! In celebration of my new, healthier looking hair, (And to keep me from being bummed by the trim) I just tried the figure 8 bun! It looks great, even with a mechical pencil rather than a hairstick to keep it up. I am loving my hair right now.

And, hello everyone and thanks for taking the time to read!
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Posts: 825
Southern Louisiana
Gender: female
Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #11 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 9:51pm
yarg! I tried an "infinity bun" ... because of the loose messy ends, it looks rather like a "dead betta fish" bun(sort of like a stylized "jesus fish" with a big tail) it now "hairstyles named after fish (page 34)" in some trendy hairstyle magazine.  I was good today, didn't drink much cola at all(about 1/4 of a can)...did a bit of walking and wood carving today too. Made my own set of hairsticks out of a 1/4 inch red oak dowel(woo, 4 sticks for $0.55(is there a way to do a cents sign?)! they were originally 9'', but I decided that 7'' was more than sufficient. Now I'm considering how to decorate them. If I can get my hands on some black paint (i have an idea about that, btw) I think i'm going to paint them black and decorate the top end of each with green seed beads. Now, what should I do for the other pair, is the question? Black with red beads, blue beads, or something off the wall like white painted with purple? (or something completely different, I'm not sure yet.)My creative brain is going into overdrive...I'm not sure I can choose!
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Southern Louisiana
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #12 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 12:07am
     One pair is 7', the other is 8''(for now, I am going to see whether that is too long). I think I'm going to do the 7s black and red, and the 8s, i'm not sure. white and green? black and green? green and blue? I'm sure I'll think of something, anyway. (suggestions are welcome, of course!)
     I've started on a schedule of shampooing every other day. I was going almost a week, trying to get my hair used to it, but alas. by day 3 it gets oily and funky, and just keeps getting worse. By day 6 I can almost use my own sebum as hairspray. The good news is, the daily moisture renewal has left my hair silkier than it's been in months. I'm just worried about the buildup of cones on my hair, so I'm going to start doing a white vinegar rinse(now that I know how), but, how often should I do them?
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #13 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 12:15pm
Pardon my naïveté, but what exactly is an infinity bun? I've heard of them before, but I don't think I've ever seen one.  Huh

To make the cent symbol ¢ just hold down the Alt key and press 0418 in the 10-key keypad.  Wink

Does the Daily Moisture Renewal shampoo not leave your roots greasy? I only ask because I used to be a total DMR nut - used almost every single product in the line - until last year when something in the shampoo formula changed and it started giving me the greasiest roots ever.  Tongue  I had to attend my grandmother's funeral last year looking like I hadn't washed my hair in weeks, and pretty much stopped using it altogether after that. I was really P.O.'ed that something I'd used and relied on for years would suddenly turn on me, but...such is life. You are lucky if it doesn't affect your hair that way.
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Southern Louisiana
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #14 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 2:05pm
IF you can do a Figure 8, the infinity bun is simple.. basically, do a figure 8 horizontally rather than vertically. I'm no good at describing how to do them, but Bikerbraid gave a good way to do it earlier, in another thread. Only, instead of flipping the top loop up, flip it sideways (it helps if the original ponytail to make the bun is slightly offset from center, otherwise the bun ends up halfway across one side of the head!). It produces the sideways 8, or infinity symbol. (or in my case, the fish symbol...)  the daily moisture renewal doesn't make my roots greasy, luckily.  I don't know what they did, maybe it was a temporary change, or something. Or maybe my hair just loves it. ¢! woo! thanks, Angel Spun.

I've decided to add danglies on the ends of my homemade hairsticks, kind of like the absolutely lovely Geishastix, as soon as the paint is dry. Finding a drill bit the perfect size was a bit of a pain, even in a blacksmithing/ornamental ironwork shop. It seems my guy and his father don't typically have need of a .070 drill bit...  Undecided I can't wait to take pictures of the sticks though!

And hey, I managed to do the Victorian! It's a lot simpler to do than it looks like it should be. and very pretty, even with unpainted, plain wooden sticks. I think it will look great with my soon to be finished 7'' sticks.
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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