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Diary of a Dark Angel (Read 314511 times)

Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

Posts: 449
Wherever it is I need to be to do whatever it is I'm doing.
Gender: female
Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #615 - Dec 26th, 2008 at 5:03pm
The day won't be without style either. I imagine I'm not the only person on the planet who plans their Christmas outfits.

Tongue I wear the same thing every year.  Roll Eyes

If I'm feeling extra pretentious, my cloche hat too. Wink

I've got one of those too.  Smiley Chocolate Angora.  Wink

Hope you had a Merry Christmas Angel.  Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #616 - Dec 27th, 2008 at 12:41am
I'm 3-my cloche hat is black w/coque feathers and fabric roses.

I almost went out and bought a new shirt, but then I decided I have enough clothes in my closet and wore a black velour hoodie and super comfy black fleece pants.  I spent most time planning my hair accessories and style, then match my clothes to that.  Uber casual 'cause Christmas was at my house this year.

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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #617 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 6:28pm
hehe How did I know that there would be a few more cloche hat fashionistas in my midst? Wink Never heard of one being made with angora though. Hmm...

Anyway, I didn't really feel like writing an entry today, but figured I might as well. Just to check in.

As much as I thought Christmas would suck this year, it actually turned out great! Thank God for small miracles. Smiley I wished Jesus a happy birthday, got fixed up, had dinner at my aunt's place in Pt. Loma, played a Wii system for the first time, escorted the infernal basset hound back home after she escaped, and got sick later that night. Tongue Full day.

Been feeling lousy ever since. ... Whatever I have must be viral because it's not responding to anything I give it (hope that means I can rule out strep). Plus, Auntie Flo's in town Lips Sealed so I have to deal with Nature's wrath X 2. Tongue Hence why I didn't feel up to writing much today.
   My head's killing me. I wish I could cut it off.

Anyway, so...yeah. That's my life of late. Obviously, band practice is out of the question this week. [expletive deleted], I'm so tired. Got almost no sleep last night...though I did have a strange dream about Dr. House. Huh Grin Sadly, it wasn't nearly as hot as it sounds.

Also, I have a new manicure. 8 out of 10 nails are growing nicely. Colour is Midnight Magic by Cover Girl...one of several polishes that I bought over the weekend. Roll Eyes I'm an addict, I tell you.

And I've just noticed that black cherry berry herbal tea doesn't kill my throat like most other things do right now.

As for the hair, it's been getting slightly less than the usual amount of attention since I have slightly less than the usual amount of energy these days. Since I've been ill, I've mostly been leaving it down. Some days, not even bothering to wash or comb it properly. So long as it's clean, I don't care so much how it looks. Much like the rest of me.

Wow. I actually ended up writing way more than I thought I would. Time to pass out on my desk. ...
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

Posts: 449
Wherever it is I need to be to do whatever it is I'm doing.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #618 - Dec 30th, 2008 at 1:13pm
Aww *hugs* get well soon Angel.
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #619 - Dec 30th, 2008 at 6:49pm
Tanai: *hugs* Thanx.

Hair: Somehow, I found the energy to go through my clarifying routine today. I didn't even want to get out of bed, but life wouldn't let me go back to sleep. My only leave-in was a light smearing of EVOO. Hair's been feeling remarkably soft lately. Must be the products I'm using because it sure as heck ain't my health. Tongue

Work: My boss emptied his office, turned in his keys and hugged me goodbye this afternoon. I may never see him again. Sad

Day 5: Yup, 5 days with this blasted cold. My symptoms seem to be shifting rather than improving. Today, my throat has just barely begun to heal. I have a liiiiittle bit of my voice back. It comes and goes.
    Sinuses are freaking out. It still sounds like there's a bass amp in my head and I have either partial use of my nose or none at all. I only hope that I'm well enough by the 3rd to enjoy Disneyland, since I'll be there for my b-day. Undecided
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #620 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 6:11pm
sorry bout ur boss and your cold hope ya feel better n i ripped off ur sig :p
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&&...&&&&&&&&metal head straight
fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
Gender: female
Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #621 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 6:49pm
I hope you feel better soon and can enjoy your birthday!!!

I was sick for 22 days.  I continued to get worse for more than a week so I think this year's flu is the worst ever!  My doc recommended zyrtec (sp?) allergy medicine and mucinex.  It really worked for me, better than any OTC cough/flu medicine.

I had a great Christmas, too.  What a nice change!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #622 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 6:52pm
Thanx, Fisher dude & Sakina. Wink I took Mucinex for the first time this morning.

New Year's Eve.

Whew! After a long, tumultuous battle with the internet, I finally got a new av to work. Roll Eyes This is how Angel enters 2009. And sick to boot. Tongue Speaking of which, I have been for 6 days now. I've informed family and friends that I don't expect to be well enough to go to Disneyland this weekend. This nasty annual virus had me down for 2 weeks last winter. I don't imagine that this year will be any different, though I am at least functional. For the most part. Undecided

The congestion is the worst. Despite immense frustration, I can handle the sore throat and not being able to talk, sing or taste things normally. What I can't stand is the pressure in my head and not being able to breathe. By now, I must have taken every decongestant known to humankind. Tongue

Since I must live this way for awhile, I've been learning to adapt and press on. Last night, I went to the mall after work. Oh, I was a mess to look at with red, watery eyes...blowing my even redder, chapped nose every 2 seconds, but hey...c'est la vie.
   As it happens, I scored the deal of the century on a shirt at Express. A pretty, collared number with pleated satin details and gray crystal buttons which retailed for $60...but I got it for $17.50. Cool Hail the after-Christmas clearances!
   It's now hanging up to dry in the doorway of my chamber, waiting to be worn to work.

In hair news, just the usual CWC routine today, with Detangling spray as the only leave-in. The ends are getting dry and causing the length to tangle. I've begun braiding my hair again, so that helps.
   After using Suave Soothing Lavender Lilac light conditioner for a few days, I've come to the conclusion that I detest the fragrance. Tongue During the monthly stock-up at Wally World tonight, I'll have to pick up the Daily Clarifying forumula. It's my favourite of the Suave fragrances, and probably my favourite light conditioner overall.

Yup, you read that right. I now shop at Wally World. Shocked Tongue Oh, I still loathe them entirely and condemn their practices...but it's a new Angel that's going into 2009. One who is more concerned with her bottom line than her politics (everything has its price). Obviously, if I can find the things that I need elsewhere for less, then I will happily go there instead. But we have to do what we have to do to make ends meet, don't we? A penny saved is a penny earned, as they say.

Anyway, now it's time to review the goals and resolutions that I made for this year:

2008 Goals:
  • Reach and pass BSL - check.
  • Take Hair, Skin & Nails vitamins every day for 6 months - check.
  • Do scalp massages every night for 6 months - BZZZZZZZT. Who has time?! Tongue
  • Determine whether either of these have any effect on my growth rate - the vitamins do not. Scalp massages remains unknown...and probably always will.
  • Find a new job - BZZZZZZZT. Thank you, sucky economy. Angry
  • Get as close to my comfortable weight as possible for my 10 year reunion - N/A. I did not attend my 10 year reunion.
  • Finally get the tattoo that I've wanted for over 10 years - BZZZZZZZT. Again, thank you, sucky economy. Angry
  • Get more piercings - check. Smiley

2008 Resolutions:
  • Use only Pantene Restoratives - BZZZZZZZT. Best resolution I broke this year. I love Breakage Defense, but bloody ... it's expensive!
  • Go brush-free. Seamless combs only - check. And I must say, not only has it been easier than I thought, I may never go back. Wink
  • Lose weight - kinda. I've mostly stayed around 115-116, but the scale has read 112 at least twice this year.
  • Make a better effort to wear earrings every day - check. 4 new piercings make that a requirement. Wink
  • Really start learning things on my bass - BZZZZZZT. That one bit the big turkey. Embarrassed Maybe I'll have more time/discipline next year.

So have I any resolutions for 2009? Only 2 that I can think of right off the bat:
1.) Save money
2.) Grow my hair longer


Happy New Year, everyone! And in Tanai's words, may 2009 suck less than 2008.
This is Midnight Angel signing off for the year, and giving it a good, swift kick in the  Lips Sealed on its way out.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

Posts: 449
Wherever it is I need to be to do whatever it is I'm doing.
Gender: female
Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #623 - Jan 1st, 2009 at 1:21pm
A pretty, collared number with pleated satin details and gray crystal buttons which retailed for $60...but I got it for $17.50. Cool

Shocked Whoo hoo go Angel!

This is Midnight Angel signing off for the year, and giving it a good, swift kick in the  Lips Sealed on its way out.

Grin Amen.  Tongue I kicked it over to your coast thanks for kicking it out of the country.  Cool

P.S. Great avi.  Wink Cool
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