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Luc's Little Journal (Read 74090 times)

wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Luc's Little Journal
May 23rd, 2008 at 1:45pm
Hi folks.

Hair: I figured with all the experimenting I am doing, it would be a good idea to track what I'm doing - then I'll know what works!   Smiley

So, it was two weeks ago I swore off my hair dryer and flat and curling irons.  Except for my bangs - they are totally unruly without being dried and I'm not ready to grow them out yet. I went through mild anxiety attacks leaving the house without "doing" my hair, but I got used to it. I figured out my hair works well with -cones, but the other things I was using on my hair had WAY TOO many alcohol ingredients - so those have been pushed to the back of the cabinet until I crawl under there to get rid of them.

Last Friday (5/16) I used Manic Panic's Ultra Violet for two hours - I love the purple/black color my hair gets.  I must have missed the end saturation, but now I have shades of red, purple and black.  Not bad!!  Wink

I bought my first bottle of jojoba oil two nights ago.  I don't have anything to wrap my hair in yet, so I didn't oil before bed.  I sectioned my hair yesterday morning, oiled and braided the sides back and went to work.  When I got home last night, I oiled and braided the rest of my hair, then three hours later, I went to bed.  I figured by then the oil had pretty well soaked in, and there wasn't any oil on my pillowcase this morning.

This morning, I washed with color safe shampoo, then used a small amount of Pantene Color Safe conditioner.  

Because of the *lovely* rainy cloudy day outside, I had to give up the dream of straight hair today.  Well, my curls started, and then they frizzed.  I refused to leave the house like that, so I put a little more oil on the ends, and the frizzies were controlled.  But now my hair still looks wet.  It doesn't feel heavy or greasy, but I think it kinda looks like it. Embarrassed  I'm going to try to wash it again when I get home and see if I can braid it again to tame it to go out tonight.

In other news: my friends in the band are in town for this weekend, so I don't have the option of hiding at home with bad hair.  One of my guy friends asked me to explain my "mild goth" side to him.  I told him I haven't figured it out yet, but when I do, I'll let him know!

Any of you prayer warriors out there, I have a friend taken to the hospital two days ago.  They are not sure why she is sick, and they are trying to figure it out.  Today they start testing her heart.

guys: this is not really a subject for me.  Had my eye on a singer, but was completely blown off last week.   Sad  But, it's his loss!!   Cool

school: Gotta write another program this week - it's due Saturday (ooo - that's tomorrow!! Shocked).  I'm hoping to spend an hour or so on it tonight, and then all day Saturday until it's done.  My Math class doesn't officially start for another week, but I'll get the 2nd chapter finished anyway, so there is no pressure.

I love learning from all you Rapunzels, and someday I hope to join the ranks!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #1 - May 23rd, 2008 at 5:17pm
Oil can cause dyed hair to fade quickly.  Deep conditioners might be a better choice since you color your hair at this time.

I hope your friend is OK.

Weird for us to have a gloomy day, huh?  I'm glad it rained though.

Congrats on starting your journal!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #2 - May 23rd, 2008 at 5:25pm
OOPS!  I forgot about the oil removing color.  I'll have to hold off for a while then.   Smiley
Thanks Sakina!

It's odd for us to have rain, but it's nice because it doesn't happen too often.
It's pouring right now!!!   Grin  Smiley
But it reaks havoc on my hair.  Maybe if I were to just accept that I have sorta curly hair it wouldn't drive me so crazy!

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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #3 - May 23rd, 2008 at 5:40pm
Yes, acceptance of your hair's natural state is the most positive step you can take in the journey toward long hair.

Humidity makes hair frizz out, especially if it's naturally curly or wavy. Since your hair is colored, you should stay away from oils. Instead, try working an anti-frizz serum through your hair or a gel that fights humidity. If you want to go the natural route, try pure aloe vera gel.  Smiley

You could also try braiding your hair if the frizzies bother you that badly. That's what I do with my hair when it rains. I'm a natural straightie, but humidity likes to have its way with my locks as well.  Roll Eyes  C'est la vie.

BTW, it's raining where I live too.  Wink
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #4 - May 27th, 2008 at 9:42am
Today is looking so beautiful!  We had a wonderful weekend - hopefully the weather will hold again.

Hair:  It was a busy weekend!  I used the anti-frizz serum Friday night and Sunday morning after a gentle wash.  Last night I rubbed (lightly) Midnight Expressions conditioner into my length and braided it.  This morning was a color safe wash with another application of Midnight Expressions.  I'm slowly accepting my waves.  Cool  Three people this weekend pointed out how shiny my hair is and asked what I used on it!  I told them "More importantly, I DON'T use hairdryers or irons on it anymore!"   Smiley

In other news: My friend was released from the hospital Friday evening!  The doctor is "guessing" she had a bacterial infection.  But she's home and feeling much better!

The guys have left, and won't be back until August!!  Cry  I'll see them in Text Land, but still....

On the drive home on Friday, my truck decided it wasn't going to like first and second gear, so it's being towed to the shop this morning.  Fingers crossed!!

guys: Saw the singer at the show this weekend.  Had his arm around a girl that later turned out to be our waitress.  Now I know why he wasn't attracted to me!  Tongue  She and I have are NOTHING alike.  But he made a point of coming over to tell me that his band is getting back together and would I come see them play?  Sure!   Roll Eyes  Dream on, dude.

School: Wrote the program on Saturday - took me 5 hours!! Sad  I'm still not sure if it's right, but it's done...  I have another one to write this week.  I'm hoping to figure this out soon!  The math class is going ok - doing homework problems on my breaks at work and studying for the next test.  What else is new?   Wink
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #5 - May 27th, 2008 at 1:34pm
Just want to welcome you to Journal Land.   Cool 
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #6 - May 27th, 2008 at 4:41pm
Ohhh boy. Honey, having been in the music circuit my whole life, let me offer you a little unsolicited advice: Avoid lead singers. They are 99.99999% of the time the most screwed up ones in the bunch. Lead guitarists and drummers follow closely behind. But male musicians on the whole are usually total players. They can steal your heart with their talents and break it just as easily with blatant disregard.

Glad to hear that your friend is feeling better. I know I've prayed for her at least once.
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #7 - May 27th, 2008 at 5:33pm
Thanks for the advice Angel Spun!  I obviously need all the help I can get!   Smiley
I wasn't looking to spend the rest of my life with this one, but he had shown interest in me before, so I was considering it, and then I gave up on the idea.  I don't need "singer drama" in my life!   Cool

Thank you for the prayers for my friend - she is back at work after a long resting weekend.  She's feeling better, but is still kinda tired.

But, according to your list, you only leave bass-players!?  Is that our only choice?   Wink  What about maybe, the bartender?

Thank you again!!
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #8 - May 27th, 2008 at 7:09pm
Thanks for the advice Angel Spun!  I obviously need all the help I can get!  Smiley 

hehe No problem, hunnay. And don't we all??  Grin

Of course the singer showed interest in you. He probably shows the same interest to every girl he meets! Don't take it personally. There's probably nothing about you specifically that interests him...just the fact that you're female and you happen to be around at the time.

Bass players are likely to be the least %#$&ed up band members...but that doesn't mean they aren't %#$&ed up. I fall back to the "all male musicians are total players" rule. Read back far enough in my journal from last year and you'll find my personal experience with a bass player affectionately nicknamed Mr. Clueless by the ladies of this site.  Grin

Not saying that you can't crush on the boys in the band if that's your thing. Just thought I'd offer a little warning (in case that really is your thing) about the typical bs that goes with it. It's a block that I'm unfortunately familiar with.  Undecided

Anywho, my journal this year relates experiences with a drummer and a bartender, if you're interested.  Roll Eyes

All the best to your friend. I hope and pray that she recovers completely and that the 2 of you are hanging out, catching up, giggling and gabbing like silly teenagers at the mall very soon. lol Cheers!
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #9 - May 29th, 2008 at 6:10pm
Holy cow it's Thursday!!  Shocked

Hair: Yesterday was a no wash day.  Hair was up in a claw of death until going to Munchkin's high school graduation.  I braided my sides back and pinned them together.  Then I did a basic braid and incorporated the tail of the sides into it.  The entire thing was polished with Midnight Expressions rubbed in first.  My braids were so shiny!!  I didn't bother to take it all down before I went to bed.  This morning was a wash with color safe shampoo and conditioner.  Then, I reapplied the conditioner when hair was almost dry and re-braided the sides back.  My hair is just loving all this moisture!!  I am going to start practicing the crown braid.  I used to corn row my own hair (back in my wilder days), so I think I can get the idea, and I'll love the shoulders I get from all the practice!   Smiley

guys: I'm going to say this isn't really a topic until someone comes along, and I don't see that happening for a while.

In other news & school: Turns out the truck was just really, really low on clutch fluid.  My brother gave me that "You silly girl" grin and promised to teach me how to check it so that this wouldn't happen again.  Still no lesson!!   Roll Eyes  But, he feels silly for not teaching me that yet too.

My little nephew's birthday party is Saturday.   Smiley  I was drafted to make the Spiderman cake, which means sometime before midnight on Saturday I have to write my program, bake this cake and decorate it.  But it's for Little Man, so I'll do it.
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #10 - May 30th, 2008 at 9:41am
Hair was up in a claw of death

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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #11 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 12:41pm
Hair: Tried Garnier Long & Strong leave in conditioner before the braids last night.  I think it just made it smell good!    Smiley   Washed and conditioned this morning with Midnight Expressions.  I think my purple is all gone now. Sad  Probably from that stupid encounter with the oil.  But....  I've learned.   Nothing special today.  More leave-in conditioner on wet waves this morning, and pulled the top and side into a mini-claw of death.  I bought a new comb yesterday - this one said that it was made of ceramic and was charged with positive ions to reduct static? It's got really wide smooth teeth and it's pretty.  It was a dollar.  I bought new sponge spiral curlers yesterday - they were a dollar too Smiley.  As soon as I get the energy to try them - I'll post the pics!   Smiley  Before I make another silly mistake - wet hair, use aloe vera gel (or another hair-friendly gel), roll hair, then let dry, then.... more gel or anti-frizz serum?

School: well, I got a 95% on my math test, but my programming instructor told me to re-do my last TWO programs!   Shocked  He said that while I did get to the desired answer, I did not do it the correct way. (Oh - and it's OK to retake that test that I got a 40% on too!)  Guess what I'll be doing while the conditioner sits on my braids each night for the rest of the week?!

In other news: Little Man's birthday was up and down.  The cake I made was a disaster!  My first attempt at Special Angel Food was a nightmare.  But I decorated it (cuz I didn't know what it tasted like) and took it to the party.  It was beautiful!  Got lots of compliments on it!!  Until they tried to cut it....  Embarrassed   Luckily, they had a mix up and had TWO other cakes there, so Little Man still got a Spiderman cake.  I wanted to crawl under the table and just shatter  Cry.  But I put on a good face, and told people not to touch it.  I threw it away when I got home.  Maybe next time!

There is a Rob/White Zombie tribute band playing in a couple weeks.  I'm thinking of going....

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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #12 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 7:04pm
A Rob/White Zobmbie Tribute Band would be cool, I would go to something like that Cool

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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #13 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 2:16am
Does this anti-static comb work well? Static isn;t usually a problem for me in Summer, but Winter it is ridiculous! And I'd love to see the spong rollers too!(haha, mini-claw of death XD)

And at least the cake looked pretty! Usually when I undertake cakes and ther decoration both turn out wrong somehow. So you've got that going!!
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #14 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 10:33pm
I haven't had any static problems to try it on, but if I do - I'll let you know! 

Still haven't tried the sponge rollers yet, but I bought some Pantene Restoratives stuff today.  The hair mask, the fortifying treatment, and the S&C.    Maybe I'll try them tomorrow...

Thanks for the "boost" for my cake!  I took all three levels of the Wilton Cake decorating course back when I had time and money to spare, but that just taught us how to make it look pretty!  I guess I passed that part!   Roll Eyes

If I make it to the Zombie show, I'll let ya know how it went.
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