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The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair (Read 162350 times)

Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

Posts: 449
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The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Jul 23rd, 2008 at 2:26pm
The Beginning

Alright so I've decided to start a journal, for the most part it will be about my hair, duh, not entirely sure how much other parts of my life will leak into here but we'll see.
So how about some hair background before I go bringing it all up to date.

I had medium length hair typically as kid until my mother cut it to a chin length bob when I was ten because she was sick and tired of all the knots. I had bangs too, until I was eleven and started growing them out for middle school. My hair stayed just past shoulder length from the time I grew it out until I hit fifteen, then I cut it to shoulder length, but quickly grew it back past my shoulders, as I was having trouble getting it to style into anything. When I was sixteen I got my hair done at a salon for the first time, I got it layered but left the length alone. I got my hair cut at salons three more times before I then began to decide to grow my hair long. After a misshap with a return to bangs early in my senior year I was content to simply let my hair grow out.

It probably all comes down from having some friends with waist length hair, it just looked so pretty and after awhile I decided I wanted it too. So I grew my hair out for a couple years. Then in one of my extra self deprecating days, no doubt due to the joys of PMS, I decided I looked like a little girl and ordered my mother to cut my hair to my shoulders. She did, which actually turned out to be a good thing because I hadn't cut my hair in a while, and was trimming only a quarter of an inch off every six months, so all the hair that was cut off was damaged anyways. So of course I think I liked the short hair for a few days then wanted to desperately grow it all back and then some again. I think the fear of looking like a little girl with the long hair stopped when I started looking more like a woman. So that was hah, only a year and a half ago, or something like that. So now I've decided to be a woman with long hair. I'm hoping it will give me an unfair advantage against other girls when it comes to guys.  Grin In this day and age where every 20 something is all starting to look the same: tall, thin, tan, bottle blonde, blindingly white teeth etc, you know the type. I like to believe that growing long healthy hair, daringly in my natural color, may actually turn more heads then those who are being to all resemble clones. We'll have to see won't we, seeing as my hair's not too incredibly long at the moment, and due to the heat I'm not wearing it down at all currently it's hard to gauge an impact.  Cheesy

So that brings us up to speed. Currently I'm fighting humidity frizz. Cutting back to washing my hair once a week helped but the dryness and frizz has gotten bad lately due to the massive swings in humidity we've been having. Now when my hair's clean I have to use my spray leave in, oil it, and add my avocado butter for shine, and some days it's still dry! I miss the good old days of only last year where I all I did was wash and brush and my hair was ready to go. Suddenly it's taken on a high maintenance life of it's own. Sigh  Smiley

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Angel Spun
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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #1 - Jul 23rd, 2008 at 5:13pm
Welcome to the world of hair journaling.  Smiley
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #2 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 3:45pm
Wash Day

So after another week, today is wash day. And amusingly enough my ends are some how still dry and fly away when I comb through them. Even though there is several days worth of natural oils, added oil and spray on leave-in on them they still have the audacity to be dry!  Grin So before I wash today I'm going to try an oil treatment that someone else posted on here that is good for thick hair. It's 1/2 cup of olive or almond oil (I will be using sweet almond because it's cheaper). Comb it through dry hair, concentrating on ends, wrap it up in a towel for 15-30mins then wash and condition as normal. I will report back tomorrow to tell you how it worked, or didn't.  Huh
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #3 - Jul 26th, 2008 at 6:08pm
Weekend Style Part 1

Alright, tried the aforementioned oil treatment. Except I freaked out and worried that the sweet almond oil would be too heavy on my hair so I shampooed twice. My hair is softer except it has end to end frizzies which I managed to beat down with my typical routine. I have decided to try the oil again and this time NOT wash twice, we'll see next wash day. So today I was, I don't know why I sometimes want to, going to wear my hair in piggy braids. I tried it but for some reason I can't get past the impression that I look like a little girl or like a hillbilly so deciding a different route I instead braided the piggy braids at the back of my head then joined them together, part way down, into one braid. This solved the image issues. Not sure what I'll try tomorrow for church... I have such a hard time coming up with slightly fancier styles...  Angry

Oh, got to love clearance! Two very awesome button down shirts... $1 a piece! How happy am I  Cool
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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #4 - Jul 26th, 2008 at 9:21pm
I love shopping clearance!!! That is the first place I head to when entering a store! My Mom doesn't understand how I find all the good buys and she gets nothing!
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #5 - Jul 27th, 2008 at 2:30pm
Weekend Style Part 2

livingandlovingx3 Oh yeah, same here, perhaps you mother has trouble finding things in her size? It goes both ways, I hate when my mom can find stuff and I can't, nothing worse then finding something fabulous, dirt cheap and in every size under the sun but yours.  Angry Oh well happy clearance sales!

Onto my hair. So today hair was still nice and soft but flyaway, that was easily controlled with my usual routine. I wonder if the fact that I've started to only brush my hair when I'm distributing oil that I've added or my own natural oils, making my routine down to brushing only once a day and not nearly as many strokes is having any impact on my hair and the softness factor? Or perhaps it's too early to tell seeing as I've only adopted this in the last week. Oh well we shall see. Well today I did one of my fast and simple styles a variation on the Edwardian braid. I simply flip the ponytail over topsy tail style and then add the braid. I added one of my favorite barrettes. I know that word typically has people cringing in fear for their hair but rest assured my hair is hardly every pulled out by any of my barrettes and if that misfortune occurs it's only one hair, so seeing as I don't wear them all that often I count my losses and continue to wear them.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #6 - Jul 27th, 2008 at 4:30pm
I do a modified Edwardian style, too.  I do a 1/2 up section, flip the pony and then bun it, either as a ususal twisted one or braid.  Its so soft and feminine.  I hope you'll post a pic of your version!

Of couse you can wear barrettes!!  As long as you're careful and know what works for your hair type!

Less brushing will lead to more softness as you will be less abusive.  Too much brushing causes split/broken ends and that is not soft.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #7 - Jul 27th, 2008 at 5:13pm
My mom never goes anywhere, unless I take her! I know about the size thing. There is either the really small or really large clothes left! My husband's dream, seeing as he is pretty small. I am talking a 28" waist!
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #8 - Jul 28th, 2008 at 9:17am
Sakina Your variation sounds pretty I'll have to try it some time. I'd post pictures but I don't have a digital camera yet. As soon as I get one I'll probably make up for it by posting a bunch of pictures  Wink

livingandlovingx3 Yep exactly I hate that clothes where I'd have to either double myself to wear or cut myself in half to wear. I doubt you're husband has too much trouble finding clothes left over in his size, there aren't many men with that waist size, lucky.  Wink
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Slowly, but surely growing
my 3b/m/ii to mid back.

Posts: 307
Gender: female
Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #9 - Jul 28th, 2008 at 11:36am
I wish I was as lucky as him, I think if he had the boys instead of me  Wink he wouldn't be that size anymore either (his pants used to be too big for me) Grin.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #10 - Jul 29th, 2008 at 9:34am
livingandlovingx3  Grin You know if we had to rely on guys having the babies there would be no children being born lol. But yeah I hear having kids does that to you *has absolutely no idea personally* You're young you'll get back to it, mind you it won't be fun or easy, but it can be done. Wink Then you'll be the one buying the tiny sizes on the rack.  Grin
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

Posts: 449
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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #11 - Jul 30th, 2008 at 5:02pm
Hair Angst

This week my hair has been a royal pain. Normally after I wash it on Friday I only have to oil it Saturday and Sunday. This week I also had to oil Monday and Tuesday so now today my hair is greasy and dry at the same time.  Huh I will be looking for a new shampoo conditioner combo on Saturday but I totally know what to look at. I've been using natural shampoos and conditioners since '06, and my hair hasn't liked a single one of them. The last brand my hair liked was VO5, the moisture milks to be exact, I'm just reluctant to use the chemicals again. But then I get so frustrated about my hair that I'm almost willing to try anything and then there are now shampoos from Herbal Essence and  Pantene specifically targeted for long hair, and they make me curious... but then I think of the chemicals... oh I wish my hair wasn't so fickle!  Angry I also think my hair doesn't like the grape seed oil I've been using either... so I'll be changing that, with the oil I know what I want.  I think back to when my hair was last exceedingly soft and shiny I was using the VO5 moisture milks and I only ever combed my hair when it was wet... now I comb it everyday at least twice a day. Now does my hair hate to be combed or does it just hate my comb because the comb I have is pretty lousy?  Undecided I want my low maintenance hair back.  Cry
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #12 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 4:34pm
Wash Day

So today is wash day again, I oiled my hair again, but this time I'm using just the sweet almond oil, no conditioner on top, and I'm not wrapping it in a towel it's just kept up off my neck. Last time it felt like the towel had taken all the oil off of my hair and my hair never got to absorb any. Tomorrow I will be measuring my hair since it will be clean and I will also be hunting for, hopefully, a new shampoo and conditioner, because I don't think my hair likes the pair I have.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #13 - Aug 2nd, 2008 at 1:17am
If you feel like your hair isn't absorbing the oil or conditioner, it may be time for a acv rinse or some type of clarifying.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

Posts: 449
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Re: The Chronicles of Tanai's Hair
Reply #14 - Aug 2nd, 2008 at 8:25am
Hair Nightmare

Sakina Thanks for the tip, that's what I had to resort to this morning... after the fact.  Angry

Alright so when my hair dried yesterday it must have had absolutely no idea what to do with the oil I had left on for an hour before I shampooed. My length was totally stringy and greasy and gross.  Tongue So this morning I did an acv rinse and then worked some shampoo through it before ending with a cold water rinse. As I type I am about to take my hair out to of the towel, and work a comb through it, hopefully the gunkiness is gone.
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