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Skyfire's Journal (Read 68746 times)
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #90 - Nov 18th, 2008 at 2:05pm
Well, my headache's gone.  It's like complaining about it made it go away.  Roll Eyes

No wash today.  Have to go to work later; considering flipped pony with bobby pins.

No luck on the job front, still.  Sigh.  Looking for work is stressful.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #91 - Nov 18th, 2008 at 4:18pm
We're in the midst of a recession, hon. More jobs are disappearing rather than opening up. I've also been looking for another job to no avail and yes, it's bloody frustrating!
Just hang in there and keep trying but be aware that it will take awhile.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #92 - Nov 19th, 2008 at 2:45pm
We're in the midst of a recession, hon. More jobs are disappearing rather than opening up. I've also been looking for another job to no avail and yes, it's bloody frustrating!
Just hang in there and keep trying but be aware that it will take awhile.

Thanks.  It is frustrating.  The classified section in the paper is less than a page now (I know, most of those ads moved online, but DH doesn't believe me when I tell him that so I have to buy a newspaper and show him that there's nothing there).  At least I have jobs right now that take care of the necesities, and at least gas prices have gone down.

Oil treatment, WCWC.  Had to do an extra W in order to get the oil out.  I don't know.  Maybe once a month is enough on the oil treatments.  No work today, I've been leaving my hair down.  I worked a bit on my novel today.  I think I'll go eat some lunch now.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #93 - Nov 24th, 2008 at 4:52pm
CWC on Fri, CO on Sun, CWC today.  Nothing special.  I looove my new comb.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #94 - Nov 26th, 2008 at 4:13pm
no wash yesterday, CWC with vinegar rinse today.  Still out of ACV, had to use red wine V.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #95 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 7:26pm
CWC on Friday, Monday and today.  I went a week doing a CWC every other day, to see what it was like, and my scalp did not like it.  My hair was indifferent, but my scalp went all greasy and broke out.  From washing more often!  Now I know beyond doubt that washing less often is better.

I'm running out of Beautiful Lengths conditioner, and wondering what I might try next.  I was considering Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense, but it's more expensive and whatever I get my daughter will use too.  She gets a wash every other day and a condition every day, these days.  I don't do a CWC on her.  I've tried it, and it was okay, but I think it's too complicated for DH and he washes her hair more than I do.

Anyway, that's why I don't want to use my Suave on her.  I mean, it is less expensive, it has that going for it, but as an only conditioner I don't think it's up to the challenge.  I suppose I could get more Beautiful Lengths for her and some Breakage Defense for me.  Then it would be even longer before we had to buy more.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #96 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 1:13pm
CWC every 3 days.  I trimmed and trimmed today.  I measured after each trim, and I felt like I cut off sooo much, but it was really less than an inch.  I kept at it until my hair measured 22.5 inches; that's 3/4 inches.  It's been two weeks since my last vinegar rinse.  Maybe I'll do one Saturday, and then an oil treatment next Friday.  Or else some other deep conditioner; I've been considering one of Pantene's hair masks.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #97 - Dec 14th, 2008 at 2:25am
CWC today.  Distilled White Vinegar.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #98 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 2:14pm
Still doing a CWC every three days.  Bought some Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense conditioner, so starting today my CWC is Suave Juicy Green Apple, Pantene Classic Clean, then the Restoratives.  My hair looks pretty good, especially since I trimmed it; it's an even length and more even thickness.

I've been so busy, what with working two retail jobs, Christmas shopping and socials.  Now DD's off school for two weeks.  Oh, and I got some more Beautiful Lengths for her, too.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #99 - Dec 26th, 2008 at 11:44pm
CWC on Christmas with new cond.  I got a new camera!  I will be posting mad pics.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #100 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 1:47pm
Still the same routine.  I'm almost out of the Classic Clean and I'll be trying the Beautiful Lengths shampoo.  DD uses both of those now, the BL shampoo and conditioner, and her hair seems very much more shiny these days.  It might be time to do an ACV on her.  It's hard to get her in the shower, though; she prefers baths.

We adopted two baby rats from the Northstar Small Animal Rescue on Tuesday.  I'll post some pics later on.
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