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Skyfire's Journal (Read 68745 times)
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #30 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 10:57pm
No wash day.  I think my hair is getting used to the new wash schedule, or I am.  It still feels clean to me.
Dinner with inlaws; very nice.  DD's hair was in herringbone, but then she went in the hot tub and now its a tangly mess.  sigh.  pretty soon I'm going to tackle that mess with a comb.  I might take a cup of conditioner with me and put it on any horrible knots.  I was going to wash her sheets tomorrow anyway.  Here we go!
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Daily Journal
Reply #31 - Sep 4th, 2008 at 11:52am
Daily it says!  I've missed some days.  Embarrassed

DD's hair wasn't as tangly as it looked on Sun, I managed to get the comb thru without any breaks or conditioner.  Mon Sept 1 was a no wash day, and I stayed home and puttered most of the day.  Tuesday was a wash day, CWC, with my pantene classic clean.  I'm going to try biotin.  I'll pick some up on Sat when I go food shopping.  Or maybe I'll wait 'til next week, and go to walmart with my mom...

yesterday and today are no wash days.  I got help measuring this morning and my hair's at 22 1/2 inches.  I'm really am going to wait until my trim to measure again!  Yesterday my hair was up and down all day, it felt all heavy and limp.  I might do a vinegar rinse tomorrow.  I was going to wait one more wash, but I think my hair might need it now.

Other stuff: nothing's been happening on any of those other fronts, unfortunately, except that I have been stuffing my face.  It's that time of the month, and I crave rich sweets.  Angry  I'm stressed looking for work, and I have no willpower.  I think I will focus just on not gaining weight until I have a job and have settled in.  I found an ad in the paper today I'm going to respond to, but I need to jazz up my resume a bit first and go down to kinko's to fax it.

And I burnt my %&! thumb!  When I do the dishes, I turn the hot water on as high as it will go and wear gloves.  I realized yesterday that I have a tiny hole in the thumb of the right glove, and that super hot burning sensation I was feeling was my thumb being scalded.  The skin's peeled off.  Tongue
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #32 - Sep 4th, 2008 at 1:09pm
Sorry about your thumb, I hate it when I burn my fingers. They are such a vital part of everything I do lol.

I hope your new job lead goes somewhere. Smiley
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Daily Journal
Reply #33 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 5:00pm
Thanks, l&lx3.  I hope so too!

So. Today I did the vinegar rinse, like I indicated yesterday, and I put conditioner all the way up.  I'm still a little frizzy, but it's not as bad.  Maybe it's because the shorter hairs are floating a bit with some of the build-up gone.  All of my hair feels better, though, it's got more body and feels lighter.  I was thinking of experimenting with a leave-in, something fairly light; maybe that could help with the frizzies.

This isn't exactly a new problem.  For me it has always seemed like a choice between smooth and sleek, but limp, or flowing with frizzies.

Everything else is about the same.  I have an interview next week, retail. Better than nothing.  I've quit eating so much garbage, but mostly that's because I've ran out of sweets.  I'm down to graham crackers, and the light yogurts I bought to combat just this problem.  In fact, I think I'll go eat one.  Roll Eyes
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Daily Journal
Reply #34 - Sep 7th, 2008 at 12:12am
No wash day.  Everything is blah.  My favorite style before I started this was a sort of a bun.  I would start by making a ponytail, but on the last twist of the hairtie I wouldn't pull all the hair through, leaving a loop.  It's not my favorite because I like how it looks, it's just an easy way to keep my hair up off my neck when it's hot, and boy, has it been hot!  I'm back to that style, but I'm using a scrunchie instead of those wrapped elastics (I'd get the cheap ones and the elastic would come apart from the glue binding, but stay inside the wrapping and well, I'd often find a bunch of hair in them when I was done).

Other than that I'm just trying not to freak out about money.  Sad

At least my hormones are back to normal!
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #35 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 4:26pm
I'm not even going to go into my absence, except to say:  Blarg.

My hair is doing well, I think.  I have gotten used to washing less.  Yesterday I tried out a water only wash, and the results were ok.  CWC today.  I decided to try the pantene beautiful lengths conditioner, since I was almost out of the classic care, and so far I'm liking what it's doing for me.  I've used it twice in a CWC, using the classic as the first conditioner and the BL as the second.  I still have half a big bottle of the classic shampoo, but I'm considering trying the ice shine.  I can still use the classic on my daughter.
I was going to do CWC's all the time, but a couple of times in a row I forgot.  Sad  My hair felt all dry and squeaky.  I'm also thinking of trying out a leave-in, but I want to research a good one.

My sister isn't going to make it down from Washington this month, or anytime soon.  Sad She got a new job and her employer won't let her take a vacation for > a year.  Angry  I miss my H, she's so silly!  (My sisters are J, H and L, btw, and my brothers are S and B.  I have a big family.  I'm the second youngest, and L is 9 years younger, so for a while I was the baby. Smiley)

I won't go to a hairmesser for my trim.  I used Feye's method today and cut off about 1/2 inch.  At least that's what it looked like while I was cutting it; I don't really see much difference in length.  Probably what happened is that what I cut off was mostly the V shape my hair was growing into; I think it looks more even.  I like the straight across cut.

I think what I'll do, since my sister isn't coming, is trim 1/4 inch every month until I'm satisfied with the health of my ends, and then I'll scale it back to 1/4 inch every two months to see if it still looks good.  If it works it'll be less traumatic than cutting off 2 1/2 inches all at once.

I still miss my sister though. Sad
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Angel Spun
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #36 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 4:55pm
Sorry that your sister won't be able to visit. Nothing like a job to screw up your plans...or your life.  Tongue
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #37 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 12:29am
I've a couple other things to add for today.  I had never done a S&D, so I decided to try, and it seemed like every fourth hair had a split, and those that didn't all had that little white dot at the end that shows breakage.  So now I'm reconsidering getting a professional trim.  I dunno. Undecided

The weather has vaaastly improved.  Late 70's, early 80's, with a fine breeze and occasional clouds.  A few days there it was cloudy all morning.  My favorite days are sunny, windy days with puffy clouds bopping along, any temp below 85.  I must admit, though, that living where I have all my life, I've probably never experienced temps lower than late 20's F.  My second favorite days are rainy days.

This is kind of odd.  I went an extra day without a wash last week, pushing it, I guess.  I used to break out on my scalp at the base of my skull if I went too long without a wash, so maybe I was daring my scalp to do it.  Well, that extra day did it, and I got an enormous blemish on my scalp, on the right side, right at the base of my skull.  Then I started thinking...hm.  That's where I always break out, when this happens.  So I had my husband take a look at it for me, and it turns out, I had a defective folicle there, with three curly hairs sticking out of it.  Huh.  He performed surgery, and it felt better immediately.

Point is, maybe I wasn't breaking out, really, but the defective folicle was getting infected.  I wonder if it's gone for good, now, or if it'll grow back the same way? Time will tell.

Thanks for the sympathy, Angel!  Much appreciated.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #38 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 10:37am
Posted by: Skyfire Posted on: Yesterday at 1:26pm
I decided to try the pantene beautiful lengths conditioner, since I was almost out of the classic care, and so far I'm liking what it's doing for me.

I've been wondering if anyone had tried the Beautiful Lengths line yet.  I've been tempted but am not convinced its anything special, if ya know what I mean.   Smiley  Let us know how it works for you!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #39 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 11:17am
Skyfire, my hubby gets infected ingrown hairs in the same area.  I gotta tell you, he was using cheap shampoo and now that he's using my left over stuff he hasn't has an ingrown hair in months.  He was getting them and he shampoos every day!  He has super oily scalp though.

Good Luck!  I hope that's one problem solved!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #40 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 1:05pm
I seem to remember getting the ingrown hairs more often when I was using cheaper shampoo.  I went through a phase of using the suave fruity conditioners, especially the strawberry.  I wasn't paying much atention to my hair at that point, I just liked how it smelled.

Today's a no wash day.  My hair is still doing well.  So far I like the Beautiful Lengths better than the Classic Care.  My hair is slippery-er.  It's also easier to finger comb, but I wonder if that's the result of yesterday's trim.  My hair is in that loose loop-bun I described earlier, or down.  I used to make that bun pretty tight, so it would stay; now I make it loose, and it falls out easily, so I leave it down for a while when it gets too loose.  I want to get used to wearing my hair down.

I was going to say something else.  What was it?

Oh. I changed vitamins today.  I got the high-potency chewable from Trader Joe's.  It has 100% of the RDA of Biotin, as opposed to the 17% my previous vit had.  We'll see how that works; in six months I'll know. Smiley

That wasn't it, though...Oh, now I remember. Now that the weather is a little cooler, I'm thinking about the inside of the hood of my sweatshirt.  It's cotton fleece, lined so that the smoother, not the fluffy side of the fabric is against my hair.  Still, I don't know that that's the best thing for my hair, and I was wondering.  My mom used to put scarves over my head when it was cold, before she'd put my hood up or my hat on.  I asked her and she said they were just lengths of silky polyester fabric.  I understand that silk is the best, but satin works, too, and all the satin sheets in the store are polyester, too.  Would a synthetic fabric be okay for that?

I'll see if there's anything else about this elsewhere in the forum.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #41 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 1:56pm
Satin is a synthetic material & perfectly wonderful on hair.  Smiley

Also, be wary of those oh-so-teenage looped ponytails. They can damage hair in 2 different places if worn often enough.  Shocked
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #42 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 2:00pm
Thanks, Angel.  I'll just do a regular pony from now on, and try to put it in a different spot each time.  Mostly I think I just didn't like the way my ends fell in a regular pony, but now that I've been taking care of my hair, they look a bit better.

And I might be hitting the fabric store pretty soon.  Grin

I forgot to mention that it's DH's birtday today.  We'll be going out to his favorite mexican restaurant this evening.  This afternoon I'm going to give one last try to finding him this out-of-print comic book he's been wanting: Rogue Trooper War Machine.  I already got him a video game called Spore.  I hope he likes it.  He plays Civilization and Sins of a Solar Empire, which I understand are similar.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #43 - Sep 21st, 2008 at 12:23pm
No wash day yesterday.  I'll do a CWC today, and probably an ACV rinse next time I wash.

I've got birthday dinner for DH at inlaws today.  Should be nice; his stepfather makes a wicked spaghetti.

He loves the video game I got him, and so do I and so does DD!

More later possibly.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #44 - Sep 21st, 2008 at 11:35pm
Did the CWC.  I enjoy that sort of wash, my hair always feels very nice after.  I wore it down most of the day.  I've gotten into the habit of sweeping it over my left shoulder, mostly to keep it out of the seat belt when I'm in passenger seat in the car.  It's up when I'm driving.  I'm a terrible driver, I don't need that kind of distraction.

I have noticed another problem, though.  The crown of my hair is quite thin.  I noticed the front seemed thinner several years ago but didn't really think much of it, but I was looking in the mirror at the back of a hairstyle I did when I was bored, and practically the whole top of my head is thin.  My part seemed hugely wide.  I don't think it happened suddenly, I think I just started noticing it.  Nobody else in my family has this problem.  Maybe it's a vitamin deficiency?  My diet sucks, and I only just started taking vitamins.  I tried mentioning it to my husband, but he's already got issues with thinning (since 6th grade he's been going bald) and has no sympathy.
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