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Trisha 2009 (Read 195806 times)

Posts: 2318
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Trisha 2009
Jan 2nd, 2009 at 10:06am

2 January 2009
Length is 23".  I've been using the Fiorentino soap and the results are good.  Unless I begin to see negative effects, I'll continue to use it. 

Well, I'm another year older (yesterday was my 47th birthday).  You know that line from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when Willie Wonka says to young Charlie, "...and you--why, you're just lucky to be here, aren't you?"  That's how I feel.   Cool

With the money my inlaws gave me for Christmas and my birthday, I purchased my first digital camera.  Yay!   Cheesy  Now, among other things, I'll be able to share my hair with you in a more timely fashion.  It's a Kodak, which is ironic because the very first camera my parents bought me way back when was a Kodak 110.   Smiley

In my last entry of 2008 I talked about my weight, quote: 
"I have gained about 10 pounds since the first of this year."
Well, actually, that statement is incorrect.  I dug out my wellness report from the beginning of 2008 and found my weight to be 166.  By the end of the year, I was back down to 166.  So while I certainly did not sustain a weight loss for 2008, neither did I gain.  *shrug*  I'm ok. 

Monday I'll return to work...*sigh*  These two weeks seemed like such a long time when I first started and now they're over.  I wish I didn't have to go back, however I did not find a magic lamp containing a genie while I've been on holiday.  So back I go. 
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A womens hair is her life

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #1 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 11:15am
 ...  Mine is coming up... Tongue Roll Eyes  Good luck on the weight loss. I already gained 5 pound back! Tongue
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #2 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 12:01pm
Happy Birthday! Cheesy

My first camera was a 110 as well, I loved that thing!  Smiley
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #3 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 4:46pm
Happy belated birthday, Trish. Kiss

Don't feel bad about breaking even on the weight front. You've a whole new year to make progress.

Congrats on making 23" - you're just an inch away from 2 feet, girlfriend! Cheesy
And congrats on the new digicam too. You're officially more "with it" than I am. Grin
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #4 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 4:49pm
Happy Birthday, Trisha!!!!!  Seems to me like you're regaining your length pretty fast!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #5 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 2:56pm

Monday 5 January 2009
My new avatar photo was taken on my birthday (January 1) with my new digital camera.  Good grief, how did I survive so long without it?!   Grin  Anyway, as Sakina pointed out, I do seem to be regaining length very fast, even with just the usual 1/2" growth every month.  I always forget how much red I have in my hair until I see it in the right light. 

Thanks for the birthday wishes, gang.  Much appreciated!   Kiss 

Today I returned to work.   Sad 
It really hasn't been too awful; I had about 8 requests for data waiting for me in my email inbox and 7 of those are already completed.  Tomorrow I must begin scoring course evaluations.   Cry  --Can't put those off.  I have...4 groups of them, so far, to "grade" and expect more to trickle in this week. 

Have a slight headache but I believe it's from caffeine slack-off.  I indulged in a bit more caffeine than usual while on holiday. 

So...walking, yes, must start doing that...now...ok, not now--this afternoon.  What's that old saying?  --Each journey begins with a first step, or something.  Baby steps or heavy hobnail steps...just begin. 
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #6 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 3:33pm
Trish! I almost didn't recognize you from your avatar. Your hair looks great! Cheesy
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
Gender: female
Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #7 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 7:01pm
Your hair looks fantastic!  So shiny and healthy and my, how its grown!!!  I'm happy we'll get to see more pics of your hair!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #8 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 11:48am

Tuesday 6 January 2009
Thanks, ladies!  It's really weird, but I almost do not recognize myself in the avatar!  There's always an instant where I think, "Now WHO is that?!  --Oh yeah, it's ME!"   Grin
It's a no-wash day; side part held back with a barrette.  I have some nice night-braid waves going on. 

I've just applied to be a freelance writer for our local newspaper.   Shocked  There was an ad for this position three weeks ago.  I went back and forth with myself about applying, finally convincing myself that I would regret not going for it.  Then the ad reappeared in this past Sunday's edition and I took that as a sign that I had to do it.  *shrug*  So I have!  I mean, the worst that can happen is they'll reject me.  Big whoop!  I've had far worse things happen.   Cool  Of course I'll let you know the outcome. 

I started on the small mountain of instructor evaluations for the Fall term.  I've finished one box and have remaining another box and 2 medium size bundles.  More will come, though, either this week or next.  Argh...
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #9 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 10:29pm
I've just applied to be a freelance writer for our local newspaper.

How exciting!!!  I can't believe that you didn't apply the first time that you saw the ad, but at least you did it.  There is definitely no harm in trying.  I so hope you get it, good luck! Cheesy
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #10 - Jan 7th, 2009 at 5:39pm
side part held back with a barrette.

I do my hair like that sometimes too. Smiley

Good luck with the job prospect.
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #11 - Jan 8th, 2009 at 11:11am

Thursday 8 January 2009
No-wash day; hair is up.  Still using the Italian handsoap and still enjoying the results.

I've finished scoring the boxes of departmental evaluations that have arrived so far, and am awaiting others.  I estimate that another 8-9 departments should be delivering their evals soon. 

Have not heard one peep from the newspaper in regards to the freelance job, but I'm not stressing.  Heck, it could be a month or more before I hear back.   Huh

IF (and that's a big "if") stepson is still within his weight limit, he should be shipping off to basic training next Monday, the 12th.  *fingers crossed*  We haven't seen much of him for a month or more, since he's been staying with his mother.  Honestly, it's been kind of nice not having him around; the stress level in the house has dropped considerably. 

Yesterday after work, I dusted off my treadmill (literally--yuck) and walked a mile.   Smiley  Time to stop talking about exercise and do it. 
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #12 - Jan 9th, 2009 at 9:42am

Friday 9 January 2009
Wash day, hair will be down all day.  I used up the last of my Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense conditioner this morning.  Will not buy more, at least not for quite a while, as I now need to use up the big honkin' bottle of Patene Classic Clean condish hubby bought me last month.  I can't use Classic Clean shampoo because of the wax, but the conditioner is fine.  I'm curious as to how long I'll be able to go without buying any shampoo or conditioner in 2009!  I'm equally curious to find out exactly how long a bar of the Italian soap will last; then I'll know how long the entire box will keep me in suds.

Daughter is having a rough time of it lately--man trouble.  I can't give details because I don't want to violate her privacy.  There are many, many extenuating circumstances but the bottom line is that her boyfriend broke it off with her in a letter she received yesterday.  Ironically, this may be a good thing.  I told her he may be trying to do right by her and she knows it's true.  Poor girl will probably be weepy all day.  The funny thing that I reminded her of this morning is that she's talked about breaking up with him many times during the last couple of years!   Roll Eyes  Ah, youth.  Still, I'm making light of the situation...I know it hurts.  I remember what it's like...The best thing I can do for her is to love and support her, no matter what. 

Walked a mile on my treadmill again yesterday when I got home from work.  The 20 minutes or so it took me to do a mile just seemed to fly by!  Of course I was watching Ellen, which helped pass the time.   Cheesy  She's all right in my book. 

Haven't seen or heard anything from the stepson since new year's day.  Monday, the 12th, he's supposed to head up to St. Louis to be officially sworn in, then head out on Tuesday, the 13th, to Fort Jackson in South Carolina.  We'll see...I really, really hope he doesn't screw this up. 

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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #13 - Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:41am

Monday 12 January 2009
Wash day; hair will remain down for the day.  Bought some foam rollers, size large, and a satin sleep cap on Saturday.  Thought I'd play around with trying to create some loose curls at the bottom of my hair.  First going to try aloe gel as a setting agent, but am not placing bets on how effective it will be. 

Hubby will drive his son to the recruiting office this morning where he (stepson) will depart around 10am for St. Louis.  I'm not celebrating, though, until I'm sure they're really going to keep him at Fort Jackson, South Carolina (tomorrow).   Wink 

Walked on my treadmill Saturday for 3/4 of a mile.  We had been to Wal Mart earlier and I figure that counted for at least 1/4 of a mile!!   Tongue  Did not walk yesterday; Sunday will be my day off from exercise. 

Daughter is doing very well after her break up.  She told me that she and her former beau had a telephone conversation during which I'm sure she...what shall I say?  --Well, knowing my daughter, she probably let him know she was hurt, but in the long run they'll remain friends of a sort.  She's a survivor, just like her ma.   Cool 
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #14 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 9:57am

Wednesday 14 January 2009
Wash day, hair will be loose all day.  I'm taking Friday off as vacation, so I'll probably try my foam rollers then.  As in, will wash my hair Friday evening, set my hair, and wait for the Saturday morning results. 

Been busy scoring instructor evaluations this week.   Tongue  I have several more packets to do, but I HAD to take a break or lose what little mind I have left.   Wink

Walked for 30 minutes on my treadmill yesterday after work.   Smiley  I'm staying away from the scale on purpose, but I know for certain that I sure feel good. 

Stepson is gone!  He telephoned last night to let us know he and his group had arrived safely in Georgia and they would be boarding a bus later for South Carolina.  So technically today will be his first REAL day in the Army.  --What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall.   Grin 
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