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Trisha 2009 (Read 201293 times)

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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #240 - Sep 25th, 2009 at 11:45am
Sakina wrote on Sep 24th, 2009 at 4:35pm:
I didn't know you had your b-i-l living with you.  We do have two tv's- one in the living room and one in the guest bedroom.  My hubby goes to bed earlier than I, so instead of reading in bed when he's trying to sleep I started reading out on the couch.  I cannot sleep with a tv close to the bed-it makes a sound and there's a static-y feeling I get that is disturbing.

Do you have a place for a cool, comfy reading chair?  That, a lamp, small table and a boom box and you'd be all set!

No.  Well...yes and no.   Smiley
If I REALLY wanted, I could certainly carve out a niche for myself in the basement.  Unfortunately, it would take some major doing, involving relocating Army Son's stuff to another corner, among other things, and I'm running out of corners.   Cool  I mean it could definitely be accomplished but...   You've given me something to think about, though, sweetie, thanks.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #241 - Sep 25th, 2009 at 2:19pm
You're welcome.  Smiley  Sorry it would mean a bunch of work for you to do, but you're worth it!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #242 - Sep 29th, 2009 at 11:10am

Tuesday 29 September 2009
Hair  Still loving the Pantene full and thick shampoo.   Smiley  I've been washing every morning and using only enough mousse for hold. 

Other  There was a message on our machine yesterday that my sister and her husband have arrived in town.  Did she remember to say WHERE they're staying?  No.   Roll Eyes  My sister is such a ditz.  Family reunion happens this Saturday and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. 
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #243 - Sep 29th, 2009 at 1:52pm
I'm glad you're loving that shampoo.  Have you considered trying cassia?  W/o acid its a great conditioner and makes your hair feel thicker because the hair shaft swells when you apply it.  For the conditioning treatment you only have to leave it on for an hour, opposed to 3 hours if you wanted some golden color (and that's only if you prepared it with acid to release the dye).

I hope you have a great time with your family!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #244 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 11:12am

Friday 2 October 2009
Hair  ...is up in a clip today (no wash day).  Tomorrow I may do a vinegar rinse, either tomorrow or Sunday. 

I'm glad you're loving that shampoo.  Have you considered trying cassia?  W/o acid its a great conditioner and makes your hair feel thicker because the hair shaft swells when you apply it.  For the conditioning treatment you only have to leave it on for an hour, opposed to 3 hours if you wanted some golden color (and that's only if you prepared it with acid to release the dye).

No, I hadn't considered cassia.  I've seen you (and others) talk about it, but wasn't sure what it did.  I may have to try that!  I'm assuming I can find it at my local health food store...? 

Other  Tomorrow is my family reunion.  Hubby and I will be picking up my sister from her hotel and driving her down with us.  It'll take us an hour, one way, to get where we're going.  It's a little podunk town and you really have to be serious about going there -- there's one quickie mart/store, a Masonic lodge and that's about it.  No business or industry exists there.  I'm looking forward to seeing my family again but I sure will be glad when it's over.  Ya know?   Cool
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #245 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 11:19am
You might be able to find cassia at your local health food store.  Make sure its pure Cassia Obovata though, and not mixed with anything else.  If you're up for an exchange, I've got a packet of powder I'll send you for something fun in return.  The packet cost me about $7.

I hope you have perfect weather for your reunion and everyone behaves themselves!  I'm bettin' there's gonna be some gooood pie or cobbler down there.  I sure do miss my grandma's Missouri cookin', particularly the cobbler and pie.  Dang it, my sweet tooth is actin' up.  Oooh, funnel cake, too.  That makes me think of Silver Dollar City.  I better go now.  Been a long time since I visited MO.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #246 - Oct 5th, 2009 at 11:56am
Sakina wrote on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 11:19am:
You might be able to find cassia at your local health food store.  Make sure its pure Cassia Obovata though, and not mixed with anything else.  If you're up for an exchange, I've got a packet of powder I'll send you for something fun in return.  The packet cost me about $7.

I hope you have perfect weather for your reunion and everyone behaves themselves!  I'm bettin' there's gonna be some gooood pie or cobbler down there.  I sure do miss my grandma's Missouri cookin', particularly the cobbler and pie.  Dang it, my sweet tooth is actin' up.  Oooh, funnel cake, too.  That makes me think of Silver Dollar City.  I better go now.  Been a long time since I visited MO.

...Something fun... I'll have to think on that!   Smiley  In any case, you probably order your cassia online, don't you? 

I didn't know you had family in Missouri!  What part of the state did your grandmother live in? 
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #247 - Oct 5th, 2009 at 12:05pm

Monday 5 October 2009
Hair  Didn't manage to get in a vinegar rinse this weekend.  *shrug*  No biggie. 

Other  Oh my god--I had such a great time at my family reunion on Saturday!  I got to see my cousin Kelly with whom I've connected via Facebook.  (See, Facebook is good for something.)  It felt like I was talking to an old friend and, really, that's what she has become.   Smiley  I just went around to everyone, smiling and laughing and hugging them all.  On the (hour-long) drive down to Zalma, my sister and I rode in the back talking while hubby did the driving-miss-daisy routine.   Cool  I'm assuming she also had a good time; she didn't say any different. 

Today is my brother in law's (50th!!) birthday.  Mother in law wants all of us to go out for a birthday celebration supper at Texas Roadhouse, so that's where we'll be around 5:30 this evening.   Wink
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #248 - Oct 5th, 2009 at 3:31pm
I do order my cassia online from www.hennacaravan.com

My grandma lived in Springfield.  When I was growing up they lived in Floricent, and my mom's parents lived in St. Louis.  I lived in St. Charles for 5 years.  I still have cousins living around Springfield.

I'm so glad you enjoyed your reunion!  Have you tried the Cesar salad at Texas Roadhouse?  I really like theirs.  Have fun!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Posts: 909
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #249 - Oct 9th, 2009 at 3:23am
That sounds like a really fun time.  I'm glad you're finding facebook useful.  I'm still fighting against the pressure from family.  Btw.  I finally noticed your thread question, answered it and also sent you a pm.  I'm so sorry for being so oblivious! Embarrassed
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #250 - Oct 9th, 2009 at 12:24pm

Friday 9 October 2009
Hair  Yesterday I perused my local health food store in the hope of finding cassia Obovata...with no luck.   Sad  I should have known better.  I live in a college town, for crying out loud, with, um, HOW MANY middle eastern females?!  Dang it, if I win the lottery I'm opening up my own international goods store.  Harumpf.   Angry 

Other:  Drear, don't worry about it, honey!  I forgot all about that post!  LOL 

Today my "baby" turns 29.   Shocked 
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #251 - Oct 9th, 2009 at 12:40pm
Today my "baby" turns 29. Shocked

Man, you're making me feel old! Grin

Happy birthday, Trisha's daughter!
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #252 - Oct 9th, 2009 at 4:52pm
Ditto!  Happy Birthday,"Trisha's baby girl"!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
WWW Curlgirl64  
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #253 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 11:28am

Tuesday 13 October 2009
Thanks ladies!

Hair  Still growing.   Smiley 

Other  Day 2 of two days covering out front for the secretary.  But...!  Yours Truly will be taking off this Thursday and Friday.  Ya betcha.   Cool  If the weather cooperates, I'll be photographing some grave markers.  And if it doesn't -- *shrug*  I'll just have to read a good book.  Golly, wouldn't that be terrible.   Grin
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #254 - Oct 20th, 2009 at 11:24am

Tuesday 20 October 2009
Hair  No news; still growing. 

Other  Taking off this afternoon from work to drive my inlaws back home after they both get their eyes dilated.  Brought along a book to read, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.  Last week I finished reading Stephen King's Dark Tower series, the first of anything by him I've read in a good 20 years. 
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