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Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick (Read 173440 times)
joeydog 1992
Ex Member

Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
May 23rd, 2007 at 6:10pm
Well, here we go.  A journal on my hair...and a bit about life I guess.

I had short hair for years.  I hated it.  It made me look boyish.  Then a couple of years ago I decided to think about having children and decided that long hair I could tie up would be easier (I think I might have been wrong about that idea).  To cut a long story short, no kids are in my future, but by the time I realized that, I had my hair to my shoulders and people said it suited me!! 

Last year I ended up in hospital for a few months, and while I could not go to a hair dresser, the boredom of being in the hosptial drove me half mad so I started conditioning my hair out of boredom on days when I was well enough to wash it ... which was every 3 to 4 days...even though I did shower each day.   I conditioned because I knew the meds I was now on would fry my hair if I did not take good care of it.  I never styled or blow dried it ...to much effort for a sick person.

After 2 months of being in hospital, nurses and fellow patients started telling me what great hair I had.  It was funny to me.  I have been totally grey since I was 21 and have used highlights and root coloring to cover it.  By this time, my hair had about 3 inches of grey showing and I felt terrible.

When I got out of hospital, I went and got my coloring fixed up and was amazed to find, with my hair now just to the base of my shoulder blades, people at the National Arts Center, restraunts I went to and even the grocery store, told me I had great hair.  Even my hairdresser wanted to know what I was doing to it to keep it so healthy and nice looking (since when I first started with her 4 years ago it was fried and I cut what little I had off).  My hairdresser is even encouraging me to grow it...as long as it stays healthy of course.

My hair is now 21 inches long....not long to most of you, I know, but a start for me.  I want to grow it about another 15 if I can.  We will see if it will take it, since it is very fine, I have to color (since my hair is a terrible steel grey color), I am on meds that affect it and I have severe psoriasis which requires tar shampoo at least once a week and other icky stuff I have to put in it.

Once of the meds I have been on has made my psoriasis much worse and they are taking me off it and replacing it, since the psoriasis has been bad enough to progress to psoriatic arthritis.  Hopefully that will help.

I have my hairdresser trim off the dead end every 8-10 weeks and touch up my color.  I love the products I use...but will not mention what they are since I have not seen anyone else mention theirs.

This site has made me think about a lot of things I never did before but that I am sure will benefit my hair.

On an off the hair topic, the commradory (sp?) I have seen on this site and the boost having hair that people like has enspired me to start losing the 40 some pounds that the medication that cause my psoriasis to get bad put on me.  And hey...who knows...from there I might quit smoking.  I would not want to set myself on fire by accident!!!!  In short...the dream of long healthy hair is encouraging me towards a healthy lifestyle altogether.

Thank you all for being out there to talk to and question.
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Posts: 825
Southern Louisiana
Gender: female
Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #1 - May 23rd, 2007 at 10:15pm
Hey, welcome to the world of journals! It's okay to talk about your preferred products, we actually do it all the time!  I'm sorry you're sick. I'm glad that long hair has made you want to be healthier though. Not pushing, but you really should consider quitting smoking. Not only is it dangerous to you, but to your furniture! I can't tell you the number of sheets and pillowcases that have burned holes in them because my guy dropped a lit ciggarette on it.  Undecided Including the satin pillowcase i spent three days making.
I hope the new meds they put you on help more than the last ones did, and that you continue to enjoy your time here, and your hair. if you ever decide to put pictures of your hair on here, I'd love to see them.

Best wishes for health and hair,
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Shooting Star

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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #2 - May 24th, 2007 at 7:57am
Glad to see you've started a journal.  Many find their journals to be a great way to express themselves on anything, not just their hair.  Yes, it is OK to mention your products - everyone likes to compare what works for who and what type of hair they have.

You have started your journey towards long hair and have a reasonable goal - good luck on the rest of your journey.  I look forward to following your experiences in your journal.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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Angel Spun
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #3 - May 24th, 2007 at 11:14am
Congrats on starting your hair journal, Joeydog.  Smiley
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #4 - May 24th, 2007 at 11:59am
While I agree that smoking is TERRIBLE for one's health, I am pleased to say that I do not allow ANY smoking in my house (even when it is minus 30 degrees celcius and I have a cold) so my furniture and my animals do not suffer.  I had this house built for me and wanted to keep it fresh.  Even in the days when I did smoke indoors, I did not smoke in the bedroom.  Now I worry about you Kiraela, that is a quick way to have a fire start and die a horrible death.  Nag that man of yours!!!

Bikerbraid, you solved a problem for me.  I was going to complain today about my animals pushing me off my silk pillows at night!!!  They think that is a great place to sleep and try fighting 2 border collies and 3 cats for pillows.  I saw you mentioned the Silk Sox for Long Locks and I have contacted the appropriate person to purchase a couple...one for sleeping and one for housecleaning!! 

On a different forum I was looking at yesterday, I posted that I was suffering from psoriasis.  I recieved a link for natural shampoos under that forum (it was the one about vinegar and ACV rinses).  I am going to look at that today and hopefully find something more user friendly than the tar shampoo I use now.  Everyone is sooo helpful here.

With the help of yet another person on this site, I have learned that I have 1b fine hair.  Who knew there was sooo much to know about hair!!  So, since everyone says telling about the products we use, here we go, these are mine.

As previously mentioned, I have to use a tar shampoo twice a week.  Even when I use this, I try not to get it on the length, just the scalp, sooo, for regular (non-tar shampoo washes) and for the length, I use AG 2WO shampoo for color treated hair.  I follow this with the AG 2WO conditioner on days when I do not use tar and follow up with AG Conditioning Mist once out of the shower (I love this stuff!!  can use it when hair is dry too).  When I use the tar shampoo (twice a week) I deep condion.  On Fridays I towel dry my hair (with a turbie twist...thank you for that idea too) then mix some AG Deep Conditioner with a bit of AG Varnish, put on my hair and wrap it in saranwrap for 5 minutes after which I rinse and leave it at that.  On Tues or Weds I do my tar thing and then turbie twist dry the hair, put on AG Ultramoist Moisture Treatment for 5 minutes in the same fashion as the Deep plus Varnish mixture.

I try not to wash my hair more than 3 times a week, but when I get hot and sweaty, I rinse my hair and just condion it with the AG 2WO Conditioner for Color Treated hair and follow with the AG Mist.

Ya, I know, it sounds complicated and seems perhaps like a lot of conditioning, but with the oral meds I take and the treatments for psoriaisis, it does not seem to be over conditioned.

Also, one of the meds I use for my psoriasis is REALLY greasy.  I used it yesterday and followed it with a vinegar rinse before I shampooed.  That was GREAT.  I only had to shampoo once instead of two or three times, which has to be better for my hair.  Thanx for the idea folks.

Now I am going to do some exploring and see what I learn today...before I start the dreaded house work.  Ugh!!

Thanx everyone, for all your help.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #5 - May 26th, 2007 at 5:40pm
Well, I have started using the recipes on the threads.  Today I tried Lisebelles recipe for avacado, cocunut milk and EEVO.  It worked well.  I want to try Curlygirls recipe too...she has such nice shiney hair.  Both are found under the recipes threads.  If you have trouble finding, let me know.

This reminds me...for those who did not know...I have started a thread for food recipes for quick, easy and healthy food.  If you cannot find it, let me know...to be honest...at this second I cannot think where it is or I would tell you.

So, I have decided...I am going to grow my hair to my.........well classical length and then (I know...terrible) chop it off for the people who need wigs for cancer.  I KNOW you all think the cause is good.  I just know the idea of cutting it off is terrible.  But if I wait to do it once my hair is bottom length...I will still have some length since they need 12 inches.  Hey, could be one of you or myself I am donating to.  Would you rather have a wig or be bald.  I would like a wig...if I had to.  I have a friend who does this...oriental...most beautiful hair I have EVER seen.

I cannot give blood because I am always anemic, the meds I am on and I am AB + which helps very few.  I can give my hair to a woman in need.  No, it will not save a live...but maybe a womans self esteem....so if any of you Long Haired Beauties ever decide to cut it off...don't let it go to waste in you hairdressers garbage...give it to people who make wigs for cancer patients.

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Posts: 825
Southern Louisiana
Gender: female
Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #6 - May 27th, 2007 at 1:27am
     I think it's absolutely wonderful that you want to donate your hair to women with cancer! Best of luck in that goal.  Just, do me (and yourself, and your hair) a favor, and do as much research as you can on where to donate. Some organizations out there *cough*locks of love*cough* sell far more than 50% of the hair they recieve on the open market, rather than make it into wigs. 
    Pantene has a charity called Beautiful lengths, which is one of the few, if not the only, charity that actually donates wigs to adult women with cancer. Locks of love only gives wigs to children with permanent hair loss from alopecia areata, scalp burns, or something similar.

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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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joeydog 1992
Ex Member

Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #7 - May 27th, 2007 at 9:30am
Thanks for the info about the charities and what they do with the hair.  I will make sure I do my research well.  LOL, I have 3 or so years to do that.  I think I can fit it in.   Grin
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Posts: 825
Southern Louisiana
Gender: female
Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #8 - May 27th, 2007 at 12:08pm
Smiley I'm just trying to look out for a friend! Like I said, good luck on your hair growing!
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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joeydog 1992
Ex Member

Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #9 - May 28th, 2007 at 6:59pm
Well, so much for my plans to donate hair to cancer patients!!!  Your hair can only be a maximum of 5% grey (and I am completely grey) and you cannot color your hair (which I do because I am completely grey).  Oh well.  I guess I will just grow it for me then!! Grin

Not much news on the hair front except that it does seem to be getting slightly healthier due to the advice, recipes and helpful hints I get from people here and it has only been 2 weeks since I joined.  I cannot wait to see you my hair is in 2 months!!

On the life side, I checked my weight today and have dropped some despite not dieting or excercising as I was ill.  I guess being ill reduced my eating!!  I also started back on my running today.  It seems so sad that I can only do 2 minutes run and one minute walk five times after being able to run 10 k just 6 months ago.  Oh well, as the weight comes of and I regain my health after being sick for so long...it should come back to me by the end of the summer.

I have decided that once I lose the next 10 lbs, I am going to treat myself to a dermal abrasion treatment and take on the task of quiting smoking.  That will get me out there running and biking...speaking of which...I should pick up my bike from the city.

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joeydog 1992
Ex Member

Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #10 - May 28th, 2007 at 7:07pm
By the way, I have read in some places that one should only condition their hair from the ears down and other places say to condition the scalp too  Huh

Can anyone tell me which is right or does it depend on what you are using?
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #11 - May 28th, 2007 at 8:41pm
When I am going to shampoo, first I apply conditioner to the ends from ears down.  Apply shampoo, rinse and then apply about 1 teaspoon of conditioner on top, which I distribute by running my fingers through my hair.  Then I rinse most of the conditioner out.  However, I add the 2nd application of conditioner only if my hair feels like it needs it.  Most of the time it does, but sometimes not.

Good Luck!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #12 - May 28th, 2007 at 10:39pm
Thanks Sakina.  I will let you know how it goes.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #13 - May 29th, 2007 at 9:49am
Ugh, bad day today with the disease and it is only 9:30 am.  Had a terrible night sleep...nightmares all night...waking me up in a sweat.  Was wide awake early but had no desire to get out of bed and face the day.  It is one of those days where nothing seems right or good enough.  You know the days where everything you look at has fault with it and it all seems too much to fix.  It is a shame since it is a beautiful day out.  

I recieved a new OHIP (health insurance card for those of you in other countries) card with my pic on it.  Good God, do I really have to live with it for the next 5 years?  I look like the Good Year Blimp.  That said, I know I really do look that bad with the 40 lbs I have put on.  I know what you are going to say, don't complain and do something about it.  I am trying.  Once I am done this, I am going for a run (or what passes as one - can only do about 1k compared to the 10k I was doing a year ago when I was fit).  Its just the me I knew just  8 months ago seems so far away that she will never come back.  Sigh.  I know that is not the case.  

As for my hair, it is greasy today.  I have never had greasy hair before.  I think I put too much jojoba oil on last night.  I guess I will try a vinegar rinse and a light condition.  I don't really want to wash it properly today since I have had to wash it every day for the past week due to the psoriasis and that shampoo is sooooo harsh.  I want to jump in the shower right now and wash it out...but there is no point until I have been out running.  

Well, I guess I should stop wallowing and start doing.  I think I will feel better about the house once I vacuum (5 animals leave sooo much fur around on my pale carpets), then I will run, shower and maybe go to my favorite health food store (which also sells produce) and think about my menu of healthy food for the week.

God I miss work.  I will be soooo glad when I am well enough to go back.  I miss the work and I miss my colleagues.  I do not miss getting up at 4 am though!!

Thanx for tolerating my whine.  I think writing it out helps put things in context for me.  I can't fix my world in a day, but at least I can do something to make the day worth while.  
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #14 - May 29th, 2007 at 8:53pm
Ok, the day is looking up.  Sorry about the previous whine.  I got the house half clean, went for a run, took the dogs for a walk, did my weights, went to the store and bought some ingredients to make some healthy snacks, soups and smoothies which I spent the afternoon making.  And best of all, the vinegar rinse did a fab job of fixing my greasy hair!!!  It is back to shiney and healthy looking.

I tell you what though, I hope I lose the weight faster than my hair is growing!!!   Grin

Tomorrow has nothing fun going on in the hair department and I have to finish my cleaning.  Then the big day is on Thursday when I spend the day at the hospital and find out if I get to go back to work any time soon or not.  Oh I hope so.
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