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Diary of a Dark Angel (Read 314507 times)
Angel Spun
Ex Member

Diary of a Dark Angel
Jan 1st, 2008 at 5:05am
Happy 2008.

I rang in the new year standing on the roof of my house, watching fireworks ignite throughout the neighborhood while talking to K who had called me between jobs to wish me a Happy New Year.  Smiley  And my first thought after things had calmed down a bit was, oh my God, my birthday's in a week.  Roll Eyes

Nails are now a rather, um, interesting shade of rainbow glittery graphite.  Huh  That's the interesting thing about OPI nail polish: you never know just how a color will look until you put it on. I think I will just go to black after this manicure wears out. Toenails need serious TLC too.

So I've changed out the old hair stuff that I no longer wished to use for the new Restoratives that I'll stick to this year. Tomorrow (or rather later today), I will either do a clarifying wash or a WCC with Restoratives Time Renewal and Suave Green Apple light conditioner. I must also remember to start taking my Hair, Skin & Nails vitamins every day.

Shortly after midnight, I measured my hair and came up with 25 ½." Getting verrrry close to BSL now.

Anyway, short entry for now. It's after 2 AM & I really need to get some shut-eye.

Happy New Year, all. And goodnight.
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« Last Edit: Jan 1st, 2008 at 10:04pm by N/A »  
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Posts: 825
Southern Louisiana
Gender: female
Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #1 - Jan 1st, 2008 at 10:21pm
hey! happy new year, big sis. Love the new avatar, by the way.

May your new year not suck!

Brightest Blessings...
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #2 - Jan 2nd, 2008 at 7:45am
Happy New Year to you Angel Spun!
Reading your entry made me remember that I need to go take my hair, skin & nail supplement now as well - always forget to take it...I'm terrible  Roll Eyes Haha.
May you have a quick journey to BSL hair in 2008.
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #3 - Jan 2nd, 2008 at 7:48pm
Thanx, ladies.  Cool

Well, yesterday was indeed a clarifying day. I managed to do it while the 'rents were not at home. Current products for my clarifying routine are Pantene Purity shampoo, a distilled white vinegar rinse and Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense conditioner. No leave-in's.
    Current clarifying method is wash once, vinegar rinse, wash again, condition. I now leave the conditioner in for the full duration of my shower, under a shower cap, and rinse it out at the end. This seems to work better than rinsing after just a few minutes, as I used to.

Today was the usual CWC with Suave Green Apple conditioner and Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal S&C. My current leave-in is Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense Detangling Leave-In Crème.

Yes, I'm still devoted to Pantene and that isn't about to change.  Wink
    My sister tried to get on my case about it last night too. About how her hair lady says that Pantene is "the worst shapoo ever," how drying it is, etc. So with a sly grin, I pulled my braid over my left shoulder and said, "Oh really? I beg to differ."
    Immediately after that, my mother began praising Pantene, saying that she had tried other brands, but none of the conditioners even compared. My little sister fell silent.  Wink
See, I've been using Pantene for almost 8 years now. And not only have I not had one single split end since I started, but I also just happen to have the healthiest hair of anyone that I know. I'm all about using what works for your own hair and that may or may not be what works for someone else. I don't tell other people what to use on theirs, so I don't appreciate when other people rag on my choices. To each their own!
And don't get me wrong, I adore my little sis. She is unconditionally the light of my life...but her occasional "holier than thou" speeches are a trifle annoying and this wasn't the first time that she had ripped Pantene.
    Normally, I just keep my mouth shut. But sometimes...sometimes...

Anyway, I couldn't wait to get my hair into a braid today. The weather has been so dry with the Santa Ana winds of late that my hair turns into a big staticky mess when dry. This morning, I got the humidifier working in my chamber so I can at least have some relief when I go in there. It will be nice to have it running through the night so I don't wake up with crazy static hair in the morning.  Tongue
    And while I'm at it, I may as well get my stereo hooked up. It won't help with the static but it would be nice to have music floating through my chamber when I want it. There are benefits to leaving music on while sleeping...including masking the sound of my humidifier.  Roll Eyes

Haven't seen K in awhile as work has been eating up all of his time.  Sad  For that and other reasons, I find myself questioning if this is really going to work out.
    The age-old question comes to mind: Would I be happy where I am if things stayed as they are and never changed? My answer is no, but I don't feel too bad about that, I suppose, because nothing really stays the same forever. Things do change. It's whether or not they change for the better...

Anyway, better stop waxing philosophical and close down the office.
Until next time, mes amis.
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Posts: 367
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #4 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 12:01pm
I'm also devoted to Pantene!! I always get the best results and my hair smells amazing.
I have to agree with you that Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense conditioner is awesome Grin
Have u tried the Ice Shine conditioner? Another Pantene fave!

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Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic.  ~Rosalind Russell&&&&&&...&&&&&&
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #5 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 12:12pm

Waiting4longlocks: I love Ice Shine! Next to Restoratives, they are my favourite S&C!

Ugh, morning shift.  Tongue

Hair got another CWC + leave-in crème routine today and is just about dry now. Static was a problem again this morning as I could not leave my humidifier on overnight. It dampens every surface in my room when it is left on for long periods of time with the door and window closed.
   Funny story about that...I left the thing on while I was at work yesterday and when I came home and opened my chamber door...  Shocked  wow. My room was as foggy as a goth club and very humid! The mirrors were coated with white residue. I swear, it was like London at midnight! lol I wonder if it would be different if I used only bottled water instead of tap.
   So anyway, static. Fortunately, our weather is supposed to change this evening with a "big" storm rolling in from the coast. We're supposed to get 2 - 4 inches over the next 3 days. heh We'll see. Rain is one of my favourite things on earth and I hate to be cynical about it, but our meteorologists usually overestimate. I hope that it will be as good as they claim, but I'm a bit skeptical.

Another thing I'm skeptical about? K.
   He's a great guy and all, but lately I find myself wondering if he's really the right guy for me. Granted, we've only been dating about 3 months, so I suppose that I will give it another 3 before I decide anything. Right now, I just don't know though...and that's not a good sign.  Sad
   Then again, I would rather be uncertain about someone and end up pleasantly surprised than to be instantly sold on someone only to have him break my heart later on. Been in the latter situation at least a few times.
   Anyway, as usual, I'm having my doubts but rolling with it. It would be nice if K could be the one to break this unfortunate cycle.

So what's new in the fashion world of Angel Spun? Nothing, really, and it's kind of bumming me out. No lavish, designer Victorian-goth frills striking my fancy (or arriving on my doorstep) of late.  Sad  Although I do like some of the Demonia USA shoe designs - too cute! But their Goth collection is too hokey for words.  Tongue  All 10" platform patent vinyl KISS boots with spikes and buckles all over... lol Which is fine...unless you are over the age of 15.  Roll Eyes
   I have made the effort to wear earrings every day this year as planned. Granted, we're only 3 days into the year, but it's a good start...right?

No news on the music front either, sadly. One of my New Year's resolutions was to start banging away on my bass, but right now, I don't even know where it is!  Shocked  Sad  I can't use that as an excuse forever though. Maybe I'll search the sheds for it this afternoon. No doubt my father is behind its disappearance.

Alright, that's it for now. My break is coming up soon and it will be time to braid. Adios!
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #6 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 4:42pm
Ah yes, time to start a new journal.   Smiley  I have so much catching up to do, here at LL and at the office!   Sad  But I had to stop by and find out how you're doing.  By the way, my birthday was the 1st.  Happy new year, sistah!  *hugs*
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #7 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 10:07am
I use to use Pantene along time ago.  I remember it was the most exprensive shampoo in the drugstore.  I liked it!  Back then, 1980's, it was in such a small bottle!  I remember the old Herbal Essences with the lady on the bottle, Tickel deoderent, Aziza eye makeup and Leggs pantyhose in a egg shaped box...ah memory lane Smiley
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #8 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 7:54pm
Trisha: Hey! Happy birthday, sistah! I hope it and your New Year were awesome!  Smiley

Lisabelle: I think I tried Pantene Pro-V for the first time wayyy back in high school, and you're right, it was the most expensive S&C in the store. To date me even further, I remember the gold cap series, which I guess was a more luxurious product than the basic line and had separate shampoo & conditioner. I remember "spoiling myself" and buying a set of Pantene gold cap S&C when I was in high school - I kept it hidden in my room so that I was the only one who could use it (expensive stuff!). lol  Grin
   Also, the Clairol product that you're thinking of with the lady on the bottle...that wasn't Herbal Essences, but an earlier line called Herbal Essence. Singular, not plural. I have never seen these, since they were before my time and have since been discontinued, but I have heard that they were green (?) and smelled awesome. They may have been the inspiration for the later Herbal Essences line, but a separate product nonetheless.
   I also remember Leggs pantyhose in the egg containers. Used to play with them in the stores when I was a kid. hehe  Wink

Hair: Fridays call for the WTC (wash, treat, condition) routine, so today was all about Restoratives Time Renewal. Washed my hair once all over with the shampoo, then left the Replenishing Mask in under a shower cap for an hour. Finished with the conditioner, then worked the Breakage Defense leave-in crème through the length. Lots of cool/tepid water rinsing and microfiber towel squeezing in between these steps, of course.  Wink  Oh yes, and the links are just to help readers get a visual of what I am using. I don't have an endorsement deal with Pantene or anything. lol (I wish!)  Grin

So hair was dry by the time that my break at work rolled around and when I went to comb it out, ohhhhhh my! I can't say enough good things about Restoratives and what it does for my hair. There's a level of decadent softness there that no other product has ever given it. "Liquid gold" I call it. Just...wow. I'm quite pleased.  Smiley

Anyway, it's all braided now. I wish I could take a few hair pix and share them on this forum, but there are a few obstacles. 1.) My camera is broken & in desperate need of repair. 2.) The only digicam I own is the crappy one on my cell phone (I don't care for digicams in general), and 3.) Even if I did take one with my cell, I have no idea how to go about posting it.  Grin  But whatever. My hair will have already reached its goal length by the time any of these obstacles are cleared, so it hardly matters.

Other: Had another dinner/movie date with K last night. We saw the new National Treasure movie and I thought it was alright. Kind of cheesy and unbelievable as Disney live action movies are.

Holy crap! The radio is playing Angel by Aerosmith!!! One of my favourite freaking songs ever. Where's my lighter? *rocks* Too bad it's a radio edit though. I might have to play that CD on the way home.  Cool

Where was I? Oh yes, date with K. Went really well. I swear, I'm so bipolar with that guy it's ridiculous. When I'm around him, everything is roses and I want to stay with him forever. The minute we part company, however, it's a very different story.  Sad
   The night was not without kickdown, in typical K fashion.  Grin  He gave me probably half a dozen bags of black licorice, 4 candleholders all decorated with black beads & glitter, and a piece of Norwegian milk chocolate (mmmmm!). The former 2 things had come from his work.
Alright, it's time to shut down the office and go home. Have a good weekend, all.
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« Last Edit: Jan 5th, 2008 at 11:25pm by N/A »  
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #9 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 11:57pm
My wife and I went to the new National Treasure and I enjoyed it a lot Cool   I thought the action scenes were great and the humor fit in pretty good too.

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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #10 - Jan 5th, 2008 at 9:31am
Jerry wrote on Jan 4th, 2008 at 11:57pm:
My wife and I went to the new National Treasure and I enjoyed it a lot Cool   I thought the action scenes were great and the humor fit in pretty good too.

I should have also mentioned that Nicolas Cage is one of my favorite actors and I have not seen a movie he is in that I do not like.


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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #11 - Jan 5th, 2008 at 10:38am
Oh yeah!  I remember the gold caps. The old herbal essence was green and did smell awesome!  In those days Oil of Olay came in a big glass bottle and was pink and affordable!  I wish I could get that old formula now-a-days. Roll Eyes
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #12 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 10:55pm
Lisabelle: Isn't that the original Olay Beauty Fluid? They still make it.

Hair: WCC today. There seems to be some over-conditioning going on at neck level again. Dunno what's up with that. I wonder if Time Renewal has too much conditioning agents for my hair.  Huh  It has never done this before. I guess I'll keep using the S&C until they are gone and then switch to Breakage Defense.

The 'rents were talking crap about my hair again this morning. Not to me directly, but amongst themselves and I just happened to overhear. My father apparently thinks that it looks stringy and my mother blasted me for running my fingers through my hair "all the time." Apparently, she's never heard of finger combing, which I do when my hair is very first air dried or when I don't have a comb handy.
    But I thought, oh brother! What a silly little thing to obsess over! It's my hair anyway! It wouldn't surprise me if they gave me the ultimatum of cutting my hair short or moving out. Yes, they are that controlling.

Other: *sigh* Hate to say this, but I think it's time to just admit it: I'm growing weary of K.  Sad  Yes, we do go out sometimes, I do enjoy his company and he does buy me the world....but I am not the kind of person who can be bought. Material crap doesn't make up for a lack of connection. And there are some (extremely important) areas where we don't seem to connect - or even relate - at all. There just seems to be a lack of, well, substance. And depth. There, I've said it.  Tongue  Sorry, K.

On a happier note, I found the palest foundation that I think I've ever seen today while I was out shopping. It is made by L'Oreal, so it's bloody expensive, but I hope to get my hands on it soon! Foundation is such a sketchy thing for me...but I guess it is for everyone. My problem is that it's very difficult to find a chain store foundation that is pale enough for my skin. Let alone finding one with the right amount of coverage, with neutral undertones, that won't turn 20 shades darker on me throughout the day.
    In any case, I would very much like to give this one a try.

In music news, I still haven't found my bass.  Sad  But I have finished listening to all of the electronica CD's that K made for me. And I finally got my new stereo hooked up and working in my chamber.  Smiley

This morning, I meditated for the first time in ages. Was having some serious anxiety following a conversation with K and I couldn't get back to sleep. So I turned on my flameless candles and just did some deep breathing...calmness in, worry out. And to my complete surprise, not only did I spend over 20 minutes doing this, it actually worked! I was able to sleep for 3 more hours after that. After turning the candles off, of course.  Wink  I should probably make a regular habit of this...just not at 5:00 in the morning, preferably. lol

Oh yes, and I also kiped 14 eyeshadow applicators from Sephora while I was there.  Grin  Just the little sample ones that they leave out for free, don't worry! But I won't have to buy any for a long time. hehe
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Shooting Star

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #13 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 8:05am
On a happier note, I found the palest foundation that I think I've ever seen today while I was out shopping. It is made by L'Oreal, so it's bloody expensive, but I hope to get my hands on it soon! Foundation is such a sketchy thing for me...but I guess it is for everyone. My problem is that it's very difficult to find a chain store foundation that is pale enough for my skin. Let alone finding one with the right amount of coverage, with neutral undertones, that won't turn 20 shades darker on me throughout the day. 
    In any case, I would very much like to give this one a try. 

Just throwing out a thought here - why bother with foundation?  I've never worn foundation.  I use a moisturizer every morning and evening.  A bit of blush in the winter to brighten my face a bit, but not even that in the summer.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #14 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 10:11am
I don't use much foundation anymore myself. I just use concealer were it's needed and then sweep on some powder to hold it there.  Loreal does have some of th lightest drugstore foundations.

They still make Olay Beauy Fluid?!! Whoa!  Were can I get it? Shocked  

Eeek! Your folks!  (((hugs)))  I got a horrid flashback of my MIL trying to control my life when we lived with her.

Sorry to hear about you and K Embarrassed
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