...It had been so long since I last wrote. Silly me.

All right there was the Friday wash that became a Thursday. So I nixed the deep treatment for another week.
Bought a top to replace a similarly colored one that is now too small.

Or may have always been too small in the first place.
It was windy and misting nicely on the 11th.

Good times except when it appeared that a tree looked like it would fall on our car.

No worries. Didn't happen. Freaked out though, nothing a chocolate brownie and an evening glass of wine couldn't solve.

Last week I tried the shea butter olive oil thing. It made my hair so greasy that I shampoo it out meaning I shampooed the length. So it was more dry than usual.

I wound up oiling it four times in one day then by the following day it looked greasy
and dry.
Most fortunately though I will soon be switching shampoo and conditioner.

May the new stuff work better then the crap I have now.

Styles have been basic, bun, Dutch braid, did a long clamp bun on Sunday. Hair is impossibly dry due to the lack of humidity, even though it's humid today, so getting it out of my sight, and everyone elses for that matter, is a must.

Have decided to take up knitting again.

Yes even though I swore it off a few years ago after an aggravating run in with a scarf.

This pattern book we have was calling to me I wanted to be able to do something nifty like that. I'm better at it then I was then. And finally figured out how to purl...

only took me ten years.

First project will be making a blanket for my dog. However am making sample patterns now to practice the basics.
Just found this thing where you can learn beginner languages online.

In twelve weeks my French should be better then it was in the four years of my life I wasted in school?

If this works I'll be just as surprised as anyone. It's free so who cares if it doesn't right?

Guess I'm trying to busy myself so I seem less dull to myself and less mopey.

However an income flow would be nice.
Maybe in a month I'll have an opportunity...
Nails are fine one broke, the rest need a trim if they look halfway decent may paint them.

Got flattened by the monthly monster yesterday.

Slept lousy, like normal and felt simply awful all day. However my shower was oddly refreshing.

Must of been the pomegranate candle I had sitting out.
Seems for once I wasn't overly dull typing this.