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Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick (Read 173435 times)

Posts: 2318
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #300 - Mar 31st, 2008 at 11:10am
You have my complete understanding and utter sympathy.  In 2002 hubby and I had to have our beloved Sparky dog put to rest.  He was a month shy of being 14 years old, and had starting suffering mini strokes.  It is never easy saying goodbye to such faithful companions as our pets are but, for their sake, we must.  There are times when I still cry for that dog (like right now) but mostly I am now able to remember the good times.  I wish you a quick sense of peace and lots of fond memories.  *hugs*
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #301 - Mar 31st, 2008 at 12:26pm
JD, of course I'm crying having just finished your post.  No need for me to read "Ole Shep".

Your plan sounds wonderful.  I wish I had had the time to plan when my Magus died.  You are such a loving mommy, JD and Tatty are lucky.

I know nothing I have to offer will make it hurt any less, so I offer you a cyber (hug).

Bon voyage, real JD, to the rainbow bridge!!!
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #302 - Mar 31st, 2008 at 7:31pm
Cry Cry Cry CryI am so sorry to hear of your gigantic loss!  My heart breaks for you,JD and everyone else that is there sharing this with you.   I wish and hope God's speed in healing.  I know Rainbow's Bridge will be honored to have such a wonderful companion as JD is grace their presence.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #303 - Apr 1st, 2008 at 12:13am
Hello All,

Thank you all for your support.  Joey died quietly in my arms at 7:29 tonight.  I wasn't sure I could stay with him but I did and I am glad I did.  I stayed with him to the end. 

He had a good day.  We did all the things I said and he ate better than he has in the last 6 weeks.  Of course I fed him liver and prime rib which would have made him make terrible messes had he not...........left me tonight.  Sorry, that is wrong...he died tonight.  I took about 60 pictures of him and I video taped him. 

About 3 years ago I bought 2 jasmine candles.  They are set in 8 inch high glass, have actual jasmine flowers at the bottom...preserved, and 24 hours of burning compasisty.  I have never burned them since they were $50 each and were bought to look nice. (and they still smell great).  Tonight they are burning in my window with Joey's 8 X 10 photo in between them.  I will not let them burn until the candles are gone all at once as I must sleep and Tatty needs me.  I will burn them every night (while I am awake) until they are gone. 

LD and Lisabelle, once you told me how to post photos and I know I set up an account but cannot remember where I was told to do it.  While this is about me....I would like to post some photos of Joey and, since none of you have seen Tatty, a few of Tatty.  Can you remind me?

I thought about changing my user name because using Joey will hurt for a while...but I think that would be wrong.  Joey will always be a part of me.

But right now, I have to look after Tatty.  I think she knows Joey is gone...but she is acting like she wants me to bring him back.  If only I could. I cannot.  So from here on she is a priority.  But Joey will never be forgotten and I hope you will indulge me when I speak about him.

BTW, I learned tonight that losing Joey was harder by 1000X than losing my husband.


PS, I am drawing a blank but I know either Lisabelle or LD is a poet.  If I told you some things about Joey, could you write a little poem about him?

PPS, I saw that a couple of you mentioned Rainbow Bridge.  I thought I must have mentioned it but I see I didn't.  When I was a vet I used to send that poem to my clients after they lost an animal.  I told Joey today "Go to Rainbow Bridge, run, be happy and herd all my other bables for me when I come."
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Posts: 2375
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #304 - Apr 1st, 2008 at 8:06am
I'm so sorry about your loss.  I know how much you loved your Joey.

The site you want to go to to be able to post photos is http://www.photobucket.com You can upload photos from your computer onto that site and insert the links into your posts.

I'm no poet, that would be Lisabelle.

Take care.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #305 - Apr 1st, 2008 at 9:58am
Thanx LD.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #306 - Apr 1st, 2008 at 4:53pm

I am so sorry to hear about Joey.  Cry

Having to put down a pet is one of the worst things ever, and it never gets any easier no matter how many times you go through it. If it does, something's wrong.
But be relieved in your knowledge that Joey is no longer suffering, will never have to hurt again and will love you and be with you always.

Personally, I have lost 2 dogs to cancer, so I understand the grief that you'll be carrying around for awhile. One day, I hope you can look at pictures and videos of Joey without crying and feel blessed to have had him in your life.

Take care.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #307 - Apr 1st, 2008 at 9:32pm
Hello All,

Thank you all so much for all your support the last couple of days.  You are all great.

I did okay for the most part of the day.  I have been crying for the past 3-4 hours but made it until then.  The candles are burning and the picture of Joey is now in a frame.

Tatty is fretting.  She wont leave the bedroom unless I drag her out.  I gave her some of the left overs from the prime rib dinner last night and she carefully put then on Joey's bed and then sat in her own.  I took her out to the candy store today and for a walk.  When we got home I gave her a Dentabone (her fav snack) which is now sitting on Joey's bed next to the uneaten roast beef.  Some believe animals do not feel, think or communicate.  Tell me she is not hurting and has found a way to tell me!!!! Hopefully tomorrow she will feel a little better.

On that note, while I am heart broken right now, I must blow out the candles and try to sleep.  Tomorrow I will get up bright and early and take Tatty for a walk and maybe to see my folks.  I must keep her busy so she heals. 

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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #308 - Apr 2nd, 2008 at 10:28pm

    I am so sorry about Joey!  I am praying for you at this sad time in your life.  I have experienced loss recenlty and know just how you feel.  Thinking about you, dear!

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The longer...the better!  I love long locks!&&Just wish mine would grow longer than my waist...............
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #309 - Apr 3rd, 2008 at 10:38pm
Thank you Blondestorm.  I will be in touch with you soon.

4days since I lost my son.  I cry myself to sleep each night.  I dream of him every night.  I dreamt he took me out for a bike ride and we found a little girl dog named maggie the he felt would be perfect for me to have as a new dog.  There is no Maggie and I am not looking yet.  Still, maybe I should name my next female Maggie....althouth Tatty is doing so badly there will be no new dog until she is gone.

Today is day 3 since I lost my son.  Tatty still will not eat.  If I leave her alone she is shaking when I come back.  Tonight she literally jumped 7 stairs.  As a pup she could have done it.  Tonight, she broke her leg.  She is hurting worse that I am and I cannot help her. 

I went to work for part of the day today.  Apparently that hurt Tatty too much.  I am still burning the candles for Joey.  God I miss him.  I want to hold him, etc.

The 'pup' is not doing well.  As I told you she broke her leg tonight and she still will not eat.  Poor little baby.  For over 14 years she has never spent a day without him.  She came to me and woofed before she jumped the stairs.  I had cuddled her, offered her food and took her outside....she is not asking for those things...she is asking for Joey...which I cannot give her or me.

I am afraid I will lose her soon. 

Why is life so hard at times?

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Angel Spun
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #310 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 6:06pm
Reminds me of Where The Red Fern Grows...  Sad
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #311 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 9:15pm
Angel, I am not familiar with your reference.  Can you expand please?

Tatty is doing better today.  She ate a little.  The family spent the day here with her today and the dog sitter came to see her.

One day at a time is the only way to go.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #312 - Apr 9th, 2008 at 5:48pm
Where The Red Fern Grows is a novel by Wilson Rawls about a boy and his 2 hunting dogs. Very memorable story - most folks read it in grade school.
    Anyway, at the end of the novel, the male dog dies and the female dog refuses to eat, having lost the will to live, and dies also.
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Posts: 606
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #313 - Apr 12th, 2008 at 5:52pm
I am so sorry to hear about your loss.   You are in my prayers and i wish you beautiful long hair. xo curlygirl
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Joeydog's trials to grow hair when sick
Reply #314 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 10:58pm
Hello All,

Well, it has been just a little longer than 2 weeks since I lost me precious son.  I miss him terribly.  The emptiness can be unbearable at times.

On the bright side, Tatty decided not to do like the Fern story Angel mentioned.  She is eating and is doing okay.  She seems pretty content with life.  Sometimes I think she must be lonely and I feel sad for her, but she does okay.

Thank you all for your support two weeks ago.  It really helped.  Talking to people in my life was difficult because I got all teary.  You guys couldn't hear me crying on the computer!!!

Take care,

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