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Sakina 2008 (Read 154049 times)

August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Sakina 2008
Jan 29th, 2008 at 9:37pm
I'm starting a new journal since I've started a new haircare routine.

About a month ago I started doing homemade herbal rinses and I'm loving the results.  I keep forgetting to write down my experiments, so if I do it here, someone might get something from it, too.

I bought the book: "Naturally Healthy Hair" by Mary Beth Janssen.  Most of my haircare changes are due to this book.

After reading the book, I started drinking nettle tea.  I have done several nettle rinses, but they seem to darken my haircolor.  I like the properties of nettle, I just need to use less in my herb mix.

At the moment my routine:
Devacurl One Condition on ends
California Baby Super Sensitive shampoo (this is helping my flakey scalp) *sometimes I alternate shampoos with Devacurl No Poo and Low Poo
ACV rinse, rinse out the rinse
Herbal Rinse #1: Horsetail, lavender, marshmallow, nettle with lavender, sandalwood and clary sage eo
Devacurl One Condition on ends
brief water rinse, blot out excess water
Herbal Rinse #2: decoction of chamomile and calendula with rose, neroli and lavender eo

Scrunching in Ouidad Curl Quench gel and plop.  After taking off the towel, scrunch in a few drops of camellia oil.  Dividing my hair in half really helps me evenly distribute my conditioner and oil.

I did one gelatin deep conditioner protein pack since working with the book.  I liked the results, am struggeling to get a deep condition in each week.  I will do the gelatin pack again.  Someday.

Am still getting Success Oil scalp massages every two weeks at my salon.  I've been doing this for several months.  Its helping with my TMJ and I think keeping my growth going.

Right now, I'm taking a hot bath after my workouts and then showering and washing my hair = 3 times a week.  I like this routine, although getting a little weary of making my "hair tea" 3 times a week.

This past Monday I dropped my 1st rinse and just did the 2nd.  The tea was too hot to apply so I diluted it and I think I got better color results.  Curl is a bit more to my liking with both rinses.

I've dropped my leave-in conditioner: Devacurl Be-leave In for the moment.  My ends are less crunchy, I think the herbal rinses are conditioning enough and I leave the 2nd one in anyway.

I'm really happy with these results.  I've gone almost 5 months without a trim and I'm in really good shape.  Very few splits, breaks or dryness.  Also, regarding my thick hair: I am lifting my hair to get a good rinse.  I think this is helping my scalp, along with all the other stuff I'm doing.

Trying for monthly S&D, if I do that I'm sure I can go 6 months between trims and have healthy hair.

On another note: Saturdays is my outdoor boot camp fitness class.  I'm recieving or doing my scalp massage on Friday and heavily applying camellia oil to my ends overnight, wearing my hair in braids during class and then bathing.  I really feel this is not only giving me extra conditioning, but protection to my hair during vigorous exercise.  Bonus!!

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #1 - Jan 29th, 2008 at 9:44pm
Wow!  Sounds like you've hit on something that your hair really likes Smiley  Worth the time and effort for beautiful locks,Sakina!!!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #2 - Jan 29th, 2008 at 11:51pm
Thanks, CurlyGirl64!

This pic is when I do both rinses:

and this one is from today, with just the 2nd rinse:
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #3 - Jan 30th, 2008 at 10:08am
Purdee!   Cheesy   Welcome back to the land of journaling.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #4 - Jan 30th, 2008 at 2:16pm
Thanks, Trisha.  I don't know if I'll be posting much in this journal with my board duties.  I'm hoping to post at least once a month though.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #5 - Jan 30th, 2008 at 3:29pm
Very pretty!!!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #6 - Jan 30th, 2008 at 4:30pm
Pretty curls, Sakina.  Smiley

And congrats on starting your new journal.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #7 - Jan 31st, 2008 at 10:26am
Thanks, Angel Spun.

Argggg, I'm off my routine.   Tongue

I got in too late last night to bathe, so I brewed up my herbal hair rinses and am now reheating them in the microwave.  I've been bathing at night so my hair is completely dry before I go out and now it will be wet.  Its windy today  Cry
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #8 - Jan 31st, 2008 at 11:31am
Aww. *hugs*

Thank goodness for braids, hoods and updo's!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #9 - Jan 31st, 2008 at 5:45pm
Thanks for the hugs, Angel Spun.

Because of my curls, I let my hair dry down.  I always feel unprofessional with my hair down for some reason.  No one said anything about it to me today, though.

Hubby installed a shower filter last night.  Wow!  What a difference.  Now I can use less ACV in my rinses.

Grrr, mad at myself for forgetting to blot out some of the water before my 2nd rinse.  So, lots of golden tea went down the drain instead of being absorbed by my hair.   Angry

One good thing, I think my hair is drying a bit faster with these herbal rinses.  I think it dried in about 3-1/2 hours today, including my 1 hour plop.  Wow, then it should really dry quickly in the summer!!!

Also, went to bed, bath & beyond today.  Got 2 airtight containers for my hair herbs.  Need about 6 more.  Will add to my collection weekly.  Best news: Aquis now makes a long hair towel.  Same super absorbant material in an 18" x 44" size.  Yahooo!  I love those 20% off coupons!!!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #10 - Jan 31st, 2008 at 5:47pm
beautiful curls!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #11 - Feb 1st, 2008 at 5:58pm
Thank you, RTG.

Today I tried a new scalp massage oil blend, which included finely grated fresh ginger root.  It was much more pleasant than expected.  I'm leaving it in overnight so we'll see how it goes.

I now think I may wait until tomorrow night to try out my henna cone-I have boot camp at 9AM tomorrow morning and the grass will still be wet.  Also, I will be taking a muscle relaxing bath after so I don't get too sore afterwards so I'll do the henna after all that.  It will give me something to do while my hair dries.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #12 - Feb 3rd, 2008 at 10:56am
I got a bad headache after boot camp yesterday, so I'm still holding off on the henna.

I used my new larger micro fiber towel-its a winner!  It makes plopping much easier and I like the results even better.

I didn't do my herbal rinses when I washed yesterday.  I did a clarifying shampoo and conditioner, plus my usual ACV rinse to get the oil and ginger out of my hair.  Its funny, I think my hair looks redder.  At last hubby could tell a difference w/o the color rinse.

Today after yoga class my folks are coming over for the Super Bowl.  We have the FBR and Super Bowl here on the same week.  Thank goodness we live on the other side of town.  Traffic is bad enough regularly!!  If my head doesn't stop hurting, I may spend most of the afternoon in bed.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #13 - Feb 4th, 2008 at 3:22am
hope you're feeling better!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #14 - Feb 4th, 2008 at 11:24am
Thanks, Curlygirl64.  I do feel better, I think I may have been dehydrated and not realized it.

Avocado oil
Aloe Vera Gel
Ylang-Ylang eo

Mixed and warmed and applied to scalp to leave in overnight.  Very emollient, however very sticky.  Lost lots of hair trying to finger comb through and even more in the shower.  Luckily it washed out just fine.  I had to wash earlier than planned-there's no way I could style my sticky hair and go out to do stuff and then come home and bathe (which is my routine).  If I do this again, I'll add more oil and/or less honey or maybe just the oil and eo.  I don't want to loose so much hair again!  This mix made my hands very soft, as I put on the left overs.

Tomorrow I go to Tuscon w/hubby to get a curlygirl haircut.  Trim, actually.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #15 - Feb 4th, 2008 at 3:09pm
Now that my hair has dried, it looks great.  Hardly any frizz, its shiney and looks moisturized.  Maybe my experiment is a success.  Next time, if I do it the same, perhaps I'll only leave it in for a few hours.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #16 - Feb 5th, 2008 at 8:27pm
Got my trim today, looks like about 1/2".  I'm happy with the results.  We had beautiful weather for our drive down to Tuscon.  There's snow on the mountains, big, fluffy clouds and sunshine.

I love my trips to get my hair trimmed, hubby and I talk the whole way there and back and just really enjoy each other's company.

Next trim is in 6 months.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #17 - Feb 6th, 2008 at 4:22pm
Fresh ends, favorable weather and good company. Sounds like the life o' Riley to me.  Wink
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #18 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 10:47am
Thanks, Angel Spun.

I'm really struggling with what looks like broken ends.  And this is just after getting a trim.  I think I may go to a different salon that does the Ouidad curly hair cutting method and try it, that'll be in August.

I got some new herbs for my rinses and tried them out last night.  Also got some polysorbate 20, a coconut derived emulisifier for the essential oils I put in my rinse to distribute the oil in the water.

I think I put too much marshmallow root in, made detangling a bit trickey.

I seem to be getting more lift on top if I leave my plopping in for more than one hour, and tie it off very loosely.

Tried Sunflower oil to oil my ends Sunday night.  Very emollient stuff.  I'll give it a few more tries, am thinking that using camellia oil only may not be giving me enough moisture.  Also considering avocado oil as an alternate.

Am changing Wednesday to deep treat day.  Maybe now I'll manage to do it every week!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #19 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 5:30pm
Just a little tip...not sure if it will help or not, but aloe vera gel is a great emulsifier for getting oils to blend with water.  Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #20 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 2:40pm
Thanks for the tip, Angel Spun.  I'll give it a try.

Am going to try nightly scalp massage with Success Oil.  Did it last night using only 2 drops per section and my scalp did not look too oily this morning when I got ready to go workout.  Typically I use a lot of oil for scalp massage about 3 times a week.  My scalp was a bit dry last night so I tried using less oil.  It helped the itchies decrease.

Will do/Must do a deep treatment today.  Was going to do it after my workout but I ran out of time.  Mom is coming over and were going shoe shopping, so after that a hot bath and my deep treat.

Accidentally made a cool, old fashioned hairdo today.  I watched "Mansfield Park" by Jane Austin last night and I guess the hairstyles were on my mind.  I started out to do something modern with two high pony buns.  I divided the hair and put each side into an elastic.  Then I decided to braid it.  So, I start on the right side, braid and coil into a bun toward the center at the crown.  I pined it down and started to braid the other side.  Because I did a side part, there was less hair on this side and the braid didn't finish to the end.  I wrapped the left braid around the bun already in place and pinned it down.  It looks a bit like a Gibson Girl, but you can see the part on the back of my head.  I must admit it looked weird with my workout clothes, but it did keep my hair secure and out of the way-except for the jumping rope, which got caught on the bun a few times but it stayed in place.

I'm having a hard time being patient with my hair growing longer right now.  If I didn't care how it looked I'd have quite a bit more length, however I DO care, and am glad it looks healthy even at its current length.

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #21 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 4:47pm
Man, I almost didn't do that deep treat.  However, I pushed through the procrastination and did it.  At 9PM.  I finished my bathing routine by about 11PM.  Lucky for me I didn't have to teach today until 10:30AM.  Today my hair is super soft and curly.  I think Wednesdays for deep treats is a better choice than Saturdays.

Happy Valentine's, Everyone!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #22 - Feb 23rd, 2008 at 5:23pm
So far, two for two.  Two weeks in a row deep treat.  Hair is doing great.  I hope I can keep it up.

Today, doing gelatin protein pack.  Man, this stuff is runny!

Today's hair rinse, the best of the best:
1 Tbs chamomile flowers
1 Tbs calendual flowers
1 Tbs coltsfoot herb
1 tsp horsetail herb
1 tsp rosemary herb
1 tsp nettles herb
2 cups water
1 Tbs aloe vera juice
essential oils of:
clary sage (2 drops)
marjoram (3 drops)
lavender (10 drops)
ylang-ylang (2 drops)

Add herbs to water and bring to boil in stainless steel pan.  Simmer, covered for 30 mins.  Strain and discard herbs.  Measure out aloe and add essential oils.  Pour into applicator bottle when still warm and use as final rinse, leaving it in hair.

Will see how it turns out after drying.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #23 - Feb 23rd, 2008 at 6:56pm
The protein pack was great!!!  After I completely rinsed it out, my hair was perfectly detangled.  My hair felt so nice I almost didn't put my usual conditioner on.  However, I did use my conditioner and then my final herbal rinse and then leave in and gel.

Hair is currently plopping in my aquis towel.  In an hour or so I'll take it out and scrunch in my moisture lock and camellia oil and let it finish air drying.

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #24 - Feb 24th, 2008 at 10:51am
My hair feels really thick and is very wavy.  Some of the waves are actually twists, which is kinda weird and cool.

Color came out a bit strange to me.  Its darker than usual, more honey colored and when it was still a bit wet it looked, well, slightly dark green.  Actually the color of the nettle leaves.

Anyway, my scalp needed a bit of oil last night before bed.  I am trying a homeopathic course for candida-it may stop the itchies.

Oh, yeah, went back to bellydance class Friday night for the first time in over a year.  I'm so happy to have the cushing's syndrom under control enough that I can go back to some of the things I love to do.  Ahh, being able to do things other than sleep from extreme fatigue is wonderful!!!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #25 - Feb 24th, 2008 at 3:21pm
Unexpected frizz.   Angry  Tongue  Cry
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Shooting Star

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #26 - Feb 24th, 2008 at 4:57pm
Glad to hear you are once again able to enjoy doing things like bellydancing again. Cheesy
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #27 - Feb 25th, 2008 at 11:27am
Thanks, BB.  I hope to make it a regular part of my workout schedule.

I feel like I need a vacation.  Ugh.  

I want to get away!!!!!!!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #28 - Feb 25th, 2008 at 6:02pm
I'm glad you're back to taking lessons too, bellydancing is so much fun.  Although, I've never taken a class.  Everything that I learned is from watching instructional and performance DVD's.  I'm a bit curious about taking classes though. 

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #29 - Feb 25th, 2008 at 11:24pm
Glad you're having and taking the chance for bellydancing!  Fatigue is overwhelming at times,so when you have the energy;it's a great feeling!!
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Kami wa onna no inochi
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #30 - Feb 26th, 2008 at 9:22am
Yeah bellydancing!  Hopefully I'll get some classes too! Cheesy
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #31 - Feb 26th, 2008 at 4:51pm
Thanks, ladies!!

Today is suuuper windy, and I was going to wear my hair down...but decided I better protect it!  So,  made a low rope braid bun with the bottom of the bun hanging below my hairline and popped on my hot pink crochet beanie and my hair didn't get messed up by the wind!!


I think its hot pink, not fuchsia, but you can't beat the price!  I have 3 small "Tim Burton's the Nightmare Before Christmas"  buttons in a row on the left side for decoration.  Cute!!
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #32 - Feb 27th, 2008 at 10:09am
Aww that sounds cute!  I want a beanie! Grin
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #33 - Feb 27th, 2008 at 10:29am
Ooooo cute beanie  Grin

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #34 - Feb 28th, 2008 at 6:38pm
Thanks, gals.

The word for today is: Magraine  Cry

Somebody shoot me, put me out of my misery.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #35 - Feb 28th, 2008 at 8:36pm
((((hugs)))) Feel better soon! Smiley
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #36 - Feb 28th, 2008 at 9:13pm
*keeps very quiet, keeps you in the dark, and hands you horse tranquilizers*
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #37 - Mar 1st, 2008 at 12:13pm
Thanks, Angel Spun, I needed that.  No pain today!!  I had to skip bellydance class last night, this morning I'm feeling mostly normal.  Whatever that means.

This afternoon is tax at the tax ladies, which is alllll the wayyyy on the otherside of town.  Tongue
She has almost classic length hair.  That's a plus.

So!  I'm bathing this morning so I can finally do my henna tonight!  Cross your fingers it turns out good!  Eeep!

I had my scalp massage yesterday, I'm sure that helped my pain go away.  I brought in my sunflower oil, she likes it and wants to use it for every visit.  That leaves me more success oil for everyday use.

Today I'm not doing an herbal rinse 'cause I'm feeling lazy.

Gotta get started on my deep treat-laters!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #38 - Mar 5th, 2008 at 9:14pm
I finally did my henna:



I know, my foot looks weird.

Today I'm doing another deep treat-I need to go rinse it out now and get ready to watch the end of Project Runway.
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #39 - Mar 6th, 2008 at 6:58am
Hey that came out nice!...  You have such cute feet! Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #40 - Mar 6th, 2008 at 11:25am
Thanks, Lisabelle.  Not too bad for my first time doing it on myself.  The pics were taken about an hour after I took the paste off-the color isn't fully developed.  The back of my hand really got to a nice, dark brown.

Thanks again, for your tips.  I think I need to go buy larger socks, and the cotton held the design in place on my hands all night perfectly.  Hubby helped me put it on my feet and, well, you know, the paste didn't stay in place as well as if I'd done it.

Lol, cute feet.

I used up some of my old Ouidad conditioners at the end of my deep treat last night and this morning my hair is not as curly as ususal.  I'm glad to be running out of what I don't use regularly.  For now, my hair is most happy with Devacurl.  I hope that doesn't change any time soon...
luckily there are more specialty products for curlies on the market than there used to be.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #41 - Mar 6th, 2008 at 4:28pm
Nice job on the henna!!  Looks pretty!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #42 - Mar 7th, 2008 at 5:26pm
Nice work, Sakina.  Smiley

I've always wanted to have some kind of awesome henna work done, but I totally wouldn't trust myself to do it!  Grin
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #43 - Mar 10th, 2008 at 1:16am
Thanks, Curlgirl & Angel Spun.  I plan on trying it again in the future.

Angel Spun, you'll need to save a couple hundred $$ if you want full, elaborate mehandi done.  Full meaning hands and feet.  It is awesome and better to have a henna artist do it.  Let us know if you ever get it done!

My hair is doing well, and today I figured out how to wear my hair back and down so I can teach reclining postures: braid a half up do and leave the braid down instead of bunning.  I think I wear a half up bun like in my avatar most of the time.  Sometimes it gets in the way of my demonstrating a posture-esp. if I'm wearing hairsticks.  I forget to plan accordingly sometimes and I get into what I'm doing and bonk my head and or sticks on the floor.  Haven't broken any yet...

I've cut back on my herbal hair rinses and plan on using one or two tomorrow.  Wednesday is my deep treat day.  I'm interested in seeing how my scalp does with regular herbal rinses and deep treats.  Also I've improved my rinsing technique so I think my scalp is less itchy from that.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #44 - Mar 10th, 2008 at 3:55pm
FYI-I found that when I put my hair in a high bun with a bandana it never caused a problem for me demonstrating any kind of pose.  Maybe it might work for you!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #45 - Mar 10th, 2008 at 5:32pm
Angel Spun, you'll need to save a couple hundred $$ if you want full, elaborate mehandi done.  Full meaning hands and feet.  It is awesome and better to have a henna artist do it.  Let us know if you ever get it done!

Right on. I wasn't planning on getting anything professional (at least not just yet). I just marvel at the kind of designs that people on this site come up with.  Smiley
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #46 - Mar 11th, 2008 at 11:35am
We DO seem to have a talented bunch here, don't we?
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #47 - Mar 14th, 2008 at 5:19pm
Aye, Trisha!

We've got a winter storm coming-the winds are crazy and the barometric pressure started dropping yesterday which means I have a sinus headache.  Arrgghh!  Enough with the headaches already!!!

Got my bi-monthly scalp massage today and it decreased my head pain, well, until I had to go out into the wind.  My head is covered in a bandana and my ends are braided so my hair is protected.  I woulda brought my crochet beanie by CurlGirl if I'd known how windy it would be.

I am not sure I'm going to make it to bellydancing class tonight if the winds keep up.

The last shadows of my mehandi are all that remains...I'll wait a few more days until I do it again.  I've got some premade henna from Henna Caravan and 3 henna pattern books on CD.  I don't know if its 'cause spring is coming, but my creative juices are flowing!

Tomorrow is round 2 of 8 week Boot Camp fitness class.  I'm kinda dreading it with this weather.  Its supposed to rain Sunday.  Our class is outside in a park, which is cool as long as the weather cooperates.  I hope I don't have a headache tomorrow!!!  I already know they're planning on making it really challenging since most of us who signed up took it last time.

I'm saving my deep treat for tomorrow, after my boot camp I'll need the super hot bath and recovery.  I have lots of yummy sunflower oil in my hair now from this morning's scalp massage.
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Kami wa onna no inochi
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #48 - Mar 14th, 2008 at 9:29pm
Hope your headaches go away soon!  Wow you got more Henna, right on! Cool  When your ready I'll teach you my secret henna receipe. Shocked Grin Wink
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #49 - Mar 15th, 2008 at 1:34am
Ooohh, a secret recipe!  I'm intrigued!!  Thanks, Lisabelle!

I made it to bellydance class and my head hasn't hurt for hours now.  Yay!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #50 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 1:46am
OH, MAN am I sore!  My back is sore from bellydancing and the rest of me is sore from boot camp yesterday.

I counted:
72 pushups (knees down)
75 full situps
100 squats
and a bunch of other stuff, too.

Admittedly, I enjoyed it.  I'm not dying or anything, and am really glad that I taught yoga today.  We did forward folds and back bends and my back feels much better.

Hair is doing good-I got a genuine "You have such beautiful curly hair" compliment from one of my students on Thursday.  It was so sweet and one of the first I've received at work.  That was nice.  I forgot to mention it with the sinus headaches I was having.  We got rain today and lots of weird and creepy cloud formations.  It was cold today, big drop from the 80's we were having.

The vernal equinox is almost here!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #51 - Mar 24th, 2008 at 4:05pm
I'm feeling really frustrated today.  I feel like nothing is where I want it to be.  I almost want to throw in the towel.

I need a vacation and can't figure out how to make it happen right now.  I hope I don't loose my mind and do something stupid.

My parents go back to MI tomorrow.

Perhaps when this moon passes things will get better.  I need a hot bath and some bodywork.

I think my hormones are totally out of whack.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #52 - Mar 25th, 2008 at 11:31am
Ah, those bloody hormones...they'll do it to you every time.  *HUGS* 
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #53 - Mar 26th, 2008 at 6:39pm
Blahh, thanks, Trisha.  At the moment, the earliest I can get in to see the hormone specialist is June.  I'm on the cancellation list, so hopefully I will get in sooner.

I got some more Devacurl products, I'm going to try her new deep conditioner.  It doesn't require heat and if it works well with my hair it will be a great alternative to my Ouidad deep conditioner.

I'm trying out Devacurl gel and rejuvinating mist.  Curls get droopy, 'ya know?!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #54 - Mar 27th, 2008 at 9:24pm
I tried the new Devacurl deep conditioner today and at first try I like it.  I also tried the gel and mist.  I'm much more wavy than curly today, but it feels soft and not crunchy.  I wasn't able to plop as long as I would have liked, so that makes a difference in my curliness.  Verdict is out on the mist.

Been having issues with my back muscles being really sore... Tongue

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #55 - Mar 28th, 2008 at 3:03am
Feel better soon!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #56 - Mar 28th, 2008 at 5:57pm
Thanks, Curlgirl!  I think part of my back sorness is coming from not sleeping with my guling.  Its an Indonesian bolster type pillow that goes between the knees.  After that occured to me, I went back to bed for a couple of hours and when I got up and even still hours later I feel much better.  I haven't seen as much of hubby as I'd like so I got up with him this morning and made french press coffee and we had breakfast together.

I had a scalp massage today, and that always helps me feel good.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #57 - Mar 29th, 2008 at 1:13pm
So glad to hear you're feeling better!  I love my french press!!!  Can't beat it for a great cup of java!! Wink
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #58 - Mar 29th, 2008 at 7:25pm
Absolutly, Curlgirl!!

I am getting a neuro-muscular therapy massage tomorrow after my yoga class.  It will be interesting, one of the few types of body work I haven't experienced.

With all the rain we had this year, everything is blooming 100x more than ususal.  I think I may have some new plant allergies with all this bloom.  Makes exercising outside difficult and not fun!

I think the kitties have found a spider to play with-gotta go check to make sure its not one of the poisonous ones!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #59 - Apr 1st, 2008 at 11:16pm
My measurement today is 22-3/4".  It looks like I just grew 1/4" last month.  Trying not to be bummed.  I guess I could look at it like 1/4" closer to BSL!

I won on ebay!!!  I've been getting items for my tribal bellydancing.  Woohoo!

Today's bellydancing at the gym was really fun.

Hubby and I tried a new Italian restaurant  - meh.  Will try their pizza Margharita, but won't go for another dinner.  Dessert was good, though.

Tomorrow I get my hormones checked.  I hope relief is in sight!!!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #60 - Apr 2nd, 2008 at 7:44pm
Holy hormones!  I've been ordered to immediately stop taking my BC.  My blood pressure was 170/120 which is apparently high enough for a stroke.  Now I have an ultra sound and biopsy tomorrow and Friday and bloodwork on Monday.  Thank goodness my appointment got moved to today instead of June.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #61 - Apr 2nd, 2008 at 10:13pm
Shocked holy cow!!!  Hope everything turns out ok!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #62 - Apr 2nd, 2008 at 11:23pm
That's so scary!  I'm glad your appointment was moved up too so that they were able to catch it now.  Take it easy in the meantime (((hugs))).
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Kami wa onna no inochi
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #63 - Apr 3rd, 2008 at 10:14am
(((hugs)) I hope your going to be okay. Undecided
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #64 - Apr 3rd, 2008 at 12:03pm
170/120?!?  Oh my, that IS high...   Shocked  *hugs*  Take care of yourself...
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #65 - Apr 3rd, 2008 at 12:34pm
Egad! Which BC are you taking?? That's outrageous!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #66 - Apr 3rd, 2008 at 3:20pm
Thanks for your well wishes. 

I was taking Junel 1/20 FE.  I was changing pills every year at my yearly check up because I was having monthly migranes and other issues.  The woman I saw yesterday said that some people don't do well on the pill and that I cannot take estrogen pills.

They took my blood pressure 4 times yesterday, by 3 different people.  They'll take it again today-I hope it has come down.  The idea of having a stroke at 38 has me anxious, which of course doesn't help.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #67 - Apr 3rd, 2008 at 9:19pm
My blood pressure today is 150/104 which is still very high however it is lower than yesterday and I've only been off the pill one day.  I hope it will be lower tomorrow.  I did some research and 120/90 is a good reading-120/90 has been my mantra today anytime I'm resting.

I was very lucky to get my class covered today and my boss is taking care of my Sunday class.  That is one load off my mind.

Yesterday I was getting a script filled and treated myself to 2 new movies and hair friendly scrunchies, headbands and elastics.  Today I wore my hair in a really pretty rope bun.  Strange, but it makes me feel a little better about what is happening to me right now.  Like forward looking to when this is all behind me and my hair is even longer!!  Is that weird?
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #68 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 9:25am
Is that weird?

Nope   Smiley  *hugs*
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #69 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 5:01pm
I'm glad that everythings going to be fine now that you're off of that pill...and no, I don't think its weird either. Wink
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #70 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 5:32pm
Hmm, never heard of Junel. But I do know that different kinds can have different effects on different people. My little sis has been taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen for years without a problem. But wouldn't you know it? When my doc prescribed it for me, it messed me up completely. My skin swelled and I put on 20 lbs. practically overnight. My hair changed, my skin changed, my voice changed - eeek! Typical results from too strong of a steroid though.  Tongue  So I know first hand how the wrong balance of hormones can affect your body. Ugh! Hope everything works out in that area for you.

Strange, but it makes me feel a little better about what is happening to me right now.  Like forward looking to when this is all behind me and my hair is even longer!!  Is that weird?

Not to us, hunnay.  Cool
In fact, I think that's a good perspective to have when life puts you in a place you'd rather not be.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #71 - Apr 7th, 2008 at 3:12pm
Today's bp reading was 140/100.  Still kinda high, and still coming down.  Bonus for coming off the pill-I've dropped 3 lbs in 5 days.  I did work out a bit today and feel ok and kinda tired.

This Thursday I'm trying an IUD instead of hormones.  I hope this works for me.  They did find a fibroid about the size of a quarter with the ultrasound.  Otherwise, everything looks OK.

On the hair front, its feeling longer and I think looks it from the front.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #72 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 10:55pm
Argh!  I've had a headache since Friday and today its worse.  I hope the IUD stops these headaches-maybe I'll have to go on blood pressure meds.  Sad
I see the regular doc. on Monday so I'll find out more then, I hope.

I found sooooo many split, broken and split, broken & holey hairs!!  I think I'm not going to make it to the 6 months no trim like I'd hoped.  I don't want to get to my goal length and then have to have several inches cut off.  I think I'll make an appointment tomorrow, for May or June.  I'm going to try a salon in Scottsdale that has a person certified in the Ouidad carve and slice technique.  If I don't like how it turns out, I'll go back to driving to Tuscon where I get a curly girl haircut.  I'm going to ask them to take off 1/2", I'm afraid there's that much damage.  Dammit.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #73 - Apr 10th, 2008 at 11:12pm
Did Ouidad deep treat last night.  Instead of finger detangling in the shower with conditioner I waited until I applied the leave-in and finger combed that through.  The result is lots more waves.  I will try this again.  I like the end result more than the other way, and so does hubby.

I'm in Halloween mode, the party will be on Saturday, October 25, 2008.  I've already designed the cake and have been perusing ebay for costume bits & pcs.  mostly for hubby.

Been building my ATS tribal bellydance costume-got some custom made cowry hair falls today-super cool!  They're heavy, so I'm working on some alternate ways to wear them so they don't pull on my hair.
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« Last Edit: Apr 12th, 2008 at 10:29am by Sakina »  

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #74 - Apr 12th, 2008 at 10:34am
Had a scalp massage yesterday, that helped my headache.

I did make it to bellydance class.  I'm so happy I felt well enough to go-there's a recital May 13th and I need to practice.  I wore some of my new kuchi tribal accessories to class-that was fun!!!  As usual, I'm the only one that dresses for class.  Ah well, that's just me I guess!!

I'm going to boot camp this morning, even if I only do half of it.  I think my blood pressure is still high and our boot camp is super intense so I'm going 'cause exercise is good for me but I won't push it.  Today we're in doors, and its a good thing because it is super windy today.

Hmmmph.  I've decided I can't get my hair trimmed just yet.  It is getting so close to BSL.  I guess I'll just work on my s&d's until I can't stand it.  Mayby trim in July instead.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #75 - Apr 12th, 2008 at 2:31pm
Everyone appears to be thinking of Halloween lately! Cheesy

Since you're so close to BSL, I think it would be easier to just get there and do mini trims later.

What do the other students in your bellydance class wear? Huh  I dress up just to dance at home.  To me, thats all part of the fun.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #76 - Apr 12th, 2008 at 2:46pm
Thanks for the trim advice, La Diosa!

The other students wear t shirts and stretchy pants.  Just like they were doing any old work out class.  I agree, the costuming is a huge part of my fun!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #77 - Apr 12th, 2008 at 11:44pm
Just wanted to make a record of my results from my new method.  I didn't get to plop as long as I would have liked.  I wish I could put my avatar pic side by side for comparison.

Edit: I took out the original two pics since one was tooooo big.

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« Last Edit: Apr 13th, 2008 at 12:03pm by Sakina »  

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #78 - Apr 13th, 2008 at 12:22am
It's lookin good!  Here they are side by side. Smiley

This is from April 12, 2008 and the other is from August 10th, 2008

Although the pic doesn't show it so well, there are many more waves in the first than the second.
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« Last Edit: Apr 13th, 2008 at 12:04pm by Sakina »  

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #79 - Apr 13th, 2008 at 12:01pm
Awww, thanks, La Diosa!!!!!!!!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #80 - Apr 13th, 2008 at 3:54pm
You're welcome! Smiley
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #81 - Apr 14th, 2008 at 12:51pm
Well, folks, I officially have high blood pressure and am now on medicine for it.  I'm a bit unhappy about it however I'd rather be getting help than have a stroke or other organ damage.  That's how high it is.  Cry

I'm still exercising and improving my eating habits so, oh well, at least I have another day on planet earth.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #82 - Apr 14th, 2008 at 1:04pm
I'm glad you're getting help too.  I just don't understand.  I thought that after stopping the BC that you were on, that your blood pressure would go back to normal on it's own.  Does it take a while for traces of the pill to leave your system?

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #83 - Apr 14th, 2008 at 2:35pm
Oh no...   Sad  I, too, was hoping the high numbers were simply due to the bc...  Does hypertension run in your family?
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #84 - Apr 14th, 2008 at 4:27pm
Hypertension does run in my family.  Most of my father's side died from heart disease.  This past June my dad had 5 bypasses.

I am lucky I caught it now, my pressure is still too high which will damage my organs if left untreated.

So, apparently the cause isn't the bc, or isn't only that.  I was soooo hoping it would be normal by now.  They took blood today and are going to run a bunch of comprehensive tests so I'll have a more complete picture.  I have a feeling there's more going on, especially if the Prednisone I took in '99 gave me Cushings Syndrome.  That will be one of those, "I hate being right so often" moments.

When I told my students what had happened (I missed 2 days of work) they were shocked since I seem so calm all the time and teach yoga.

Bloody genetics.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #85 - Apr 14th, 2008 at 6:52pm
Sakina wrote on Apr 14th, 2008 at 4:27pm:
they were shocked since I seem so calm all the time and teach yoga.

Bloody genetics.

I'm shocked too.  Both my mother and her mother had hypertension and died as a result when they were in their 60's.  However, they didn't take care of themselves very well.

Thats why I was certain that I would be okay if I made sure that I took care of myself and did the right things like exercising, watching my diet and meditating etc.  I had no clue that genetics played such a strong role that it could override healthy and supposedly preventative habits. Cry  

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #86 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 4:25pm
La Diosa, unfortunately genetics don't give a crap about how good you take care of yourself.  If your genetics kick in on the hypertension, all of the things you are doing will still benefit you.  Still continue to take care of yourself!!!

I think the side effects are decreasing!!  I taught class today and felt pretty normal.  My bp yesterday was 119/88!  Now, I have to watch out for the meds to not lower my pressure too much.

I'm sooo happy with my hair today.  I got up early (8am) and bathed, finally got some acv for my rinse and did my plopping.  Happy, happy, happy.  Also, I got 3 pairs of Ketylo hairsticks.  Black, green and dark brown.  They're spirals, which is the only style that will hold my hair properly without using hairpins.  I got them to wear bellydancing and to just throw into my purse.  I got the medium length, works good!!

I'm getting a massage and adjustment this afternoon-its been overdue with my recent health crisis.

Its sunny and 79 degrees today.  That makes me happy, too.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #87 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 3:07am
Ah yes Ketylo.....before I got my LL sticks I had and still use my Ketylo's.  Like LL sticks,they're addictive!!!  I won't say how many pair I have(and don't ask my birds or dog,they've been sworn to keep quiet!! Grin)  Kevin and his wife do some fine work,too!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #88 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 2:57pm
I have 5 pairs now, 4 wood and 1 aquapearl.

I recently got some henna from hennacaravan.com and I tried it last night.

This is the paste on the back:


And the palm:


The camera started acting up, we think it died after taking these pictures.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #89 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 4:27pm
Pretty.  Smiley
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #90 - Apr 20th, 2008 at 11:24am
Very pretty!  You and Lisabelle inspire me to one day try my hand at Mehandi.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #91 - Apr 21st, 2008 at 12:15am
Thanks, Angel Spun & Curlgirl64.

It is fun!!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #92 - Apr 21st, 2008 at 12:33am
Nice job!  Love the Om tattoo Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #93 - Apr 22nd, 2008 at 12:48pm
Thanks, Lisabelle!!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #94 - Apr 22nd, 2008 at 4:22pm
I'm most excited to report that soon we'll be 1/2 way to Halloween.  My party will be October 25th, 2008 and I'm getting ready to begin creating props.  I've got some books coming that I can hardly wait to get and get started.  I have big plans for the yard decorations.  Most of my guests hang out outside so most of my decorating efforts are going out there.  This year I'm going to learn how to make my own molds for skulls and animatronics.  I'm squishy with excitement!!!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #95 - Apr 23rd, 2008 at 2:14pm
This morning I washed, acv rinsed and conditioned as usual.  I applied my leave-in and plopped for 30 mins.  I did not use my usual gel and moisture lock.  I expected my hair to look like crap but it doesn't.  Actually, the top is a bit more wavy than when I use the gel.  Now, my ends are a bit frizzy so perhaps I'll use less gel than usual next time.  This is a nice suprise.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #96 - May 7th, 2008 at 12:23pm
My mom has been diagnosed w/uterine cancer.   Cry
Her surgery is the 14th and I'm going to go help her out for the month of June.

I may try to get a trim in before I go, since I don't want one too close to Halloween.

I'm shipping a few things to MI during my stay: henna and supplies for making latex props and Agus' cannibal headdress and accessories.

Gotta go to my workout!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #97 - May 7th, 2008 at 3:39pm
I'm so sorry to hear about your mothers diagnosis.  It's great that she has you to help her out during this time.  I hope her surgery goes well and that she has a speedy recovery.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #98 - May 7th, 2008 at 5:17pm
Aw, Sakina. Sorry to hear about your mother. *hugs*  Sad
All the best to you & her.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #99 - May 7th, 2008 at 6:36pm
I am very sorry to hear about your mother.

I hope everything turns out ok.

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #100 - May 7th, 2008 at 7:03pm
I'm so sorry to hear of your mother's diagnosis! Cry  I wish her a speedy cancer free recovery.  She and you are in my prayers,too!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #101 - May 7th, 2008 at 8:06pm
La Diosa, Angel Spun, Jerry, and Curlgirl64:   You're all so sweet.  Thanks a lot.  It helps knowing I have your support during this stressful time.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #102 - May 8th, 2008 at 9:40am
Wishing your mother a speedy recovery.  Your month-long stay and help will surely be a blessing to her.  *hugs*  Be sure to keep us filled in on her progress. 
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #103 - May 8th, 2008 at 11:03am
Thank you, Trisha.  I hope so.

I hope to stay connected, I'll do my best to keep you filled in.

I booked my tickets last night. I leave May 31st and return on June 30th.

Mom told my sister that we'll be watching dvd marathons.  lol.

I guess this unplanned trip is a good thing.  Its motivated me to buy new clothes that I needed and to book a trim.  I did it, I'm trying out the salon that has a guy trained in the Ouidad Carve & Slice technique.  Next Tuesday is my date w/scissors.  Pray for me that he's good, will listen to me and give me what I ask for.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #104 - May 8th, 2008 at 12:09pm
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother.  I hope the treatments work out well for her.  I'm sure she will appreciate your time with her.  Try to enjoy it a bit.  I know the last two times I've helped my mother following her surgeries have strengthened our bonds.  I hope it all goes well for you both.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #105 - May 12th, 2008 at 8:50pm
Thank you, BB.  I heard today that all her preliminary work ups and test are good so she's set for Wednesday afternoon surgery.

Tomorrow's the big day, trying out the Ouidad carve & slice certified stylist in Scottsdale.  I managed to find a few reviews of this guy and they were all positive...fingers crossed!!

Allergies been buggin me-high winds and blowing dust gives me sinus headaches.   Tongue

Workouts still going strong, buffing up is visable.  Yay!  Haven't been eating enough...almost passed out this morning.  High reps=high energy output!!!

I bought my first pair of low rise jeans this weekend.  Love them!!  Sure makes my navel piercing more comfortable!!!  Will wear them on the plane to MI.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #106 - May 12th, 2008 at 10:27pm
Be prepared.... spring is very slow to come in this part of the country.  Temps are well below normal which will feel frigid to you.  What part of MI are you visiting?
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #107 - May 13th, 2008 at 6:33pm
I'll be in Hastings, MI.  It is a small town, at least 30 mins. from anywhere civilized.

Well, the deed is done.  I'm not sure how I feel about this new haircut.  I did get a few tips for applying gel that I will be using, but as for the rest...nah.  He dried the crap out of my hair so it shrunk up a lot.  I think I actually lost around an inch of length, which looks like 3 inches now that its dry.  It doesn't look that different from when I do it my way so I may be back to the Curly Girl haircut.  Suprise, guess I know what I'm doing when it comes to my hair!  I won't be getting a trim for another 3-4 months anyway.  It did "debulk" the back of my hair, which will be nice in the heat of summer but I think I'm going to have lots of pokey outy bits.  If I do, I will not be very happy.  The stylist says I have fine hair.  I thought it was medium.  Still have lots of it, though.   Smiley

We've had the most gorgeous thunderhead clouds all day today.  The winds are high-which means I have another headache.  Still waiting for it to actually rain.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #108 - May 14th, 2008 at 11:29am
Suprise, guess I know what I'm doing when it comes to my hair! 

Never doubted it   Wink  Remember:  stylists are like doctors; they don't know everything and are NOT always right.   Cool
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #109 - May 14th, 2008 at 11:46am
Thanks, Trisha!!!  I need to work on trusting myself.

I'm going to remember what you said, that's a great comparison.  Thank you for that.

I need to be clear as to what I want in regards to my hair.  Yes, I want it long.  I want it to look its best, which requires a different approach than straight hair in regard to shape and taking into account my unique head of hair.  So, perhaps I really did get what I want and at the same time wish what I needed is something else.  Hmmmm.

*Ahem* and I'm not really happy about paying $100 for a haircut, even if it is in Scottsdale, AZ and had Ouidad's name on it.

Although, I do like that he cut the nape of the neck hairs 1/2" shorter than the rest because that hair has almost no wave and when I wear it down and curly, those straighter hairs show at the bottom of my curls.  It looks strange, and I didn't know what to do with them so I might tell the next person to do the same as it eliminates the problem without too much cutting.  Silly hair.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #110 - May 15th, 2008 at 8:44am
My mom's surgery went OK, sounds like they found more cancer than expected but they think they got it all.  I haven't heard any more yet.

Washed my hair last night, not very happy with how it looks.  While it was drying it looked like he missed a section.  Feeling worried I'm going to have to wear my hair up for the next 3 months.

I was able to wear a large Ficcarre clip all day yesterday, which I wouldn't be able to do if I hadn't had the bulk taken out of the back.  Oh, and one small section in front is at least 1/2" shorter than the rest so now I have to be careful to get my hair gathered in just the right spot or it falls out and into my face.  Gggggrrrrrr.

Of course, the tone of this post might be coming from my being up at 5:30AM.  A.M.
Thank goodness this is the last day I'm subbing this early.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #111 - May 15th, 2008 at 11:36am
I can sympathize...I was up at 5:00 this morning.  Tongue
No good for us night creatures.
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Shooting Star

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #112 - May 15th, 2008 at 11:52am
Glad to hear the surgery went OK and they think they got all the cancer.  Will she be receiving any chemo or radiation treatments?

You guys are all morning wimps!  I'm on bike on the way to work by 5:15am!  Grin  (Just don't ask me to be too alert at 11pm!)
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #113 - May 15th, 2008 at 9:14pm
bikerbraid wrote on May 15th, 2008 at 11:52am:
You guys are all morning wimps!  I'm on bike on the way to work by 5:15am!  Grin  (Just don't ask me to be too alert at 11pm!)

I used to be but not since I have been working 6am - 2pm pretty much every week day Roll Eyes

I even get up early on Saturday and Sundays most of the time.

But, the older I am getting the earlier I seem to go to bed at night Tongue

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #114 - May 16th, 2008 at 11:26am
OK, so I'm an early morning wimp.  I'm also a late night/wee hours TIGRESS!!

I have in the past had jobs that required me to be up early.  Not my favorite thing, I guess the money made me do it.

We won't know if mom needs chemo or radiaton for about a week.  I finally got to speak to my sister and dad yesterday.  The nurses say my mom is doing as expected for this type of surgery.  She's sleeping a lot which is good for healing.  Probably today or tomorrow they'll be getting her moving to get the anesthesia crap out of her lungs.  She has sat up already but briefly.  Not eating much yet-jello and some water.  I can't wait to talk to her, probably tomorrow.

OK, I'm officially pi$$ed off about my new haircut.  While its nice not to have so much weight of my hair, all of my hairstyles except wearing it down now have pokey outey bits.  Lots of them.  I don't even like how it looks down now because I don't dry it with a hairdryer.   Angry
I'm glad, however, that I took a risk and now have satisfied my curiosity of the Ouidad haircut.  It is not for me.  I think its better for really curly hair.  Now my hairstyles will require more thought and work to make them look good.  I hate making more work for myself!!!  I've decided to buy myself a cowboy hat.  I think hats will be my solution this summer, I can pull back the top half and away I go.  I'm feeling frustrated by the result of my haircut.  To some degree, I wish my hair was straight, so that part wasn't so difficult to get right.  I want my hair to look good, and a good cut is hard to get.  Guess I'll be back in Tuscon in 3 months.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #115 - May 16th, 2008 at 11:34am
I'm glad, however, that I took a risk and now have satisfied my curiosity of the Ouidad haircut

I try to look on every experience, especially the bad ones, as a positive thing.  Did I learn something from this mess (even one tiny little thing?)?  --Then it's all good.  *hugs* 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #116 - May 16th, 2008 at 5:12pm
I think hats will be my solution this summer

Shocked  You know that 90% of your body heat escapes through your head...right?

Amen to the latest hours. Anyone who wants the morning can have it!
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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #117 - May 16th, 2008 at 6:25pm

And I'm so sorry about your haircut!! I basically haven't let anyone near me with scissors for more than a year because I was so unhappy with my last haircut!
Hopefully when it grows a bit it'll start to look alright. Becuase really more work=annoying.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #118 - May 17th, 2008 at 11:45am
Thanks, AmandaC.  It is important to get trims to keep the ends from tangling and if the hair is split, that spit will go up the shaft and cause more damage.  Of course, s & d helps keep the split population down.

I'm sure it doesn't look so horrible to anyone else but me.   Roll Eyes
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #119 - May 17th, 2008 at 10:10pm
I like your new avatar!  Your hair looks long.  That pic is from your birthday right?
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #120 - May 17th, 2008 at 11:22pm
Thanks, La Diosa.  Yes, its from my birthday.  I wish I had looked at that photo before I got my haircut.  Its at least and inch shorter now.

Trisha, thanks for the hug, I needed it!

Angel Spun, I do know that so I was thinking about a staw hat with and open weave top.  Mostly I want it to disguise my hair.  I might just wind up with bandanas since I already have quite a few.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #121 - May 18th, 2008 at 2:06am
Poor Sakina. I'm sorry that you don't like your cut.  Sad  *hugz*
Just whisper to your hair every night as you fall asleep, "Grow, grow, grow..."
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #122 - May 18th, 2008 at 9:55pm
Thanks, Angel Spun.  I need a hug everytime I wash my hair and look at it in the mirror.  I like your idea, I'll hipnotize my hair into growing faster!

Today I came to realize that I'm constantly looking to improve my hair condition and routine because I haven't been getting any feedback that what I'm currently doing is good enough.  Isn't it funny-if people were giving me hair compliments that I would feel like my routine is working as opposed to my own opinion.  I think that's what drove me to try the Ouidad haircut.  The curly girl haircut has been working for me.  Just can't leave well enough alone, I guess.

Hey, mom is home today!!!  I haven't spoken to her yet, she's still sleeping alot.  I'm gonna call her tomorrow, and hope I can say HI to her.

I think it is hard to identify what healthy hair is, with all the crazy commercials (and thanks to BB we know what goes into that deception) and silicones people are using.  I feel like, when will I know when my hair is super healthy?  Hmmmmmm.

I think I'm going to go drink my tea and have a cream puff.  Yum.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #123 - May 19th, 2008 at 2:55am
Isn't it funny-if people were giving me hair compliments that I would feel like my routine is working as opposed to my own opinion.

You really have to trust your own opinion and stick to what works for you.  Just because you aren't getting compliments as often as you'd like, it doesn't mean that you're doing a bad job. Lot's of times people will admire something about someone and not say a word. 

Besides, you'll always have us to tell you that your hair looks great and it does!  Smiley 

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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #124 - May 19th, 2008 at 4:23am
I am guilty of admiring ladies with long hair and not giving a compliment when I should have but more times than not I just plain chicken out Tongue

But, so far all of the 10 compliments I have given so far have been positive and the main response I get is 'thank you'.

I would love to just take time and talk to some of the ladies and tell them about forums and websites about long hair but I have not attempted it.

I am very guilty of being very hard on myself and when people give me compliments for whatever it is very hard for me to accept it.  
So, I can relate to not liking my own hair or whatever else but if I got more compliments I don't really know if it would change my opinion of myself or not?


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Shooting Star

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #125 - May 19th, 2008 at 9:37am
Love your new avatar!  It really shows off your curls <serious envy>  Angry

Glad your mother is recooperating ok.  It will be a slow road, but it will help to have family around to help give her the emotional strength she will need.

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #126 - May 19th, 2008 at 12:05pm
Thanks, La Diosa, Jerry & Bikerbraid!

La Diosa, I know you're right.  Thanks for the encouragement.  I've been verbally abused by many people in my life, I think that has made me overly concerned with what other people think.  It sucks.

Jerry, it is hard to walk up to stangers and say anything let alone something nice.  It took me a long time to get comfortable saying, "Thank you" when someone compliments me.  I used to stare at them thinking in my head "Oh, yeah.  Right."

BB, I really like my new avatar, too.  It was time for a change!

I talked to my mom today!  She sounds really good and I can't wait to see her.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #127 - May 19th, 2008 at 4:57pm
I would love to just take time and talk to some of the ladies and tell them about forums and websites about long hair but I have not attempted it.

Yeah, that's creepy. Sorry...but it is.  Roll Eyes  If some dude - especially a short-haired dude - just randomly walked up to me and attempted to strike up a conversation about long hair sites, I would immediately presume him a fetishist (and would most likely be right) and get away from him ASAP!  Shocked

Sakina, love...this isn't an order, it's a suggestion: Stop looking to others for validation. If you feel you're doing the right thing for your hair, you probably are. Trust in yourself. No one else is going to know your hair's needs like you do. Besides, people are morons anyway.  Grin
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #128 - May 19th, 2008 at 5:29pm
People compliment my hair when I know it is really dried out straw with a thousand split ends and is NOT in good shape.  I accept the compliments, usually, but inside I think "Good thing you didn't touch it!"  So glory in your healthy hair and know, when you get a compliment, that you are not a fraud.

I got one of the BEST compliments inadvertently the other day.  I had washed my hair before school, which I don't normally do, so it was down.  I was combing it back into a braid before class and as I gathered the hair on the left side I flipped the hair on the right over my shoulder.  The female sixth graders watching me do this all said, "Oooooh."
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #129 - May 19th, 2008 at 5:41pm
I would love to just take time and talk to some of the ladies and tell them about forums and websites about long hair but I have not attempted it.

Yeah, that's creepy. Sorry...but it is.  Roll Eyes  If some dude - especially a short-haired dude - just randomly walked up to me and attempted to strike up a conversation about long hair sites, I would immediately presume him a fetishist (and would most likely be right) and get away from him ASAP!  Shocked

And that is why I stop myself because I am afraid a lady will think that exact thing Roll Eyes
But, if I was going to tell her about websites and forums I would direct them to sites such as this and others which are more family orientated.

I have heard of guys who had said they have had conversations with ladies about their long hair and shared information about websites and as far as I know they went well.

So, I will only share any information only if the lady asks and is interested (and I would be very surprised if that does happen in the near or far future).

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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #130 - May 19th, 2008 at 6:40pm
The new avvie juts make me love your hair more!! The culrs just give it that extra dimension and shine(shampoo commercial much? Roll Eyes) to it, so pretty! I'll usually put my hair it two braids at night when it's wet to get that texture, but you have it naturally!! Sooo jealous right now. And the pretty color! Again, sooooo jealous.

Sakina wrote on May 18th, 2008 at 9:55pm:
I think I'm going to go drink my tea and have a cream puff.  Yum.

And cream puffs are delicious.  Grin
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #131 - May 20th, 2008 at 11:18am
Angel Spun, thanks for the suggestion.  Perhaps my new mantra will be "People are morons".  I was using Om Namo Bhagavate Vasu Devaya, yours is shorter.

AmandaC, Thanks!  You made me smile.  The cream puffs were very good, with black hot tea.   Grin
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #132 - May 20th, 2008 at 4:41pm
Angel Spun, thanks for the suggestion.  Perhaps my new mantra will be "People are morons".  I was using Om Namo Bhagavate Vasu Devaya, yours is shorter.

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #133 - May 21st, 2008 at 12:22pm
texian.traveler wrote on May 19th, 2008 at 5:29pm:
So glory in your healthy hair and know, when you get a compliment, that you are not a fraud.

Thanks, Texan.Traveler.  That will be my second mantra, after "People are morons".

What a nice compliment!  Perhaps you've inspired some new longhairs!!!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #134 - May 21st, 2008 at 12:24pm
Jerry, maybe a T-shirt that says "Ask me about long hair" would spark a conversation.  Especially since your hair isn't long.

One of my favorite T-shirts says "To Hell With Straight Hair".  I got it at naturallycurly.com.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #135 - May 21st, 2008 at 8:53pm
Onward and upward!  I've got a scalp treatment on right now and in 45 mins I'm shampooing, deep conditioning and then showering.  Its been super windy today, which always makes me feel dirty even if I've been in the house all day.

I have been in the house all day 'cause my check engine light came on yesterday and I'm without transportation today.  Its too hot to walk, and to windy.  Today's a bit cooler-only 107.  Yesterday was 110.

So, I'm concentrating on how great my hair will look when my recent unhappy haircut grows out.  Instead of focusing on the unhappy result, I'm looking forward.  I'm trying to figure out if I can afford to buy a Kanzashi.  Seeing bio_muse's new toys pic gave me the fever, I've got 8 on my list now.  Sure wish the dollar was stronger!!!  I think I'll have to wait until next month.  Dang it!

This is my favorite site.  I've ordered from them 3 times-outstanding customer service, shipping and a superior product!


Perhaps some of you will drool along with me?  Grin

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #136 - May 24th, 2008 at 9:26am
Oh man, that's way mean of you to tempt us all with those amazing hair toys  Embarrassed
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #137 - May 27th, 2008 at 1:19am
Yes, yes. I'm drooling with you. Those are all so pretty! And the geisha hairstyles are so gorgeous!(and complicated)

And wow, 107? I think I'd die. I'm complaining already and the hottest it got here was 90 I think!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #138 - May 27th, 2008 at 1:41pm
Instead of focusing on the unhappy result, I'm looking forward.

Good attitude!  We cannot change yesterday, only start fresh tomorrow.   Cool
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #139 - May 29th, 2008 at 11:58pm
Citrine, misery loves company.  Thanks for being my company.  Grin

AmandaC, here's a hanky for all that drool!  I agree, beautiful toys and complicated styles.  I usually do a kind of 1940's victory rolls when I wear my kanzashi if its the set.  I also do a Buddha 1/2 up for the sticks with the single flower, or a braided bun 1/2 up for the little flowers.  I am not putting hot wax in my hair, nor do I tease it.
Gotta love these desert temps.

Trisha, thanks for your support!

I'm kind of having an out of body experience today with my upcoming trip to Michigan.  I am having real problems staying focused or concentrating.  Ugh!

I don't know how much I'll be able to get online for the next month, so, please don't be offended if I don't post much!

Since I'll be in MI for a whole month, I had my hair products shipped to my folk's house.  Also, I broke down and bought a Devacurl diffuser hairdryer.  It will gently dry the roots of my hair without disturbing the curl pattern.  My hair will never dry in the humidity w/o it, and the temps will be much colder than I'm used to.  Hopefully I'll have more data for you after I try it.

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #140 - May 30th, 2008 at 9:38am
Don't worry about offending us; just take care of your mother--and more importantly yourself!   Cool 
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #141 - May 30th, 2008 at 9:43am
You will do fine in Michigan.  Things are still pretty cool up here, which will help with the humidity.  Be sure to pack sweatshirts and/or sweaters and a light jacket!  Here in Minnesota, we are still having days that barely reach 60!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #142 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 8:34pm
Just popping in!  Thanks, BB, it has been cooler than I'm used to.  We've been having power problems with the recent storms.  I don't know when I'll be online again.

Mom is doing great!  I've mostly been driving her around and doing dishes.  I'm not used to soft water-I think I may have the hang if it now.  My waves disappeared for a while!  Eeek!

My great uncle died just before I came out to MI, so my dad was able to attend the funeral in MO.  He left the Monday after I arrived and we're going to go pick him up now.  Weird, cosmic timing, eh?
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #143 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 10:02am
Good to hear from you, dear; glad you're doing all right.  Sorry to hear about your great-uncle.  *hugs*  Remember to take care of yourself, too.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #144 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 4:08pm
Sorry about your uncle Sad  Glad your mom is doing great though!!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #145 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 4:20pm
My condolences for your great-uncle.  At least your father was able to attend the funeral and not have to worry about leaving your mother alone.

I'm sure your mother appreciates your driving around and doing the dishes.  Sometimes it is the simplest things that can make life easier.

Enjoy the coolness while you can.  You never know when Michigan will decide to 85 with 85% humidity!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #146 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 7:41pm
Sorry about your uncle but I'm glad that your mom is doing well.  Take care! Smiley
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #147 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 12:36pm
Sakina - did you get my PM?  If not, please check the Employee Lounge for an important message.  I need to know you've seen it.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #148 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 12:34am
Thanks everyone for the sympathies.  It sure was a strange month.  I'm just starting to feel at home again.

I didn't keep track meticulously, so here's what I recall:

I read 10 books (while in Michigan)
I watched 13 movies w/mom
It rained 7 times
I got bit by mosquitos lots
I went to the Four Winds casino w/ family 4 times
I walked in a parade and got rained on
I lost my favorite lip gloss
I couldn't log on to the computer too many times to count!

I'm glad I went and now I'm glad to be home.

My hair is noticably longer.  I still have bits poking out from my last haircut.   Tongue  I'm going back to the Curly Girl method!!!

My niece asked my sister if I was goth 'cause I wear lots of black and its summer.  Her friend asked if my hair is naturally curly and then I was warned by my niece that I mighted get scalped in my sleep.  I guess it was a compliment?

I did henna on my niece and her friend, nephew and their cousin, my sister, my self and my mom.  That was a lot of fun and worth the backache!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #149 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 12:59am
Wow, you read alot of books!  I wish I could say that I read 10 books  this year! Grin

...And your hair is noticably longer...sounds great!

I'm glad that everything is okay with your mother and that you were able to spend that time with her.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #150 - Jul 7th, 2008 at 6:48pm
I loooove to read.  Hubby hates it when I get a new book 'cause I disappear until its finished.

And, thank you.  It was awesome the time we spent and I'm very happy to say she's well.

Today I'm feeling pouty.  My hair's not long enough, I'm not loosing weight fast enough, blah, blah, blah.

When things start going well for me I freak out and want to sabotage myself.  I hope I can get over that bad habit!!!  I am doing pretty good today recognizing it so I'm not letting the desire to sabotage myself getting the best of me.  Although I did spend $35 I shouldn't have on a wooden hairfork on ebay.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #151 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 2:54pm
Been thinking alot about having almost 2 feet of hair.

I worked out w/my trainer yesterday.  I'm a bit sore today.  I'm glad to be back to my exercise routine.  I added a day, so now my workouts are M-W-F.  Yay.

I've ordred some garlic shampoo and conditioner.  I've read that it helps with itchy scalp and I'm looking forward to giving it a try.  It is deorderized garlic and unscented.  The stuff I read also mentions that it helps with shedding.  I don't shed too much, but it will be interesting to see what result I get.  Right now I plan on using it regularly until the itchies are gone and then use it once a week and my Devacurl the rest of the time.

I'm at a plateau in my work.  Been doing lots of soul searching, about everything really.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #152 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 3:51pm
I've ordred some garlic shampoo and conditioner.

Shocked = The look on my face until I read that it was unscented. Grin

I'm glad to be back to my exercise routine.  I added a day, so now my workouts are M-W-F.  Yay.

Good for you! Cheesy  I need to hop back on the wagon myself.

Been doing lots of soul searching, about everything really.

Soul searching is necessary from time to time to keep us on track.  Good luck!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #153 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 4:03pm
Been thinking alot about having almost 2 feet of hair.

It's a milestone. That was actually my first hair goal when I joined LongLocks.  Smiley
Seemed like it took forever to get there. And once I got there, it seemed like it took forever to get past it. But I'm at BSL/midback now and soon you will be too!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #154 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 7:42pm
La Diosa, I knew I'd hear about it if I didn't say it is unscented!!

Angel Spun, it seemed I'd never get past 19" at one point.  I'm actually hoping that it will seem to go faster now since it isn't too far from BSL to waist.  Trouble for me is the curly factor-my hair looks shorter when dry.  Oh well, good w/ the bad I guess.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #155 - Jul 10th, 2008 at 6:28pm
The shampoo and conditioner arrived yesterday and I'm too chicken to try it.  I dreamt that I did use it and it made my hair fall out.  In clumps.  Eeekkk!

Today I got that new hairtoy!!  I'll try to get the pic from ebay...


The pic doesn't do it justice and it holds my hair comfy and secure.  LOVE IT!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #156 - Jul 10th, 2008 at 10:04pm
Thats a very cute toy which is why I wish that I'd never seen it...'cause now I want one. Roll Eyes
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #157 - Jul 11th, 2008 at 9:08am
I have a fork from 60th St. when he first starting selling on E-bay.  To this day,it is one of my all time favorites!!  I think this won't be your last fork from him!!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #158 - Jul 11th, 2008 at 7:05pm
Sorry, LD, I just wanted to share.

Yeah, I imagine I'll be order more in the future.

Speaking of which, I got some side combs from France Luxe today.  I had a scalp massage treatment this afternoon and haven't washed my hair yet so I didn't try them.  I plan on using the smaller push up combs to stabilize my sides so they don't get so poofy when I do up do's.  The other two I want to use as decorations for plain buns and to control the poofy hair at the bottom of up do's.

I've decided that I'm going to be more diligent about getting the acv rinse down to my scalp-I have to lift my hair up when pouring the rinse and I realized today that I have just been pouring on my hair and that may be why my scalp has been sooooo itchy of late.  Also adjusting to my home water from being in Michigan w/the soft water there.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #159 - Jul 12th, 2008 at 8:52am
sakina-you mentioned your scalp massages with oil an hour before washing. do you do that every time you wash? what kind of oil do you use? i'm curious.  Smiley
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #160 - Jul 12th, 2008 at 11:59am
Hi roomtogrow.  Yes, I do the oil massage everytime before I wash.  I use Sweet Success Hair Growth oil from Moonchaild on ebay.  She doesn't have any on ebay right now and I think she's moved to etsy.


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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #161 - Jul 14th, 2008 at 12:40pm
thanks, sakina!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #162 - Jul 14th, 2008 at 12:46pm
I love sticks and forks made from Dymondwood.  You can stick them in your hair when its wet and not worry!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #163 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 12:17am
Yes, the Dymondwood's waterproof quality is a big bonus!

Well, I'm officially building my props now and spending lots of time on another forum, methodz of madness.  Finally I can talk to others as enthusiastic about Halloween and props as I!  It is official today 'cause I bled on my prop.  Apparently a project is not a prop until you bleed on it.

I put my hair in a high braided bun.  It has lasted an intense workout and outdoor prop building.  I think it may be my go to 'do for awhile.  I did use a fabric pony holder for added security and my Amish hairpins.  It was nice not to have to get strands out of my eyes or mouth.

I did order a new set of kanzashi, number K-36 w/o the tassel flowers.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #164 - Jul 21st, 2008 at 9:34pm
Ahhh!  I'm so bummed I missed the mail carrier today-my kanzashi arrived but I wasn't here to sign for it!

I have the base done for the reef.  Next job is to paint it.  I started sculpting a Dead Man's Fingers coral in paperclay today.  I've never worked w/it before, so far I really like it and can see more props coming from it.

I think I'll be getting a trim in August after all.  My ends are a tiny bit tangly and I want to keep splits under control!!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #165 - Jul 22nd, 2008 at 10:06am
Sakina, how is your mother doing?
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #166 - Jul 23rd, 2008 at 2:08am
Trisha, she's doing very well.  Thanks for asking.  She has 3 radiation treatments, one a week starting this Thursday.

I had a massage from a new person today and she has curly hair.  She told me about the gal who cuts her hair and she has long curly hair.  I'm going to call her and ask if she'll just trim off 1/4".  If she will, I'll go to her until the mess the Ouidad cut gave me is grown out and then back to Tuscon where Andi can properly care for my curls.

I'm glad its growing and I'm getting visable length, but the curls aren't laying together properly so I don't even enjoy wearing it 1/2 up.  The glory is gone.  Until it grows back-this is where he practically razored out the bulk.   Cry

I picked up my new kanzashi today-sooo pretty!  I can hardly wait to wear it.  I got some new dresses recently and I'm going to wear them together.  Hubby's b-day is coming and we have a date for a fancy restaurant.  Yay!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #167 - Jul 24th, 2008 at 1:17am
Having a rough day today.  I'm feeling sad and anxious that I won't be able to get all the props made and that they'll look the way I want them to.

I'm soooo hating that Ouidad cut.  Instead of going to a new salon and having someone I don't know trim my hair I asked the wonderful Pam who does my scalp massages.  She also did my Halloween hair last year.  She said she would take off just the 1/4" I want her to.  She and I talk about hair stuff while she massages my head and always answers any questions I have.  I feel very good about this.  I feel very frustrated w/my crappy haircut.  It is uneven in a lot of places, so I'm going to do these little trims every 8-12 weeks until it evens up and then I'll go back to the curly girl way.  I'm at 10 weeks now and getting a little breakage on the ends, which I notice when I comb it.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #168 - Jul 24th, 2008 at 3:13pm
Yeah, sometimes it's best to just stick to what works for you, especially when cutting is concerned.  I'm glad that you found someone who will give you the trims that you want to help you get back on track.  Hopefully, with the trims, it won't take very long to grow out the cut.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #169 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 4:50pm
Thanks, LD.  I've noticed that my hair is healthy and looks good that way, its just not a great cut.  I am bad about accepting what I have and not looking for something better.  I guess growing up feeling like I'm not good enough has me constantly looking for that something better.

Tonight hubby and I are meeting friends at the Sushi Kee restaurant for dinner.  I'm going to wear my new white kanzashi.  YAY!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #170 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 6:38pm
I guess growing up feeling like I'm not good enough has me constantly looking for that something better.

Story of my life.

Knock 'em dead tonight, girlie!  Wink
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #171 - Jul 26th, 2008 at 11:59am
Thanks, Angel Spun.  We did have a great time at the restaurant.  I wore makeup which I don't do much these days.  I think I need some practice...getting old sucks.

My hair turned out really cute!  Hubby took some pics, I'll get 'em posted eventually.

There were four of us and we ordered LOTS of sushi and rolls.  It was super yummy and funny because the waitress kept bringing food to the table.

Today I'm painting the reef prop, hope to get the skeleton and anchor added by tonight.  The paperclay coral is about 1/2 done.  I think its dry enough to add the smaller fingers.

Several things are on backorder, and although its early I hope they get here soon!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #172 - Jul 26th, 2008 at 9:31pm
I have wanted to try sushi, any thing I should be sure and order, or stay away from?
Do you do the decorations for your house or do you have a Halloween event somewhere else?
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #173 - Jul 26th, 2008 at 9:40pm
I suggest california roll and salmon sushi.  I actually like sashimi better than sushi.  Sashimi is just the raw fish and sushi is fish w/rice.  If you like spicy food, try a spicy tuna roll.  I usually order suonomi, which is a cucumber salad.  Its cucumbers, rice vinegar and sugar.  A nice texture contrast to the rolls and fish.
I'm one for trying stuff, so I wouldn't really tell you not to eat something.  I don't like eel, but you might!  Grin

I do the decorating at my house.  I'd love to have a permanent space for my parties, then I could really go crazy w/my themes and special effects!!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #174 - Jul 26th, 2008 at 9:52pm
Thanks for the suggestions, it all sounds good Smiley! Now, if I can only get hubby to a sushi house Grin!
I always love going to places that really take pride in their decorations! I wish I had the imagination that you and they have!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #175 - Jul 27th, 2008 at 2:10am
You're welcome!

I have plenty of ideas, if you need some I'd be happy to help!  I pretty much transform my house into something else...last year was Victorian Vampires.  Almost all of the walls in the house were covered w/Scene Setters stone wall.  This year will be under the sea Scene Setters, and skeleton army (I'm not sure what that one's actually called).
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #176 - Jul 27th, 2008 at 3:06am
I am bad about accepting what I have and not looking for something better.

My husband is exactly like that.  I'm not sure what the root of it is for him,  but I feel for you and hope that you can evenutally get over it.  Living like that, imo, seems so exhausting.

I suggest california roll and salmon sushi.  I actually like sashimi better than sushi.  Sashimi is just the raw fish and sushi is fish w/rice.  If you like spicy food, try a spicy tuna roll.  I usually order suonomi, which is a cucumber salad.  Its cucumbers, rice vinegar and sugar.  A nice texture contrast to the rolls and fish.
I'm one for trying stuff, so I wouldn't really tell you not to eat something.  I don't like eel, but you might!

Your recommendations seem similar to what we order from our place up the street.  Except, I also love Miso soup,   I also still order a roll that I first tried in a Las Vegas sushi place, called a Lisa Lisa.  It's a rice roll containing shimp tempura, cream cheese and avacado...it's so good!

However, if you have a Geisha House near you, I'd suggest going there.  They make the best sushi that I've ever tasted in my life!

Sakina, I'm currently, thinking of turning my backyard into a mock cemetary, but have no idea how to do it and make it look genuine.  Any ideas?
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #177 - Jul 27th, 2008 at 11:35am
*chuckling, rubs hands together*

Oh, yesssss- a cemetary!!!
The basics:
Wal mart will have cut little tombstones for around $5 each.  Big Lots is a good place for larger inexpensive stones ($7-$12, if I remember right).  I've also gotten quite a few from www.frightcatalog.com. ; I like the selection they have, and they have some really big stones.  Also, they have competitive prices!

Lighting is big for a spooky cemetary.  I use colored flood lights from Home Depot.  I think the bulbs were $4-$6 each.  I love the green for this. 
Now, you'll need some holders for your floods.  I got a bunch of tripod ones from Haunted Fog
http://www.hauntedfog.com/Graveyard%20Sales%20Page%202.htm (bottom of page)
I'm happy they still have them, I got mine 2 years ago! 

Now, I really creep it out w/creatures and fog.  Let me know if you're interested in that and I'll tell you more...Do you have more in mind?  I mean a location (a New Orleans cemetary vs. midwest?) or an era? 

Some of mine comes from my father being an over reactive, raging person.  When I was a child I thought his explosions were my fault.  If I could only be better, perfect then he wouldn't get so mad.  I felt like he didn't like me so I had to figure out how to make it better.  Of course, this is a fool's errand.  I can't make him different no matter what I do.  At this point, it is ingrained in my subconscous and if I'm not paying attention I get swallowed up in the panic and stress again.  You're right, it is an exhausting way to live.  I don't imagine I'll get over it as much as get through it and choose thinking and feeling about myself differently.

I forgot, I love miso soup!!  They didn't serve it to us, maybe 'cause it over 100 degrees here.  Its yummy and good for you, too!  The restaurants call the rolls different names-mine has the same Lisa Lisa by a different name, it is a bit bland for my taste.  I'll be on the lookout for a Geisha House restaurant, if I ever come across one.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #178 - Jul 27th, 2008 at 1:30pm
I am usually so busy taking my little ones around to everyone's house that we don't get back until late Tongue. I do a few decorations in the windows, nothing spectacular, until the boys get older. Then I figure they can help and would have a ball!

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #179 - Jul 27th, 2008 at 4:33pm
Yeah, I don't have kids so I get to do pretty much whatever I want.  I'm sure it will be super fun for you to decorate w/your kids when they're a bit older.  There are lots of recipes for kids online that would be fun-witch finger cookies, spider cookies, stuff like that.  You might be able to do some of that together now.  I don't have any particular sites to direct you to for the recipes so google away!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #180 - Jul 27th, 2008 at 5:09pm
I will! Wink
One of my sons likes to cook!
Thank You!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #181 - Jul 27th, 2008 at 11:54pm
Thanks so much for the links, I can't wait to check them out! Cheesy  Umm...except for the fact that the bodies in New Orleans are above ground, I thought all cemetaries were the same. Roll Eyes  I want a dark but frilly type cemetary. I'm not sure how else to explain it.  I like the fog idea.

While driving, we passed a cemetary funeral set up the other day and I thought it was beautiful.  The sky was cloudy and there were what looked like folding chairs but with burgundy velvet covers on them. They were set up under a burgundy tent.  I thought it looked nice but my husband felt that the whole idea was to morbid to be "nice".  Anyway, that's when the idea hit to do a cemetary scene for Halloween.  No chairs though.

I was at Walmart earlier today and saw some cool garden crosses that had the frilly look that I want.  They were wavy...gosh I'm bad at these sort of descriptions.  They were 13.00 ea though and I'd want way too many to be able to aford that.

Yeah, I guess serving miso soup during an Arizona summer is not a good idea. Shocked

You're right, changing how you think is key.  When I was a kid, my mother had episodes when she would "explode".  Often times I never saw it coming or knew when it would happen.  I'd just learned through the years that, that was just who she was.  She was like that with everyone and I just learned not to take it personally.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #182 - Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:27am
Welcome, welcome!!

I think NO has more mosoleums and the graves have a slab on top.  I've been collecting stones for a few seasons, so I have quite a few now.  That's why I did a full graveyard in my backyard last year.  Although if I find an interesting one I still keep buying them.

If you love the crosses, I suggest buying a few this month, then next month and each month until Halloween.  Then get some of the cheap ones I mentioned and you'll have a full yard.  If you got a couple of standing characters you could have a mock burial.

You never know what will set my dad off.  I think that's the worst part of it.  Thing is, he only does it with family.  It is who he is, which I was able to see when I was visiting in June.  I think I did pretty well while I was there.  I'm just left with this unfocused sense of dread and tension-its how I grew up.  The thing is now, my hubby is NOT like my father so I don't have the explosion to justify or resolve the feeling.  I don't know what to feel in its place, and so I get down on myself.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #183 - Jul 28th, 2008 at 3:51am
I'm not sure how the NO cemetary thing works.  I thought that everyone had to be in a mosoleum.

Your idea of collecting a few crosses at a time is a good one.

Then, I thought about just doing one plot in the corner of my yard. (As for the style, Madonna's "Oh Father" video comes to mind) I thought about using  a tombstone that already has a cross on it and perhaps putting an angel statue next to it.  As well as a dead ficus or some other tree, fog and a halloween cat that I saw on the site from your link.

Then, I began to think think that it would probably look too real for my liking as I started thinking of realatives of mine who have died...ugh. Embarrassed  Perhaps, I'll just have to keep Halloween simple like I always do. Tongue

Although, I still might get 2 of the Walmart crosses for decoration anyway.  I might even use them indoors.  I'm not religious by any means, but for some reason I'm drawn to certain religious symbols.  

. Quote:
You never know what will set my dad off.  I think that's the worst part of it    

Yep, been there.  It's a scary and uncomfortable situation to always have to walk on egg shells out of fear of setting someone off.

I wish you well in getting over or through the negative feelings that you now are placing on yourself.  Although, I know it's easier said than done, however you are a wonderful, kind, smart, talented and beautiful person.  There is no reason for you to ever put yourself down.  Wink
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #184 - Jul 30th, 2008 at 12:01pm
La Diosa:First I want to say that I think it is a good thing to remember the dead!  I know it can make you sad.  Being sad's OK.

Second I want to say thanks for your kind words.  Frankly, I forgot those things and got focused on crappy things other people have said to me.  Yeah, why should I believe them instead of myself???

For your graveyard-you could have a few of those crosses and get some burlap and leaves and make grave mounds.  Stick a shovel in the ground nearby and voila, fresh graves.   Oooooh, spooky!  Michael's craft store has cute crows that are pretty big, around $10?  I have a bunch already so don't quote me on the price.  I like to put crows on my tombstones.  I even have some w/red light up eyes!!  Michael's website has a 20% off coupon for regular priced merch. good until 8/2/2008.  Its for your whole purchase, which is more of a discount than they usually offer.  The new Halloween stuff and the birds count!

Hair: I tried an experiment.  After getting really sweaty on Monday I showered, got my hair wet, acv'd and conditioned.  Then I used only my leave-in and towel/air dried as usual.  My hair is super soft and slippery.  Without the gel and moisture lock the curl didn't hold much.  Usually I shower w/o washing my hair.  This is the first time I've gotten it wet and not shampooed.  I'm still trying to wash my hair only on Wed and Sat.  Today I hope to get a deep treatment done.

My workouts are going well, getting in cardio on my off days, too.

Oh yeah, my blood pressure meds have been lowered.  Yay!

Props: The base layer of paint is pretty much done on the reef.  It looks better than I thought it would.  The dead man's fingers coral has proven to be a pretty ambitious first paperclay project.  Typical of me...I got my celluclay.  Next chickenwire and mache project is a mermaid's tail.  The human sized mermaid will be in the bathtub.  I'm really hoping I get a motor so we can make her head move.  It will be my first animated prop.  Cross your fingers I get it done this year!!!  It will still be a good static prop, but I love to put something scary in the bathtub.  It cracks me up!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #185 - Jul 31st, 2008 at 3:44pm
Yeah, I think it's a good thing to remember the dead. However, I'd rather remember their lives and not think so much about the loss of them.

So, I don't think that I'm going to move forward with doing graves...although your idea about the leaves mounds is very creative!  I'll most likely do a happier Halloween scene as opposed to one that reminds me of loss and death.

Hopefully, I'll be able to find some stuff at Michaels and take advantage of that 20% discount!  Thanks for telling me about it, I love that store! Cheesy

And no need for thanks...I was just stating the truth.  I'm glad that my words reminded you of the real truth.  I once heard Bill Cosby say that "hurt people, hurt people".  You know, people who are hurting or just miserable, trying to make others feel as bad as they do. It's their issue, not yours. Wink

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #186 - Jul 31st, 2008 at 8:40pm
I agree, to remember those who have passed on at their best.

OK, then.  No graveyard for you.  That makes me think of Seinfeld's Soup Nazzi.  Sorry, I don't mean it to sound that way.  You'll find lots of cute yard signs at Michael's.  Enjoy!  Let me know what you get!!

Your words were very helpful to me.  I've been thinking about that quote all day.  It helps me to think of that, and not take the harmful words to heart.  *whispers, Thanks anyway!*

I did do my deep treatment last night and today my hair is super soft, curly and has lots of volume.  I'm going to have to start keeping it all the way up when I'm teaching...it is becoming a distraction if I wear it 1/2 up at work.  And its sticking to my shoulder blades from the humidity.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #187 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 3:37pm
Sorry, I don't mean it to sound that way.

LOL, no worries, I got the joke! Wink

I may be going to Michaels today! Cheesy

I think about that quote pretty often too but at times, not often enough.  Not only does it help you to not take some things personally, but it also sometimes allows you to feel compasion for people despite their harsh words or actions.  *whispers, you're welcome* Smiley

I'm going to start wearing my hair all up too (hopefully).  It's hard for me to do though.  My hair is so thick that I have problems finding hair accessories to hold it all up and buns get boring to me after a while.  I ordered a hairzing to help me out.  The thought of it (the combs and beads) seem a bit scary but I'm desperate enough to give it a try.  Here's a link to the style I'd like to do and how it works.


Do you have any styles in mind for when you start wearing your hair up?
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #188 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 12:01am
Hubby brought me a present!!!  Its a head cold!  Ugh!

La Diosa:  I have two of those combs.  I haven't done much w/them 'cause they're not really my style.  I'll probably use them for casual days and not for work.

My #1 go to updo right now is a 2 prong hairfork twist.  I make my hair into a bun, insert the fork starting at the bottom, flip the whole thing up and press the fork down inside the twist.


#2 is a braided bun placed at the crown of my head.

Other than that, I've got to wait for more length to do more braids and such.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #189 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 2:11am
I'm sorry about your cold. Embarrassed  Since I don't go out much, I always wind up getting just about all of my colds from my husband.  Well, for that reason and because I'm certain that he doesn't wash his hands as much as I do. Tongue  Anway, how on earth did your husband even get a cold this time of year?

I have one of those hair forks, but it's' a plastic one and it doesn't hold my hair very well.  My hair always slips out of it but perhaps I'm not using it correctly. Huh

Yeah, I can't do much in the way of braiding with my current length either.  However, we're both lucky to have thick hair.  So when it is long enough, our braids will be nice and thick as well. Wink

I'm happy to know that you have a hairzinger, seeing that I was worried about it being hair friendly and all.  You said that you haven't used them much.  But would from what you know, I suppose you feel that they are okay to use?

I also wanted to ask your advice on fog machines.  About how much of an area would you say they'd cover?  I want to put one out in my yard.  I have no idea what the square footage is, but I'd say it's about average size.

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #190 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 11:47am
Someone my hubby works with got sick and we think he got it from her.

Plastic hairtoys don't work in thick hair!  Metal or wood do a great job for me.

I do dream of seeing my braide when its longer.  Lucky us!

My hairzingers were a gift from my mom.  I think they're fine to use once in a while.

The thing about fog machines is that a breeze blows it all away.  If you've got some enclosed space then it should hang around.  There are many different powers of machines.  The more expensive ones will tell you how many sq. feet they cover.  You can use one of any size I think, even the little ones can be pretty nice.  Wal Mart sells them, or you can check a DJ or Halloween site for better answers.  I don't know if that was helpful.  With this cold I can hardly think straight.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #191 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 12:11pm
I hope you feel better soon.  Wink
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #192 - Aug 6th, 2008 at 10:50pm
Thanks!  I am a bit better today, after I finally got some sleep.

Wish me luck at work tomorrow.  I hate having coughing fits when my students are in savasana.  Kinda disturbs their relaxation!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #193 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 8:21am
Feel better love!! Wink
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #194 - Aug 8th, 2008 at 10:39pm
Thanks, Lisabelle.  I'm better, not quite all the way healthy yet.

Today I got my trim.  She took exactly the littlest bit Smiley
I'm going to continue with her trimming every 12 weeks until it either reaches BSL (I'm very close now) or we can get it evened up without my loosing too much length.  That Ouidad cut really screwed up my hair.  So, if I reach BSL first which is most likely, I'll stay there w/regular trims to get it even and then go back to my curly girl lady.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #195 - Aug 13th, 2008 at 3:35pm
I am almost healthy again.  Today's the best I've felt in a week and a half.

My hair has a strange shape, so I'll have to endure until this waiting for it to grow back out phase is over.

Been working on Halloween projects.  I'm nearly done scrapbooking Halloween 2006.  I have 4 out of 10 mini skeletons wired so I can position them.  The reef has its basecoat finished.
I still need to corpse a small blucky and seal and paint the paperclay dead man's fingers coral.

I'm going to try sleeping while plopping my hair overnight on Saturday...
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #196 - Aug 13th, 2008 at 4:27pm
I'm glad you are feeling better! Smiley
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #197 - Aug 13th, 2008 at 7:49pm
Thanks, l&lx3!

I was naughty today...after my pedicure I went to the scrapbook store.  Now, I did actually need to go.  Its been so long since I did a book that some of my glue pens were all dried up!  I know, poor me.  So, $$$ later I got lots of cool stuff.  Oh, and a new glue pen.   Cheesy
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Kami wa onna no inochi
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #198 - Aug 13th, 2008 at 9:23pm
Sakina wrote on Aug 13th, 2008 at 7:49pm:
Thanks, l&lx3!

I was naughty today...after my pedicure I went to the scrapbook store.  Now, I did actually need to go.  Its been so long since I did a book that some of my glue pens were all dried up!  I know, poor me.  So, $$$ later I got lots of cool stuff.  Oh, and a new glue pen.   Cheesy


Right on! Cheesy
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #199 - Aug 13th, 2008 at 9:30pm
Sakina wrote on Aug 13th, 2008 at 7:49pm:
I was naughty today...after my pedicure I went to the scrapbook store.  Now, I did actually need to go.  Its been so long since I did a book that some of my glue pens were all dried up!  I know, poor me.  So, $$$ later I got lots of cool stuff.  Oh, and a new glue pen.   Cheesy

*Sigh* I have a trunk full of scrapping stuff, but no time to really do any of it.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #200 - Aug 17th, 2008 at 4:09pm
Its been a really long time since I did a book.  So far I've got 6 complete pages, front and back.

Last night I tried the overnight plop.  I don't think its for me.  The weight of the towel has made my neck stiff.  The top layer of my hair was barely curly and the curls underneath were wonky.  I think next time I'll plop for several hours and then let it down.  I did have very nice volume though.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #201 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 2:00am
Did some s&d yesterday, in between scrapbooking and painting my coral.

Ahhh!  Halloween is less than 80 days away!

Washing every Wed. and Sat. are working out nicely.  I may consider going to once a week once it cools off and the humidity goes down.  Hmmmm.

I'm going to the doc on Wed.  I think I might have bronchitis.  I'm still coughing and this is  going on week 3 of being sick.  I'm sick of being sick and missing my workouts!!!!!  I have been able to work on the scrapbook while sick, and 2006 is 2 pages away from completion.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #202 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 11:42am
Sakina wrote on Aug 19th, 2008 at 2:00am:
Did some s&d yesterday, in between scrapbooking and painting my coral.

Ahhh!  Halloween is less than 80 days away!

Don't tell me that! I haven't thought of costumes for the kids yet! lol

I think I might have bronchitis.

My mom gets bronchitis yearly, and I used to get pneumonia yearly around this time.
I hope your cough goes away soon.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #203 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 4:40pm
Halloween is less than 80 days away!

Yay!   Cheesy 
Yep, go see a doctor; bronchitis is nothing to dilly-dally around with.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #204 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 4:45pm
Ahhh!  Halloween is less than 80 days away!


Hope you feel better soon, Sakina.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #205 - Aug 20th, 2008 at 3:22pm
Awww...I hope you feel better soon!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #206 - Aug 21st, 2008 at 8:00pm
Thanks, everybody.  On the whole I am feeling better.  I do not have bronchitis or pneumonia, but I still have a nasty cough.  The doc prescribed for me a z-pac?  Super strong antibiotics-its only 3 days dose.  It made me sick after the first one, and I took the second one this afternoon and feel OK so far.  I've missed 8 training sessions, and will miss tomorrow (9) too.

I've gotten a lot for Halloween done, still lots more to do.

If any of you want to see some of my pictures from Halloween's past, go to http://garageofevil.ning.com/profile/Debrah and you can see a bunch!  There's also a couple of pics of my current projects.  You'll recognize the avatar, I used the same one from here.

Today I got the ron quattro hairtoys I ordered, and have one in my hair right now.  I also got some Japanese hairtoys from www.chidoriyaworld.com.  I made the mistake of watching Memoirs of a Geisha last week...I had to get these decorations!!  I got TAMA-KAN, BACHI-black, and TAMA KANZASHI.  I'm crazy!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #207 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 12:11am
Sakina wrote on Aug 21st, 2008 at 8:00pm:
If any of you want to see some of my pictures from Halloween's past, go to http://garageofevil.ning.com/profile/Debrah and you can see a bunch!  There's also a couple of pics of my current projects.  You'll recognize the avatar, I used the same one from here.

Today I got the ron quattro hairtoys I ordered, and have one in my hair right now.  I also got some Japanese hairtoys from www.chidoriyaworld.com.  I made the mistake of watching Memoirs of a Geisha last week...I had to get these decorations!!  I got TAMA-KAN, BACHI-black, and TAMA KANZASHI.  I'm crazy!

I am glad you don't have bronchitis or pneumonia. Coughs seem to linger around for quite some time.
I wish I could come to your house for Halloween! It looks like so much fun!
I love the movie Memoirs of a Geisha! I didn't think I would, but when I finally sat down and watched it, I was intrigued! Those new toys you have are gorgeous! You'll have to tell me some of your websites where you get all your hairtoys! My clips from Hong Kong came today (faster than I ever expected)! They are really pretty and not junky, so I am really pleased! One is larger than I expected, so I won't be wearing it any time soon, but I can picture it when I finally have long curly hair!
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #208 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 12:32am
I'm glad you're feeling better. Smiley

I think we'd all like to come to your house for Halloween! Cheesy  Currently, I'm thinking about getting a Halloween projector to put outside.  It shows the typical images... a witch, a cat, ghosts etc.  I'll most likely do fog and red lighting as well.

I love that site!  The hair toys that you got are so cute!  I'm glad you posted the link, I saved it to my favorites.  There are a few things that I'd like to get from them as well. Smiley
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #209 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:36am
Cool.  I do love my hairtoys.  My other favorite site for kanzashi is mentioned somewhere in this journal...

70 days til Halloween!!!

Well, if you PM me your address I'll send you an invitation.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #210 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:37am
Awww thanks...I wish!

I just looked at your Halloween pics.  I knew that you went all out, but was still surprised at just how far out you go. Shocked  You really decorate! Smiley  Your pics gave me some inspiration.  I like the candleabra, I'd like to do that inside.  Your costumes were really nice and elaborate too!  You make a pretty mermaid. Smiley
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #211 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 12:58pm
Thanks.  The mermaid pic is from a recital a few years ago.  This year's party theme is Pirates!  I was going to make a mermaid head turner prop to put in the bathroom.  I changed my mind and Steve over at Garage of Evil said he wanted to see my mermaid, so since I wasn't making one anymore I sent him the pic I just happened to have.

Yeah, I work on my party plans all year...I write out a plan, make diagrams, research, it is my thang.  I'm not sure which I'm more crazy about, hairtoys or Halloween.  For my hair I'm waiting for more length, for Halloween I'm waiting for a couple of days to arrive (the date of the party and then the 31st itself).

I got those candelabra (I'm assuming you mean the floor ones.  I kind of have a candelabra collection) from www.frightcatalog.com. ; I got them on a really good sale, so it pays off to sign up for their newsletter!!!  I got the rose garlands from walmart really cheap, and the red candles around Valentine's day at Big Lots.  $4 for the candles!!  The nicer rose garlands at Michael's are like $20 each!!  I also used some rose garlands on the arch.  Once I have my theme idea, I'm looking all year for stuff.

I have a love of costuming, so I have a lot to work with.  The accessories in the vampire pic are actually from a Renaissance jewelry site: www.sapphireandsage.com. ; She sometimes sells on ebay, has great customer servise and is super nice.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #212 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 3:39am
Yeah, I work on my party plans all year...I write out a plan, make diagrams, research, it is my thang.

I told my husband about your love of Halloween and showed him your pictures.  Now, I think he's in love! Grin  Halloween has always been his favorite holiday although, I've never seen him really go all out to celebrate. Tongue  I think you decorate for Halloween in the same spirit that some people decorate for Chirstmas.

Yeah, I did mean the floor one.  So, I began looking for them online but they're quite expensive...more money than I'm willing to pay.  I'll checke the link that you posted to see if they're more affordable there. 

I also love the curtains that you have with the cat eyes.  Unfortunately, I don't have a window to display something like that in.  Well I do, but we already have privacy film on the windows so therefore, I couldn't do it but it looks too cool!

At anyrate,your pictures got me so excited to prepare...although mine won't be nearly as nice as yours.  I am however, waiting for Target to bring in their Halloween items (if they haven't already) they ususlly have cool stuff too.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #213 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 10:52am
I am however, waiting for Target to bring in their Halloween items (if they haven't already) they ususlly have cool stuff too.

Me too!! *paces in front of store*  Grin
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #214 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 12:47pm
Yeah!  The Target here doesn't have the Halloween stuff out yet!

Thanks for looking at my pics, LD.  See?  I told you all I was crazy, and now you have proof!  And I'm not the only one!!  Grin

I do decorate to the extent that other people do for Christmas.  My friends here all joke about it.  Like its funny?  Roll Eyes

The best time to purchase large decor times is

1)right after the holiday when they want to make room for next year's stuff

2)around April when what didn't sell in November is still hanging around.

Obviously this applies only to companies that specialize in Halloween stuff.  If I find a site that has cool stuff, I always sign up for their newsletter so I hear about the sales and get discounts I wouldn't know about and sometimes they do sales just for their newsletter customers.

If floor candelabras were cheaper, I'd have lots of them.  I just thought of something.  *going to look something up...ok, I'm back*
I was looking for this cool spider web floor candleabra, I saw some pics somewhere on the net.  I tried googling it, found pics but no actual item for sale.
I did come across this, though:

I don't think the price is too bad, and it could be used year round.  You could decorate it for any holiday you wanted.  If I didn't already have 2 and no room for more, I'd buy 2 of these.  Aww, heck, who am I kidding?  I bookmarked the page.  I don't keep the Halloween ones out year round anyway.  These I could keep out all the time!

The cat eyes are actually plastic posters.  I shine a flood light behind it.  I get the bulbs at Home Depot (oops, I said the magic word!) and got the holder from, um, www.hauntedfog.com, I think.  They have a lot more poster styles available this year.

Now, for hair stuff.  Yesterday I wore my new interlocking hairpins from ron quattro in a braided bun.  It held all day and didn't give me a headache.  They show on the sides a little, but as I get more length, I'll grow into them.  They're 1.5" wide, so they accomodate my thick hair really well.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #215 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 6:25pm
I didn't get anything from Target last year, but wish I had.  I hope their stuff this year is just as nice.

I like that candelabra. I wanted something that I could leave out year round.  I'm currently looking for burgundy and black furnishings and accessories for my den, so candelabra's will be perfect.  You always find the best sites! Cheesy  The hauntedfog link isn't working for me though. Sad  I think I may be able use those posters if they still have them.

I get the bulbs at Home Depot (oops, I said the magic word!)

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #216 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 12:17am
I'm glad you like that candelabra, too.  I spend a lot of time researching when I'm looking for something!
Compare the prices on the posters-you can get them cheap if you look around.

I like that cookoo smiley.

Today I put my hair in a rope braid bun and worked out for the first time in 3 weeks.  We took it easy, so I can get up to speed faster.  It felt good to workout, my back was very sore from all the coughing.

Made more progress on the scrapbook and mini pirate hats.  I finished the first 32 mini skeletons, they now have one eye and an eye patch.  Very piratey.
Hubby helped me take measurements for the SeaHag's lair and the Cave of Doom so we know how much material we need to get.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #217 - Sep 14th, 2008 at 3:40am
Lovin' your hair in the new avatar!!!  How did you do that?
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #218 - Sep 14th, 2008 at 11:57am
Love your new avatar as well!!  Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #219 - Sep 14th, 2008 at 12:05pm
Thanks, LD!

I made a pony tail in the middle of the back of my head and held it softly w/a hairfriendly elastic.  The underside of my hair is shorter than the top (stupid Ouidad haircut) so I took some of the longer hair and braided it, securing the end of the braid w/a small hairfriendly elastic.  I took the remaining hair and twisted it, then rounded it into a bun pinning as I go w/Amish hairpins.  Then I wrapped the braid around the bun and pinned it.

Well, I tried some of the Carol's Daughter products and I have 2 issues:
1.  They smell wayyyy to strong.  Sad Gives me a headache.
2.  They are too heavy for my wavy hair.  I'm not accustomed to the coated feeling the products give me.  The hair oil is nice for a deep treat though.

My scalp has been itching so I'm trying a Neem shampoo and conditioner.  So far, it is helping and it makes my hair very soft and curly.  I'm still using Devacurl One Condition, leave in, gel and moisture lock.  This seems to be a good routine for me now.  Today I was out of my acv, and I added 2 drops of camellia oil to my leave in.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #220 - Sep 15th, 2008 at 8:43pm
Thanks for the instructions!  It's so pretty I can't wait to try it, it looks like a grecian goddess hair do! Cheesy 
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #221 - Sep 15th, 2008 at 8:51pm
Thanks, waiting4longlocks!

You're welcome, La Diosa!  I can't wait to see your pic of this style.  Cheesy
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #222 - Oct 7th, 2008 at 12:09am
I'm soo busy with my Halloween prep that I haven't posted as much but I have been reading everyone else's posts!

Today I finished the invitations and I'm very happy!!!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #223 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 11:35pm
Still very busy with Halloween party preparations.

Next Saturday I'm meeting with an awesome hair lady to do a run through for my Marie Antoinette inspired hairdo for my costume.

I've not been around too much and won't be for awhile.  Our home laptop was stolen from our home Tuesday around 3am.

So, everybody keep up the good routines and I'll catch up when I can!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Angel Spun
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #224 - Oct 12th, 2008 at 12:54pm
Omg, Sakina, I'm so sorry about your laptop!  Shocked

Ya know, people steal things most around the holidays and with the economy what it currently is...

Hope things smooth out for you soon and you're able to get a new laptop. *hugs*
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #225 - Oct 13th, 2008 at 1:00am
Thanks, Angel Spun.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #226 - Oct 13th, 2008 at 10:39am
Aw, that stinks.  *hugs*   Tongue
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #227 - Oct 13th, 2008 at 2:14pm
omg I am so sorry love! (((hugs)))
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #228 - Oct 13th, 2008 at 11:28pm
Thanks, Trisha and Isabeau.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #229 - Oct 14th, 2008 at 12:35am
Whoa, did someone break in? Shocked  That's awful! (((hugs)))
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #230 - Nov 5th, 2008 at 5:50pm
Yeah, LD, someone broke into my house through a window.

I think I'm finally recovered from my post Halloween hangover.  We don't have everything put away yet, and we're not in any hurry.

I've got some pics...our camera in dying and I had too much Captain Morgan's and Iced Tea to pay attention to getting pics of all of our guests.  I guess next time I'll start drinking later.  And we'll do a photo op area 'cause that helps me remember.  I actually forgot to do the costume contest and give aways I had planned.

I got a trim today.  Its grown out enough from my unpleasant Ouidad cut that the straight across trims are making my waves look like crap.  I'm still going to tough it out and not get my curly girl cut from the lady in Tuscon until February, which is my usual 12 week upkeep.

Finally, other people have started commenting on how long my hair has gotten.  Yay!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #231 - Nov 5th, 2008 at 6:09pm
lol Sakina...sounds like you drank your Halloween festivites, girl. Grin

Hope you'll be posting a few pix here just the same.
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #232 - Nov 5th, 2008 at 7:25pm
Yeah, LD, someone broke into my house through a window.

That's horrible!  When I was a kid our house was broken into a lot.  Once, we were even robbed the day after Christmas.  It always feels like such a violation.

I'm glad that you enjoyed your Halloween though! 

Congrats on the hair compliments! Cheesy
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #233 - Nov 6th, 2008 at 6:55pm
I'm sorry your house got broken into, too!

EEEEP!  I've lost my mind.  I just signed up to audition for "The King and I" at the Hale Theatre.  I haven't auditioned for anything in, like, forever!  The audition is Monday, November 17th and I have to sing 16 bars.  I'm not sure what I'm going to sing yet.  Ack!  Now I'm freaking out about what to wear and how to wear my hair.   Ugh!

In hair news, I made the awesomest low bun today!  Finally I have enough length for a low bun to be full.  I braided my hair and pinned it.  Then I wore the fascinator I bought last year for my birthday.  This year I think I'm going to buy myself a crazy big fancy hat with lots of feathers, circa the Edwardian or Victorian era.  Whee!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #234 - Nov 10th, 2008 at 9:51am
I just signed up to audition for "The King and I" at the Hale Theatre

Yay-rah for you!  Break a leg, my dear!   Wink
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #235 - Nov 10th, 2008 at 2:40pm
Thanks, Trisha.  I'm trying not to freak myself out about it too much.  If I get a part in the chorus I'll be happy.  I guess I just want to be performing regularly again.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #236 - Nov 13th, 2008 at 5:32pm
Today I picked my audition song, its 16 bars of "So In Love" from the musical Kiss Me, Kate.  I've been telling people I'm auditioning to keep myself from chickening out!  I have to write a musical resume and have a headshot.  This is tough, I can't remember the last names of some of my voice teachers let alone all the stuff I've done over the years.  Honestly, I think I thought I wouldn't perform again.

I think my next trim will be closer to 1" off than 1/4".  I've been finding splits almost 2" long...I hate that!  It has been several years since I had anything more than a trim so I think its time.

Well...I'm off to see if I can dig up some names!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #237 - Nov 14th, 2008 at 12:39am
Good luck! Smiley

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #238 - Nov 16th, 2008 at 10:08pm
Thank you, La Diosa.

Today I got my headshot and resume printed up.  I took a nap this afternoon and was singing the song in my head while I was dreaming.  That was weird.

I have my clothes all set for tomorrow.  I hope my hair and makeup turn out good.  I'm going to wear my hair 1/2 up at the suggestion of my voice teacher.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #239 - Nov 18th, 2008 at 11:20pm
Well...I made it to callbacks!  Now I'll have to wait for the phone call.  Tonight we had to do a bit of dancing and singing.  I'm up for one of the wives in "The King and I".  Rehearsals start in January and the run is Feb-April.

I wore my hair the same way as I did in the audition and wore the same sweater to help the director remember me.  This is the first time I've done an audition that has callbacks.  Yay!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #240 - Nov 19th, 2008 at 10:01am
How exciting!  Yay-rah for you!   Cool
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2008
Reply #241 - Nov 19th, 2008 at 3:36pm
Thanks, Trisha.  I didn't get the part.  I'm not asian enough, which is pretty funny since I'm about as pale, blond and blue eyed as it gets.  Oh, well.  I think I'll be auditioning for "Beauty and the Beast" in the spring.  Can't help feeling a little bummed, though.

One the bright side, I'll have more time to teach a new Friday morning yoga class at the personal training gym I work out at.

I'm off to get a scalp massage...
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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