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Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows (Read 278901 times)

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Southern Louisiana
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Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Apr 24th, 2007 at 7:26pm
I don't know how often I'll update this, at least monthly, hopefully!
My current routine is wash and condition with Pantene Pro-V Daily Moisture Renewal, followed by running infusium 23 through my hair and combing it out with my tangle tamer comb. I've never seen anything like it - I'd never even heard of it until my BF convinced me to buy one. It goes through knots like a hot knife through butter, and doesn't break hardly any hairs, even in the worst snarls.

Anyway, I went and got my hair trimmed today by my neighbor, who's been doing this for years. I know she only does trims, not any short fancy styles, so I was fairly ... well not confident, but not spazzing anyway.
Walked into her single chair salon, and was greeted by a picture of a woman with absolutely gorgeous dark brown tailbone length hair. It turns out she's been taking care of her sister in law's hair since she had it chin length. Needless to say, I was quite a bit reassured. I wasn't sure how much I wanted taken off, I knew, 2-3 inches, no more!  she held up a comb with inch marks on it. "this is three inches". Looking up close at how much hair that would take off, I started shaking.  Two inches would be more than sufficient.
It came out beautifully, if I do say so myself.  She cut it in the slightest of u shapes so it would look less pointy draped over my shoulders.
Then I returned home and washed/conditioned it, and it's currently air drying and soaking my computer chair.
Next time I go to Baton Rouge I'm planning on going to hong kong seafood market and getting a pair of fancy laquered chopsticks for my hair. It's not a set of Longlocks hairsticks, but for now it's going to have to do. Once I've bought the harp I'm currently saving for, I'll start saving for a pair.
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Shooting Star

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #1 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 8:27pm
Yea!  Another new journal!

Sounds like you may have found a great person to do your trims - lucky you!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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WWW Bikerbraid  
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #2 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 9:26pm
Im glad you started a journal. You have very pretty hair. Where can i get that detangling comb from? It sounds wonderful.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #3 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 10:07pm
Congrats on starting your hair journal, Kiraela. Look forward to reading more.  Smiley
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #4 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 11:14pm
Thanks for y'alls encouragement, comments, and compliments! I got my Krest Tangle Tamer at Sally Beauty supply, I'm not sure but I think you can get them at most drug stores like walgreens, CVS, etc. It's got curved teeth, facing each other set sort of apart... I'm not sure how to describe it, except with a picture http://www.chatelaine.com/english/images/issue/2006/04/20060207_163948_2840_02.j... (that's not it but it's got the same teeth) and I don't know why it works, but it does. I'm not sure if they come in any colors other than a pretty dark teal. that's the only one I saw.
Yes, Mrs. Jo is a great lady... I can't believe how much difference a small chunk off the bottom makes! My entire hair looks so much silkier and shinier, and all around healthier. (that could be the new conditioner, too, but I'm sure that's not all it, I've used it before and it wasn't this good) I think it's a little shorter than I wished for, though. I'm now at 28'' almost exactly. So I think she took off 3'', rather than 2''... but it was, honestly worth it. that's another inch's worth of damage I don't have to worry about later. And I did say, 2 or 3 inches... Undecided at least it will grow better now, without splits travelling up the shaft.  I found one hair earlier when I tried dusting my hair for the first time, that had a split about 3/8 of an inch long! I didn't even know it could possibly split that far. Sad but now, it's so much better looking and feeling, I'm happy as a clam!
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Shooting Star

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #5 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 8:26am
Sometimes it is worth having more trimmed off when there is a lot of damage.  And remember - it will grow back!  Your hair sounds like it grows pretty fast, so you will regain that length pretty quickly.  Hang in there!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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WWW Bikerbraid  
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #6 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 9:26am
That's what I have to keep reminding myself. It feels so short now, though! I know that's rediculous, but I'm so used to the comb going throug my hair a certain way, and now it stops before it feels like it should. Does that make sense?  I guess it will take some getting used to.
And yep, I grow pretty fast... I think I've been averaging one inch a month, roughly.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #7 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 12:59pm
lol It totally makes sense. I feel the same way when combing my hair after a trim. There's just this kind of blunt feeling when the comb stops short. It does take some getting used to.

One inch per month is phenomenal! I don't think that many ladies here grow that fast. You shouldn't be missing those last few inches long.  Wink
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #8 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 1:44pm
Hi Kiraela, I grow that fast also.  I know the feeling of missing something.  Next week it will feel better.  Soon enuf, you wont notice its gone at all  Grin.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #9 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 2:26pm
Welcome to the wonderful world of journaling!!   Cool
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #10 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 3:58pm
WOO! In celebration of my new, healthier looking hair, (And to keep me from being bummed by the trim) I just tried the figure 8 bun! It looks great, even with a mechical pencil rather than a hairstick to keep it up. I am loving my hair right now.

And, hello everyone and thanks for taking the time to read!
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #11 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 9:51pm
yarg! I tried an "infinity bun" ... because of the loose messy ends, it looks rather like a "dead betta fish" bun(sort of like a stylized "jesus fish" with a big tail) it now "hairstyles named after fish (page 34)" in some trendy hairstyle magazine.  I was good today, didn't drink much cola at all(about 1/4 of a can)...did a bit of walking and wood carving today too. Made my own set of hairsticks out of a 1/4 inch red oak dowel(woo, 4 sticks for $0.55(is there a way to do a cents sign?)! they were originally 9'', but I decided that 7'' was more than sufficient. Now I'm considering how to decorate them. If I can get my hands on some black paint (i have an idea about that, btw) I think i'm going to paint them black and decorate the top end of each with green seed beads. Now, what should I do for the other pair, is the question? Black with red beads, blue beads, or something off the wall like white painted with purple? (or something completely different, I'm not sure yet.)My creative brain is going into overdrive...I'm not sure I can choose!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #12 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 12:07am
     One pair is 7', the other is 8''(for now, I am going to see whether that is too long). I think I'm going to do the 7s black and red, and the 8s, i'm not sure. white and green? black and green? green and blue? I'm sure I'll think of something, anyway. (suggestions are welcome, of course!)
     I've started on a schedule of shampooing every other day. I was going almost a week, trying to get my hair used to it, but alas. by day 3 it gets oily and funky, and just keeps getting worse. By day 6 I can almost use my own sebum as hairspray. The good news is, the daily moisture renewal has left my hair silkier than it's been in months. I'm just worried about the buildup of cones on my hair, so I'm going to start doing a white vinegar rinse(now that I know how), but, how often should I do them?
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #13 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 12:15pm
Pardon my naïveté, but what exactly is an infinity bun? I've heard of them before, but I don't think I've ever seen one.  Huh

To make the cent symbol ¢ just hold down the Alt key and press 0418 in the 10-key keypad.  Wink

Does the Daily Moisture Renewal shampoo not leave your roots greasy? I only ask because I used to be a total DMR nut - used almost every single product in the line - until last year when something in the shampoo formula changed and it started giving me the greasiest roots ever.  Tongue  I had to attend my grandmother's funeral last year looking like I hadn't washed my hair in weeks, and pretty much stopped using it altogether after that. I was really P.O.'ed that something I'd used and relied on for years would suddenly turn on me, but...such is life. You are lucky if it doesn't affect your hair that way.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #14 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 2:05pm
IF you can do a Figure 8, the infinity bun is simple.. basically, do a figure 8 horizontally rather than vertically. I'm no good at describing how to do them, but Bikerbraid gave a good way to do it earlier, in another thread. Only, instead of flipping the top loop up, flip it sideways (it helps if the original ponytail to make the bun is slightly offset from center, otherwise the bun ends up halfway across one side of the head!). It produces the sideways 8, or infinity symbol. (or in my case, the fish symbol...)  the daily moisture renewal doesn't make my roots greasy, luckily.  I don't know what they did, maybe it was a temporary change, or something. Or maybe my hair just loves it. ¢! woo! thanks, Angel Spun.

I've decided to add danglies on the ends of my homemade hairsticks, kind of like the absolutely lovely Geishastix, as soon as the paint is dry. Finding a drill bit the perfect size was a bit of a pain, even in a blacksmithing/ornamental ironwork shop. It seems my guy and his father don't typically have need of a .070 drill bit...  Undecided I can't wait to take pictures of the sticks though!

And hey, I managed to do the Victorian! It's a lot simpler to do than it looks like it should be. and very pretty, even with unpainted, plain wooden sticks. I think it will look great with my soon to be finished 7'' sticks.
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #15 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 2:14pm
¢! woo! thanks, Angel Spun.

lol You're welcome. I use Alt commands all the time.  Wink

And thanx for the infinity bun description. I might have to try that too!  Cheesy  LMAO @ the "dead beta fish" bun. hehehe Egad...
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #16 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 2:40pm
I'm going to start doing a white vinegar rinse(now that I know how), but, how often should I do them?

I (try) to do a vinegar rinse once a week.  I wash my hair every 3-4 days or so, depending on how long I can stand it.   Grin  I think it's another one of those "personal choice" things. 
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #17 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 5:06pm
Thanks, Trisha!

The 8'' pair is now down to 7''...I kept stabbing myself in the neck every time I turned my head to fast. That was just not going to work! I've got the first pair primed and they're just about ready to put the first coat of paint on. The dangles are done and waiting, and I figured out a seriously pretty way to attach them. Cheesy
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #18 - Apr 28th, 2007 at 12:03am
Well, not much to report in the hair front today. I was going to go every other day without shampooing, (yesterday being the last time) but I got bug repellent in my hair earlier,and it was sticking together and trying to eat my comb. I couldn't let it go like that so two washes in a row. Hopefully it will forgive me.
On the hairstick front, the first pair has its first coat of red and the second pair is primed and waiting for me to find green spraypaint. Oddly enough, the spray red is quite a bit shinier than expected.  I had originally planned on using red nail polish to do the ends, but I found out from a paint expert (at least he thinks he is)  that the laquer in nail polish will cause paint to blister and crack . I'm not sure of that, but I didn't want to risk it. Especially not with my first ever pair! Tomorrow, they get masking taped (to cover the red) and black sprayed. Then, they get danglies and photographed! WOO!
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #19 - Apr 28th, 2007 at 1:53pm
Your hairsticks sound pretty, Kiraela. Can't wait to see pix!  Smiley
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #20 - Apr 28th, 2007 at 2:19pm
I hope they will be, anyway. I'm using such a weird mix of paints (industrial primer, red spray enamel, and black satin finish paint meant for metal) that I'm not sure HOW it will end up! I'll know shortly, the black paint is almost dry and I can soon remove the tape!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #21 - Apr 28th, 2007 at 4:06pm
I would have been better off taking BikerBraid's suggestion and going with the nail polish! Yikes. it looks horrible, and the black dried with so many burst air bubbles in it that i wouldn't trust in in my hair! going to sand down the bubbles and paint it all black to see if that helps. if not... well the other set has a coat of red on them already, i'll just toss the black and keep it as an all red piece. Sad

Not to mention our truck's engine is currently being dissassembled in the front yard by a man who openly admits he has no clue what he's doing.

this has not been a good day so far.
but my hair is behaving well, so i've got something.....
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #22 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 12:45pm
A good hair day can make all your other cares go away   Smiley  *hugs*  Hang in there...
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #23 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 4:28pm
Thanks Trisha! A nice long deep conditioning session and sleeping late fixed my mood, at least. I wish fixing a truck was that simple!

And good news, the sticks ended up beautiful. I'll get pictures as soon as I can get this screwy kodak software to function.  Undecided
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #24 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 8:24pm
WOO! finally. I got pictures up of my pretty sticks, and also a new hairstyle I tried... I don't know if any of you have ever done it, but it ends up b-e-a-yutiful! admittedly, it will be even better once my hair is longer, but.. what isn't?

First off, showing off the double-8 and the new Redsticks, (don't worry that's paint not blood on the ends there, although I did manage to stab myself with them earlier  Huh)


Then a close up of the Redsticks.


Next off, the Homage To Spring pair in a two sticked 8.


and a closeup of the Spring pair (named after the sunflower and dragonfly danglies)


I'm not sure if they're completely complete though. I might shorten the Spring danglies a bit. I do like the antennae look though....  Shocked Tongue Wink

Note: edited to correct links and add a sentence.
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« Last Edit: Apr 30th, 2007 at 11:11pm by Kiraela »  

“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #25 - May 1st, 2007 at 1:36pm
Those are really cool, Kiraela!  --I like the 'do, too.   Cool
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #26 - May 1st, 2007 at 1:57pm
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #27 - May 2nd, 2007 at 8:47pm
AArgh! I think my hair is shrinking.  Shocked Huh Angry ! It went from 28'' after my trim to 27 3/4'' today! I haven't done but one S&D, and I know for certain sure I've not nipped THAT many hairs!   Cry

And my poor kitty is in heat (I need to get her spayed badly)... and my guy's cat(demon?) is too. Together, they're driving me mad. They're walking around the house chirping... Voodou, my guy's cat has a deep throaty meow that is intensely grating. Emma, my baby has a weirdly high pitched squeeky voice... It sounds like a pair of tribbles wandering around.

Today has not been a good day, but if that's all I have to worry about then I'm still doing well.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #28 - May 2nd, 2007 at 9:22pm
Thanks for the info about the Krest Tange Tamer. I got one at Sallys and i love it.   You have lovely hair!!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #29 - May 3rd, 2007 at 12:14am
Your hair sticks look really neat! I love the dragonfly dangle.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #30 - May 4th, 2007 at 1:00pm
I really like your sticks, they're so pretty!  At 28" or 27 3/4" your hair is till beautiful, it's okay. Smiley

I used to have a cat that wasn't spayed and she seemed so miserable when she'd go into heat.   I hope you can get your cat spayed soon.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #31 - May 6th, 2007 at 6:37pm
Argh!! I need to learn to measure better, I think....

a few hours before my trim on april 24, my hair was 31''.
a few hours after my trim, on april 24, my hair was 28''.
may 2, my hair was measuring in at 27 3/4''.
today, may 6, it is measuring in at  29 1/2''.


I think today's is more accurate, because 1) I asked Ms. Jo to only take off about 2 inches, putting me at 29''.. and 2)because today my hair is the straightest it's been in ages. that means that in 2 weeks, I have gained half an inch.  WOO!

Of course, my hair was so badly misbehaving today (thick, poofy, dry, and rough feeling) that I had a 5 1/2'' pony tail.

I did my first CWC this morning - I don't know that I like them so far. Eventually (right after measuring actually) I got fed up and rinsed/conditioned it again, hoping to take down some of the poof. At least it's too wet to poof right now. That's something.

And I got another quarter inch dowel and I'm making 3 more pairs of sticks. This time I'm going with nail polish for the paint... So far I've got one set done. They're a very pretty dusty pink color (L.A. Nails' Antique Rose). I'm not much of a pink girl, unless it's a dirty pink... Maybe that's the tomboy in me. I was never happy with my barbies unless they had as many mud streaks as I did....   Grin  Anyway, if I can figure out how to do the pretty end things like Susan does, I might do that, otherwise they're going to stay plain, I think. One day I hope I'm that skilled.
Heck, one day I hope I can afford something of that quality.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #32 - May 9th, 2007 at 8:42pm
well, all three sets of sticks are done, and I'm actually rather pleased with my experimentations... One set is dirty pink, one is clear polish/varnished, with a pink dot to cover the end grain, and one was covered in black polish, then the black polish was removed, and the wood happened to be stained a very pretty walnutty color with black streaks... which was then covered in clear and left as is. Oddly enough, pair #3 is my favorite. Anyway, My hair has been behaving perfectly, for the most part. I washed my hair, looked at the clock on the wall, and decided to leave my conditioner on for an hour (as NCIS, my all-time-favorite-show, was about to start). It has made my hair softer, silkier, and shinier than usual.
I've also made myself a satin pillowcase since my last post. I was given a satin nightie by a friend who was clearing out her clothes, which unfortunately could not fit me even if I were sawwed in half lengthwise. It (with modification) fit a pillow perfectly, though. I think that has been adding to the shine and lack of splits too. (Not to mention it is quite snazzy looking!)
I've also been increasing on my endurance with crunches - I went from barely able to do 25, to doing 50, in about 2 weeks. I've been eating healthier too. A salad with or for almost every meal, and smaller portions of everything. I've even finally cut out all carbonated drinks from my diet, now it's lightly sweetened iced tea. Honestly, I think it's much tastier anyway! Unfortunately it's been heating the house, with as much as I have to boil water! With myself, my gentleman and his father all chugging on tea, I have to make two or three pitchers a day  Undecided I guess it's worth it though.

Also, I've re-learned a lesson... tomato juice+open wound=pain. And that salad can be dangerous.
I've also been bitten twice by a devil-cat in the past few days. When voodou is in heat, she's sweet, and affectionate, and cuddly. As soon as her hormones recede........ *chomp* Honestly, if the government is really serious about removing troops from the middle east, they should consider replacing them with clones of this cat. I'd swear she was more dangerous than a guy with an M-16!

Anyway, that's all for now. Sorry for the rambly, long post.
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #33 - May 10th, 2007 at 12:23pm
Honestly, if the government is really serious about removing troops from the middle east, they should consider replacing them with clones of this cat.

LOL  Grin

Congrats on all of the steps you've made toward better health. Funny how cutting out the unnecessary crap here and there can make such a difference, isn't it? My sweetheart has already lost 25 lbs. since the beginning of this year just by making a few simple reductions in diet. So keep at it and I know you'll feel much better about yourself.  Smiley
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #34 - May 10th, 2007 at 11:37pm
Slim-The-Kiraela-project: Oh, yes. Not only does cutting the crap out of my diet help me physically - before I started this campaign my belt was on the second to last hole (drilled specifically for that length) and now it needs new holes drilled - But it also helps me mentally. I've always had a confidence problem. Specifically, I never had any.  Being more in control of what I eat and do has, oddly enough, made me feel more in control of everything else as well. I know that I can do much more than I had thought, if I only set my mind to it.  I don't want to weigh myself yet... I know I would be discouraged if there's not a marked decrease.  I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and letting it work.  Smiley
Injuries: my thumb (that got sliced instead of a tomato) is infected.  Sad I'm going to rinse it with saline and keep it bandaged, and hope that kills it(the infection, not the thumb  Tongue). I don't know what it is about this thumb, though. I've had to have stitches on it before from tomato accidents. You'd think I'd have learned the difference by now, right?

Life:Argh. I wish the move would hurry up and happen. My guy interviewed with a shop in BR today. Right now we're just waiting to hear back on how much they're willing to pay him. He's pretty much got it in his pocket, if the offer is enough. Now we've got to step up looking for an apartment. and saving up. Which means all my harp savings is going to have to go towards the deposit, but it will be worth it. If I can't have a horse, I'd rather have no grass or trees for miles.  Also, I think I'm becoming a harp dork. I've never even played one, but I've found myself listening to things and air-harping(like air guitar but with more class, LOL).  Anybody else been so obsessed with something like a hobby or instrument that you dream about it? Except my dreams always end with my harp dissapearing, or never arriving, and me searching and not finding it.

Anyway. Off to wash the hair and braid it. G'night journal.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #35 - May 11th, 2007 at 9:33am
Oooo - infected finger is not good.  I'd suggest rinsing it with hydrogen peroxide. That is more likely to "eat" the infection, then use an antibiotic on it.  Infections can be serious, you don't want it to get too bad.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #36 - May 12th, 2007 at 2:12pm
I was talking to a friend who is a professional body piercer, and according to her, salt water is actually better at cleaning piercings than peroxide! I didn't know that, but I've seen it work often enough that I trust it now.
Oddly enough, I've had enough cuts and scrapes to notice that for some reason, if I use peroxide, I'm more likely to scar.  Huh
And I've definately been using a triple antibiotic . Smiley. luckily, It wasn't a bad infection, and it's already healing well. 

Hair news: Not much to report, been letting it go unwashed the past few days, and keeping it in a figure 8 when I go out somewhere. It's not gotten as dry as it usually does with limited conditioning.

Other news: My harp quest might have just been solved! My stepfather called around 9 this morning. "what would you do for a harp?" me: "almost anything" "good! I just got you one!" after about five minutes of excited-teenage-girl-eeking, I found out that it's fairly large (couldn't give me an actual string number as he didn't count, and was, at the time, driving) but it will need new strings and probable re-finishing. Heck, even if it needed a new neck, I know people who would be more than glad to make one. The only problem is, of course, that stepfather (and harp) live in missouri, so shipping will likely be expensive.   So now I'm sitting (and bouncing) and waiting for him to get home, so my mom can take a picture of it and email me.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #37 - May 12th, 2007 at 8:57pm
Whoa, what a cool stepdad!  Shocked

My father is making me buy a bass guitar from one of his friends for $300...and it wasn't even my idea to start playing it!  Huh
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #38 - May 13th, 2007 at 12:13am
My stepdad and I have had our differences, but in all, he's a great guy. And I'm not just saying that because he bought me a harp Wink

That sucks about the bass, though Angel Spun. Do you even want to play, or is it being forced upon you?

Ah, yes harp. Finally got my pictures. It will indeed need refinishing, possible re-staining, and new strings, but I've had a darn good woodworker check over the photos in minute detail, and from what he can see, It's in good condition (no cracks, dents, structural damage, etc.) He and my guy are trying to figure out whether it was made by a furniture maker or an intstrument maker. It has details that would suggest both. Right now, I'm still trying to figure out whether it's a paraguayan harp, or a celtic. It has details of both of those, too. The pillar is paraguayan, and the basic style indicates that, but the neck and string attachment is definately celtic. *shrugs* It's an antique, made in mexico some time before 1950.. the previous owner knew that much, at least. It's got 37 strings, and stands 54'' tall without the foot tall legs. Which means, of course, that it is too big to ship UPS package service, and the freight calculator on the website was for some reason not working at all, so I have to wait until monday to see if it will come UPS, or motor freight.  Motorfreight could be $100 or more. Of course, We'd still be making out well on the deal, having bought the harp for all of $5.00. yes. five point zero zero dollars. Anybody who reads the Wheel of Time series would probably think, 'Ta'veren?' right away. At least, I did.  And if you don't/haven't read the wheel of time, and you enjoy a good story, you should.

Oh yes, this is my new baby.

Edited to add a photo.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #39 - May 13th, 2007 at 3:52pm
Ooooh....nice harp! It will need some work, but it should be gorgeous when you and the woodworkers are finished with it. I hope it sounds as nice as it looks.

That sucks about the bass, though Angel Spun. Do you even want to play, or is it being forced upon you?

hehehe Well the $300 part sux at least. Learning to play was kind of a deal made between my father and I. A few months ago, he decided that he wanted to learn to play bass and the deal was that so long as he was learning, I was to learn right along with him. At first, I was a little apprehensive as my main passions are piano and guitar, but I knew that being able to play bass is a good thing to have in your arsenal as a musician, so I agreed.
   My father bought a nice bass for the 2 of us to share, along with some instructional materials for me...the problem was that my time was limited due to my work and he ended up taking the bass with him to gigs every weekend, so I was without one.  Sad  Thus, he's buying another one from a friend...and he's already bought a lovely black pearl pick guard for it and everything, so I pretty much have no choice now. Ah well.  Grin
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #40 - May 13th, 2007 at 3:53pm
Wow!  Its really beautiful!!!  Are you going to teach yourself?  Good Luck!!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #41 - May 13th, 2007 at 8:52pm
Well, once we move to Baton Rouge, I'm going to see what I can do about finding myself a teacher, but until then, Yep. I'm going to teach myself! It's a little bigger than I expected to start out with, but that doesn't bother me at all Wink the more strings the better! I can't wait to get it here and start working on it! I'm thinking I'm going to remove the varnish and stain the wood a darker color, maybe mahogany or possibly a dark green stain. I'm going to play around with the photos and see what I think would look good.
Ah, I see, Angel Spun... I hope you like the bass anyway, at least. I've always wanted to be able to play piano... And I can barely play guitar. Harp has always been my favorite instrument, and I've tried several times over my life to get one... but always we never had quite enough money. *shrugs* I guess if you dream long enough and pray to whatever you believe in long enough, dreams can come true!

*heh, interesting thought. I decided that I'd have long nails when I had a harp (I've been a nailbiter since before I had teeth).... I finally managed to grow my nails and have kept them long for two months now! maybe it was a reverse-fulfilling promise??

OOh, and my future mom-in-law gave me a pair of silver barrettes today. they've got a pretty floral design on the visible part. they're a little small, and "french" style, but I put them in so she could see how they look and they didn't pull or catch at my hair at all!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #42 - May 15th, 2007 at 3:17pm
That's a super gorgeous harp--makes me want to learn to play!   Smiley  (p.s. I live in Missouri)
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #43 - May 15th, 2007 at 4:30pm
Cool! we moved there at the beginning of June of last year, I think 5 days after I graduated from high school. I was only there for a few months before I came down to visit my Guy here in Louisiana... and well... kinda stayed. What I saw of the state, I liked though.
And thanks, I like it too! I can't wait to get it here, fix it up, and learn to play! 
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #44 - May 19th, 2007 at 7:24pm
I was reading peoples' journals, and Roomtogrow had a marvelous idea of making a portrait of herself with long hair. Unfortunately, my drawing skills aren't good enough with people yet to accomplish that monumental task. Instead, I took a more digital route, and I'm quite pleased with how it came out. Actually, I can only hope my hair will be that pretty in however many years it takes to reach classic.

I've decided to post it here, to see what you ladies and gents think.


Oh, and I did my first ACV rinse today... I think my hair liked it. It still vaguely smells like the vinegar, which is making me crave salad.  Huh Ohh, hey, I just looked at the time and it's time for cooking. (and salad!)
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #45 - May 19th, 2007 at 11:20pm
My, what a graceful figure you'll be...with your long hair and long nails and your harp.  Wink

The scent of vinegar can last quite awhile, even after much rinsing. That's why I do a second wash afterwards. But if your hair can't take it, try applying conditioner after the vinegar rinse and letting water run through your hair for awhile so it can take as much of the vinegar smell with it as possible.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #46 - May 20th, 2007 at 12:52am
I conditioned it afterwards, but didn't rinse all that long because I kinda... ran out of hot water... I'm not very good at cold water tolerance. Cool water, I love. Past a certain point, I will shriek like a mouse and hide under a blanket / towel / radiator.

And yep, I can't wait. I don't know that I'll have THAT long of nails though... my current length is already starting to get agitating. I have scratches all up and down my fingers from braiding and clawing myself. Sad who knew these cursed things were so unwieldy Huh  Anyway, my dream is to build harps, and I doubt nails would be that useful. A space to do so, however, would. So that may take a few years, unfortunately.  Sad 

Meh, the ACV rinse has made my hair happy and shiny, and cleared up the thin layer of gunk building up on my scalp. I like what cones do to my hair, but I am seriously considering going cone free, because I also don't like the potential damage that the shiny, healthy look could be hiding(or causing!).  Undecided

And if we don't get my guy's cat spayed soon, I think it might be damaging to my hair. I am
to tearing my hair out!!! I can't stop her from peeing on everything and anything she can get her little paws on. I'd lock her in the bathroom for weeks at a time, but that would keep my kitty from the litterbox. Not to mention his cat has a habit of getting on top of the cabinets and jumping down onto people's heads. I swear, she is small, furry, black doom. DOOM I SAY!
sorry. this has me frustratered, as well as the fact that my harp will have to wait another week and a half before shipping.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #47 - May 20th, 2007 at 11:19am
You'll get used to your nails!  Its kind of funny, I have the opposite issue.  I was born with long nails-they had to be cut right after I came out.  If I just let them go without paying attention, I wind up really hurting myself getting dressed or accidentally hurting hubby!  Now that I'm learning guitar and ukulele I have to keep my nails short.  I have to address them about every 2 days or they have to be cut back almost to the quick.

I guess we'll both adjust, and then make beautiful music, eh??  Grin
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #48 - May 20th, 2007 at 11:27am
Instead, I took a more digital route, and I'm quite pleased with how it came out. Actually, I can only hope my hair will be that pretty in however many years it takes to reach classic.

Looks good ! How about knee length in a gently widening fan shape ?  Wink Can't get it exactly - widens too quickly but sorta like....
                                    ,| |,
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #49 - May 20th, 2007 at 11:37am
Now that I'm learning guitar and ukulele I have to keep my nails short.

Hi Sakina

Are you eventually going to grow the nails on your picking hand for the guitar ?  Smiley
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #50 - May 20th, 2007 at 3:02pm
as soon as I can find a picture of me that I can work on, I think I shall try that, Cadie. That'd be pretty!

EEk, Sakina. I can't even find the nail clippers, half the time. Every other day, you say? I mostly gave up on guitar when they got so long I couldn't hold the strings down properly. When the BF lowers the action on my electric, I think I'll pick it back up. He doesn't understand why I can't do it properly. "Well Nat can play just fine and her nails are twice as long as yours!" *rolls eyes* well I'm just not that skilled, I suppose. In actuality, her hand position is even worse off than mine. anyway. 

But yep, we'll get it settled out, and as you said, make beautiful musics. What styles do you play? (rock, metal, classical, etc.)

And, yay. My stepdad was ebay browsing(his favorite hobby, I think) and ordered a CD with plans to build 29 string celtic harps. He's going to send it out as soon as he gets it in. I can't wait until I have a space to actually build one. It might be a few years, though. Right now we're looking at getting a small studio apartment in the middle of town. We're even going to have to get a climate controlled storage unit for all his stuff that won't fit in the appt. I say his because I can fit everything I own in the back of a ford taurus. So that leaves little room for woodwork Cry  I'm sure I'll figure something out. Maybe one of our friends will let me borrow space in their garage.  Undecided

Anyway, spent most of the morning out doing yard work, mostly moving chunks of steel and the anvil to let my guy mow around them, so the hair was in a bun, covered by a scarf in a unique manner (tie one side around the hair line, and swirl the remaining ends up and over the bun) it was seriously hot though, so I ended up soaking the scarf to keep my head cool.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #51 - May 20th, 2007 at 6:01pm
I may let my nails grow a bit longer for finger picking, however I have a very high natural arch to my nails so they turn into "claws" very quickly.  Right now I'm playing an a/e classical style guitar.  I have a steel string accoutstic-I had to have the action lowered on it 'cause I could hardly keep the strings down.  I have narrow fingers that are tapered on the ends.  Do you too, K?

I listen to anything but country.  I'm just trying to learn how to play the thing, so not really playing any styles yet.  I suppose I'll be playing mostly Hawaiian songs on my uke.  Oh, I love to play Christmas music on my guitar.  I love finger picking, too.  The lessons I'm taking now are teaching me how to play individual notes.  Someday, I'm going to compose music to accompany my yoga teaching.

Good luck finding that appartment!!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #52 - May 21st, 2007 at 12:29pm
Nope, my fingers are short, stubby, and barely rounded. That's one of the reasons I put aside my guitar - I don't have the capability for the reach needed to do some of the chords. I like finger picking too, but my guy/guitar teacher is trying to make me use a pick for everything, and I simply don't have the coordination. My nails grow out straight and catch on everything unless I taper the edges almost to a sharp point. I actually trimmed them for the first time, ever, yesterday. Landmark occasion? for me anyway.
Yeah, I got sick of country fast when my mom married my stepdad. I didn't like it before then. Now, *shudders*. I'm not a big fan of hip-hop, rap, or anything like that either. Some is tolerable, but not my preference, anyway. I'm sort of weird in my preferences... Celtic music, industrial, and metal are my favorites. I love christmas music too, to the point that I have ben caught listening to trans-siberian orchestra in june. 
If you ever produce a CD of your yoga compositions, I officially request a signed copy! (and hey, if you would like harp accompaniment...) Grin 
And thanks! The appt might take a few months, though.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #53 - May 24th, 2007 at 4:30am
Yargh. I would like to go on record as saying that smoking is one of the filthiest, dangerousest habitses ever thought up. No offense to any smokers that read this, but.... what on earth are you thinking???? The only point of smoking is to feed a nicotene addiction caused by smoking. it's... a self defeating self-abuse cycle.

And I'm not just saying this because the satin pillowcase it took me three days to make now has a burn hole from my gentleman dropping a lit cigarette on it when he fell asleep while smoking. Luckily I was coming back from the bathroom at the time and could rescue it, and him from certain doom. The least he could have done is burn his OWN pillowcase.... Angry Almost all of the sheets have at least one charred hole. *shakes head* when we move, there is to be no smoking in the apartment. At all. And 'Civility-of-language' laws... I.E. If I wouldn't say it in front of my mother, I'd rather people didn't say it in front of me.  Hey, speaking of which, we're going to check out a nice studio apartment in the building we wanted next week. Wish us luck (we will need it)!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #54 - May 24th, 2007 at 11:59am
Kiraela wrote on May 21st, 2007 at 12:29pm:
Nope, my fingers are short, stubby, and barely rounded. That's one of the reasons I put aside my guitar - I don't have the capability for the reach needed to do some of the chords. I like finger picking too, but my guy/guitar teacher is trying to make me use a pick for everything, and I simply don't have the coordination. My nails grow out straight and catch on everything unless I taper the edges almost to a sharp point. I actually trimmed them for the first time, ever, yesterday. Landmark occasion? for me anyway.
Yeah, I got sick of country fast when my mom married my stepdad. I didn't like it before then. Now, *shudders*. I'm not a big fan of hip-hop, rap, or anything like that either. Some is tolerable, but not my preference, anyway. I'm sort of weird in my preferences... Celtic music, industrial, and metal are my favorites. I love christmas music too, to the point that I have ben caught listening to trans-siberian orchestra in june.  
If you ever produce a CD of your yoga compositions, I officially request a signed copy! (and hey, if you would like harp accompaniment...) Grin  
And thanks! The appt might take a few months, though.

Hey, K, at first I thought I might be incapable of learning to play guitar.  Now I know its just really hard and really different from any other instrument I've played (including didjeridoo, sakuhachi, native american flute, harmonium, and varius drums) so its really trying my patience!!!  I don't much care for hip hop or rap either, although some songs are ok.  I'm not very familiar with industrial music-who do you suggest?  I love metal music, I think its what started the desire to learn guitar.  Currently I listen to a lot of chanting and then whatever else I'm in the mood for.  Hee hee-Trans-Siberian Orchestra-I'm guilty of that, too!

Weeelll, I think it may be a really long time (totally dragging my feet on this) before I get anything recorded.  However, I'd be happy to collaborate and of course you can have a signed copy.  That's sweet of you to ask!

Don't give up on guitar-it might make your harp playing better  Grin

Forgot to add: look for a glass nail file.  They're for natural nails and they don't leave the edges ragged like other files can.  I love mine, I actually keep a small one in my guitar case, purse, nail kit, bathroom...I find it makes a real difference!  If you can't find one where you are, let me know and I'll send you one.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #55 - May 24th, 2007 at 5:14pm
Oh geeze...asking me to offer suggestions on music.... this could take a while Wink for now, I shall just list ones i know of on myspace, because the music is there to listen to freely, so you can decide if you like it. if you like metal, you'll probably like Industrial though. (for an easier list, just go to myspace.com/blackened_bloody_roses and check out the friends list... almost anything not harp is either female fronted metal or industrial)  anyway, for a quick list, >>
Fallz, Starlit, Collide, Riothead, Torrent Vaccine, Chemlab, Pgface, Ministry, and More Machine Than Man, to start off with. There's a ton more in mine and my guy's cd cases that I just can't think of at the moment. (and yes, I'm rather big on female fronted projects in all genres, simply because there aren't as many out there, but they're usually at least as good as the boys, if not better!)

And I am doing a little research on glass nail files, and what I've seen so far prompts this: *hug*thank you !!!! I am going to start looking hard for one of those.  And *grin* Sarajevo 12/24, off TSO's christmas eve and other stories, is one of my all time favorite songs. *nods* I've only ever met one other person who could successfully play a didjeridoo.

Hair: as usual, wierdly wavy due to dual french braids over night, and pouffy due to high humidity and brushing said waves. In my defense I wasn't quite awake yet.  Wink anyway, I ran out of conditioner, and right now money is... tight, so I can't get anymore for a few days.  Cry so no washings for me, I think. Perhaps I can scrounge up some more hotel conditioner (preferably some kind that doesn't leave my hair smelling like my grandmother). I tend to dislike hotel conditioners, unless they're pantene in a minibottle, but they are DEFINATELY better than nothing. 

Also, my guy is interviewing at another company as I type this. The first shop would be perfectly glad to hire him... at 9.00$ an hour. For the work he does, that's frankly... insulting. And he flat out told the owner, "look, I pay neighborhood kids more than that to rake leaves. Cut the joke, what's the real offer?" the joke of it is, there was no joke.  Angry

This new place only pays 80% rather than 100% of the health insurance, but at a minimum possible starting pay of 12$ an hour (more likely higher because P. can do curved iron stair rails (trust me, they're..... not.. easy...) I'm thinking that this is the better choice. (and the owners called HIM back asking him to come work for them.  Grin

And with going to check out that apartment tuesday(i think) things are definately looking up.

blog, hair journal, is there a line between the two?
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #56 - May 24th, 2007 at 11:33pm
He got the job! Grin! yes!! and theyr'e paying more than we'd expected - I probably won't need to get a job now! I probably still will, just to have my own income, but it's a relief that I don't have to. Unless gas prices keep rising, in which case i might have to get a SECOND theoretical job to pay for gas!

And today, I learned to make basic chain mail. I can do a box chain, a byzantine chain, or basic european mail. I'll take pictures when the euromail ... whatever it will be... is done.

Today has definately been a good day.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #57 - May 25th, 2007 at 8:22am
Congrats on your good day Kiraela! Smiley
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #58 - May 25th, 2007 at 12:37pm
Yay-rah for the BF's new job--congrats! 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #59 - May 25th, 2007 at 1:45pm
Congrats to your bf, Kiraela.

You learned how to make chainmail? Goodness, that must be sooooo time consuming! It seems like an awful lot of work would go into that.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #60 - May 25th, 2007 at 2:43pm
It's horribly time consuming until you understand the basic pattern and get good at it, then it's only regular time consuming, for me at least. I can tell my guy is cringing at how slow I am,  Undecided but then, he sold chain mail jewelry, clothing and armor for a couple of years as his only source of income. Then his designs were stolen by a company overseas and produced for less than half what he had to sell them for. *shrugs* It's happened several times with other tools and such he's built. I guess that's the nature of business.  He's been meaning to teach me since I moved down here, but couldn't find the box of rings and coils(that get cut into rings) until a few days ago.   So far I've made what appears to be a large metal bookmark.  Shocked

Today, I think I'm going to do a hot oil treatment on my hair. I found a tube in the bathroom cabinet a few weeks ago and never got around to using it.  I think my hair will appreciate it anyway. it's been dry and tangles easily lately. probably due to the running out of my conditioner, and using up whatever else I could find.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #61 - May 27th, 2007 at 11:36pm
My chain mail... sheet, i guess still has no definate purpose, though it has grown so that I've run out of links and will have to have my guy cut me some more when he feels better. He was unloading steel from the truck and tripped over a... thing... (not sure what the heck it is) that was randomly left there by someone apparently wanting it fixed. his chest and arms have deep bruising from hitting a huge I-beam they often work on when it's nice out, and his left leg got tangled in the metal piece so that his father at first thought his leg was broken. Not to mention that the way he landed his lower back was bent backwards almost 70 degrees. Luckily we don't think he actually broke anything ( hairline fracture on the leg remains to be seen) but he's got new pains in both back and leg (though he can still walk mostly fine, although vaguely quasimodo-ish). The man who HATES doctors is planning on going to the ER (A&E for you brits) when it gets less crowded, later tonight. I'm getting a little worried.  I'll let you guys know what happens.

The good news, though, is I used a new conditioner for the first time and I think my hair appreciates it. Alberto VO5's honey and sweet almond oasis. My hair is well moisturized, soft and shiny. The only drawback is, I smell like dessert. Which makes me want sweet foods. So far I've gotten away by just sniffing my hair. It's also very calming.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #62 - May 28th, 2007 at 6:38pm
Well, according to the x-rays there's nothing wrong with his leg other than pulled muscles and massive bruising, which is a relief. They completely ignored his complaints about his back hurting, however. I'm pretty sure it's because they figure, without insurance it's unlikely the bill will get paid so they will only deal with what might be broken and screw the rest.  Angry 
I guess it's a good thing, in a way though, because he's had problems with that area for years, and an X-ray might diagnose that problem too... which would end up a pre-existing problem when he gets the insurance from his new job. Which means no treatment from them. So if it weren't for the fact that he hurts, I'd say they did us a favor, in a way.  Undecided

I'm just glad he's not seriously hurt.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #63 - May 28th, 2007 at 7:23pm
I hope that your man feels better soon.  My you have had your worries.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #64 - May 29th, 2007 at 12:11am
I hope that your man feels better soon.  My you have had your worries.

I hope so too. The ER doc gave him a script of painkillers and muscle relaxers, so he wouldn't be whimpering/yelping at every step... and now he is insisting that tomorrow, he goes back to work. I can't blame him, if he doesn't get this job out we don't get food, much less the apartment we're going to see this week, but... I wish he had a few more days. I will just stay by him so if he needs anything, I can get it for him, and hope that's enough.  At least the swelling has gone down considerably.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #65 - May 29th, 2007 at 4:03am
Fingers crossed for both of you. From personal experience knowing the lady love of your life is behind you to this degree is a multiple healer in itself and means more than anythng.

You'll make it  Wink
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #66 - May 30th, 2007 at 6:22pm
Thanks, Arcadian Smiley

I think this is more becoming a life journal than a hair journal, but at least it is, indeed something I will have to look back on years from now.

The nice little studio apartment we went to see today sort of... only half lived up to it's description... It was a little apartment indeed, though I don't know about nice. Honestly, my current bedroom is bigger than the entire apartment, kitchen, bathroom, "walk in closet" and all. To be able to walk into that closet one would have to be about 4 feet tall and anorexic. My guy could barely fit through the bathroom door at all, even turned sideways. Not to mention the wall color could best be described as "paint that was chosen to exactly match the color of twenty years of nicotene buildup", and the counters and fixtures were all "rotting lemon" yellow. Needless to say, we were

The good news is, when we pulled into the parking lot the first thing we noticed was the rather large moving van pulled up to the entrance to the courtyard. It seems that one of the one bedroom apartments was being vacated  Grin! They were nice enough to let us look around and it was absolutely. perfect.  Nice, recently remodeled, clean, everything was as I would have dreamed. And the walk in closet... really was! The best part is, there's a door to the building's fenced in back yard, and the apartment has a small patio we could bbq on. (And our friend's dog has the run of the entire yard, so I'll have a pup to play with!)  We called the owner of the place back and said we were... dissatisfied... with the size of the studio and was the one bedroom available? He had to check his records, and he will be getting back to us tomorrow. He claims there's someone interested that keeps waffling on wether she's got the money for it or not... P., my guy, seems to think she doesn't exist. We've both noticed that the owner is trying to guide us into renting a townhouse down the street... Honestly though, this apartment is the perfect size and best of all, IT HAS A BATHTUB!!!! Y'all may not hear from me for a few days if we do get it.  Grin  Anyway, I hope we get this apartment. It's a bit more than the studio, but the size and space difference is worth it.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #67 - May 31st, 2007 at 10:33am
Oooo...keeping my fingers crossed for ya!   Cool
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #68 - May 31st, 2007 at 3:12pm
I really hope you get the apartment that you want, it sounds nice! Cheesy
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #69 - Jun 2nd, 2007 at 4:43pm
Good news and bad news...  Good news, we went to Walmart for the first time in ... months I guess, so I could get my Pantene Ice shine S&C that I've been wanting for a while. I've used them once, and my hair was never prettier. Recently (the past few washings) I've been using April bath and shower(got it at dollar tree, probably a generic, I'm not sure) shampoo, and VO5 Oasis honey and sweet almond. They both work okay, but not great, and I've noticed my hair is greasy faster with the VO5. So I'm happy I got my proper stuff back.

Bad news. Didn't get the apartment. Apparently little miss waffles does exist and managed to scrape up the money Cry Cry Angry Cry  But We're going to cave in and see about this townhouse... If it's got enough storage and a patio or courtyard, we'll see if we can talk him down on the rent a bit. It's the same as the apt, but he says he won't pay utilities on the townhouse.  Sad If we can get him down on rent, or get him to pay utilities, we MIGHT have a place. I'm not getting my hopes up this time though.

Good news! Oh, hey, in our preliminary packing, I found the computer disk I've been looking for! Over two years worth of my poems! The hard drive they were stored on crashed, So this formerly missing disk was the only copy of all my poetry. reading over them its' like a view into my own mind from years ago. Man I was weird.  Grin
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #70 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 8:23am
the landlord turned out to be a real ... dinkus so we didn't even put in the application for the townhouse. It was nice (more space than the house we have now!) but... not worth the price or the owner's attitude. We checked out a place yesterday, and are considering it, but by the time P. can put in the application (Friday) it will probably already be gone. He starts his new job today (which is why I'm up so early - early for me anyway) and I just have to hope that he will settle quickly into working for someone other than himself for the first time in 10 yrs, and that his back will hold up to the shop's pace.

  My hair's been behaving fairly well lately, although in the heat my normal style of "down" has gotten a bit more creative... either braids or buns or weird twisty pigtail things (it's complicated) but it's been responding so well to the pantene ice shine that i now wonder why I ever used anything else.  Huh

on a random note, has all popular music("vh1" approved) gone nuts?!?!   First off, did you know that they actually play music on "music television" (MTV)  ?? But... only before 7:30 am.  Shocked yeah. Flipped on VH1 because frankly, mtv plays nothing but hip hop and other things I refuse to deaden brain cells by listening to. Anyway, the lineup on vh1 was... weird. Paul McCartney playing a mandolin, followed by Bon Jovi playing a country song, followed by Maroon 5 doing their best at disco.  Shocked Loved paul with the beatles. love most of bon jovi. still have maroon 5's first cd... but come on people! I think I'll stick to my happy harp music and industrial metal, thanks.   Oh yes, if you like gothic rock, check out Kali Yuga ( find them at myspace.com) 

Sorry for the music blog. that just.. weirded me out.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #71 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 11:43am
FYI- Kali Yuga is, according to Hindu tradition, the time we are living in now (which began with the death of Krishna) until Vishnu reincarnates in human form (I think it will be his 10 human incarnation) which will destroy the present world and bring about the Golden Age of Truth.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #72 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 2:52pm
I made the mistake of asking Riley* (the singer) why he named his band what he did... and got a much longer winded explanation, saying basically the same thing Tongue  That man loves to talk, I swear.

*the tattoed, peirced, old-school-goth-in-a-tophat librarian
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #73 - Jun 19th, 2007 at 7:24pm
k- thanks for your help in the pm. i tried to message you back, but kept getting errors, although i can send it to other people somehow.
anyway, i will try to post using photobucket because j-dog sent me the instructions you sent her earlier. Smiley thanks!
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #74 - Jun 20th, 2007 at 5:28pm
K, how is your man doing after his accident?  Is he all healed up yet?

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #75 - Jun 20th, 2007 at 6:04pm
k-hope everything is ok with your man. did you get the apt. thing figured out?  btw, since i know we both like robert jordan's books. do you happen to like celtic music, horseback riding or british punk rock? just a shot in the dark for other common interests.  Grin
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #76 - Jun 20th, 2007 at 8:05pm
RTG, are you my twin sister/ clone???? I'm listening to Kim Robertson's a voice of the isles, as I type this, Have owned three horses (All of which were sold out from under my by my parents Angry) And I've liked all the punk I've heard (Which admittedly isn't much) *cues twilight zone music*...  Tongue  Paul has finally healed up, but after two days on the new job he walked out and refused to go back. I don't blame him, after having spent a few minutes in the shop he was working at. It was, frankly, hell. He and I have decided that we're going to revamp his business and make it into something more and better than it's ever been before. Which of course, means we're staying here for at least another six or so months. Heh. We're also going to start saving for some property of our own, somewhere we can have a house, shop, and maybe a small stable. He pet a horse for the second time ever, a few days ago... Grin We were at one of his iron suppliers' place, and the owner happens to also own four horses. My first response was 'runs to fence and stares longingly'... The two mares came over to see if I had any treats, and Paul pet the black's nose. "hey, these aren't so bad!"

I'll introduce him to the concept of mucking once he's more hooked.  Grin Tongue
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #77 - Jun 21st, 2007 at 5:25pm
K- that's so great you got him to pet a horse! I finally got dear hubby to ride with me two years ago for the first time. He was very sore, but said it was "kinda fun." Then last year, he took me up to Wisconsin to a friends to ride all day for my birthday! It was great. I've never owned a horse, but used to work summers at stables in exchange for free rides Smiley .  This past year I took a road trip with a friend up north. We stopped at one stable to pet the horses out by the road, and this guy drove out in a pick up truck with a rifle! Then he saw we were two girls, and he said we could stay and pet them.  Smiley
As for punk, I really like the Clash and White Stripes. Those are good ones to start with.
Btw, I'd love to be your clone/sister because you have great hair! I finally posted my avatar, so you can see my color and texture is a little like yours-I just don't have the length yet.  *sigh* someday!

The long term plan you mentioned sounds great-owning a stable, house, and a shop. Or if it's too much money-just own the stable and live in it! Priorities, right?

Also, I'm deep into book two now-which is really good. These books are highly addictive.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #78 - Jun 21st, 2007 at 7:01pm

You made me laugh about the mucking part.  I would rather do that than poop scoop after my dogs or clean the kitty litter.  I think it is because the smell of horse...dung has a nostalgia for me.  As you know I live in the country but do not have horses but I had them when I was young.  At this time of year lots of farmers are fertilizing their fields with dung.  I drive by and take a deep breathe in.  My favorite is when I am driving into work (about 5:30 am) on the back roads and the horses are running along the fenceline and, if nobody is behind me, I slow down and drive along beside them.   My God, nothing is as magnificent and free as a horse running, tossing its head and 'dancing'.  It makes my day.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #79 - Jun 21st, 2007 at 11:55pm
Oh, Jdog, I know about the muck smell, and the dancing. When I lived at the end of a tiny dirt road in North Carolina, the school bus drove down and turned around in my yard, driving the full length of one side of the pasture to get to the turnaround. Every day my gelding Faran would wait for the bus at the far end of the field, and gallop alongside all the way to the end nearest where I got off the bus.  You know, sometimes I still dream that I walk outside, and he's somehow still mine, outside waiting for me. Those are the dreams I hate the most, simply because when I wake up they're not true. You fellow animal lovers probably know what I'm talking about when I say that in your life,there are a few special animals that come into your life, that are more precious to you than anything else. A perfect partner, who understands what you're thinking, where you want to go, or do, even before you do. Who is so in tune with you you almost don't have to ask for a lead change, or a fearless jump over a raging creek...  I trained him from the ground up. I was the second person ever to sit on his back. Two days after we got him home, I had my appendix out and had to take a week off of school. I was told, no riding!!! by the doctor. heh. He said nothing about standing out in a pasture for 8 or so hours, grooming and petting a horse. (after two days, when I toughed it out enough to stand upright without yelping, anyway)... Every moment I wasn't at school, doing homework, eating, or sleeping, I was with that horse. He was my only friend during that period of my life, and he was my best friend.
There was a move from a farm where we were paying for 157 acres, and getting use of 2 (the other 155 were also leased out to a hunter who flat out said, he would not care if it was a deer or a horse he shot, as long as it was meat), to a farm where we had a 10 acre pasture, and roughly 50 acres of trail to explore, and a few more companions (we were taking care of some people's horses for them), and it was one of the best times in my life.

After the house we were renting caught fire (we were at my great grandmother's funeral in Massachusets) (oh, it happened seven days after my 15th birthday, by the way), we had to board him at a stable 60 miles away. At 15, I wasn't exactly old enough to drive to see him, and no one cared to take me. We were paying for him to have a stall at night, and turnout during the day, along with feeding twice a day and grooming once. When I finally begged enough to get my stepfather to drive me out to the farm almost two months after we brought him there, he was thin, scarred up, covered in burrs, and frightened of everything, even me. It turns out that C. the owner, was leaving him in a pasture day and night with five agressive mares who stole his grain and chased him away from the hay, kicked the crap out of him, and regularly chased him into fences, bramble bushes, and once, into a tractor left in the field.  Unfortunately, my parents wouldn't do anything about it, because they didn't want to pay more, to bring him to a better stable closer to home. So they instead, simply refused to pay the bill. Which meant that I came home from school one day and was "informed" that C. had sold him to pay back boarding. And wouldn't tell my parents who she sold him to. Not that it would matter. they wouldn't have done anything had she given the name.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #80 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 11:31am
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #81 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 12:19pm
Kiraela wrote on Jun 21st, 2007 at 11:55pm:
....there are a few special animals that come into your life, that are more precious to you than anything else. A perfect partner, who understands what you're thinking, where you want to go, or do, even before you do. Who is so in tune with you

So true. Still lost 11 years on....

Yet the enormous number of people including vets who haven't a clue where you're coming from. What is it with them ! Have they never known real trust ? Or don't know or recognise what it means even when it's right under their wretched noses ? I'm 6'4", about 220 lbs (little fat !) and the times I've wanted to ****** callous creeps half my size..... !!!!   Angry

It's the one thing where the heart has always ruled the head for me, which is what makes it so very difficult to hold back physically when you see animals suffering.

Oops !  My very first rant !  Apols....Smiley
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #82 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 1:16pm
It's the one thing where the heart has always ruled the head for me, which is what makes it so very difficult to hold back physically when you see animals suffering. 

I completely agree, Cadie. I've ended up with two cats, a dog, and a horse because I couldn't resist helping hurt animals. Both cats found homes, the dog escaped from a fenced in yard and was struck by a car ( and given an honored burial), and the horse.. well, Tanzanite was just too far gone. Even following a vets reccomendations to the letter, he was too undernourished and just, couldn't survive. Once again, he was given an honored burial near the oak tree he died under.  Luckily, Tanzi's former owner was thrown in jail for three years, not only due to animal abuse and neglect, but...that was one of the several charges.

What is amazing to me, is the resilience of animals' spirits.  For instance, my brother had just lost his dog, so for his birthday, Mom brought him to the animal shelter and let him pick out whichever he wanted. He absolutely fell in love with a gorgeous one year old Rottweiler, so mom filled out the application. Then she was informed that we'd have to wait until tuesday to see if we'd gotten her, because her old owner was on trial for animal abuse and we had to wait to see what the verdict was. Not that there was any question, as Jade (the rottie) had a chain link collar completely imbedded into her skin. When they got her into the shelter, it looked like a chain, growing out of her neck. They couldn't even see the collar any more. Well, tuesday, of course, we went and picked her up. After having been hurt by humans for so much of her life, it suprised me that this dog would be so very sweet. She wanted to be a lap dog. When a 145 lb dog wants to sit on your lap, you have very little choice in the matter. She had a litter of puppies (my brother forgot to bring her back in for her spaying Sad) and was so afraid to hurt them, that every time one would leave the blanket, she'd bark and whine until one of her humans brought it back over to her.  Not exactly a good guard dog, but the best family dog ever.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #83 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 1:55pm
What is amazing to me, is the resilience of animals' spirits.

Oh yes, but I think it's so very much more than that as well. Other than animals born with awkward temperaments and so on, what else can most animals or pets do, or what other options do they have when around humans except to trust ? And it's that that just makes me melt inside every time.

And why I have never been able to understand how people can abuse such deep trust either. Perhaps if one's an animal lover on this scale, one's own best friends in life are those who respond in exactly the same way ?
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #84 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 7:19pm
Indeed, like does call to like. I don't think I could ever find myself calling anyone who isn't animal friendly, 'friend'. That's one of the things that I admire about my boyfriend... even though his cat is rather..... ill tempered.... she is his child, and he won't give her up. At one point one of his ex girlfriends said, "it's me or the cat." guess which he picked?  thankfully, since I moved in, she has learned that not all females are abusive and mean (the woman he was with when he got Voodou would pick her up by her tail and bite her! Angry) she has started to be far more cuddly, to me and P. at least. She still growls, but I'm starting to think that's her way of purring.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #85 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 7:37am
Acadia, wow, 6'4.  Ok, just so you don't hurt me, I thought I would tell you that I adore all animals and used to be a vet.   Grin

Kiraela, your story about your horse broke my heart.   Cry  As you said,  once in a while you meet a special animal.  Joey is mine.  I have 4 others that I love dearly, but Joey....well you get it.  There was also a horse for me named Rosie.  I am pleased to report that Rosie lived a good life and died peacefully in her pasture.  Sniff, sniff.

I can't believe that a grown woman would pick a cat up by the tail and bite it!!!!  Good God, what is our world coming to?


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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #86 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 8:43am
Acadia, wow, 6'4.  Ok, just so you don't hurt me, I thought I would tell you that I adore all animals and used to be a vet.   Grin

Lol !  Grin Oh obviously most vets love animals the way we do, especially when you hear some of the wonderful stories about them. I'm in the UK by the way and the stories of the vets who work both for themselves and the RSPCA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) really make you wonder how on earth they can ever earn a living. So often many of them give their time for free to those who can't afford their fees.

On the other hand I used to help out with the Blue Cross too for a while at one of their rescue centres.


And some of the stories I heard from vet nurses about their own vets' surgeries were so hard to believe. Large practices who only think of squeezing in as many people as possible during the day to pay for everything, rather like owners of cheap second hand car salerooms. But the one story that has always stood out in my mind was an RSPCA nurse I met at the Centre long after she'd left a large vet practice because she couldn't take any more. She kept begging her boss who was the senior partner to clear out an old storeroom and make it into a small chapel or similar where owners could spend a while after they had lost their pet. She and two other women nurses even offered to help run it for free when off duty and so on, but all she ever got was "I'm too busy" and once "too expensive." I also learnt that at the time (about 1998/9) student vets weren't given any training in bereavement counselling at all. Perhaps it's changed since then I've no idea ?

And yet I've often thought that even when you're working at the thing you love the most in your life, one's true heartfelt labour of love, there must be times when like any job it must get on top of you……?  Undecided Even when you love animals to distraction ?

It's a such a tough job whichever way you look at it I think.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #87 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 12:04pm
From the time I was little, I always wanted to be a vet. When I was about 14, though, I realized there was no way I could do it. I just... get so upset when any animal is sick or hurting. Which, I guess, is the reason I wanted to be a vet in the first place but.... I couldn't gain enough emotional clarity to work. I barely kept my calm when Faran had a large bite on his whithers, from my mother's freakishly large mule. I think, now that I'm a little older, I could maintain that clarity, but... I don't know. I just have so much admiration for anyone who can do that job and not go insane. *gives applause to joeydog*
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #88 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 2:06pm
Kiraela wrote on Jun 23rd, 2007 at 12:04pm:
I just have so much admiration for anyone who can do that job and not go insane. *gives applause to joeydog*

Oh yes agreed all round !   Smiley Smiley

I've heard of student doctors who gave up because it was too much emotionally, so I would guess the same thing for student vets too ?

I wonder what it takes to succeed as a vet? What sort of emotional/ clarity of mind mix....? Whether it's easier for men than women ? Very interested to hear any thoughts you might have on all this fascinating topic joeydog Smiley

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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #89 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 7:36pm
Thank you ladies.  You are very kind.  

I will try to answer some of your questions, but frankly, one could write a literal novel about it.

I will start by telling you that vets and even techs (nurses) do kill themselves.  They literally euthanize themselves.  Clean, quick, painless...but you have to do it right...since if you just put a needle into yourself you would pass out before you could get a lethal dose in and you give yourself brain damage without succeeding.  There is a trick....but that is too morbid to get into.

Grief counselling was not offered to vets when I was in school.  I did a 2 year tech (nurse) course via correspondane when I went through.  That might have changed but I know that here in Canada,  the nurse is sent in to deal with that part of things in most cases.  No money in grief counselling...and I hate to say, but a lot of vets are like many doctors...out for the almighty dollar once the money bug hits (it does not start that way).  That is not all of them, but some do.

We have a saying in my old field as a vet.  We used to say that Christmas and spring was time for house cleaning...in other words, we saw a lot of euthanasias at those times of year.  I think it had more to do with people trying to hold on to their pets through Xmas and until spring (since the winters here are harsh)...but they hold on too long and we get a flood just before those times of year come.  The second year I practiced, I euthanized 32 animals in 10 days...after the last one...that I knew needed to be euthed 10 days earlier and who a I spent hours with each day, I sat on the floor next to him (Copper) for about 10 minutes.  One of the vets saw I was missing (she was also a friend) came to find me and saw me there.  She knew something was wrong and started to come to me asking me if I was ok.  I told her to stop when she was about 10 feet away from me and to turn around and leave me alone for a few minutes.  I would have totally broken down had she offered my empathy.  When I told her the number of euths I had done, she told me that any I got for the next week, she would take for me.

I had to euth animals just because people no longer want them.  I remember a guy coming in and asking me to euth his beautiful healthy, 9 month old cat.  He said she had kittens and now he wanted one of the kittens.  I tried to get him to sign her over to the Humane Society but he claimed nobody would look after her as well as him so he wanted her euthed....can you imagine!!!!  Her name was Sassy.  Oh, just in case laws are different where you are, animals are considered property and we cannot refuse a requested euth.  Actually it makes sense...better I do it than the ower drowns them...I do it painlessly and with love.  With all of these types of euths, I told the pet and myself that what I was doing was far kinder than the other options...and once they had died I would whisper into the animal's ear (the nurses hated doing euths with me),  "Meet me at Rainbow Bridge, I will take you home."

My tricks for clarity you ask?  Well, I worked in 24 hour emergency hospitals.  That way I never got attached to an owner, never nearly killed an owner who was completely useless...and for those moments when I was sad or angry...2 minutes later a life or death situation would come in and for 20-45 minutes I had not time to think or feel about it.  My health stopped me from doing the shift work involved and I lasted about 9 months in a normal clinic between the boredom (after being used to the adrenal rushes) and the fact I had to deal with people who cared SOOOO much but I could not stop the cancer...or the people who cared so little they would not give the animal its insulin because it was too expensive...but would not euth the poor thing.  So, now I am a toxicologist...but I still treat my own animals.  I have a little deaf, white, diabetic kitty (Adam) who has certainly made me do emergency work over the few years I have not practiced.

Ya, it is hard.  I guess the key is that we rationalize that we are their best hope for life, or maybe their best choice for death.  You will laugh, I never cried at my job (although I saw many vets cry, male and female) and yet every Friday night I came home and watched the Humane Society show about the things horrible people did to there pets....and I bawled.  That was my release.  My family always asked why I watched it when it upset me so much....maybe because I needed the release.  And when I bawled, I grabbed my Joey and cried in his mane while he sat there and said "there, there Mom" while my other dog had a nervous break down and needed me to reassure her that all was well.  LOL.

At the end of it all...I lost animals that could not be saved for whatever reason...but I saved many...and 5 of them live with me and share my life.

I hope I have answered your questions...and I think now I will go cry in Joey's mane.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #90 - Jun 23rd, 2007 at 10:19pm
wow, jdog, that's really tough! i'm reading this post with my cat on my lap. she's one of two cats we rescued from a no-kill shelter. we had both gone in expecting to get a kitten, but found two sweet adult cats that no one had adopted, so we decided to bring them into the family instead. i love my pets! i could never be a doctor or vet, but i def. respect those who can.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #91 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 10:50am
Wow, Joeydog.

Although I've always been an animal lover I NEVER wanted to be a vet although people had often suggested that I should.  I knew I wouldn't be able to deal with seeing suffering animals.  I never thought about all of the euthanizations.  I can't imagine euthanizing a healthy animal that could be a good pet for someone just because the current owner no longer wants the responsibility.  I watch the Humane Society show too and it makes me so angry the way people treat animals.  I really wish there were a way to make certain people unable to obtain pets, like the way there are screenings for adoptions, because some people just shouldn't have them.

You would think that they would think to provide some sort of counseling for health care workers wether you work with people or animals.  I remember times when my mom and my roomate (who were both nurses) would come home and just cry in my arms because they've had patients die on them.  It's really tough.  But I'm also torn because there are some health care people who are as cold as ice and that isn't good either.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #92 - Jun 24th, 2007 at 10:24pm
Wow, Joeydog.

 I really wish there were a way to make certain people unable to obtain pets, like the way there are screenings for adoptions, because some people just shouldn't have them.


LD, here is a story for you.  We will have to go a long way to make laws about pets...they are considered possessions.  But you talk about adoption.   My husband is infertile.  We started the whole process for artificial inseminition ( well I had to do all the test including a 22 inch catheter put in my uterus....sorry guys, don't mean to offend anyone).  Oneof the other tests was a psych profile on both of us.  I am eligible to do this procedure for 12 months...despit the fact that my husband and I split.  We love each other ...but he feels entitled and I believe we work for what we get in life....LOL we are the same social class and all...just cannot agree on work or home ethics...

Anyway...I refuse to go ahead because I believe that a child should have both parents...at least to start...since we can not gaurentee (sp?) that the parents will stay together.  It is my life dream to have a child...but I cannot do it morally without a father there.

I am turning 39 in the next couple of months...and I cannot imagine getting involved with a man, finding him to be right and marrying him before my time for having children is up.  I mean, I cannot see dating for a year since hubby and I have split, and then I would not want to except a marriage proposal until I had dated for at least 2 years...and then the time for the wedding...so I would be at least 43!!  I know women do it...and if I can...I will....but than is if a guy I like shows up in the next year!!!

Now, don't get me wrong...I believe I will find the right man....but here is where I am going...if I meet him when I am 45 and cannot have kids...even if he agreed an adoption agency would refuse me.  Oh I can meet the rooming thing ( one room per kid), in my mortgaged house, I can pull up enough salary for them...and as you will know you do not have to be married to adopt...but I have a disease they do not like....

I have a kitty named Yoda.  He came to me at 5 days of age (eyes and ears still closed) to be euthed.  I convinced the owner to sign him over to me instead.  I fed this little persian EVERY 2 hours ( they don't cry for it like a baby and you just go when then cry), 24 hours a day.  Everyone said he would die.  He has been with me 8 years now.  I worked 16 hours a day when I took him in (in a clinic so he could come with me...lol, in my pocket).  He got his name because when I fed him his baby bottle his ears waggled like Yoda from Starwars.  Tell me I would not look after  child...but the adoption agency would say no.  Is that fair?

But just anyone can adopt an animal.


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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #93 - Jun 25th, 2007 at 6:59am
Replying in Joeydog's Journal

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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #94 - Jun 25th, 2007 at 8:30pm
K, I owe you an apology.  I got into your journal so much that I said things I should not have addressed on YOUR journal.  I am sorry I did that. 

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #95 - Jun 26th, 2007 at 6:13pm
Tis perfectly fine, Jdog. T'was a natural lead on from the discussion, so it all fit.  Sucks that some people feel the need to actually euth themselves...  Cry  May they find the peace they could not on this plane of existance, on the next.

As for hair, I tried a new variation on the chinese bun, tis braided and pretty. I didn't realize it looked the same until it was done and I looked at a picture. I'll put up a picture soon, though. My problem is, my ends have been feeling like straw lately, so I first, left my conditioner on for an hour (didn't help, made it worse!), then yesterday, did my regular routine, which made the upper third of my hair, nice and normal, the next third, weird, sticky and greasy, and bottom third, even dryer and rough.  Arg, I don't know what to do about this. would rubbing some aloe gel into the ends help?  Although, thinking about it, they started getting dry and rough after I used aloe gel to keep the ends into a bun.  I'm half tempted to go to the woman across the street and have her chop of the bottom inch, or maybe do it myself.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #96 - Jun 26th, 2007 at 7:24pm
Poor little sis...I can empathize with the straw-like ends prob. That happens with my hair when I'm in dire need of a trim, so perhaps that may work for you also.

Does your conditioner contain silicones or other ingredients that might build up on your hair and dry it out? A clarifying wash and vinegar rinse can help with this.

Also, I recommend a good heavy oil treatment for overnight. EVOO works great...you can work it through the length of your hair (none on the scalp, of course) and concentrate it on the ends. Then just wrap your hair up in a sleeping cap, shower cap or a towel and wash your hair in the morning. It works for a few ladies here that I know of.

Good luck.  Smiley
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #97 - Jun 26th, 2007 at 9:49pm
K, I am so glad you said about doing something good for your hair and it feels worse (not that I want your hair to feel worse!!!).  Sometimes I find the same thing...can anyone tell us why that happens?

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #98 - Jun 27th, 2007 at 3:49pm
maybe bad hair fairies?  Wink
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #99 - Jun 27th, 2007 at 7:37pm
EEP. Bad hair fairies would be.. bad. maybe they're riding in on the june bugs... one gets the eyes, the other gets the hair? I think I'm going to trim off about 1/4 to 1/2 an inch sometime this week, and see if that helps. I also need to find my hair scissors and do a search and destroy mission after my hair dries (shampoo, acv, condition twice) ... the ends being so dry and stiff has given me lots of split ends.  Cry maybe I'll just do my trim, rather than S&D... it will be faster and make sure I get them all, or at least more.  

My cat Emma has developed an odd habit.. whenever I sit at the computer chair, she comes over and taps me with a paw until I let her on my lap. I've gotten surprisingly good at typing around a large furry animal.
>> pretty kitty!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #100 - Jun 27th, 2007 at 7:49pm
Aww, K. She's cute!  Smiley

maybe they're riding in on the june bugs... one gets the eyes, the other gets the hair?

LOL  Grin  Quel horreur...
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #101 - Jun 27th, 2007 at 8:02pm
K, what a cute kitty.  Her markings are most unique.  It is amazing how we adapt around their needs, isn't it!!

Sorry you have to trim your hair.  So sad.   Cry CryI wish I had hair your color.  I am ...well...pseudo blonde...since I am actually gray...but color my hair the color it was before I went gray.  My skin will not take hair your color Cry  Funny.  Most people want to be blonde...but most blondes do not.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #102 - Jun 27th, 2007 at 8:36pm
oui, Angel, et merci! Emma dit merci aussi.

Actually, even that reddish isn't my natural color... Tis truly dark... I used to wish to be blonde... then I put on a blonde wig... *shudder* I admire people who can pull it off. I cannot. Not to mention the incedent where my hair was bleached beyond recognition Cry (the purple incedent) some of it actually managed blonde. I hated it. I wish I could figure out how to make it all my natural color, besides waiting. I'm not so good at waiting...  Grin  But I've never found a dye that is close enough, not to mention the chemicals... I don't want to go there again. And henna is so ... imprecise that i'm afraid to try.

And thanks, Jdog... I love my baby. I owned her mother, and grandmother too. heh. she was an april fools kitty... the rest of her litter was born march 31 between 7 and 10... she was born april 1, right around noon. It was like her mother was saying... "okay, four kittens. HAHA APRIL FOOLS! there's a fifth.  " not to mention, I always loved calicos. As soon as she was out (before she was even cleaned off), I declared her mine. Had to fight for eight weeks to keep her... when we moved from SC to MO, We had to bring most of the cats to the cat rescue in town... including her litter. I hid her in my closet, since I was the one putting the cat and her babies in the carrier, nobody noticed. When we got back, I brought her out. " told you I was keeping her!"

Yeah, we had something of an overcrowding problem with the cats... every time we brought a female to the vet to get her spayed, she was already pregnant.. and we could never find homes for all the kittens, so they stuck around. By the time we moved, we had wayyyy to many cats. I think we had 10 adults, and 15 kittens. I am a cat lover, but... that's excessive. Now my parents have one of the cats, and I have my emma, and paul's voodou. it's funny(in a completely unhumourous way), they kept blaming me for the pet problem... when we moved we had three dogs, and the two kittens. My parents made me get rid of my puppy, and brought mom's dog with him to the pound. Since I've moved (almost 10 months) they've already gotten two more puppies. *shakes head*
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #103 - Jun 28th, 2007 at 11:31am
oui, Angel, et merci! Emma dit merci aussi.

Je vous en prie, ma chere.  Wink
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #104 - Jun 28th, 2007 at 3:43pm
OMG!  I'm crying my eyes out, you guys!!  I can hardly see to type.

K, I hope your guys business is a huge success.

I'm so sorry about your horse.  Absolutly heartbreaking.

Cadie, I never imagined you at 6'4" with your gentle musings. 

JD, thanks for sharing your experience.  I cannot tollerate hearing about animal abuse.

I just realized that I'm posting without having read everything-I hope this isn't too confusing!  I had just finished reading JD's post about being a vet.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #105 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 3:10pm
it's about to start storming, so I've got to make this brief...

I think my hair is masochistic... I've been treating it so gently... no combing while wet, braiding for sleep, using a nice leave in, keeping it up out of the sun... and it's getting so many split ends, and being rough and dry at the ends...

For the past two days, I've been using a brush again*ducks*, and last night I slept with it down... Today it's the silkiest, shiniest, softest perfectest it's been in months.  Undecided

Maybe it's because I threatened to shave it off if it didn't behave.  Grin

* Also, good news : I've lost about an inch and a half on my waist, and about three pounds, in the past 36 hours. I actually had to punch a new hole in my belt to make it fit!
*The bad news: it's from dehydration and heat sickness. Honestly, Yeah, I want to lose weight... but at the expense of installing black painted ironwork on a stone balcony in 94 F heat with a humidity somewhere around 200%.. It's not worth it. I'd rather be chubby. Actually, my guy is back there now, doing the touch up painting on the railing... we were going to do it yesterday, but neither of us could take the heat. I'm still feeling sick, so he left me here. Actually I passed out in a corner of the room for about half an hour, in front of the fan so I could get somewhat cooler. Thank gods for the fact that the water was already on in that house... dousing my face and arms in freezing water was the only thing that kept me from the hospital, I think.

On other news, I want a dog so badly... I miss my Maxx and Bear-Bear so very badly. Bear I had to give to the shelter when I moved down here, because my family refused to keep him. Maxx my parents still have (and will until he dies, I'm sure), but as they're in missouri, It's hard. Paul says we can't have a dog though, since we don't know whether or not we'll be staying here for more than 6 months, and if we do move, we may not even be able to keep both cats.  It sucks, though, because I was looking at the pet finder ads for dogs in my area... and I fell in love with a beautiful, sweet German Shepherd boy that looks just like the dog I grew up with. I should have known not to look. *shakes head* I never learn. It's even worse because he's in a kill shelter, and probably has less than a week.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #106 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 3:48pm
You truly need to be careful.  My cousin's husband used to do welding, until he was in a metal shed during the heat of the day.  I don't remember if he was hospitalized or not.  If I remember, he escaped it by the skin of his teeth as you did.  But what the doctor did tell him was that he had been sensitized, and that future heat exposure like that would kill him.  He had to give up welding, or at least welding of that kind.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #107 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 4:48pm
Kiraela wrote on Jun 30th, 2007 at 3:10pm:
The bad news: it's from dehydration and heat sickness.... but neither of us could take the heat. I'm still feeling sick, so he left me here. Actually I passed out in a corner of the room for about half an hour, in front of the fan so I could get somewhat cooler. Thank gods for the fact that the water was already on in that house... dousing my face and arms in freezing water was the only thing that kept me from the hospital, I think.

Have you heard of neck coolers or ever tried them ?

Hope this helps ?  Smiley

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #108 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 5:23pm
I dont' think I've ever heard of/ payed attention to mention of neck coolers.. anything that will keep a repeat of yesterday from occuring would be most useful! even when I'm not out in the heat, I know Paul is.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #109 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 5:37pm
Then seriously you at least have to try them especially as they so cheap to buy or make ! All  the US and British armies are issued with them as compulsory kit in the war zones. The idea is to cool the two carotid arteries on either side of the neck which supply the brain....

An Australian website....

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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #110 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 6:04pm
Ugh, little sis.  Sad
Living in desert climate, I'm no stranger to dehydration and heat exhaustion myself, unfortunately. I know how much it sux. *shoots the sun*
Staying hydrated is very important, as is finding shade when you start to overheat. Since you don't have a/c, keep many fans running throughout your apartment. I wished that I had one in every room of my old apartment. Not only did we not have a/c at all, but we lived on the 2nd story!  Tongue
    Also, cold things are your friends. Eating things like ice cream, popcicles, frozen fruits & veggies, etc. helps a lot. Ice water works great also...juices, teas and sodas, not so much.
    It was wise of you to moisten your skin and sit in front of a fan. Jumping into a cold shower also helps.

As for your hair, I wouldn't worry so much. I use a brush on rare occasion as well and I sleep with my hair down every night. I think that sleeping in a braid every night would do way more harm than good to my hair. But I also have satin bedding. Have you tried sleep caps?
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #111 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 7:42pm
well, here, we have a window AC for the bedroom that keeps the rest of the apt. cool... it was the house we were working on, unfortunately. no power inside, so no A/C. I thank Paul's dad for suggesting the fan... otherwise it would have ended much worse. I was in a shady part of the room leading to the balcony, but... that doesn't do much good when it's cooler outside than in (except for the sun beating down) 
One of Paul's friends had come out to help us install the balcony, and about 2 hours of sun later, went off to get us each a large bottle of powerade. that helped quite a bit.

And yes, as soon as we got home, I took a nice long cold shower:D Once I was almost shivering, it was cold enough!

Yeah, I'm also starting to think that braiding is breaking my hair... when I get up in the morning, it's got short hairs sticking out and frizzing everywhere. I have a satin pillow case, at least, though I've never thought about a sleep cap. Another thing I've noticed is I have less range of comfortable positions to sleep in when my hair is braided... I tend to toss and turn, and the braid is an uncomfortable lump.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #112 - Jun 30th, 2007 at 11:08pm
I almost had to be hospitalized for heat exhaustion- I NEVER want to experience that again.  Absolutly one of the worst nights of my life.

I stopped sleeping with my hair braided as I was getting lots of breaks, too.  At first I thought waking up without tangles was great, and then I noticed all the breakage.  I use a silk pillowcased and am much happier sleeping with it loose, even if its hot.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #113 - Jul 1st, 2007 at 2:21am
this has been a pretty bad few days for me, it seems. First, I had a massive headache, dizziness, and weakness,(low blood sugar that I didn't pay attention too until I was feeling sick), then, the next day, heat exhaustion... now, Paul's cat has gone back to her former viscious ways, and due to deep puncture wounds(well cleaned!) my left hand is out of action for a few days. Good thing I can type with onnly one hand fairly well. Comes from petting the Nice cat.I wonder if I'l ever make a decent housecat out of her... as it stands, If friends come over, she must be locked up, and... gods forbid we ever had a child with this cat around.

Sakina, I slept with my hair loose for most of my life... if you pile the hair above your head on your pillow, it keeps it off your neck, and makes it less likely to be lain on... I've woken up with small chunks of hair pulled out from getting caught under my shoulder when I flop around. another good thing about loose hair... sometimes the braid waves and my natural ones... don't get along... and I have a "poodle day".*poof!!!*
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #114 - Jul 1st, 2007 at 11:45am
well, unfortunately, even with cleaning and a thick coating of triple antibiotic ointment, the cat bite has still managed to get slightly infected Sad  I've cleaned it out again, and peroxided it(the yelp from that woke up my father in law in the other part of the house) but unfortunately, due to the location of the two holes, it's impractical at best to bandage, although I can barely move my middle or ring finger due to swollen-ness and pain, so practicality isn't as much of an issue right now. For full disclosure, I have included a picture of my attacker. She doesn't like cameras much... that's the nicest I could get her to look. It is an accurate depiction of her personality though Angry
The good news is, my sweet kitty is laying on my lap comfforting me. *loves my kitty*    *is unimpressed with paul's kitty*
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #115 - Jul 1st, 2007 at 4:50pm
Ugh. Dæmon cat!
Hope the bites heal soon, little sis.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #116 - Jul 1st, 2007 at 5:08pm
....Bad kitty! Sad  Hope you feel better soon! Cool
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #117 - Jul 1st, 2007 at 7:30pm
yes, very bad, evil feral kitty. She was raised indoors all her life, but you'd never know it from the way she acts. She's currently being locked in the bathroom. You know, if a dog were that much of a habitual biter, and that viscious, any sane person would have it euthanized, but as it's his kitty... *rolls eyes* he has thick calluses from ironwork, so he thinks her biting is cute, except when she punches through the calluses and draws blood on him. And due to the swelling and pain, my entire hand was fairly useless... Ibuprofen is a wonder drug. swelling goes down, pain is lessened, hand is useful... I can finally brush my hair again. ( leftie... incompetent with my right hand when it comes to my hair) I cleaned out the bites again and I'm taking an antibiotic for a week to make sure I don't get any wonky infections, and to make sure and kill what managed to grow already... I have no need of massive systemic infections due to cat stupidity. I was noticing though, a milimeter down, and she would have likely broken my middle knuckle.. two to the right, and she'd have punctured the tendon... much farther to the left and she'd have gotten the big arse vein/artery thing in the back of my hand. I guess when you are trying to tame wild predators, you have to expect to be bitten at least once or twice, I guess.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #118 - Jul 2nd, 2007 at 9:19am
PLEASE be careful with that bite, and if it's not better soon go see a doctor.

I almost lost the use of my left hand due to a cat bite when I was a vet tech.  A big black kitty was very unhappy about me cutting his claws while the vet held him, he got free and chomped down on my left ring finger - HARD.  (reminder to all vet techs out there - you're the specialist in HOLDING the animal, not the vet!  You hold, the vet treats!   Wink )

He got me right next to the joint capsule, which got infected.  I ended up on IV antibiotics, because the infection was causing the joint to seize.  And I learned (from the hand specialist and physical therapist I ended up going to) that if you lose the use of you ring finger, you lose your pinkie and most of your middle finger as well.   Shocked 

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #119 - Jul 2nd, 2007 at 1:19pm
ooh, ouch, poor berkanna! I hope you're fine now? Luckily, it seems to be getting better -  the punctures are healing, and i've been cleaning it once every hour or two with peroxide, and keeping neosporin over it, and now even without any Ibuprofen today(like a dingbat, I forgot when I woke up) I've got fairly good range of motion, although it still hurts. But then... It's a pair of puncture wounds about 1/4 inch deep... It's going to hurt! Undecided 

What's odd, last night I was watching TV, and Voodou(the black devil) jumped up on my lap. I think she might have been appologizing. Weird arse cat.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #120 - Jul 2nd, 2007 at 1:39pm
berkanna wrote on Jul 2nd, 2007 at 9:19am:
PLEASE be careful with that bite, and if it's not better soon go see a doctor.   

Berkanna is right about the bite.  It can cause a lot of problems.  Cats have a LOT of bacteria in their mouths and bites from them can result in problems such as Berkanna indicated.  Worse yet, if any infection from that bite gets into the blood stream, it could get worse than that and cause sepsis.  That could kill you.  Also, make sure your tetnus shot is up to date.

Berkanna, let me tell you, once I was holding a dog for a fellow vet for taking blood.  The dog tried to move but I did not let it.  She thought it was going to move and so compensated for a movement that never happened.  She ran the needle up through the vein of the dog, into the front of my thumb and out the nail side.  When one works with animals, there are always risks.  Even the nicest of animals can surprise you. Once I was examining an animal when the vet tech put her hand on the dogs back.  The dog turned instantly and bit me.  I got 18 stitches along the bone under the eye and and 7 along the crease of my eyelid.  I was lucky I did not sustain any injury to the eye itself.  Plastic surgery a year later fixed the whole problem.   The poor dog showed definate distress as soon as it had bitten me.  After getting the stitches I examined the dog because I was sure something must have happened to make it hurt me.  Turned out it had a disc problem and the tech put her hand right on the hurting part.  The dog felt incredible pain and protected itself.

You see, I knew this dog really well.  I had known Joker for 10 years.  He stayed with me whenever the owner was out of town and had even lived with me for 6 months when the owner was too sick to care for him.  Joker would never have hurt me intentionally. 

K, watch out for your hubbies kitty.  She has a mean little look.  AND TAKE CARE OF THAT BITE! Wink
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #121 - Jul 2nd, 2007 at 2:59pm
k- maybe you will turn into cat woman, like what happened to peter parker when bitten by spider Smiley
ok, so aside from revealing what a total nerd i am in this post, hope you are feeling better soon and look after the bite!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #122 - Jul 2nd, 2007 at 5:10pm
I know about animals snapping from pain! When I was living in maine, one of our dogs got loose and met up with a porcupine(sp?). I had to hold him while mom pulled out the spines(didn't have money for the vet, who wasn't a very good example of the breed anyway) even with a rope around his mouth to keep it mostly closed( had to get in to pull a few of the spines, poor baby) he tried to snap at me and mom once or twice.. I'm pretty sure he wasn't actually trying to connect though... this dog had pretty much perfect aim ( could bite a speeding fly right out of the air(until the time he caught a bee))

Heh... RTG, my first comment after getting over the shock of a large black thing attached to my hand... *in a mournful voice* "I'm gonna become a were-cat:(. " *grin* "Hey, I wonder if I'll get a tail?!" Then the pain set in... and there was much yelping.
And I've been watching for signs of blood poisoning and serious infection.. I think it's a little infected, sadly... need more cleaning and neosporin-ing. *does that then gets back to typing* I am also taking an antibiotic to make sure. Kiraela does not want to die*.

Funny animal antics: this morning when I let Voodou out of the bathroom, she noticed her food bowl was empty, and the bin storing it was too... she walked over, knocked the bin over, hissed, and glared at me. At least the cat knows what she wants. Huh

Also, yesterday, morning Emma noticed I was injured, sniffed it gently, then attacked Voodou. My sweet baby, who doesn't like hurting anything less annoying than fleas. I love that cat.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #123 - Jul 2nd, 2007 at 9:30pm
K...my kitty is helping me type so forgive typos.  Lol, okay adam says ";lgha;ogh;ga".  Ok, now down to serious stuff...  unless a doc prescribed the antibiotic for this cause....GET OFF IT.  Antibiotic resistance plus the fact that the antibiotic may not be good for killing the strain of bacteria you have been exposed to are 2 reasons.  Sorry, kitty REALLY wants attention, gotta run.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #124 - Jul 4th, 2007 at 1:58pm
I thought about it, and I agree with you joeydog.. I hadn't thought about the possibility of making antibiotic resistant bacteria... I only took 2, hopefully that didn't harm anything. Anyway, the wounds are almost healed and the infection has cleared up.

Also, last night I we went shopping and I got a nice boar bristle brush. I used it the first time this morning to smooth out my hair and I'm quite pleased with how it worked. I had originally intended to buy a new hair toy, but didn't see any I liked much(I was looking for one particular style that they were out of), So I got the brush instead.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #125 - Jul 4th, 2007 at 3:29pm
Hi K,

Sorry if I sounded like I was lecturing.  It was not my intention.  I am sure that the 2 tablets did not do any harm. And I am so glad to hear that your hand is better.   Grin Grin Grin

Congrats on the brush.  I have had no luck with a good boar brush yet.  My hair is fine so you would think it would be easy, but I never find one that gets through my hair...except my antique one (see journal) which I am trying not to use.  I wish I could test them before  buying  them.  I have 3 waiting to be chucked... Cry  On the happy side, I have 2 (one for home and one for purse) combs by Ric the Combmaker!!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #126 - Jul 4th, 2007 at 4:30pm
Well,mine didn't go all the way through my hair either, it was fairly effective near the scalp, and down to about my chin, but at about chin length, it seemed to not work quite as well. still far better than my synthetic bristle brush did, though.

And hey, the non dye damaged hair has finally reached chin length! Heh, thinking about it, it's almost as if the BBB was like, screw this, that hair's too damaged for me to even try, i"ll just stick to working on healthy hair.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #127 - Jul 5th, 2007 at 5:08pm
I wish I could test them before  buying  them.  I have 3 waiting to be chucked...   On the happy side, I have 2 (one for home and one for purse) combs by Ric the Combmaker!!

hehe Jdog.  Grin  I'm in the same boat. I probably have 2 or 3 that I could stand to lose, but I can't bear to part with my Conair Velvet Touch brushes, though. I may return to them one of these days.

BBB's aren't meant to penetrate hair. They just kind of skim the top. They're meant for smoothing, not detangling. You should look for one with very soft 100% boar bristles. The cheaper ones will have acrylic bristles mixed in and can be harsh on hair.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #128 - Jul 6th, 2007 at 10:00am
in response to the BBB talk-i have one too now and i like it for smoothing and giving shine. i detangle with a wide tooth comb, or my fingers if wet. i have a plastic comb, but may be looking into a wooden one soon.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #129 - Jul 6th, 2007 at 12:37pm
rtg, might i suggest Ric the Cmbmaker.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #130 - Jul 7th, 2007 at 7:14pm
Well, I'm thinking about going across the street and having Ms. Jo trim my hair again... I can't make the ends manageable! I'm going to try a last ditch effort tonight(EVOO) and if that doesn't work, I'm going to start my two week wait. *always a big fan of the "wait two weeks to decide major things"(except "band-aid or stitches" type descisions, of course!) school of thought. 

Odd dream last night... I was kidnapped by the people from "what not to wear" and forced to be on the show at gun point... they shredded all my favorite clothes and forced me to wear pink blouses with color co-ordinating pink paisley mini skirts. That rather annoyed me. What was worse though, was when the hair stylist demanded I let them cut my hair into a trendy bob-like-object. When he came near me with scissors I started screaming and flailing like some wild bobcat. When he still didn't get the point, I grabbed his sissors and stabbed him Sad.. Then I took the credit card they give their victims to go buy new clothes, and bought medieval reproduction dresses with it.

Also, I wish my guy were more trainable. Laundry goes in the basket. or in a pile next to the basket. Not in the middle of the floor. Expecially when it's so soaked in sweat that if we had wood floors, I'd have to worry about the shirt-shaped equivalent of cup rings.   Sad
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #131 - Jul 7th, 2007 at 7:19pm
Good luck on the guy training thing.  My mother watched me training my dog once.  I would say, "Go lay down," then take her to her pillow at the end of the couch and get her to lay on it.  Mother asked why I was teaching her a sentence.  I told because that was what my husband said to her, and I could either train the man or train the dog.  She said, "Train the dog.  It's easier."
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #132 - Jul 7th, 2007 at 7:36pm
LMAO, it is true, training a dog is much easier than a man. Grin  I still have my dogs...the hubby is questionable...as in he is not living here right now...he is living with his mommy.  She screwed him up, she can have him until he learns...which I doubt he will.  My dogs are well trained after 15 years...but I think I could train a puppy faster than the hubby who went through 2 bankrupcies while we were together (5 years).  Thank God I did the prenupt and own the house, car, etc...all on my own.

That is quite the dream K.  It certainly tops the one I had last night which I thought was pretty drastic.  I will not bore you.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #133 - Jul 8th, 2007 at 2:49am
Odd dream last night... I was kidnapped by the people from "what not to wear" and forced to be on the show at gun point... they shredded all my favorite clothes and forced me to wear pink blouses with color co-ordinating pink paisley mini skirts. That rather annoyed me. What was worse though, was when the hair stylist demanded I let them cut my hair into a trendy bob-like-object. When he came near me with scissors I started screaming and flailing like some wild bobcat. When he still didn't get the point, I grabbed his sissors and stabbed him  Sad.. Then I took the credit card they give their victims to go buy new clothes, and bought medieval reproduction dresses with it.

LMAO!! Oh, Kiraela...you kill me.  Grin
My family wants to nominate me for that show.  Shocked

As for guys, they're hardwired to throw their clothes all over the place. Clean, dirty, wet, sandy, it doesn't matter. That's just something they never grow out of, unfortunately. It's a bane of living with one. Better to either get used to it or find separate houses.  Roll Eyes
    But as far as boy training in general, well...everybody has a teacher. Be it a parent, a friend, a partner, a school teacher, a boss, etc. Everyone has someone who opens up their eyes and makes them realize things that they never saw before. You could be that person for him.
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Posts: 155
Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #134 - Jul 8th, 2007 at 4:26am
As for guys, they're hardwired to throw their clothes all over the place. Clean, dirty, wet, sandy, it doesn't matter. That's just something they never grow out of, unfortunately.

Not if you have to do it yourself !!  Wink
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #135 - Jul 8th, 2007 at 4:36am
Expecially when it's so soaked in sweat that if we had wood floors, I'd have to worry about the shirt-shaped equivalent of cup rings.

You're a natural at these one liners !! More please I creased up !! Grin Grin I'm gonna have to apply the cup rings analogy to other daily hassles too !! Any offers ?  Cheesy
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #136 - Jul 8th, 2007 at 5:55am
I think guys are hard wired to be pigs in general! I get to deal with motor oil and grease eveywhere, coke cans in strange places and coffee cups tittering dangerously on the edge of tables. And yes, clothes all over the floor. My bunnie was easier to train! Roll Eyes
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #137 - Jul 8th, 2007 at 6:40am
Yep I've seen plenty too and they've been beyond belief, but with the greatest of respect ahem !  Wink most definitely not this guy thanks ! Lol Grin
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #138 - Jul 8th, 2007 at 6:48pm
HEH Lisabelle.. grease, metal shavings cropping up in weird places(like my toes Sad), cans, plates under the sheets(!) tools on my kitchen counters, tables, floor, chairs... Once there was a cordless drill on the stove. I'm still not sure quite why.  One problem with Paul's iron shop being attached to the back of the house... random things making their way inside. I've had a hobart welding machine on my kitchen table for two weeks now. There's an air conditioner spread across most of my living room(thankfully not carpeted) 
I love him to death... but sheesh.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #139 - Jul 8th, 2007 at 8:53pm
ouch, K you are making me wonder if my man was so bad (but we are not apart just because he is a slob).  The worst I had was pliers in with my kitchen stuff in the drawers!!  Kitchen table and I would kill!!!

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #140 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 3:44pm
K-i'm very familiar with the common  "man condition" of items in strange places around the house too. between hubby and the cats, have found cat toys in my boots, chopsticks on the balcony, sci-fi novels strewn about and clothes everywhere, and comic books, tolkien books, and misc. tools. without the "nice" reminders i give to him and lots of times just picking it up myself- it looks like a comic book convention just happend at our house most days Smiley
fortunately i grew up with many brothers- so have previous experience navigating this terrain.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #141 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 6:45pm
hehe..  Actually, I wouldn't mind "ComiCon chic" as much as "blacksmith shop exploded in my living room".. I'd be too distracted by the books to get any cleaning done though!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #142 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 7:00pm
hey k- a while back you mentioned a hair mask you use. do you make it or buy it?
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #143 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 7:10pm
LOL I have no idea how all of you put up with that. I would either confine all of their clutter to one room or make them find a place of their own. Of course, that's just the uncompromising divorcée in me.  Grin
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #144 - Jul 9th, 2007 at 8:03pm
ya K, tell us about the hair mask!!

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #145 - Jul 10th, 2007 at 12:12am
I don't actually know what a hair mask is Sad I think tis a case of mistaken Identity  Undecided   

the closest thing I can think of is letting conditioner sit in my hair for an hour or two. (pantene of some sort)

Ah yes, hair news. Walmart was out of the Ice Shine conditioner in anything smaller than the 7$ keg... (smaller bottle fits better in the shower) So I got the walmart generic-pantene Daily Moisture renewal... (Some of you may be thinking, why don't you just go back after they've restocked? Simple. Paul refuses to go to walmart more than once a month. A month without conditioner?! Enough said, yes? Wink)
I think that is what my hair has been begging for. It's soft and nice enough that I left it down today, kept from my face with a scarf. Even the ends aren't as dry and icky as usual. Still not perfect, but... eh. I'm trying to avoid mr. Scissors McSnippy until the meeting is unavoidable.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #146 - Jul 10th, 2007 at 12:01pm
Pantene makes a pretty good hair mask, if your hair likes a fair amount of cones. It's called the Pro-V Nourishing Moisture Replenishing Mask.

If you're looking for something natural or cone-free, I'm afraid you're on your own. I haven't tried anything in those departments.

So how's the generic Daily Moisture Renewal impersonation working out, K?
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #147 - Jul 10th, 2007 at 7:10pm
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how it's working. For the first few hours after my hair dried, it was soft, and silky and manageable... then it seemed to get posessed, and become one large matted mess. I'm not sure what's up with that.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #148 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 1:18am
Actually K, after reading couple of things on here about Pantene and trying it...I have found that for my hair...AG is cheaper and does 1000X better for my hair. Yes you buy a 375 ml bottle for $5.00 and use twice as much or you can but a one Litre bottte for $23 and I use less than one half what I use for Pantene... so a bottle lasts me a year in the litre size.  Maybe our hair is different...Dunno.  I used to like Pantene before the AG, but having gone back to Pantene, I find AG cheaper and better for my hair.  Also, after reading the label...I found AG was better in terms of what is in it.  Pantene uses everything unhealthly to make your hair look good...AG uses some bad things...but not nearly as much.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #149 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 12:23pm
Posted by: Kiraela Posted on: Yesterday at 4:10pm
... then it seemed to get posessed, and become one large matted mess

(Trisha blows the dust off her handy-dandy internet-obtained ordination certificate, and waves her hands over the length of Kiraela's tresses)
Out, evil spirit, OUT!!  
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #150 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 12:56pm
AG?  I've never heard of it.. I'll have to look it up. Unfortunately though, if it's not something I can find in the local Walmart, or at worst, Sally beauty supply.. I don't think I'll be able to aquire it. At this point, I really have no money of my own, so I'm pretty much reliant on what Paul will buy, and he thinks spending much more than a bottle of pantene costs, on shampoo or conditioner, is pointless.  Angry

*hee, thanks Trish! I think it might even be working!*
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #151 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 3:53pm
Okay, I think it's too hot today. I've been doing laundry all day, which entails leaving from my door, walking around the house to the other side with a full load of laundry and the huge thing of laundry soap, and going into Paul's father's half of the house... making sure that both doors stay locked at all times, of course... fun trying to juggle four hands' worth of objects with my two... but every time I open the door to our half of the house, at least one dragonfly, usually two or three, come flying in the door. I'm starting to think the dragonflies are coming in to get out of the heat.  Huh Shocked  Of course, now that means there's dead dragonfly parts littering the floor - two cats practicing hunting skills.

In other news, I'm thinking that next time I go to the store I'm going to try a different brand of product... maybe herbal essences.. maybe tresemme... I don't know what yet. All I know is that my hair started rebelling against Pantene, and it's not taking to Imatat-ene much better. Worse, in fact... which is... bad. "hiding-my-hair-in-a-scarf" bad. Almost to the point of being "Leave-in-a-french-braid-for-three-days-because-I-don't-want-to-deal-with-it" bad. I don't want to have to do that to my precious locks. Tonight I'm going to do a last ditch EVOO treatment...  if that doesn't work, it may be scissors time.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #152 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 4:39pm
lol @ Trish exorcising K's hair.  Grin

And isn't laundry sooo much fun when cohabitating? I know all about carrying bottles, boxes and baskets back and forth between my place and the machines. Even better when you've maneuvered around children and other obstacles, run up and down flights of stairs, dodged people that you don't want to see only to get there and find that the machines are already in use. Then you have to just drag your stuff back and wait. lol Hate that...  Tongue
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #153 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 5:00pm
Scissors,Kiraela?!?!?!   Shocked Shockednooooooo,not yet!!!!!  Have you tried to clarify yet? ACV?  Maybe also just a deep conditioner left on for a few hours???  There's got to be an answer to your "hide your hair before something crawls in it and wants to die" Undecided Tongue  Let us know if your solution of EVOO works tonight,ok?
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #154 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 5:20pm
Tried an ACV, thinking about adding EVOO to my honey and sweet almond conditioner, wrapping it in a scarf, and leaving that on for a few hours while I go out to the shop (same heat, less damage as a blow dryer!), and don't worry, I don't mean much... something between 1/4 and 1". Only if nothing else works... but I think it's dye damage finally showing on the ends... So it's going to have to come off eventually Cry (they don't have an emoticon for "horror" so that one will have to do) (and... curlgirl... I've been having junebugs land in my hair for days... I think I was too late hiding it!)

hehe... yeah, I have my choice of slogging through knee deep mud puddles (southern louisiana + Summer = swamp), or fighting my way over a pile of scrap steel and around the two forges, the anvil, and various junk in the yard. Not to mention the grass which hasn't been ... trimmed... since before my hair was...(april 24!)  At least there's only 3 steps to each door... and no chance of anybody else using the washer while the menfolks are off at an install. After my incident the other day with the near heat stroke... I'm pretty much not allowed on installations anymore. (not that I mind, seriously! more time for K. time, more time for pretty harp music... and ... cleaning. yeah... cleaning. Sad)
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #155 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 7:43pm

I will save you the touble of looking for AG.  It is only at hair salons.  Good luck finding something you like...and let me know if you do.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #156 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 9:46pm
About AG, that sucks. Maybe I will convince paul to spend on something better than "imitantene"

erk, my back hurts. Paul and I had to help our friend move furniture around (she's pretty much confined to bed... the same friend who is cleaning out her stuff in preparation for dying) but one of the pieces was too heavy for me to move... but me being the irishwoman I am... I was too stubborn to let go or admit I couldn't do it, so I pulled a muscle or twelve in my back. Taken ibuprofen and aspirin for it... it's helpin enough that I can bend my back some without sounding like a frightened chihuahua(yelp yelp yelp!)

Good news though... I love my friends... Eva, owner of southern pride stairs, had some left over wood( a LOT of leftover wood, actually) from doing stair treads and decided to "donate" it to Paul's father a few years ago. It's been in the way ever since... today, I found out it's solid plank brazilian cherry. Now, anybody familiar with harps knows cherry is a dern fine wood for such. It just so happens I have recently come into ownership of a set of plans for building a medium size harp( exactly the size I want, in fact).... Anybody see where I'm going with this? *rubs hands gleefully* Paul has convinced me to make a full scale model... um, prototype, I guess you'd say, out of either oak or pine... Probably pine because it is cheap, but I'd prefer oak for strength. If it comes down to it, I will work on this project in the back yard, in the sun if need be, and darn well GROW a heat tolerance.( or take frequent A/C breaks and have a fan or seven on me)

Now all I need is to have Eva come out and give me some basic power tool lessons. I know she'll be willing, as she's already evinced interest in the instrument making business (she made herself a dulcimer a few years ago).... * is excited, but cannot bounce because my back hurts, which is frustrating because I bounce like a deranged border collie when I'm excited*
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #157 - Jul 12th, 2007 at 5:05am
Sounds exciting Kiraela!  Good luck with the  building of your harp!  I know it'll look as good as you make it sound!  If I could build a piano as you build your harp,then we'd be in business!!!!  I think that's so cool......building a harp!

Hope your back is feeling better,too!  When you're feeling up to it and want to try Vipakarani(Legs Up the Wall pose) let me know and I'll give you details.  It will help release your back and hips and be totally relaxing.  I use to teach this pose to a pregnant yoga student of mine.  She found it very beneficial for her back and hips. Smiley
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #158 - Jul 12th, 2007 at 7:08pm

Building a harp.  That is impressive.  I know about power tools...but a) I am too far away, and b) I dunno about that kind of precision.

I am sending you a pm.

Hope your back feels better soon.  Take care.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #159 - Jul 12th, 2007 at 9:27pm
it will take a few weeks to get the tools I'll need (must wait for the next major stair rail to be finished, get the money, and go to harbor freight tools, to buy my new "toys")
Although I'm not going to buy a bandsaw just yet... I'll stick to the "things I need that are less than 100.00$ each" category, and borrow Paul's uncle Steve's shop for the rest.

I'm leaning towards making the first model out of Luon plywood, as it is strong and has no open voids, so it should conduct sound well. Frankly, we have about 50 times as much luon in the shop as cherry, it's easier to work, we already have it(so no putting money out on oak!)... and if i screw up horribly, we haven't lost too much and I can start over.
I got your PMs Joeydog, and replied...
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #160 - Jul 12th, 2007 at 9:33pm
I pm'd you on the pose info.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #161 - Jul 12th, 2007 at 9:44pm
Oh, I forgot to mention, I had a pair of pretty long hair sightings today.
Yesterday when I said I wasn't going out on Installations anymore.. well, Technically that is true, but apparently I'm still needed for my touch up painting skills. *shrugs* as long as I have a pair of 1 quart bottles full of water, and a nice breeze, I am okay, I guess. 
Anyway, on to the hair! The first one was in a gas station this morning... a girl waiting in line had waist length black hair (it looked natural, even!) I complimented her on how pretty, long and shiny it was, and she responded "thanks! Everyone in my family has long hair! My mom's a few inches longer than mine, and my aunt is down to here*motions to tailbone*"  That must be an incredible sight, when they're all together!

The second was in Harbor Freight Tools, while we waited for the balcony's paint to dry so we could put it back in place(it seems that one side of one of the balcony panels... didn't get sprayed ( air spray gun, like a typical auto painter would use, provides a perfect finish)
Anyway, one of the guys working there had hair the same color as mine is naturally, in a pony tail that reached about halfway between BSL and Waist. I have problems talking to strange males, so I didn't say anything  Undecided

Paul was there to buy a hammer drill.. thing. Me, I was there to scout out the prices on some of the tools I'll need for my harp. *is well on her way to becoming a powertool junkie*

Of course, we had to leave because my blood sugar was getting too low and I had to find food before I collapsed.
I've never been diagnosed as Hypoglycemic, but I'm pretty sure that's my problem. If I'm not very careful about what and when I eat, and make sure I get enough carbs/sugar, I get shaky, sick to my stomach, and if I don't do something about it, I've passed out in class before(teachers with their"no eating in class" rule, punishable by detention or suspention)

Of course, the side effect of eating an order of fries, a cheeseburger, and a large chocolate malt( love sonic's malts)... a drastic upswing in sugar(and a HYPER kiraela)
I am still balancing myself out hours later... this sucks royally. Normally I don't get that bad that fast.

And I never got around to doing the EVOO on my hair last night... Too busy discussing the skills I'll need to learn to make harps...  Undecided
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #162 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 1:40am
didn't get to do an evoo again tonight. As I was typing my last entry, I started to get nauseous and shaky again... by the time I managed to get some toast and a couple of sips of powerade in me... I was starting to get tunnel vision, and had to lay down for a while. I seriously don't know what's wrong with me... I've been getting nauseous a lot lately and having blood sugar problems more than normal. I don't know if it's the fact that I've not been eating regularly or that I've been eating out more than usual *ducks to avoid the pans thrown at my head*.

And everyone who finds out that I'm sick comments that " at least bridget's new kid will have someone to play with!"  Angry Why is it that just because a female isn't feeling well and is nauseous for a day or two, everyone automatically assumes pregnancy?! I could have a case of food poisoning for all anyone knows (don't trust McDonalds,  by the way... funky food).
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #163 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 10:38am
Geez,I hope you feel better soon!!!  Maybe the heat is messing with you? Undecided
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #164 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 10:42am

You poor things.  I hope you feel better soon.  Pls keep us up to date.  BTW, I have sent you a PM.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #165 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 11:25am
I'm hoping it's just the heat... I woke up feeling sick again, so I took some anti- nausea medication so I was capable to make breakfast. I don't want Paul to suffer just because I'm not feeling well... And the poor man should NOT be allowed near the kitchen (at least in the morning!)... He's even worse at cooking than I was before I moved here (Quite impressive, really!) Luckily it's working fairly well.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #166 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 11:28am
Aww, so cute that you look after your man so well.  I tried to do stuff for my hubby but he figured that not eating cooked meals (but chips were ok) at all was best...and by the way, as the daughter of a Cordon Bleu, it is not because I cannot cook.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #167 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 9:53pm
I take care of him as best I can, and he does the same for me. It works out quite nicely.

I've still been feeling sick today, so I spent most of the day lying down. I managed not to.. lose.. my lunch today though, so that's an improvement.

Made a new hair toy out of an old bracelet... very pretty, will post pictures when I feel up to fiddling with the camera. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go lay down again soon.

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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #168 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 10:05pm
I look forward to the pics...but right now...look after you.  I hope you feel much better soon.

Umm, not to belabour the point, but have you done a preg test?

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #169 - Jul 14th, 2007 at 3:12pm
most unfortunately, as the nausea has kept up for 3 days now, and I've had some other unusual symptoms,  that is on the shopping list for today. I'm... kind of torn about what I hope the results will be, honestly. At the same time both fearful and excited. Is that odd? Of course, IF I am, it may be too recent to show up yet on a test, too. *grimace* the only type of test I hate.. the type where I don't know the answers.

I can't even rely on the fact that I had... the females' curse... recently... my aforementioned friend bridget was nice and regular until she was 4 months along. She went to the doctor for the test and ... they found a nice strong heartbeat.

of course, just thinking about it, and not KNOWING... makes my stomach do bellyflops even worse.

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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #170 - Jul 14th, 2007 at 8:43pm

Aww.  Stress for K.  I wish I had some great words here.  I think all woman fear a positive but get excited about it too.  I have never been blessed with children...one of my regrets...but I have gone though the testing part. God will not give you anything you cannot handle, either way.  If it is time, it will be positive, and if it is not...you are young yet.

Umm, I do know there is one test that gives results up to 4 days before the curse.  I dunno the name though. 

Keeping you in my thoughts.  Hang in there.


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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #171 - Jul 14th, 2007 at 9:04pm
you know, that part has always confused me a bit... the test measures hormone levels present in the urine, the most accurate ones testing correctly at 2-3 weeks.

my question " tests accurately up to four days before your missed period" ... what if you only have implantation say, 1 week beforeyou miss? are they saying they could potentially test the level of hormone present at 3-5 days? I don't buy it.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #172 - Jul 14th, 2007 at 9:23pm
Ah, Ok, this I can field. 

Women only ovulate for a couple of days and it is pretty much aroung the midde of 'the month', with a day or two of variance for each woman.  Even for implantation, you have to go to the clinic everyday for a blood test so they can check that the hormone levels are right for implanation which is then done for 2 consecutive days.  In fact, you can even buy urine based fertility kits at the pharmacy if you are trying without science helping. Therefore, when you find miss, you have actually been pregnant for near 2 weeks (give or take a day or so depending on the woman).

I know about implantation (or in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination) because my husband was sterile and so we were supposed to start the process about 3 days after he left.  I had spent 6 months doing the prelude test, etc...but obviously, without a husband and with my health problems, having a child (as desperately as I wanted one) would have been selfish of me.  I can still go for the procedure for up to a year after the testing...as in this coming Xmas, but nothing is going to change for me so it will not happen Cry

Does that help?

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #173 - Jul 15th, 2007 at 12:01am
that does answer another question I had as well... IF I am, when It would have occured. We've been so busy lately, working such godawful hours, that we've only been able to take time for ourselves two or three times in the past month... I can now say that indeed, one of those times was in the critical period.

I'll know tomorrow if it's positive...(morning is the best time to test, apparently) If it's negative, we shall wait two weeks and test again, as it may still be too early to tell.

The good news, Nilla wafer cookies are good at preventing nausea.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #174 - Jul 15th, 2007 at 7:09am
That is wise K.  Hang in there.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #175 - Jul 15th, 2007 at 11:41am
If you're still feeling nausea, try placing a bowl of hot water by the bed and putting a couple of drops of spearmint essential oil in it.  Spearmint oil is safe whether you're pregnant or not.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #176 - Jul 15th, 2007 at 11:45am
Cool, I have not heard of that Sakina...I will remember it next time I feel ill.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #177 - Jul 15th, 2007 at 5:21pm
Well, I guess it's only fair of me to report the results. Apparently it is K. only for the time being, not K+1.  (in other words, negative) Which is a good thing, I suppose, We're nowhere near prepared to have children just yet. I can't help feeling a little down about it though, and it still doesn't explain the everpresent nausea, tiredness, etc.

Hair: Godawful. I haven't taken the time to wash it since I started feeling so sick, so it's greasy, grimy, and has been braided for two days. I guess letting the natural oils soak in is good for it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's icky looking. The ends are feeling softer though, so I guess that's the one upside to this. Well, that and I've lost about two pounds.  Undecided something about only digesting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, half a cheeseburger, and about half of a small meal, in four days... Well, that and half a box of nilla wafers. *is getting sick of nilla wafers* I'm feeling the smidgiest bit better (er... tiniest) today, though, so here's hoping food and I get along better soon!
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #178 - Jul 15th, 2007 at 5:31pm
Aww Sweetie.  Big HUGS for you.  Your time will come...I am sure of it.

I hope you figure out what is wrong with you soon.  Are you planning on seeing a doc?  Might be a good idea if you can't eat and are so drained.

Hang in there and take care.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #179 - Jul 15th, 2007 at 8:33pm
I'm finally starting to feel a little better, actually. Not anything near 100%.. maybe 57.34%... but that's far better than I was. I dislike doctors unless there's no getting around it (massive blood loss, broken bones, coma, etc)

Oddly enough, I've discovered something else that helps... Root Beer.  Huh I was thirsty, wanted something other than water, but all we had was root beer. had a small cup, and it appears to be settling my stomach down better than anything else.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #180 - Jul 16th, 2007 at 4:20pm
wow k, that will teach me not to skip reading your journal for a few days...all kinds of excitement on here when i checked back in today! i've been in a similar situation, where i wanted the test to be negative and then was sad it was negative. i think you kind of get yourself thinking about having a baby in the back of your mind and adjust to it and want to, even if you otherwise think it's not the right time. then you take the test and feel disappointed. hope you are feeling better soon.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #181 - Jul 16th, 2007 at 5:18pm
K, 2 things come to mind when you say that.  1) the fizziness helped you...although they usually say that FLAT gingerale is the best and 2) could you be hypoglycemic (blood sugar too low)?

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #182 - Jul 16th, 2007 at 9:18pm
Posted on: Jul 12th, 2007, 8:44pm
Of course, we had to leave because my blood sugar was getting too low and I had to find food before I collapsed.I've never been diagnosed as Hypoglycemic, but I'm pretty sure that's my problem. If I'm not very careful about what and when I eat, and make sure I get enough carbs/sugar, I get shaky, sick to my stomach, and if I don't do something about it, I've passed out in class before(teachers with their"no eating in class" rule, punishable by detention or suspention)

I didn't think about it at the time, but that could have been part of the problem this whole time... nausea from low sugar keeping me from eating, which kept my sugar just below safe levels, which kept me nauseous, etc. When I started sipping on root beer(which was completely flat, by the way! it sat in a can, partially opened, for about four hours before I remembered it was there and took a sip.) I started feeling a little better.

Too bad I didn't have a can of root beer a few days earlier...... Cry Angry
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #183 - Jul 17th, 2007 at 1:22am
K, looking at the quote you put there, I am not diagnosed with hypoglycemia, nor is my mother or my sister...but we cannot skip meals without feeling ill.  Sometimes we fall beneath the curve...but it is not to say that the effects of not eating regular and good meals is not the cause.  I am glad the root beer helped you...maybe try eating anything you can stomach to see if it helps?

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #184 - Jul 17th, 2007 at 5:30pm
Finally, I feel like myself again! Still a little tumultuous-tummied, but FAR less than I was.

Finally got around to washing my hair (after something along the lines of 6 days*shudder*)  last night, since I was feeling better. I don't know what it was, the constant braidedness, or the greasy oily yick, but this morning, my hair was shinier, silkier, and softer than ever. The ends feel NORMAL again! maybe better than normal.   Grin  Maybe it was the fact that I didn't rinse the daily moisture renewal conditioner all the way out, left it in for about 45 min while I went out to the shop to help Paul, then came in and re-conditioned with my Suave Oasis honey and sweet almond. I think next time I wash I'm going to use the honey and sweet almond alone... if it works as well again, I'm going to use that alone(for the most part at least, I have a bottle of AG Deep conditioner on its way (Thanks Joeydog!*hug*)... after all, the suave oasis line is a dollar at dollar tree (normal sized bottle too, not the dinky "trial sizes"), and if it's working, why mess with it? I still love the Ice Shine shampoo, but... I don't know if it's worth going out of my way to get, if i'm not using the conditioner as well. I'm sure I'll find something, eventually.  Undecided
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #185 - Jul 17th, 2007 at 11:28pm
BTW, dehydratration can cause all of the symptoms you had.  Look in your local health food store for Alacer brand Electro Mix.  Its packets of electrolytes that you mix with water.  It doesn't have any of the crap that Gatorade has in it-no color and no sugar.  It has a subtle lemon/lime flavor.  Its made by the same company that makes Emer'gen-C.

Glad to hear you're feeling better!
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #186 - Jul 18th, 2007 at 5:13am
K, glad you are feeling better.  Sakina has a good point.  I will have to find about the electrolyte mix myself since the running may result in me needing it and I can't stand gatorade...which has too many calories in it and too much sodium unless I was running a marathon.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #187 - Jul 18th, 2007 at 7:00am
Glad you are feeling better,Kiraela! Smiley
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #188 - Jul 18th, 2007 at 4:09pm
Thanks, all! I've never been fond of any of the electrolyte (-ade) drinks, but lately when I've been outside for very long, like when I'm out on installs, I've been drinking powerade. Powerade is one of those weird drinks that tastes really funky and watery unless you are dehydrated and actually need it, at which point it becomes almost pleasant.

and now, some photos!

Current (as of yesterday) length

A pretty braided bun

not a great shot, but a picture of the new hairtoy/slide I made out of a bracelet a friend gave me

Some pretty scenery from about two miles away.

Why you don't go swimming in murky water in louisiana
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #189 - Jul 18th, 2007 at 5:58pm
your hair looks great k! so pretty and shiny.
no comment on the crocodile--yikes!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #190 - Jul 18th, 2007 at 7:05pm
Your hair looks lovely, K.

Glad to hear that you're feeling better.

And just FYI, nausea is not a symptom of hypoglycemia. It sounds like you may have experienced serious dehydration, UV poisoning or a stomach flu.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #191 - Jul 18th, 2007 at 7:47pm
Sorry Angel, I have to disagree.  Headaches and nausea are very much symptoms of hypoglycemia.  Google it.  It makes no sense but it is.  Other symptons incude dizziness and lightheadness.  Turst me, with 2 hypoglycemics in my family, I should know.  Plus it is my job to know that when my hypoglycemic animals are throwing up (remember my vet thing) they need more food.

K, the pics are great.  Your hair looks great...and I am glad that I don't have the problems you do in water here in the north (where we freeze in the winter...maybe I should rethink this)


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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #192 - Jul 18th, 2007 at 8:51pm
Alligators are fairly common down here(there was a small (3-4 ft?) living in the culvert beneath my neighbor across the street's driveway, but it seems to have dissapeared. |Thanks on the comments about my hair! I had a good picture of the natural color coming in, but.. it kind of got deleted. When the batteries are recharged for the camera i'll try again to get a good view of the color. Basically, see all the dark brown intermingled with the light? that dark is fairly close. Although sheesh, in the length picture, it seems like the hair growing in is deep black. after I find my scissors again, it's S&D time.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #193 - Jul 18th, 2007 at 9:03pm
Ok, sorry K, but your journal is my medium for answering a question I have.   S & D.  It sounds good.  My hair is barely long enough.   Here is my question though...I saw in a magazine that you should take strips of hair, curl them in a tight twist and cut what ever sticks out.  This makes no sense to me....here is my logic.  First of all, if I do that, every time I do that, the hairs that I have cut will just show up higher in the strands, and secondly, we know that our hair has different lengths because new strands are constantly growing.  I get cutting off the split end, but I suspect that what I read (and is written above) is...bs.  Someone tell me if I am making sense or am just not getting it.

Oh. BTW, K you are welcome about the conditioner.  Maybe I will start a Pay It Forward thread since you alluded to it.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #194 - Jul 18th, 2007 at 11:35pm
The thread sounds good to me, Jdog... I wonder how long it's been going on, underground, here, or if it started with whatever lovely lady sent you the snood. *ponders*

I'm not sure of official methods, With my hair as long as it is, I just brush it out reallywell and drape one little section at a time over my shoulder and snip any obvious splits. Then I shift it around and rebrush, and snip any more ends that show up. That way I don't cut any ends that are not split, or even worse,any 'virgin' ends.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #195 - Jul 19th, 2007 at 1:15pm
I LOVE your braided bun!  All the colors and the shine!  Very kewl!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #196 - Jul 19th, 2007 at 2:14pm
Cheesy Thanks!  It's still got the tiger effect, but... I'm learning to like it. (my current theory: "i'm a calico just like my kitty")

I'm starting to get a really good view of my natural color coming in... and kicking myself(hard) for ever dying it. I always liked the look of dark brunette hair with red tints. I never realized that's actually what I have... I remember my hair being a dull, muddy mousy dark brown when I was younger... But this color actually looks good on me. I finally match my eyebrows again! well.. i match to my chin, anyway. after that it's the odd auburn color.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #197 - Jul 19th, 2007 at 2:29pm
Kiraela wrote on Jul 19th, 2007 at 2:14pm:
I remember my hair being a dull, muddy mousy dark brown when I was younger...

It is quite likely it WAS dull, making it appear more muddy, mousy brown.  The hair products you used back then may have been hiding your true, beautiful color.  I know that is true for me. Smiley
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #198 - Jul 19th, 2007 at 4:23pm
hey  i think that happened to me too! i used to dye my hair (before long locks taught me otherwise of course) and now i see my natural hair color is very pretty so what was i thinking? but maybe it was hidden underneath all the cones and processing. also, i eat much better now than i did then, which is probably part of it.
as for you being a calico, i think it looks great. your hair is so shiny and getting very long!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #199 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 6:46am
The pics ae beautiful Kiraela!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #200 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 8:19pm
thanks everyone!!*biggrouphug*
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #201 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 8:36pm
you know, it was odd. I was just standing by the forge watching the steel heat to red hot, and was struck by the insatiable desire to run back inside and grab a stick and some marshmallow peeps( my parents gave me some for easter, and well... they're still here)

then, though, i realized that the fire was so hot that it would probably just vaporize the marshmallow instantly Shocked and of course, got the mental image of myself standing there with a slightly burnt stick and a confused as heck expression. "hey, where my peeps go?!"

this proves that I am odder than previously believed.

and hey, today I was given a new pair of jewelry boxes and some antique bronze items from a friend of mine. Also my hair is behaving perfectly, and well life is good today  Grin
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #202 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 9:18pm
Umm, blonde here, what are peeps?
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #203 - Jul 21st, 2007 at 1:26am
peeps are freakishly colored, sugar coated marshmallow chickens. They also come in Bunny. http://www.marshmallowpeeps.com/
they're one of those things that you'll either love instantly... or hate with a passion. I have never liked peeps(my cousin actually had a website devoted to the many ways to kill a peep) .. but I have found that if you roast peeps like regular marshmallows, not only do you get gooey marshmalloey goodness, but a nice caramelized candy coating. Also it's an excuse to stab the crap out of flourescent purple candy chickens.

HEHE, at the peeps website... one of the 'fun facts'...   "Peeps have become gourmet favorites as fondues, creme brulee ingredients and cappuccino toppings!"  I'm sorry but if there's a CHICKEN floating in my cappuccino, we're going to have words. HARSH words.

sorry. peeps make me rant.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #204 - Jul 21st, 2007 at 1:39am
Okay, could not open link.  I am really hoping this  chicken and bunny marshmellows (sp?)?  Oh please tell me that. 

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Angel Spun
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #205 - Jul 21st, 2007 at 2:49am
lmao K  Grin

Eeeeevilllllll!!!  Shocked
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #206 - Jul 21st, 2007 at 1:06pm
Yep, it's chicken and bunny shaped marshmallows. (did you try copy/pasting the link?)

And LOL angel! The purple ones are evillest, followed by yellow, followed by all other colors.
"evil villain, purple. evil villain's evil advisor, yellow. minions, other."
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #207 - Jul 21st, 2007 at 9:21pm
lol K...I didn't realize that there was a "pecking order" in Peep colours. OMG, "pecking" order.... ba dum TSSHHHHH!  Roll Eyes

*cues the Darth Vader music*
Dun dun dun dun da dun dun da dunnnn....  Tongue

My sister loooves Peeps. And she loves bunnies...not just the Peep Bunnies but like actual living, breathing rabbits. And her favourite colour is purple, so every year, around Easter, I usually get her a little pack of purple Bunnies.
Personally, I can't stand them.
Have you ever heard of Circus Peanuts?
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #208 - Jul 21st, 2007 at 11:25pm
Circus Peanuts - yes!  My sister and I would fight over a bag of circus peanuts.   Grin
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #209 - Jul 21st, 2007 at 11:53pm
I think I was given a bag of circus peanuts(spongy peanut shaped... things? right?) yeah. i was given a bag once. I took a tiny nibble and fed the rest to my mom's mule. My horse looked at me like I was nuts for trying to feed them to him. Sad He was weird. Would rather eat dog food than sugar. Plastic car parts were his favorite, as my landlord discovered. hehe.
windsheild fluid sprayer thingie:                              30$.
parts to fix the fence(again!)                                    50$.
the look on the landlord's face when he comes out and sees your horse chewing on his Humvee...                                                        PRICELESS.

And now I have darth music stuck in my head.

well, did more unpacking for my friend, and some how managed to make my right ankle hurt. I'm not sure if I have a minor sprain, or what. It hurts worse when any pressure is applied to the joint on the side of my ankle(I rolled up my pantleg to keep that from touching it), and it hurts for about 3 inches above where that joint sits.  Undecided no more helping her unpack this week, I guess.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #210 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 1:13am
I have noticed something disturbing to me today. My singing voice appears to have.. gone. died... dissapeared. I don't know if I've simply not been practicing enough, but I need to recover it. For many years(from age 11, roughly, on) My voice has been the one identifying bit that made me, me. Through everything I have been through, everywhere I've seen... Singing kept me pulled together. Learning to put my emotions into song brought me back from the brink of doing something even stupider and more harmful that I did. ... And now it seems it's left me. I was singing along to a CD, one that I could previously sing every song as if it were me on the CD instead (I'm a good mimic, amongst other things)... but today it wasn't even close. I'm.. I'm scared. What if it's gone irrepararably... I dont' think I've done anything that would ruin my voice, but... what if I have? I've been off for a while, and today just brought it home.

All I can hope is that with regular practice, and doing basic exercises again, I'll regain what is rightfully mine. Otherwise I've lost the major part of who I am.  Cry
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #211 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 2:58am
Okay, I have a masters degree in voice, so trust me here.  DO NOT FORCE YOUR VOICE TO DO ANYTHING!  Believe me, I understand the terror you are experiencing.  I once strained my voice and it didn't come back for ONE MONTH.  I felt that fear.  I understand what it means for your voice to be your identity as well.  It will come back.  There are several things that might have caused it, and several things you can do. 

First, exhaustion is a cause of laryngitis.  I know you didn't say there was something wrong with your speaking voice, but I have noticed that things show up in my singing voice first.  So getting enough rest is step one.

Allergies, or any kind of drainage, can cause swelling of the cords which will also affect your singing voice.  The thing you do not want to do is strain a cord that is already having a problem.  So while practicing is a good idea, it won't help if you haven't been asking your voice to do anything unusual.  You will only create a greater problem.

Hydration is key.  Sometimes I find myself having a problem if I have been drinking too many sodas.  Many of the vocalists at the university carried gallon jugs of water.  So make sure you drink lots of water and avoid caffeine.

I would only start back with my exercises only when my voice was functioning normally.  Then start slow.  Vocal cords are quite delicate, and you don't want nodes. 

My favorite remedy when I am having vocal trouble is hot mint tea with honey and lemon.  I don't know why, but there is something about that combination that just seems to speed the healing process.

I hope this helps.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #212 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 5:08am
I was going to comment that I think vocal exercises are a great idea because I go through the same thing when I haven't sung in awhile.  I used to sing all throughout my school years in chorus and had often found myself in singing groups with friends.  Now that I no longer use my singing voice regularly, I typically have to do vocal exercises to get it back on track but then I read this...

Vocal cords are quite delicate, and you don't want nodes.

Um okay, now I'm slightly frightened.  How would one know if they had nodes? Undecided

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #213 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 9:44am
TT, I think you've given me my answer... I'm not big on water, usually I'll either drink tea or some sort of soda... Lately it's been soda more often than not. I've never had problems with allergies, but then again, Louisiana's got a lot of plants and things that I've never even heard of, much less seen. Maybe taking Claritin would help? Not to mention, on Paul's crazy arse schedule, I'm never sure if I'm going to have 4 or 12 hours sleep in a given night. I try to sleep whenever I get a chance though... *is catlike in her ability to sleep anywhere and everywhere* I'm thinking it can't be exhaustion as much as possible allergies(now that I think about it my nose has been stuffier than usual), probable dehydration, and most likely, disuse. * wanders off to make a cup of tea and go back to sleep for an hour*
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #214 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 11:37am
I certainly did not mean to scare anybody.  If your voice is just rusty (mine certainly is; I haven't done any serious singing in two years) then doing exercises is certainly a good idea.  The impression I got from Kiraela was that her voice had vanished without explanation.  That implied some sort of pathology to me.  In that case, exercises would hurt, not help.  

Nodes will do different things depending on where they are.  They are the equivalent of vocal calluses; small, knobby, whitish growths on the cords.  Folds, I should say, since that is really what they are.  Nodes can result from chronic abuse or a single traumatic event, although typically from the first and not the second.  You will get a breathiness in the tone and your voice just doesn't work properly.  I googled "vocal nodes symptoms" and found some good stuff, including some causes I hadn't remembered (like alcohol) and some I didn't know (hibiscus is a dessicant, so hibiscus tea won't help.)  Some people like their nodes, as they give them a distinctive sound.  

The only REAL way to tell if you have nodes is to go to a laryngologist, who will stick a camera down your throat and ask you to speak or sing.  This test was VERY expensive back in the nineties and I would be surprised if insurance covered it.  

From what you said, La Diosa, it doesn't sound like you have nodes or are doing anything to cause them.  Relax.   Smiley

Kiraela, antihistamines are a catch-22.  On the one hand, they prevent the drainage irritating the cords.  On the other, they do this by drying you out.  If you are not experiencing significant symptoms, I wouldn't bother with them.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #215 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 2:41pm
You will get a breathiness in the tone and your voice just doesn't work properly

That.. that is exactly a description of what's wrong. It's like certain notes just... don't come out. it's pretty much the same couple of notes every time (didn't figure out which two or three), ... it's like there's a raspy sound rather than the actual tone, I can make it come out but I have to push(if that makes sense)... And I'm pretty sure pushing it is BAD.

and of course, I have not got the money to go to a doctor Sad So that recourse is out of the question.

I wonder if living with smokers all my life could have anything to do with it? Before I moved in with Paul, at least my bedroom was a smoke free zone... Now well... not so much.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #216 - Jul 23rd, 2007 at 9:34pm
What part of your range are you losing?  If it's the upper, no problem, you're just out of shape.  If it's on your break (the part of the voice where you shift from chest register to head register, typically B or C1) you might still just be out of shape or you might have a problem.  If it's in the middle of your chest or head registers, then you might have a problem.    If the last one is true, read the rest of this.  If the first one is true, just start practicing and doing your exercises.  If the second one is true, I can't say which it might be without hearing you.  Maybe you can find a good vocal teacher and see what they think.  Since the doctor is out of the question (Understand that one, believe me!) then here is what I recommend.

First of all, you are absolutely right, pushing is BAD!  What is happening is that the folds don't want to come together, and you are forcing them to do so through the increase in volume.  Second, living with the smokers certainly doesn't help, but I don't think it caused your problem.  It just might be interfering with the resolution.  

Do you have acid reflux?  I went to the doctor about my voice about three years ago and she said that I have acid reflux at night, which was preventing my folds from healing from an episode of abuse.  Treating the acid reflux will help the voice heal.

Can you think of an incident of yelling, at a sports event or maybe when you dropped a can on your toe?  A huge fight you had with someone, or a time you got really excited or scared?  The reason I am asking is because you want to avoid that behavior in the future, if possible.  (Yes, when you drop the can on your toe, from now on you will calmly say, "Oh dear" rather than yelling "*%&#!")      

Some conditions, such as polyps, can mimic nodes.  They are all resolved with rest.  So rest your voice as much as you can.  I would say no singing of any kind for at least a month.

Now I understand that is like asking you to temporarily remove your toes, but if you have a problem it is necessary.  Just tell yourself that you've got forty more years of your life (in my case; you've probably got more) and this is one month of not singing out of the next forty years.

Now of course, you probably have just a temporary condition due to allergies or something else.  Since I am not a doctor and haven't seen you, I can't say.  And I certainly don't mean to scare you.  But I know that resting your voice can't hurt you, and that not resting it can.  So rest it, drink water, treat your acid reflux if you have it, and try singing again in a month.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #217 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 6:41pm
It's in the upper range, thankfully - my low range is actually better than usual. Maybe I'm mutating into an alto? Is that even possible?

The last time I can remember screaming, yelling, etc. was about 3 1/2 years ago... I've never been a loud person... I 've never been one to scream about much of anything... quiet rage, rather than yelling at anyone... and heh... I once cut my thumb to the bone washing dishes... looked at the wound, and said, "well that's not good" before wrapping it in a clean dish towel and going to get stitches.
   Actually that's been my biggest struggle.. The first time I talked to the choir director / voice teacher at my friend's church(about 4 years ago), he commented that it doesn't do any good to have a good voice, if no one five feet away can hear me! Shocked  Of course, since I've moved 3 times since then, I can't go to Alex for advice anymore.

I don't have any sort of acid reflux problem, at least none that I know of.

It's upper range of my voice, so I should be fine practicing, right? Otherwise all of my favorite CDs are going to have to be temporarily retired. I hear a song I know and can't help singing along... of course, I know every word to every song in my "favorites" cd case...
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #218 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 11:54pm
I still think we are talking a mild laryngitis.  "Itis" just means inflammation, and I think part of your vocal folds are inflammed.  Probably due to allergies, since you mentioned you have recently moved and noticed your nose is stuffier than usual.  It isn't severe, so you don't notice a difference with your speaking voice or even all of your singing voice.  I have had episodes of laryngitis where I lost only my middle range, but not the upper or lower.

I still would recommend drinking lots of water, both to flush the allergens and hydrate the voice, and I would take the singing VERY SLOWLY.  Do not push, do not strain.  I would work on sustaining exercises rather than range exercises.  For example, ah-eh-ee-oh-oo-mah-meh-mee-moh-moo-lah-leh-lee-loh-loo all sung on one pitch and in one breath.  Start at least a fifth below your trouble spots and ease in to them.  At the first sign of trouble, stop.

And really, I still would not sing AT ALL for at least one week, all the while drinking that water!  Let me know what happens.

Oh that's right, you don't like water.  Hmmm.  Non-hibiscus, non-caffeinated tea okay?   
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #219 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 1:38pm
Actually decaff sweet tea is what I've been drinking! Accidentally got the decaff box instead of the regular, but it's just as good and doesn't make me hyper. I've started taking claritin and was shocked... hey, I can breathe again! I will take your advice and not sing for a week... That's going to be hard. *hides the celtic knot cd case* As long as I get my voice back, it will be worth it.

OTher: Joeydog, the DEEP condtitioner is in the post office waiting for me, but the postmaster was out for lunch so ... it will be later today or tomorrow before I get it. *odd note, there are some crazy people around here... At the post office, there was a woman all sorts of peeved because she couldn't get... whatever it was... and somehow decided to blame Hillary Clinton for the fact that the postmaster went to lunch.  Huh

Ah,. yes. got a hair compliment from the chief of police today.  Grin  Of course, this is such a small town that he's also the owner of the only towing company, mechanic's shop, and junk yard.

I'm also starting to think that I should take paul's dad up on the offer to teach me 'lost wax' casting, and make a pewter brooch in the shape of one of those nametags: "hi, my name is:..." LOL When I was younger, I was 'steven's little sister'... now I'm 'ms. paul', or 'paul's girlfriend'... I can only imagine that when I have kids I will become known as "kidX's mom"  *sigh*
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #220 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 11:06pm
Let me know what you think of the Deep K.  Sorry, just too tired to say anything more.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #221 - Jul 26th, 2007 at 9:44pm
It's always something.  Going into the same profession as my mother has been both a blessing and not so much a blessing.  On the one hand, she can call up all sorts of contacts and say, "My daughter and her husband are looking for jobs."  On the other, I am STILL "Virginia's daughter" at 42!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #222 - Jul 26th, 2007 at 10:45pm
youch.  All I know is, I hate it when anyone references my brother in describing me... I just hope that people realize I'm not ANYTHING like him. My parents even seem to forget that at times... hmm, steve's calling asking for money again, probably K. will need some too. I hate that they think I need money from them... but then again, on the other hand I get free money.  Undecided

On another note, i wish I were on whatever army base it is in CO right now... *wants to smack her brother with a rolling pin* less than two weeks after getting married, he was caught cheating on my sister in law(the mother of his two children) when he dissapeared during a party he was throwing AT HIS OWN HOUSE. Sorry for the rant, I'm just a little... peeved... Angry with him right now.

Didn't get a ride to the post office today, so no DEEP conditioner. Tomorrow we're going to New Orleans to pick up some parts... I'll see if I can get Paul to take me by the PO. on the way home. Fun thing is.... the starter in our truck has been... hit or miss... since it was installed 5 mo ago. The past few days it's been having to be push started any time it moves. It's going to be fun in the city tomorrow............ Undecided
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #223 - Jul 28th, 2007 at 10:15pm
Well, we didn't turn off the truck anywhere in NO, yesterday... left it running with me in it outside the iron supplier, and that was it... we drove through the french quarter, paul showed me where we WOULD have stopped to eat if it weren't raining and the truck would start, and pointed out a couple of friends' apartments (along with a REALLY nice couple of shops I wish I had an extra 500$ or so to spend at...), ST. Louis cathedral and Jackson square(and some VERY peeved mules pulling mule carts(rain, remember?)) and then we turned around and headed home. I don't know why, but when we were in the quarter... I felt like I'd come home. As if that's where I'm supposed to be and why on earth am I not? I wonder if it has that feeling to everyone who goes there. Of course, most people who are in the quarter either ALREADY live there, or are so drunk they can't feel much of anything except the concrete against their faces. Well, I guess I'm being unfair... that's mostly only during Mardi Gras... and weekends... And they don't typically go more than two or three streets in before it gets confusing.  Roll Eyes
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #224 - Jul 29th, 2007 at 4:59pm
My mother gets that feeling in the French Quarter.  I, on the other hand, do not, and did not understand what she meant until I went to Vienna.  Then it was as if something deep in my soul said, "Yes.  This is home."

I have always wondered if it was because I had been staying in the Austrian mountains, which bothered me a lot.  I am not from the mountainous part of Texas, and the lack of horizons coupled with the tall buildings and narrow streets in Graz made me feel claustrophobic.  Vienna is in a flatter part of Austria and the streets are wider.  So I have always wanted to go back and see if Vienna spoke to me like it did before. 

I had a similar feeling when I went to Saudi Arabia.  Not "this is home" but "you are meant to be right here, right now."  Those feelings are weird when you get them.  But kind of cool, too.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #225 - Jul 30th, 2007 at 3:31pm
Tried the AG DEEP conditioner that Joeydog sent me last night...  I was a little unsure while it was drying... It seemed a little coarse and just... odd.. but when I woke up this morning and combed it out... well. Frankly my hair hasn't been this nice since it was black (over a year ago)
*is very happy now*
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #226 - Jul 30th, 2007 at 9:07pm
Oh K , I am so happy you liked it!!!  But if you honestly didn't, tell us...different hair different needs...and all that.  I would not be offended!!!  What works for me might not for you...but if you really are happy...I am so pleased I could put you onto something that really worked for you!!!  Did you do as the label said or the wrap up and leave on for 1 hour as I do?

Giddy you wrote about something I suggested..simple minds, simple things and all.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #227 - Jul 31st, 2007 at 3:33pm
I really do love it. As a matter of fact, I'd reccomend it for anyone who has dry, thick hair like mine. I sort of combined the two.. instead of leaving it on for five minutes, I left it on through the entire time of my shower  (about 45 min, I'm a fishie Grin) but nest time, probably a week from the first time, I'm going to leave it on for the hour. I wonder though, would a washtowel work for a wrap? I don't have any plastic wrap to cover it with, and don't want to wrap my head in aluminum foil.

We listed a few items on ebay night before last - a box style chainmail necklace and a guitar pedal. I'm hoping they sell well.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #228 - Jul 31st, 2007 at 4:27pm
oh yes, I forgot to add... my right top wisdom tooth started growing in about a month ago, no problems, no pain(besides the obvious 'tooth cutting through gums" pain) but last night, the left top decided to start in... only this one HURTS. It seems to be growing directly into the tooth next to it... it's pressing on the molar and  Cry ow. if it doesn't stop hurting by thursday, I'm calling an oral surgeon. Unfortunately the molar next to it has a cavity all the way across the gumline, so it may need yanking too.
I guess I'm paying for my mother's fear of dentists... the only reason I went last august was an exposed nerve and me threatening to remove it if I didn't get an appt.

And you know, I don't know why people are so afraid of root canals... It hurts several hecks of a lot* worse before than after, that's for sure. 

*as opposed to a heck of a lot, yes.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #229 - Aug 2nd, 2007 at 10:25pm
not much new to report, really. I've started noticing that my 'imatantene' DMR conditioner is only really effective with the Suave honey and almond... and vice versa. I think if i combined them into one bottle I'd have a good conditioner. I want to go back to real pantene but I'm not sure what I should try next. Next time I go to walmart I shall browse. Of course that may be 2012... so.... Roll Eyes

Anyway, it seems like this week has been the week of new members, eh? Welcome to LL, Y'all, if you read this. *waves*
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #230 - Aug 5th, 2007 at 3:09pm
HARP PROJECT: It's funny how one thing can lead to another, eh? Paul is working on a stair rail, out of iron, of course, since that's all he works in. But he needed a wooden part, to bend steel to match, so we had to go to baton rouge to a company called Spirals to get it ( competetor, and long time enemy) now, paul was not happy about this... as I said, he and Spirals' owner have NEVER gotten along. But they're the only person for over a hundred miles that sells this piece. So him grumbling all the way, off to Baton Rouge we go. Well, it turns out the owner has had some sort of personality transplant, or something. Nice as can be.. we get to talking about wood and my harp project, and the owner offers to let me dig through his scrap pile and see if there's anything I can use. Now, by scrap pile I mean, "any sort of board or plank that's not quite wide or long enough for a stair tread"... all of these are nice, HIGH quality hardwoods. It was like a kid in a candy store, I tell you. An entire room full of planks of just the right sizes, calling my name, in cherry, oak, mahogany, walnut, etc. I was nice, I only took enough for the first of the three harps I'm building(white oak), but you have no idea how tempting it was to ask paul to go home, put the steel we'd gotten earlier away, and come back with an empty truck bed! really the only thing stopping me is that we don't have enough space to store it. That and the wood will still be there. *is in heaven* free harp wood for as long as good business relations remain. That just made my plan to make a business out of this one day, much more possible. Not to mention, the owner was complaining about the fact that whenever he gets shipped mahogany from africa, at least one board per load is actually bubinga, an african rosewood, and useless to him. Of course, it's one of the highest quality harp woods available. I mentioned that... his response " eh, tell me how much you need and I'll cut it off for you." *me almost faints* 100-200$ wood, for free?  I have a new hero.

Sorry for that, Just updating you guys on how thats' going... still working on getting a GOOD set of plans.. the ones my parents got me, well. suck. They're enough to read about how a harp is made, but not nearly enough to do so yourself. As soon as Paul gets this next job installed, I'm going to get the plans. And then, It begins!

As for other things: Hair is poofy do to rain, so it's bunned up out of my way. voice: getting back to normal. dreams: odd. Since there's been discussion of inscences on other journals, I thought I'd mention mine : Vanilla or Dragonsblood. I only recently was introduced to the dragonsblood - a friend brought it over as a peace offering. It's odd, reminds me of my childhood for no apparent reason, and continues to perfume the air for days after it's gone out... expecially around the computer for some reason (in a different room than the inscence holder) So right now it's nice and pretty smelling around here.

Oh, changed my signature to my new motto...
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #231 - Aug 5th, 2007 at 6:48pm
Ok,now I'll have to try the Dragonsblood!!!  Give some Japanese incense a try,you won't be disappointed!  Nippon Kodo puts out really nice stuff.  If you go to www.joeva.com tell Joe, Kelly from Brooklyn sent you!  The Hume no Hume line is great,also the Cafe Time and FM line(cafe especially is really good Wink )  just thought I'd drop a line!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #232 - Aug 5th, 2007 at 7:52pm
ooh, I shall have to try some of those! Just from a glance on the main page, Joeva's got some things I must have. Unfortunately I have to be really careful about what inscences I burn, what perfumes and scented, well, everythings I use... Paul's seriously allergic to some scents... Not sure what, which is a problem. Sandalwood is one trigger, as well as Tide laundry soap, pretty much any fabric softener... I was given a very expensive perfume for christmas, but I had to give it away because he took one whiff and had to go searching for an inhaler.

Hey, good news, both of my ebay listings sold... one for twice as much as we expected!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #233 - Aug 6th, 2007 at 7:44am
Hey great,what did you sell?  I started 2 auctions off at 99cents and they sold for 5 and change and 6 and change.  The other one was for $15.  I've got 2 more coming due in a day.
Too bad about the allergies and the perfume Sad  I hope you find something that both of you can enjoy.  You might want to ask Joe at Joeva for an opinion about what is more tolerable and maybe the low smoke incense will work.  I'm burning Cafe right now before I actually get to drink my first cup and it smells great!
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #234 - Aug 6th, 2007 at 5:00pm
We sold a box style chainmail necklace and a death metal guitar pedal. The pedal went for twice as much as we'd listed it for... we werent' even sure it was going to get bid on! Good luck on your auction! Pretty soon we're going to list a belt in the same style as the necklace. Smiley I'm hoping that sells too.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #235 - Aug 6th, 2007 at 7:34pm
fingers crossed for ya!  hope it sells Smiley
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #236 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 6:31pm
     Man, is it hot today. 96F, with a humidity around 80%... And this is the day the air conditioner decides to NOT WORK. I think I'm melting....  Undecided WEll, not really, but...close. You know it's bad when the cold water is too warm to be refreshing. And this is well water, not even city water, where the pipes are often close to the ground. No... this is water that should be freezing all year round. *sigh* it's a good thing I've been making 6 trays of ice a day for the past few... I've used up half of it already. LOL, one good thing about Paul's demon kitty.. she swishes her tail constantly... which means if you sit at just the right spot... INSTANT FAN! And of course, today's laundry day, so I have to go outside every 80 minutes. Kiraela is one miserable pup.   
     Speaking of pups, I can't quite figure out why the entire outside of our house smells like wet dogs.... We don't own any dogs... there aren't any strays.... and there's no water nearby for a stray to get wet in anyway.  Huh
     Oh, got my first snake sighting of the year... Sad Well, it was more of a glimpse than a sighting... it went one way, I went the other way, both of us thinking "please don't eat me", I'm sure. Unfortunately, it was a very dark grey color... exactly the color of a water moccasin... And they're both common down here, and very poisonous. I think I shall stay quite far from mr snake.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #237 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 6:53pm
I haven't really had a problem with water mocassins (sp?) unless I was in a creek bed or something.  I vividly remember playing frisbee in the park with my friends, and our frisbee went over the side of the creek.  We looked over the edge, and it had landed on a nest of about five water mocassins curled up and sleeping in the sun.  Didn't seem to bother them much, having a frisbee land on top of their bodies, but needless to say, we did NOT play anymore frisbee that day. 

The thing that makes the mocassins dangerous, aside from being poisonous, is they are aggressive.  Sorry to scare you, but unlike many snakes they will NOT slink off thinking "please don't eat me."  They will say "MY FRISBEE!"  But they do like the water, and you won't find them very far from it. 

Another name for a water mocassin is a cotton-mouth.  The inside of their mouths is pure white, like cotton.  Something to remember, if you get close enough to look down one's throat...

Which, after 41 years of living in Texas, and a childhood spent in a creek, I have never done.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #238 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 8:55pm
Betcha two to one that Mr. Snake will be more than happy to open his mouth for you to see how white it is if you are unfortunate to get close enough Shocked Sad
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #239 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 11:09pm
OOH, yeah. I told paul about my sighting of mr snake, which is where I learned it was probably either a water moccasin, or a blue racer. He did mention the name Cottonmouth too... As a child growing up in alabama... I was well warned about the dangers of cottonmouths... Especially since my favorite place to play was by the streams in the park. Unfortunately, the area under the house pretty much stays flooded... it rains at least every other day. This is, of course, the area where people who build houses which AREN'T on at least foot tall umm. house stilts.... are told they're idiots. 

Speaking of idiots... Laundry is dangerous. well, closet bars that are about three inches too tall for me are dangerous. I was stretching on tiptoes to hang some skirts... ankle didnt' appreciate that abuse... rolled out from under me and went pop. which made my knee go pop. which made me fall into a wall and make a strange high pitched EEEEEE noise.
So now I'm in an ankle brace, and sincerely glad of the tubular nature of our house... there's barely anywhere where there's not a wall or chair within reach.

Oh yes, I had found a temporary cure for my lack of AC.. the broken one on the floor works, as long as you manually spin the fan to get it started. It worked, then the blasted cat unplugged it. re plug, re spin fan... needless to say I now have a bandaided finger and a non working airconditioner. this has not been a good day.
I did find my brush though, which has been missing for a week. does NOT make up for other things though.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #240 - Aug 8th, 2007 at 2:40pm
ooohhh,feel better soon!  I'd have a nice little talk with that cat!  I'm sure "Mr.Scissors" would love to be introduced!!lol  only kidding,but I think that cat decided to make you feel more miserable by unplugging that a/c.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #241 - Aug 9th, 2007 at 1:30am
I'm sure that was, indeed, her plan... probably jealous that my kitty was sitting on my lap, right in front of the AC... and she wasn't. My left ankle is feeling better, but now my right one is hurting again from bearing more than it's usual weight... I've been getting random aches and pains from it for the past two weeks, never anything severe, just enough to be annoying.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #242 - Aug 18th, 2007 at 5:40pm
arg. Got all the way through my post and the computer froze. It was a long one too. grr.

Anyway, it's been a while since I posted. Sorry about that. To catch up, nothing new really has happened. Cheesy
I did use the deep conditioner Joeydog sent me again, and I absolutely love it even more than I had the first time. It's so soft and silky that after my hair dried I found myself sitting there after combing it out... just petting my own head because it was so soft. Paul stared at me funny.  Roll Eyes
Anyway, My parents are likely coming to visit this week.. they'll know tuesday whether they're renting the car wednesday and coming down. You'd think there would be better planning involved with travelling 12 hours with two dogs, but no. They called and found out what hotels/motels are nearby, and checked to find one that was pet friendly first, at least. A good thing, since my stepdad's eskimo puppy would look like a walking marshmallow to Paul's cat. Then again, my cat eats cottonballs whenever she can get her paws on them, so I'm not sure which one would be attacking poor puppy first. I think Emma would be happy to see Maxx again, though. He was the only dog she ever liked. If they can find room in the rentacar, they're going to bring down the bigarse harp Cheesy

I'm rather panicking at the moment though... frankly the house isn't exactly in neat, tidy and such conditon. It's been in the midst of remodelling since.. oh about 3 years ago. When Paul's ex left, he gave up on renovating. Since I moved down here he's been too busy working in the shop and let me tell you, I've tried putting in wall, plastering, etc. It looked worse than before. Not to mention, there's things I can't do, like installing kitchen sinks. I mean, if the plumbing was there I could, but... I'm no good at splicing piping. Yes, I admit it, we have no kitchen sink. *hangs head in shame* It does make for more counter space, though Cheesy. well, it would if there were actual counters. Our kitchen... well, isn't. His father's half of the house was the side with the kitchen... and when they built the wall across the hallway, that was one thing that never got put in over here. that's one of the reasons we were/are going to switch sides of the house. So I can have a real kitchen, rather than a stove, table and microwave in the livingroom.

So you can see why I'm worried about my mother visiting.  I need to go get more valerian root.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #243 - Aug 19th, 2007 at 12:19pm
lol k, you'll do great with having your family in town. although i can see how you'd want a full kitchen! mine is very old (we are in an old apt. building) but it all works so  i love it!
p.s. what is the deep conditioner you've been doing? Is it something you make or buy?
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #244 - Aug 19th, 2007 at 3:43pm
it's called DEEP, by AG. >> http://www.cutndry.com/ag_hair_care_conditioners.htm

It's really wonderful.
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #245 - Aug 20th, 2007 at 11:20am
Ooh, looks nice but a bit pricey. Thanks for sending me the link though!
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joeydog 1992
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #246 - Aug 20th, 2007 at 6:03pm
RTG, it is a bit pricey...but it is not a daily conditioner...I use it when my hair is getting colored or when my hair is misbehaving...and it does wonders.

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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #247 - Aug 21st, 2007 at 3:01pm
well i'll keep in in mind for a nice hair treat.  Grin
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Re: Kiraela - Rose In The Shadows
Reply #248 - Aug 21st, 2007 at 8:50pm
Well, I saw my first real, honest to godess, wild alligator today! We were driving back from a town called Vacherie, down the river, and for about 15 miles, there's a canal/ditch thing next to the road... I was staring off into the water, admiring the reflections of the trees, and well, there's MR. Alligator, floating in the water. At first I thought it was a log, but logs don't have nostrils and eyeballs, and don't typically have moving parts. Makes me nervous for the guys fishing not 100 yards downstream...

Anyway, on the other side of the river, I noticed something... we traveled down one particular road that had.. oddly tilted roadsigns. All the speed limit signs saying "45", were at a 45 degree angle, or at least, not more than 5 degrees in either direction.. when it was a deep curve, and the speed dropped down to 25... the sign was tilted quite a b