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Strange As Angels (Read 255256 times)
Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Strange As Angels
Jan 1st, 2009 at 10:58pm
Well, happy 2009. I'm still sick as a dog. Tongue It's been a week, officially.
Fortunately, there seem to be enough recorded House reruns on my TV to keep me occupied for another week. Wink Mmm...Hugh Laurie...

*ahem* Haven't had the chance to measure just yet, since I basically spent the day in bed and didn't get a shower until after 4:30 PM. Just a simple CWC routine with Detangling spray this evening. Hair is drying and actually smelling rather pleasant.

Last night, I picked up 2 more conditioners: Pantene Moisture Renewal and Suave Ocean Breeze. I know I said that I was going to get the Daily Clarifying formula, but there was a deal on the Ocean Breeze. 30 oz. for the price of 24...how could I pass that up? Roll Eyes The fragrance & formula are fine by me.
   Also grabbed a bottle of Suave Kids Detangling Spray, figuring that I could mix it with my Pantene Detangling Spray to save pennies and no one would be the wiser. Well, except for the faint Double Dutch Apple scent, perhaps. Grin

So, that's all for now. Back to House.
Oh, and thanx for the compliment on my av, Tanai. Wink
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« Last Edit: Jan 2nd, 2009 at 4:39pm by N/A »  
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #1 - Jan 1st, 2009 at 11:19pm
sounds cool id like to say WOOO FIRST WOOOO
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #2 - Jan 1st, 2009 at 11:20pm
Happy 2009 to you!  Sorry to hear you're still sick-I hope you'll be well soon.
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #3 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 10:03am
Feel better soon! Smiley
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #4 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 5:20pm
Thanks, guys. Smiley

Now, I don't wanna jinx anything, but I think I'm on the mend.
The Voice is returning - I actually found myself able to sing along with the radio today. And I'm actually starting to feel better. Granted, that requires mad amounts of drugs, but at least said drugs are finally beginning to have effect.
    Plans for Disneyland this weekend have likely been dashed since my sister cannot get her Saturday shift covered at work and rain is in the forecast. But it's ok - I didn't want to hack phlegm balls all over Mickey & his friends anyway. Roll Eyes

Hair is good. I did the standard Friday WTC this morning, despite being quite pressed for time. Leave-in's are Detangling spray on the length and Enjoy serum on the ends.
    I've decided to hold off my trim until after Monday. I'm going to get my driver's license renewed and want my hair to be as long as possible for the new picture. God knows I need one!

Anyway, I'm not getting a break at work today, so I don't suppose I'll be braiding. I've brought a hairtie and a slim satin headband with me, so I'll just wing it. Wind is not a concern and I have serum in for slip, so my hair can stay down today.

Well, off to make some herbal tea.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #5 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 4:17pm
Hair: Woke up at 5:00 this morning and did a CWC...2nd day in a row. Leave-in's were Detangling spray and Enjoy serum. Hair was mostly dry by the time I'd finished putting on clothes, makeup and jewelry. I combed it out and put on a headband, pushing it forward a bit for a bit of lift in front.
    By the time I'd made it to the DMV, it was totally dry. As I stood in line, waiting for my number to be called, I decided that the ends of my hair were, in fact, too dry. And as I stood in line...again...waiting for my new photo to be taken, I decided that I probably won't use the Enjoy serum anymore. Tongue

Other Stuff: So after renewing my license, I ran to the bank, then the post office, then hit Starbucks before coming to work. My hair stayed down (without the headband - I pulled it off to put my sunglasses on...you just can't wear both simultaneously Tongue) and will until I get my break at 3:00. I really just want it braided and out of the way so I can forget about how dry and awful the ends are.

It would be a busy day by a well person's standards. But no rest for the wicked... Roll Eyes
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #6 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 9:26pm
Do they show all of your hair in your DMV pic?  When I took my last pic I was dissapointed because the picture they took was so cropped that you couldn't see the ends of my hair.  
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #7 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 11:32am
Man, can you tell we're hair freaks or what?!  --We're more concerned about how our hair looks in DMV photos than anything!!   Grin  I just had my license renewed last month.  I've got a stupid smirk on my face, however my hair looks great!!
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #8 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 3:38pm
Trisha wrote on Jan 6th, 2009 at 11:32am:
Man, can you tell we're hair freaks or what?!  --We're more concerned about how our hair looks in DMV photos than anything!!   Grin  I just had my license renewed last month.  I've got a stupid smirk on my face, however my hair looks great!!

Grin Yep we may be cross-eyed, sneezing, or look like we posed for a mug shot but if we took a good "hair picture" we're over the moon.  Grin Cheesy Roll Eyes
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #9 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 10:31pm
Man, can you tell we're hair freaks or what?!  --We're more concerned about how our hair looks in DMV photos than anything!! 
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #10 - Jan 7th, 2009 at 7:19pm
You guys are so funny. Wink
I won't know what the new pic looks like for 2 weeks when my new license arrives in the mail. I just hope it doesn't suck!

So tomorrow's my b-day. Weeeeee! I have no idea what to do about it and frankly, I don't really care. Tongue

In hair news, I did a WTC today just because I could. Used Detangling leave-in spray on the length and a little extra EVOO at the ends. I suppose my hair is about as moisturized as it can be at the moment, though it hardly seems satisfied. I'll do a CWC tomorrow and maybe a heavy EVOO treatment tomorrow night before another WTC on Friday. What it really needs is a trim...and I just wrote a reminder on the inside of my wrist to call my scissor lady after work. Lessee how this goes. Undecided

Speaking of work, the idiot sales manager who made a right arse of himself last month trying to incriminate me is in my building today. Angry He already made my mother cater to his requests this morning...now he has his own mailbox in our mail room. So now I get to look at his name every time I go in there. Great. Tongue
   Fortunately, between actually processing the mail, answering the phone, shredding last year's paperwork and IM-ing friends, I've mostly been too busy to worry about his petty butt. Roll Eyes

No one's come to give me a break from my post in the last 3 days, so I've been waiting until after my shift is over to braid my hair. Today will be no different, I see.

So, a new season of The Biggest Loser has begun and it's gonna be a sad one. This particular batch of fatties is in especially bad shape. I'm so rooting for the heaviest contestant. Just 19 years old and such a good attitude...that kid breaks my heart. Sad
   As I've mentioned, I'm not really into TV - especially reality shows. Tongue But this one is quite motivating.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm off to check my e-mail.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #11 - Jan 8th, 2009 at 12:34pm
Hair: Did a CWC this morning as planned, though I didn't quite use enough shampoo - it didn't lather up as big as I would've liked. Roll Eyes But it did its job well enough, I guess. In another few weeks, I'll probably have to make another shampoo blend. Going for months without having to buy any shampoo at all is pretty great and all of the mixing makes me feel like a mad scientist. ... hehe

Anyway, leave-in's today were Detangling spray and more than the usual amount of EVOO. Guess I'll be wearing a contained style today since the ends are greasy. Tongue Probably a braid for work and an updo later tonight. That'll work.

Also, the inner wrist note seemed to work. Last night, I did schedule a trim with my scissor lady for this Saturday at 11 AM. Smiley

B-day Stuff: Yup. Started the morning off with a celebratory Earl Grey latte before putting in the early shift at work. Tonight, I'll be going to dinner with my family, and I'm thinking fish. We haven't been to a fish place in awhile (much to my dismay) and I'd really like to avoid ending up anywhere near Claim Jumper. Grin So yeah...Fish Merchant, Anthony's, The Brig...

Other Stuff: I've been invited to join another band. It's classic blues-based, mostly comprised of guys from my old band, minus a few. And Big Dave/Kingfish will be in command. He's asked me to do backup, duet and lead vocals. So I guess it will kind of be like the Traveling Wilbury's where everybody takes a turn doing lead, harmonies and music, depending on the song. Should be interesting.

Moon Pie (our keyboard player) said that it's customary for him to call his friends on their b-days and sing happy birthday to them, so he asked for my number yesterday. Grin I swear, these guys are the biggest buncha turkeys and I love them for it.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #12 - Jan 9th, 2009 at 2:25pm
I hope your birthday was fun!

I knew the title of your journal was from a song, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what!  It was driving me batty.  Finally it hit me last night at my sister's birthday party, and I slapped the table and announced it, "Just Like Heaven, by the Cure! Duh!" and I got some strange looks.

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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #13 - Jan 12th, 2009 at 7:04pm
Skyfire: Grin Grin You know you're obsessed with LongLocks when...
    And my b-day dinner was pretty cool. We went to the Fish Merchant and I got a few giftcards.
    Hope your sis had fun too. Smiley

Hair: Just the usual CWC for awhile. Dad's work schedule is pretty weird these days and I'm not sure what all I can get away with in terms of haircare. Undecided Tomorrow is supposed to be my regular clarifying day. We'll see.
    So yeah, just the CWC + leave-in's + braid thing for awhile. I'll try for a heavy EVOO treatment tonight.

Nails: Yesterday, I came to my senses and decided that the chipped black polish with purple glitter was terribly juvenile and removed it. Tongue I also won't be buying Petites polish again - it's crap. I fished the 2 bottles that I owned out of my collection and tossed them.
    Now, I'm rawkin' a new mani with various brands. Main colour is Purple Pleasure from Revlon's Dark Pleasures line. R.I.P.

Other Stuff: Lately, I've been getting tired way early for some reason. Like 7 PM. Shocked I wanted to resume my power walking routine yesterday evening but found myself too darn tired. WTF, mate? So I stayed up and watched the Golden Globes totally snub House. WTF, mate? Hugh Laurie looks good in a suit though. Ohhh yeah... ...

One thing that certainly deserves mentioning is that a sweet kid from the warehouse at my work bought me a CD for my b-day: AFI's Sing The Sorrow.
    He actually called my desk while he was out on lunch and asked what sort of music I liked, which albums I owned already, etc. When he came back, he gave me the CD and a card. Cheesy What a sweetie. Kinda cute too. Almost too bad that he's a married, Mormon dad who's 5 years my junior. Grin That's my luck in a nutshell. Roll Eyes Anywho...big thanx to the doll in warehouse. The album is good. Smiley

Over the weekend, I bought 2 new teas: decaf coconut chai and mandarin orange spice. The former didn't live up to its potential at all and I've not tried the latter yet.

In health news, I'm just about well. And I plan on getting a power walk in tonight since the next 3 nights will be devoted to music.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #14 - Jan 13th, 2009 at 5:15pm
Hair: Well, I didn't power walk or do a heavy EVOO treatment last night. Too dang tired. Tongue But I was able to clarify this morning, and I did use a little EVOO as a leave-in.

Also this morning, I began the project of putting all of the hairs that I've collected so far into just 2 separate Post-It packages. By May, I might have enough for a lock.

Work: Received an e-mail today from management announcing that the evil bunghole from corporate has been promoted and will stay at the corporate office in L.A.
Which means, my lovelies, that he can no longer meddle in local affairs and Angel's job is safe for now. Smiley

Music: Gah! Being in 2 bands is tough. Roll Eyes I have no idea how my father manages 3.
   For the past few days, I've been trying to learn the harmonies to new songs for the new band. Tonight, I have practice with band #1. Wednesday's practice with band #2 and Thursday's with band #1 have both been cancelled so I'll have a few nights free this week to power walk if I'm not too exhausted. Tongue
   Band #2 might practice this weekend. Band #1 only has 2 more practices before our show on the 22nd. Oy, oy, oy. Tongue

Other Stuff: Frig my nails, man! New mani is already damaged and I'm too frustrated to care. I'm just leaving them alone for awhile. Angry

Also been trying to figure out what to do with b-day giftcards (sidenote: why is the word "giftcards" so difficult to type?!). I want to get some kind of gorgeous shirt from Lip Service...but I also need to live without spending $$$ until Feb. because car insurance is coming up. Decisions, decisions... Roll Eyes

My new driver's license arrived yesterday, and I'm a redhead! The colour is all wonky - the eggplant purple lipgloss that I was wearing came out looking like hooker red lipstick, my silver eyeshadow came out looking purple and my hair looks redder than Anne Of Green Gables'. The contours of my skin are very red as well - the computer's colours were obviously off, but I love what it did for my hair! Grin Makes me really want to dye it.

You can't see the ends of my hair in the pic, but you can tell that it's long. Smiley
In my previous pic, I was 24 years old and my hair was just barely past shoulder length. I tucked my hair behind my shoulders so you couldn't tell how short it was.
    In the new pic, my hair falls down over and around my shoulders. No hiding. Onward we grow. Wink
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #15 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 9:44am
the computer's colours were obviously off, but I love what it did for my hair!

Well, that's all that matters! Grin
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #16 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 9:45am
Lately, I've been getting tired way early for some reason. Like 7 PM...

Gah! Being in 2 bands is tough...For the past few days, I've been trying to learn the harmonies to new songs for the new band. Tonight, I have practice with band #1. Wednesday's practice with band #2 and Thursday's with band #1 have both been cancelled...

Hmm, I wonder why...?!   Roll Eyes
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #17 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 9:47am
the evil bunghole from corporate has been promoted and will stay at the corporate office in L.A.

Now that's cause for celebration!!   Cool
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #18 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 12:54pm
My new driver's license arrived yesterday, and I'm a redhead! The colour is all wonky - the eggplant purple lipgloss that I was wearing came out looking like hooker red lipstick, my silver eyeshadow came out looking purple and my hair looks redder than Anne Of Green Gables'. The contours of my skin are very red as well - the computer's colours were obviously off, but I love what it did for my hair! Grin

Grin Shocked Whoa, But hey it made your hair look great!  Roll Eyes Grin
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #19 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 8:07pm
Grin You guys are too funny.

So...practice was somewhat torturous for the guys last night. I had my earplugs in the enitre time, so I was in the proverbial bubble. Just focusing on myself and what I had to do.
    We're practicing Sunday and Monday before the show.

My father's having his band over tonight for a practice...so the blues band will have to wait. I have to go to bed early anyway. Morning shift tomorrow. Tongue

Having a good hair day today, it seems. Did the usual CWC, then decided to try using my Suave Kids leave-in conditioner instead of Pantene Detangling. Not only is it oil free, it also costs less and has a nice apple fragrance to it that seems to linger. My hair has been braided for almost 2 hours and still smells faintly of apples. Wink
    When I run out of Pantene Detangling spray, I will probably switch. But I'll still use the Pantene bottle, of course. Wink

Also refilled my conditioner bottle this morning with the usual combination of Pantene Moisture Renewal and Full & Thick conditioners. Haven't needed to mix up another shampoo blend yet, and I'm finding it terribly cool not to be spending so much $$$ on shower stuff lately. Cool

Anyway, products that I'm currently using are:

*shampoo blend - Pantene Full & Thick + Suave Professionals Volumizing + water
*conditioner blend - Pantene Full & Thick + Moisture Renewal
*Pantene Detangling leave-in spray conditioner

Speaking of EVOO, I put some on the ends of my hair this morning. Typically stringy, greasy results, but with a braid, it doesn't matter. I think my EVOO bottle may finally be half empty.

What else...? Weather. Let's go with that. We're having yet another Santa Ana here in SoCal. Temps are in the low 80's all this week with extremely dry air. Tongue Thankfully, I have a humidifier and plenty of body lotion.

My skin has been a holy terror of late, so I've spent the past 3 days trying to clear it up. God, if I had the $$$ for another 7 months of Accutane, I'd do it. *sigh*

Anyway, it's quittin' time.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #20 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 2:50pm
Goog. This is Angel on 2 1/2 hours' sleep. Tongue

Last night was my first power walk of the year. I'm still not 100% well, so I took it easy. Broke in the new walking shoes and talking pedometer that I got for Christmas. Though my enthusiasm turned into dismay when the latter said that I'd only taken 4,487 steps, burned 159 calories and walked 1.6 miles in 39 minutes. WTF? That had to be wrong. So after the 'rents went to bed, I jumped in my car, set my odo and drove my walk route. Returned with a reading of 2.3 miles.

Then, I consulted my little sis who has always been *ahem* slightly more athletic than yours truly. She said that the exact same route takes her 30 minutes if she walks half and jogs the other half. I was satisfied. Smiley

Anyway, between that and a 20 oz. bottle of Mountain Dew Voltage, I retired to my chamber around 11:00, but laid awake in bed talking to absolutely no one for an hour. Shocked The next hour was divided between texting guy friend T and a tearful pity party for one. Tongue I woke up somewhere between 2:30 and 3 AM and couldn't get back to sleep before the alarm went off at 5. Then, it was up and off to work.
    The circles under my eyes are larger and darker than usual and I've not been able to think straight...but I'm trying. Undecided

Anyway, wow, apologies to the reader. I just wasted so much of your time rambling about things you couldn't care less about. Ha.

To add insult to injury, I haven't much in the way of hair news today. Just the same ol' CWC + Detangling spray + braid routine. I did notice last night that my hair is definitely healthier and less dry since the trim. Speaking of which, I don't believe I ever recorded my new measurement, did I? 25 1/4". I hope to have 2 more inches by the end of the year. I'll have Maggie beat by then. Buahahahahahaaa! Wink

Alrighty, off to make some soup. Ta!
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #21 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 5:24pm
I can never get those pedometer thingies to work right; they just don't count all the steps.

One of the worst things is to lay there in bed unable to sleep, especially if you have difficulties on yr mind.  No more caffiene for you!  I hope you can get caught up tonight.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #22 - Jan 17th, 2009 at 12:01am
Skyfire: *hugs* Thanks, love. Smiley Last night, I think I actually got a full 8 hours with the help of some generic nighttime pain reliever. And you may be right about pedometers...the ones I've used haven't seemed very accurate. Undecided

No more caffiene for you!

Yes, ma'am! *salutes* Grin

Hair: Today, I did the typical Friday WTC. Washed with the Pantene/Suave Pro shampoo blend, treated with Pantene Fortifying treatment, conditioned with Suave Soothing Lavender Lilac conditioner. Only leave-in was Pantene Detangling spray.
   Predictably, I forgot to bring a hairtie to work with me, so my hair has stayed down all day. I'll braid it in awhile before I go out for my power walk.

Other Stuff: The rock opera band is getting together Sunday and Monday nights to practice before the show on Thursday. I've heard that we'll be taking the stage before Moon Pie's other band, Echo Revolution. At least that means there will be a few cute guys there. Roll Eyes
   The blues band hasn't had a practice yet.

Went shopping after work this evening. I went out looking for bath towels and came back with a bag full of goods from Bath & Body Works. Grin I got refills for my Wallflower: cinnamon vanilla and cinnamon & clove buds. Shower gels: cucumber melon, mango mandarin and coconut lime verbena. Body splashes: dancing waters, rainkissed leaves, freshwater cucumber, country apple and pink grapefruit. Cheesy Sales rock.

It's bloody cold tonight! I'll definitely need my sweats for power walking. After I finish my frozen yogurt, I'll go change and get a move on. Ciao!
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #23 - Jan 17th, 2009 at 11:47pm
Hair: The usual CWC + Detangling spray, but I didn't braid today. I might do a heavy EVOO treatment tonight...sounds good.

Another spending binge at Bath & Body Works found me with 2 new shampoos: mango mandarin and coconut lime verbena. Both in moisturizing formulas. However, once I got them home, I read the ingredients and found that the main detergent in both of them is sodium lauryl sulfate. Shocked Silly me, I guess when I bought them I assumed that since they came from B&BW, they would have high quality ingredients. *smacks forehead* Yes, I know what the first 3 letters in "assume" are - no need to remind me. Tongue Perhaps if I combine them with my Pantene shampoo and dilute the mix enough, it won't be so bad? Undecided Guess we'll find out after awhile.

It still kind of cracks me up that I won't have to buy shampoo for a loooong time. That will definitely take some getting used to.

Other Stuff: Shampoo wasn't the only free booty I snagged from B&BW. Grin Also picked up shower gels in: dancing waters, rainkissed leaves, wild honeysuckle, black raspberry vanilla and midnight pomegranate. Creamy body wash in: dancing waters. Au de toilette fragrances in: freshwater cucumber and fresh pineapple. And more Wallflowers refills: blissful blackberry and exotic coconut. Cheesy Sales + giftcards = guilt-free shopping sprees!
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #24 - Jan 19th, 2009 at 2:40am
Hair: Last night, I did indeed to a heavy EVOO treatment. Washed out this morning with a WCC and finally ran out of my shampoo blend. Of course, this meant mixing up another this afternoon Cheesy so I filled half a 13 oz. bottle with Pantene Full & Thick shampoo and the other half with the moisturizing coconut lime verbena shampoo from B&BW. Filled the neck of the bottle with just a dash of spring water, then shook it all up. Smells heavenly...but I hope it doesn't dry out my scalp. Undecided

Anyway, the usual Detangling spray was my only leave-in and the "Hop Sing" braid was the style.

Nails: This morning, the chipped, faded dark purple had to go and I decided to reshape the tips a little. Then heated up the remaining milk from my cereal bowl in the microwave & soaked my nails in it for 5 minutes. I read that this supposedly gives them calcium. After rinsing them off, I put a dot of baby oil gel on each nail, massaged it in and let it sit for 7 minutes (I was going for 10 but was summoned to move my car and fishing around in one's purse for one's keys does not bode well for greasy fingertips Tongue).
   Anyway, after rubbing in whatever moisture was left after that, I applied a coat of nail strengthener, waited about an hour before slathering on some hand cream, then applied another coat. Hands have been looking & feeling more luxe all day. Smiley

The white trauma lines on my nails are finally growing out without new ones to follow. This is where I must give mad props to Dark Wyccan for his awesome guide to gothic nail care. Cheesy It has done for my nails what Susan's Ultimate Guide has done for my hair...and then some!

Music: Drove dad to Guitar Center today so he could pick up a new super chorus pedal. Several long hair sightings there...particularly one of the cashiers, who had a thick, chocolate brown, mid-back length ponytail of loose curls. He was actually kinda cute too...but probably half my age. Roll Eyes

Tonight's practice was jammin'. We practiced only the 9 songs chosen for our 40 minute show on Thursday. One song was scrapped and another added. Our setlist is mostly up tempo. Highlight of the night was an impromptu funk version of Shadows Of The Street (typically a moody, blues ballad). Oh, the things we come up with when we're just messing around. Grin
   According to Grateful Ed, the venue we're playing is pretty exclusive to a crowd of rich and "beautiful" 30-somethings. I've never seen the place before, so it may be interesting. If nothing else, I can keep an eye out for rich, beautiful men my age, right? Roll Eyes

Other Stuff: Went to the mall earlier today & noticed that the semi-annual sale at B&BW was winding down. So what choice did I have...seriously? Grin I now have 8 more shower gels: freshwater cucumber, black raspberry vanilla, midnight pomegranate, 2 more coconut lime verbena and 3 more mango mandarin. And a cute black vinyl zipper pouch for only $2 that now holds all of my nail polishes. Wink

That's all for now! I'm off to clean up & get ready for bed. It's been a day.
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #25 - Jan 19th, 2009 at 11:48am
lol i doubt the guitar center guy was about half your age thatd be like 14 lol sounds like me though XD but ive never been to guitar center
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #26 - Jan 19th, 2009 at 12:55pm
If nothing else, I can keep an eye out for rich, beautiful men my age, right? Roll Eyes

Grin You never quite know where they may pop up.  Grin Wink Roll Eyes
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #27 - Jan 19th, 2009 at 9:40pm
Fisher2: Quote:
lol i doubt the guitar center guy was about half your age thatd be like 14

True, but I would've placed him between 19-21, which, needless to say, is much too young for me. Roll Eyes

Tanai: Quote:
Grin You never quite know where they may pop up.  Grin Wink Roll Eyes

Mostly nowhere. Roll Eyes

Hair: CWC routine + Detangling Spray + EVOO on the ends + braid. Got to use my new shampoo blend this morning. Cheesy Awesome stuff, tropical limey scent...I think I may add more water though.

Other: No practice tonight. The blues band is trying to organize a practice for tomorrow night, though I'm thinking about dropping out of the project altogether. Just don't know if I'm up to embarrassing myself in a bad Elvis band with a cheesy name. Roll Eyes
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #28 - Jan 20th, 2009 at 1:11pm
True, but I would've placed him between 19-21, which, needless to say, is much too young for me. Roll Eyes

Grin That's way too young for me in my opinion.  Roll Eyes

Tanai: Quote:
Grin You never quite know where they may pop up.  Grin Wink Roll Eyes

Mostly nowhere. Roll Eyes

Unfortunately yes.  Tongue That's why I'm not going to wait for them.  Wink

Just don't know if I'm up to embarrassing myself in a bad Elvis band with a cheesy name. Roll Eyes

Huh ... Grin
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« Last Edit: Jan 21st, 2009 at 12:49pm by Tanai »  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #29 - Jan 20th, 2009 at 6:50pm
Tanai: Quote:
Grin That's way too young for me in my opinion.  Roll Eyes

You see my point then. Wink

Hair: Went through a rather unconventional clarifying routine this morning. Purity wash + ACV rinse as usual, then tried my usual shampoo blend for the 2nd wash. Huh It smelled nice, but didn't leave my hair with that really freakin' CLEAN feeling that 2 Purity washes typically do. I don't think it's for me. Tongue But it did free up some space in my shampoo bottle to add more water, which I did.

While my hair was still wet, I slicked the ends and part of the length with a little EVOO. Just enough for some decent slip. After it was dry, I combed it out, twisted it into a bun and secured with a hairstick. Yes, a real hairstick, not a pencil. My sis actually gave me a black wooden hairstick with a silver & black dangle on the end for Christmas. It works pretty well, but there's a jingling sound every time I move from the ornament on the end.

Last night, I went to Target for a few things and noticed that Pantene is launching a new collection: Nature Fusion. All the usual Pantene ingredients plus aloe, cassia and a few others that I can't remember at the moment. Being that I was using a giftcard, I figured that I might as well try out something new since it was free. So I tossed a bottle of the Moisture Balancing formula into my basket. In another month or so, when my current shampoo blend runs out, I'll see how the new stuff works.

Earlier this morning, I took inventory of my shampoo supply, did a little math and concluded that I have enough Pantene shampoos to last into early July! Shocked Cheesy I'm liking this whole "saving money" concept.

Other Stuff: Got a $2 rebate from Clearasil in the mail today. Woohoo. More $$$ coming soon from a Victoria's Secret refund. I should be ok until payday. *crosses fingers*

So, tonight's the first scheduled practice for the Building Blocks. Seriously...the Building Blocks. ... That's the new blues band's name. Catchy, no? ... If the bad fat Elvis impressions don't doom us, the name certainly will. Grin That said, I think I've decided to just suck it up and stay in. It's all a bunch of family friends (plus dad)...guys that I enjoy hanging and playing with, so I might as well humour them, right? That's the courteous thing to do.
    Ergo...practice. Tonight.

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #30 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 11:53am
So, how'd rehearsal go??
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #31 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 1:00pm
Grin That's way too young for me in my opinion.  Roll Eyes

You see my point then. Wink

Totally.  Wink

Earlier this morning, I took inventory of my shampoo supply, did a little math and concluded that I have enough Pantene shampoos to last into early July! Shocked Cheesy I'm liking this whole "saving money" concept.

All hail the queen of frugality! ... I couldn't make my shampoo do that and I only wash twice a week!  Shocked

So, tonight's the first scheduled practice for the Building Blocks. Seriously...the Building Blocks. That's the new blues band's name. Catchy, no?

Huh Ookkaayy...  Roll Eyes

If the bad fat Elvis impressions don't doom us, the name certainly will. Grin

Grin LOL
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #32 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 8:07pm
Sakina: Quote:
So, how'd rehearsal go??

It didn't. I'm not really sure when or if we'll be getting together, actually. Undecided

Tanai: Quote:
All hail the queen of frugality!  I couldn't make my shampoo do that and I only wash twice a week!  Shocked

Grin Grin Oh, I dunno if I'd go that far! Just because I'm capping it in some areas doesn't mean I'm not hemorrhaging it in others. Wink

Hair: CWC + Detangling spray + braid. As usual. Not much to report.

Other Stuff: Spent the morning exfoliating, shaving, doing laundry, etc. to get stage-ready for tomorrow. Meh.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #33 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 1:59pm
Hair: Yesterday, I used up the last of my Suave Soothing Lavender Lilac light conditioner, which is good because I don't care for the new scent. Tongue This morning, I started on a new bottle of Suave Ocean Breeze light conditioner. When paired with my coconut lime verbena scented shampoo blend, my shower becomes a tropical bouquet. Happy island fragrances swirling everywhere. ... Yeah, that kinda stuff gets me energized...what can I say?

So, it was the usual CWC again with Detangling spray on the length and EVOO on the ends. Hair is staying down until tonight - I think I'm going to do an updo of some sort. Probably the usual double buns with black roses. Or hair sticks. It will coordinate with whatever outfit I decide on. Roll Eyes

Work: The AVP (my former boss) is visiting from Vegas, holding meetings in our conference room. He's really enjoyed the relocation - gets to see his daughter and grandson more often.
After my shift ends, I'll be going out to lunch with the gal who works in the office behind mine. She said that she feels bad for missing my b-day, so it's a belated present. Wink

Weather: Rain is in the forecast. Cheesy The sky has been gray and cloudy for days. I have the blinds drawn back in the windows of my office. Ahhh...

Other Stuff: Show tonight, blah blah blah, whatever. Tongue I'm looking forward to tomorrow when it's all over. And every hour I survive today brings me closer to that.

Of course, after my lunch date, I'll drive home and start getting ready. No clue what I'll wear just yet...not that it matters much. I'm just a bloody backup singer. Roll Eyes
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #34 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 10:02am
I'm just a bloody backup singer

Yeah, but doesn't that mean you can have more fun
with it??   Cool
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #35 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 12:01am
Trisha: Quote:
Yeah, but doesn't that mean you can have more fun with it??  Cool

No. Backup singers should not dress to draw attention to themselves - kind of like a wedding. You don't show up looking better than the bride, eh? In just about any other band, this is the case.
    However, we're not just "any other band." Wink Sometimes I'll be placed at the front of the stage. Also, being the only girl, the only goth and the youngest member in the band, I'm bound to stand out a little without trying. So, I pretty much wear whatever I want and it seems to have worked so far. Roll Eyes

Hair: Thursday Night: Did a slightly alternative version of the usual double bun updo. This time, rater than pinning or slicking the ends into place, I let them stick out however they wanted and even slicked them with water so they would be spiky. I also stuck 2 black hairsticks into them in the shape of an X.

Friday: A rather unconventional WTC. Years after swearing off Herbal Essences for good, I noticed that my sister had placed a huge bottle of their Hello Hydration shampoo in our shower. So, I figured what the heck and washed with a very generous amount. Of course, it was after the fact that I noticed the main detergent was ammonium lauryl sulfate. Shocked D'oh!
    Anyway, did the treatment and 2nd conditioning as usual. I think my only leave-in was Detangling spray.

Today: Unconventional CWC. Left the final conditioner in for over 2 hours while I did a face masque, laundry and surfed the net. My parents are out of town for the weekend so I have the place to myself. Ergo, I'm doing things my own way - however the heck I want! Wink

Tried out a new leave-in today that my sis had been raving about. A spray conditioner made for horses that's devoid of oils, cones or alcohols. Unfortunately, it also seems to be devoid of conditioning agents because my hair still tangles quite a bit. Undecided I may as well have just used water.

Thursday Show: Our best ever...not that that's saying much. Roll Eyes Lizard forgot the words, John 3:16 missed the cue to end a song and we had to keep playing along until he decided to pay attention and Grateful Ed skipped a guitar part. So, we still sucked...but we sucked a little less. And we were in great company.
    After the set, we were rushed with the usual flattery - fans, friends and family all with hugs, handshakes, compliments, pats on the back, etc. etc. A few people told me that they could hear me this time and that I sounded great (we need this kind of feedback because it helps us balance our sound). The booking agent approached me and said that she loved my vibe and my voice. I still have no idea what the former meant, but ok. Grin
    And the bass player from Echo Revolution offered to buy me a drink. *blush* I wasn't interested in him or anything, but I figured what the hey? If I'm seeing these guys on a semi-regular basis, it wouldn't kill me to get to know them better. Roll Eyes

Anyway, Echo rocked it as usual. Soooo much energy - I have no idea how they all do it! A few of their songs have a very Radiohead vibe to them, which I dug, and it's always funny watching Moon Pie play with them. Love that guy. Love all those guys!
    And yes, at least 2 of them are cute, single and my age. Wink And yes, I do kinda sorta barely have a thing for at least one of them. Wink Grin
    What else can I say about this band that hasn't already been said? Likely nothing.

After their set was over, they got the usual fan rush too. Eventually, the bass player, C, made his way over to me and we went off to the bar. As it turned out, C didn't have to buy drinks for either of us because we both had tickets for free ones (my father had passed me one while Echo was playing). So we hung by the bar and talked. And once I'd made it clear to C that I was far from his ideal woman, his interest seemed to fade a bit. Grin And that's fine because he's not the one I wanted anyway. Though I gave him as fair a shot as possible.

Eventually, the next band went on, C had to leave and I rejoined my band at their table. When dad asked where I'd been, I held up my Shirley Temple and said, "Getting a drink." Yeah, I purposely left out the "with the Echo bass player" part, but...dad don't need to know everything. Roll Eyes
    Anyway, as we all watched the final band for a bit, I kept sneaking glances at Echo's cutest member, then turning away shyly and quickly (mentally cursing myself a few times) when he would look back. Shocked Embarrassed Everyone knows how that game goes. Grin I'm pretty sure that Moon Pie had told the guy earlier that I thought he was cute or something because he seemed to suspect. Embarrassed

At the end of the evening, the singer of Echo Revolution asked if I wanted to sign up for their e-mail list, so I did. Then, it was hugs and kisses all around as dad and I bid our fellow musicians goodnight and started to head out. In the midst of this, I caught my favourite Echo cutie looking at me with a smile and a gesture, so I walked over to him and we kissed each other's musical butts for a few seconds....you guys rock! No, you guys rock! No, you guys rock! Roll Eyes Grin I touched his shoulder as I said goodnight to him. Wink
With the help of a few bandmates, I made it up 3 flights of stairs to street level with a heavy bag of cords. Then, dad and I found our way back to my car and hit Del Taco on the way home. I don't remember what time I made it to bed.
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« Last Edit: Jan 25th, 2009 at 2:55am by N/A »  
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #36 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 2:28pm
And yes, I do kinda sorta barely have a thing for at least one of them. Wink Grin


And that's fine because he's not the one I wanted anyway. Though I gave him as fair a shot as possible.


Anyway, as we all watched the final band for a bit, I kept sneaking glances at Echo's cutest member, then turning away shyly and quickly (mentally cursing myself a few times) when he would look back. Shocked Embarrassed Everyone knows how that game goes. Grin I'm pretty sure that Moon Pie had told the guy earlier that I thought he was cute or something because he seemed to suspect. Embarrassed

Cute and talented.  Cool Got a thing for one of those myself.  Wink And that's about how my flirting capacity goes.  Roll Eyes It's probably better if he does suspect. Most guys need a good swift kick in the pants to get the point anyways.  Roll Eyes Grin

I touched his shoulder as I said goodnight to him. Wink

May subtleties work better for you than they ever did me.  Tongue  Roll Eyes It's not my fault the boy needed a rock dropped on his head to get the memo.  Grin Roll Eyes 
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #37 - Jan 26th, 2009 at 1:41pm
Tanai: Quote:
Cute and talented.  Cool Got a thing for one of those myself. Wink

Aye, cute, talented and in a band. Roll Eyes While real, modern ladies should avoid the latter type, I cannot curse it too much. If he & I weren't both in bands, I wouldn't have known about him. Wink So, what's a gal to do besides pray against the odds that he's not the typical musician?

It's probably better if he does suspect. Most guys need a good swift kick in the pants to get the point anyways. Roll Eyes Grin

Grin You know, I hadn't thought of it that way. hehe And here I was being all embarrassed. Still, I can't help but wonder what Moon Pie may have told him.

May subtleties work better for you than they ever did me. Tongue Roll Eyes It's not my fault the boy needed a rock dropped on his head to get the memo. Grin Roll Eyes

Grin Grin ... HEY! I LIKE YOU!!  Grin

Hair: Did another WTC yesterday with one of the new Pantene treatments that I bought Friday night: the Moisturizing essential hydrating rinse. Left it in for well over an hour, then followed with Suave Ocean Breeze conditioner. Used Detangling leave-in spray on the length & EVOO on the ends. Hair took for-freaking-ever to dry. Tongue

This morning was the typical CWC and I only had time for Detangling spray. I need to get better at covering the ends if I'm to go 6 months between trims now.
   No braid today - I bought the hairstick that my sister gave me to work with me for a little variation.
Sometime over the weekend, I finally gave in and bought another bottle of Rexall Hair, Skin & Nails vitamins. What the hey? God knows all 3 of mine need all the help they can get. Tongue Grow, hair, grow!!

Nails: Sporting a new mani with Sally Hansen Diamon Strength polish in Black Diamond as the main colour. It's a little like OPI's Baby It's "Coal" Outside, but maintains its sparkle better. God, tell me why I wasted so much of my hard-earned $$$ on designer nail polish?! Tongue

Also bought 3 new Revlon polishes on Friday (my name is Angel and I'm a nail polish addict...): Black Lingerie, Steel-her Heart and Silver Screen. Cool Love them.

Music: Let the blues/standards band know that if they only plan to rehearse on Wednesday nights that I had to bow out. The problem is that now I have a somewhat vested interest in being in the band, so I'll at least see if something can be worked out.

Got a slightly dirty (male perspective) joke via e-mail from Lizard today. Sent my response in the form of an even dirtier (female perspective) continuation of the joke. Wink

Other Stuff: Also on Friday, got a Revlon lipstick in a colour called Black Cherry. Cheesy Figured I could use it as more of a sheer stain with gloss on top since I absolutely loathe lipstick. Seems to work alright.

Black towels were on clearance too, so I picked up a couple...and a new washcloth. "Fresh black" as my mother would say. They're still new and leaving black fuzzies all over the place, but they should be pretty awesome once they're broken in. Smiley Now I finally get to ditch the pair of giant black bathsheets that I bought at the request of my bf a few years ago. I'm all too happy to get rid of anything that reminds me of him. Grin

Awww, one of the outside sales guys just brought his dog into the office. And I have an Echo Revolution song stuck in my head.  Roll Eyes
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #38 - Jan 26th, 2009 at 3:58pm
i like ur wide vary of colors Tongue

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&&...&&&&&&&&metal head straight
fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #39 - Jan 27th, 2009 at 1:05pm
Aye, cute, talented and in a band. Roll Eyes While real, modern ladies should avoid the latter type...

Now why would I go and do a thing like that? Roll Eyes

So, what's a gal to do besides pray against the odds that he's not the typical musician?

Roll Eyes I hope so on your front and mine.  Wink

It's probably better if he does suspect. Most guys need a good swift kick in the pants to get the point anyways. Roll Eyes Grin

Grin You know, I hadn't thought of it that way. hehe And here I was being all embarrassed. Still, I can't help but wonder what Moon Pie may have told him.

Roll Eyes No need for embarrassment, wonder all you like though, guys don't really converse in English so who knows what he said.  Grin Roll Eyes

May subtleties work better for you than they ever did me. Tongue Roll Eyes It's not my fault the boy needed a rock dropped on his head to get the memo. Grin Roll Eyes

Grin Grin ... HEY! I LIKE YOU!!  Grin
LMAO  Grin Pretty much.

Grow, hair, grow!!

Grin I tell mine the same thing.  Roll Eyes

on Friday, got a Revlon lipstick in a colour called Black Cherry. Cheesy Figured I could use it as more of a sheer stain with gloss on top since I absolutely loathe lipstick. Seems to work alright.

I do that with a lot of my lipsticks, especially the crappier ones.  Tongue Sometimes I think it works better than using them from the tube.  Cheesy

And I have an Echo Revolution song stuck in my head.   Roll Eyes

Grin Wink
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #40 - Jan 27th, 2009 at 8:18pm
Fisher2: Yup...black, black and more black. That's how I roll. Tongue Roll Eyes

Tanai: Grin So, you're lusting after a musician? Ughhhhh, girlie. Don't say I didn't warn ya. Tongue

Hair: My father was still home when I got up this morning, so I passed the time by doing a scalp massage in my room with just my overhead blacklights on and Bella Morte streaming from my stereo.
    Saved the hairs that fell out and added them to my growing collection. I almost have enough for a lock. Smiley

Unconventional seems to be the theme for this week, and today's clarifying routine was no exception. Did the first Purity wash as usual, then had to jump out of the shower when I realized I'd forgotten to finish making my ACV rinse. Tongue Of course I used bottled water from the garage, so my vinegar rinse was so cold it hurt and ended up numbing my scalp. Tongue Second Purity wash went as usual, then I squeezed the extra water out with my microfiber towel and applied Pantene Nourishing mask. Left it in for an hour, then rinsed and finished with Suave Ocean Breeze conditioner.

Only leave-in today was EVOO. Hair was a bit greasy after it dried, but less parched than on normal clarifying days. Now, it's braided and being ignored.

Music: My hours changed at work this week (unconventional, remember?) and so I've decided to attend rehearsal with the blues/standards band. Anything to stick with Brother Moon Pie. Smiley

Other Stuff: Yesterday, I ended up braiding my hair and washing my car after I got home from work. I did spray wax, regular wax, chrome polish, pretty much any other detailing that I could think of at the time. She needed it. And now she's buffed to a sexxxy shine, oh yes. Cool lol My dad said last night that she looked "gorgeous" and "like a brand new car." I told you...I enjoy that kinda stuff as much as any guy. Wink

Man, can anyone believe we're in the final week of January already? I remember last year pretty much flew by as well. And strange as it might sound coming from a winter freak, I'm kinda sorta looking forward to spring. Huh I can't really explain it. This winter has just seemed "off" for some reason(s). Undecided I'm really hoping this year's holiday season goes better. In all areas.

Well, I'm off to appease Auntie Flo with Godiva. Roll Eyes Love to all.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #41 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 12:29pm
Hair: The usual CWC routine was all I had time for this morning since I had to work the early shift. Tongue But the beachy smells of my shower stuff are comforting...ocean breeze in my light conditioner, coconut lime verbena in my shampoo & bodywash. Ahhh... I suppose in some ways I am a SoCal gal. Roll Eyes
    Anyway, leave-in's were Detangling spray and EVOO. Been good about taking my Biotin so far.

Nails: Holding up surprisingly well given what they've been through so far this week. I might give them a little touch-up tomorrow when I have more time, but I must say I'm impressed. Thumbs and index fingers are growing remarkably well. Smiley Who would've ever thought that I could grow my nails past the quick without them self-destructing? Again, who would've ever thought that I could grow my hair past shoulder length without it self-destructing? I find that the key to both is the same: reinforcement. If hair & nails have enough protective coating, they can grow as long as they want...within reason.

Other Stuff: Asked Brother Moon Pie what he told the Echo Rev cutie, but he wouldn't fess up. Roll Eyes He did tell me, however, that said Echo Rev cutie is spoken for...which is fine because I wasn't really interested anyway. *sigh* Ah well. He's still fun to watch (and easy on the eyes). Wink
    Moon Pie also mentioned that bass player C had been asking about me. Roll Eyes That poor boy. Apparently, the "I'm not Catholic" approach didn't work, so I told Moon Pie to inform C that I am divorced. Hopefully, that will do the trick since "The Church" doesn't approve of its followers cavorting about with heathen divorcées. Grin

So, the Newport News spring catalog arrived in the mail last week and the only things that I found appealing were things that I already own. Roll Eyes Lordy, do I loathe spring fashion. But I might be able to replace the velvet blazer that I lost at a discount. Meh.

Goshdarnit!! A nerve below my left eye keeps twitching, ughhhhh! ...

I watch the stars as they fall from the sky
I held a fallen star and it wept for me, dying
I feel the fallen stars encircle me now, as they cry

                                      -AFI, Death Of Seasons
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #42 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 12:40pm
Hey, MA, I get my nails to grow very long by rubbing oil into the cuticles at night before bed.  It takes a while for it to kick in, my nails are growing like crazy.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #43 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 1:03pm
Grin So, you're lusting after a musician? Ughhhhh, girlie. Don't say I didn't warn ya. Tongue

Roll Eyes I'll take my chances.  Grin Wink

Asked Brother Moon Pie what he told the Echo Rev cutie, but he wouldn't fess up. Roll Eyes

Roll Eyes Grin

He did tell me, however, that said Echo Rev cutie is spoken for...which is fine because I wasn't really interested anyway. *sigh* Ah well. He's still fun to watch (and easy on the eyes). Wink

Looking never hurt anyone.  Wink

Moon Pie also mentioned that bass player C had been asking about me. Roll Eyes That poor boy. Apparently, the "I'm not Catholic" approach didn't work, so I told Moon Pie to inform C that I am divorced. Hopefully, that will do the trick since "The Church" doesn't approve of its followers cavorting about with heathen divorcées. Grin

Perhaps he doesn't care? I know I've stopped caring about such things. *shrug* Cavorting's okay it's marriage that's the problem.  Roll Eyes

Goshdarnit!! A nerve below my left eye keeps twitching, ughhhhh!

Gah I hate that!  Angry Tongue
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #44 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 3:51pm
Tanai: Quote:
Cavorting's okay it's marriage that's the problem. Roll Eyes

Only a problem if you happen to be Catholic. ...

Looking never hurt anyone. Wink

Wrong again. Roll Eyes

Sakina: Quote:
Hey, MA, I get my nails to grow very long by rubbing oil into the cuticles at night before bed.  It takes a while for it to kick in, my nails are growing like crazy.

Thanx for the tip. I do use Burt's Bees cuticle creme on occasion but generally avoid oils since my skin hates them.

Hair: Did another scalp massage under blacklights this morning, this time to De/Vision. Smiley Did not save any of the shed hairs. The usual CWC + Detangling spray + EVOO routine followed. Hair is almost dry as I type this and I'll be braiding it when I get a break as usual.

Music: Ended up not going to practice last night. Embarrassed I feel bad for letting Moon Pie down, but apparently I didn't miss much. Dad said it was a total "suckfest."

Other Stuff: Had to come into work an hour early today, so I ended up forgetting things and not having time for other things. *sigh*

While waiting at the pharmacy last night, a little boy passed me in an aisle with his parents and I overheard him say something like, "I like her earrings! They look cool! Look at her earrings, Mommy!" Grin I love how unbiased and honest kids can be.
    For the record, I was only wearing black ball studs in gradient sizes - I think what he liked was the fact that there were 3 on either side. Wink

Anyway, I'm off to make some herbal tea and repair my driving gloves for the umpteenth time. Roll Eyes
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #45 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 12:56pm
Cavorting's okay it's marriage that's the problem. Roll Eyes

Only a problem if you happen to be Catholic.

Twas what I meant, and only to some of us.  Roll Eyes

Sakina: Quote: Hey, MA, I get my nails to grow very long by rubbing oil into the cuticles at night before bed. It takes a while for it to kick in, my nails are growing like crazy.

Thanx for the tip. I do use Burt's Bees cuticle creme on occasion but generally avoid oils since my skin hates them.

I used to grow my nails out long, I got tired of them breaking and peeling.  Tongue Ever since I neglected a small crack in one and actually ripped the end of the nail off trying to zip my coat up I tend to keep them short. I haven't found anything to make them resilient enough to grow out.  Tongue  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #46 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 5:56pm
Tanai: Quote:
Twas what I meant, and only to some of us.

Their loss, hunnay. Cool

I used to grow my nails out long, I got tired of them breaking and peeling. Tongue Ever since I neglected a small crack in one and actually ripped the end of the nail off trying to zip my coat up I tend to keep them short. I haven't found anything to make them resilient enough to grow out. Tongue

Sounds like you have a similar nail type to mine as well. Wink Though I could never grow mine long if I wanted to. My job/lifestyle/nail texture would never allow for it, sadly. Sad
   It will be interesting to see if the Biotin that I'm now taking has any effect on the growth rate/health of my nails though. I try to keep them in decent shape so my manicures last longer. Speaking of which...

Nails: Note to self: Never attempt to touch up a manicure before a shower. Tongue
Needless to say, the previous one went 6 days before being completely destroyed, which is something of a record. Especially considering I'd used cheaper polish.
   Anywho, nails are now bare, but aided with hand lotion and cuticle creme. We'll work on the shaping & painting tomorrow maybe.

Hair: A somewhat unconventional WTC today, in keeping with this week's theme. Washed with shampoo blend, then did an ACV rinse before the Fortifying treatment. Finished with light conditioner & Detangling spray. Hair is still air drying.

Last night, I got a few new hair toys from Claire's, including a black pony flip tool for only $3. Smiley It's cheap plastic & has seams galore, which I may or may not file down and paint over. It's not a huge danger since I'll only be using it for a few seconds anyway. I plan on testing it out during my break.

There was soooo much cute stuff there to tempt me that I just had to leave. In particular was a black satin headband with a cluster of black roses, black feathers and black glitter on one side. Totally hair safe and the last of it's kind that I've seen in the entire county. We'll see if it's still there after the bills get paid. Roll Eyes

Other Stuff: Due to weather issues, I've had a bloody nose for 3 days and have decided to call off nocturnal power walks until the official start of February (which I realize is in 2 days - don't get smart with me). Until then, I'll be sitting fat & happy (and bloody) with a humidifier and a pile of junk food. Mmm, Necco tart hearts...
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« Last Edit: Jan 31st, 2009 at 12:48pm by N/A »  
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #47 - Jan 31st, 2009 at 6:47am
There was soooo much cute stuff there to tempt me that I just had to leave. In particular was a black satin headband with a cluster of black roses, black feathers and black glitter on one side. Totally hair safe and the last of it's kind that I've seen in the entier county. We'll see if it's still there after the bills get paid.  

Oh my lord!  You cannot get me out of a Claires even if the mall was buring down! LOL!!  I have blown a paycheck there once or twice with terrifying ease!  Grin
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #48 - Jan 31st, 2009 at 3:23pm
Twas what I meant, and only to some of us.

Their loss, hunnay. Cool

Yup.  Cool Cheesy

It will be interesting to see if the Biotin that I'm now taking has any effect on the growth rate/health of my nails though.

I've been taking Biotin for over a year now and it has made my nails grow faster, they don't peel or break as badly if I remember to keep them short. Which in a sense means more work because they have to be manicured more often.  Tongue Roll Eyes

There was soooo much cute stuff there to tempt me that I just had to leave. In particular was a black satin headband with a cluster of black roses, black feathers and black glitter on one side. Totally hair safe and the last of it's kind that I've seen in the entire county. We'll see if it's still there after the bills get paid. Roll Eyes

Hair toys... ...

Due to weather issues, I've had a bloody nose for 3 days and have decided to call off nocturnal power walks until the official start of February (which I realize is in 2 days - don't get smart with me). Until then, I'll be sitting fat & happy (and bloody) with a humidifier and a pile of junk food. Mmm, Necco tart hearts...[/color]

Tongue I get one every time I blow my nose, and often on their own if it's really dry out. I love Necco hearts.  Cool I used to eat a whole bag in 45mins as a kid.  Roll Eyes
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #49 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 11:11am
I love your new avatar, MA!  As for the headband, I'm sure you could make an awesome one for yourself!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #50 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 4:30pm
Isabeau: Quote:
Oh my lord!  You cannot get me out of a Claires even if the mall was buring down! LOL!!  I have blown a paycheck there once or twice with terrifying ease! Grin

Shocked An entire paycheck?! Oh my. Grin

Tanai: Grin Hair toys. Wink

I've been taking Biotin for over a year now and it has made my nails grow faster, they don't peel or break as badly if I remember to keep them short.

That's basically my goal. Short, healthy nails that can renew themselves quickly if there's a "disaster." Roll Eyes

Tongue I get one every time I blow my nose, and often on their own if it's really dry out.

Welcome to SoCal. Tongue I've had my humidifier running for 2 days now and my nose hasn't stopped bleeding. Sad

I love Necco hearts.  Cool I used to eat a whole bag in 45mins as a kid. Roll Eyes

Shocked Wow. Those take 3 days between myself & whomever else wants them.

Sakina: Quote:
I love your new avatar, MA!  As for the headband, I'm sure you could make an awesome one for yourself!!

Thanx and you're probably right. Smiley

Hair: CWC's + Detangling spray this weekend. Yesterday, I wore a flipped ponytail again, using my tool to make it - so much easier than doing it all by hand.
Today, I'll leave my hair down until after I measure. Then, either a braid or another flipped ponytail.

Nails: Peeling again, so I finally gave in and clipped them all off. Shocked Embarrassed But I rescued them this morning. Now I have a fresh new mani with a weird colour...Rimmel's Play Fast polish in Hard Edged. Very urban.

Other Stuff: My father found a great deal on a new laptop at Best Buy and urged me to check it out. It's $100 cheaper than a new motherboard for my current one. But it's also nowhere near as powerful. Meh. Would be good for my credit to finance it though. Undecided

That's all for now. I'm off to figure out how to rig my camera phone for a new hair pic. Wink
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #51 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 7:25pm
Hair: 3rd day CWC hair...which actually isn't terrible. I have it sprayed, oiled and up in a flipped ponytail, so it's all good. Tomorrow's clarifying day.

Other Stuff: Nose is still bleeding. Gah, I hate this weather! Tongue Skin is sooo dry - I'm all lotioned & powdered up like a baby.

We're as one, unified, and we're fighting the tide
Crush the doubts that remain, kill them all
Silence falls to the call of the day

And another day comes
As another begins to erode
Fades away 'til it's gone

We hold the light in our hands
As the darkness begins to erode
Shines as bright as the sun

We are finding our way through the dark unknown
We are watching the sky for a storm to come

                -Bella Morte, Eternal
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #52 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 9:49am
Love the new avatar, kiddo   Cool
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #53 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 7:06pm
Trisha: Thanks. Cheesy

Hair: Did an overnight treatment of EVOO and aloe gel, then clarified this morning. Used a little more EVOO than usual afterwards, but my hair is braided now so it doesn't matter. The ends are very soft. Like spun glass and spiderwebs. Smiley

Music: It looks as though Picus Maximus has truly dissolved. I've not heard a peep out of Lizard in over a week, so apparently he's not attempting to get the band back together. The rest of us seem to have moved on.
   The remaining members are rehearsing again tomorrow, and again, I told Moon Pie that I'd be there. The blues band has its first show in March...God help us. I suppose I'll pop in and see what (if anything) I can do to contribute. But I won't stay longer than my schedule will permit.

Health: Last night, I power walked again. It was bloody cold and dry out, but I got used to it. Had to take it easy after a cramp got me at the halfway point. Tongue

Other Stuff: My little sister has moved out. Smiley: She has a nice condo with her bf and is slowly moving all of her stuff into it. They don't live very far from our house and she stops by almost every day. My bathroom will stay cleaner now that I'm not sharing it with her and my "bathroom stuff" has more room to hang out. I no longer have to carry a heavy basket of shower stuff to & from the bathroom every morning - it now lives in the shower caddy and does not move. The basket now holds all of the other shower stuff that I don't use regularly. Frees up some extra space in my bedchamber.
Sad:But I miss that little monster...and even her monster sized messes. Grin And I think I kind of understand how she must've felt the first time I moved out.
   Now, life at home will be kind of like it was before she was born. The family structure was there, but it was empty. She completed it and gave it life, but now it's empty and silent again. I keep to myself and the 'rents keep to themselves. Just as it was.
Ah well. Keep going.

Oh, and look at that! I'm an emerald. Wink
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #54 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 3:22am
Awww... Embarrassed   I remember how difficult and strange it was when my sister moved out the first time.  I'm sure you'll miss her presence, but at least she isn't too far away. Smiley
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #55 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 9:36am
Change is good...even BAD changes can have a positive end result.  Hang in there.  *hugs*  Congrats on reaching emerald status!   Cool
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #56 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 12:59pm
All I can think about is when I can move out.  Grin I wish I could say I can relate but I'm an only child.  Cool
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #57 - Feb 5th, 2009 at 1:11pm
LD: True, and she has been visiting every night. Smiley

Trisha: *hugs* Thanks, and you're quite right.

Tanai: It seems to be the trend for younger generations to move out later. I was out of the house at 19 and my father left the nest 3 days after graduating from high school. Some of us just aren't so privileged at home. Roll Eyes
    Btw, if things don't work out with your SoCalian musical bf, I have a friend whom you might like. He totally paid me to say that. Roll Eyes

Hair: 2nd day with CWC + Detangling spray. Got a bit nauseous in the shower this morning. I wish I didn't have to take them so early on Thursdays. ...
Harvesting project is still going. I have 10 hairs from the last 2 days or so at the office alone and must take them home to add to the collection. I almost have a very thin lock already.

As for the lock that I already gave away, the remaining strands are now between 8-10" long and the ends stick out of my braid. Roll Eyes Ugh, I'm so never cutting my hair for a boy ever again!

Anyway, today, hair's up in a bun and secured with a hairstick.

Music: Didn't go to practice last night either. Embarrassed Poor Moon Pie...he must think I'm such a flake! But my father got home from work late and wasn't ready to go until almost 8 PM and I had I would've had to be back home by 9. Plus, they don't really have songs together yet, so it wasn't worth my time any way you look at it. Apologies, Brother Pie...I still love ya.

Other Stuff: Did simple step aerobics while catching up on The Biggest Loser yesterday. It sucks being sabotaged by so-called best friends, eh? That's what happened to the last 2 teams who were eliminated. Sucks for them. But now I'm rooting for everyone on the show. And is it just me or is Jillian getting prettier every season?

As for my own portly self, the scale read 114.8 this morning. Not terrible, but not great. I need to make it back to the beach this spring. A new swimsuit & Morey board would be ideal, but I can make do with what I have. And I've invited my sis to come along whenever I go.

Bloody @#$%, I'm hungry! Haven't eaten anything yet, but popcorn & an Instant Lunch will tide me over until I get home. Then, I'll make a huge, honkin' salad. ...
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #58 - Feb 5th, 2009 at 1:23pm
Btw, if things don't work out with your SoCalian musical bf

Bite your tongue.  Grin

I have a friend whom you might like. He totally paid me to say that. Roll Eyes
Huh umm... ookkaayy...  Grin I never go for guys sight unseen... that and I'm probably the pickiest b!tc# in this world and compared said musician guy very few will manage to meet my standards.  Roll Eyes Grin I'm nuts I know.  Cheesy

As for my own portly self, the scale read 114.8 this morning.

Roll Eyes Sure Angel just make me feel even better about weighing more than you. LOL Grin Roll Eyes
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #59 - Feb 6th, 2009 at 5:05am
That's what happened to the last 2 teams who were eliminated.

You're right, that did happen 2 weeks in a row.  Too bad they couldn't switch partners.

As for my own portly self

At 114 lbs??? ...Um okay, Angel. Roll Eyes lol!
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #60 - Feb 6th, 2009 at 5:28pm
Tanai: Quote:
Bite your tongue. Grin

Nope. I've been around musicians my entire life - I know what they're like. And I have way too much experience with them to believe that yours is any different. Roll Eyes Sorry, hon.

I never go for guys sight unseen... that and I'm probably the pickiest b!tc# in this world and compared said musician guy very few will manage to meet my standards. Roll Eyes Grin I'm nuts I know. Cheesy

Not at all. In fact, my friend is exactly the same way. Roll Eyes

Roll Eyes Sure Angel just make me feel even better about weighing more than you. LOL Grin Roll Eyes

Anytime. Wink Grin

LD: Quote:
You're right, that did happen 2 weeks in a row.  Too bad they couldn't switch partners.

Or pick better friends. Roll Eyes

At 114 lbs??? ...Um okay, Angel. Roll Eyes lol!

Yup, at 114 lbs. My comfort zone is between 105-110.

Hair: The usual Friday WTC. Today's treatment was Pantene's Nourishing mask. Of course, I was in a blind, mad rush to get to work on time and forgot to grab a hairtie on my way out. So, no braid today. Angry

Other Stuff: RAIN!! Cheesy Rain in SoCal! Cheesy I went for a power walk in it last night and got pretty soaked. It was great! Cheesy I found out why all of the emo kids find it so natural to cry in the rain. Not that I did, mind you...but I understand why they do. Roll Eyes
   It's supposed to stick around all weekend too...which means Disneyland in the rain! Cheesy

Yep, my little sister's 25 now. Shocked God, I feel old. ... I was 25 when I joined LongLocks for heaven's sake!
Anyway, she wanted to go to Disneyland to celebrate, so she & her bf & the 'rents are heading up there tonight. I'm driving up tomorrow morning since I have to work the latest. And my friend T is meeting me there. Should be most excellent. I've not been to Disneyland in over a year, which is practically sacrilege where I live. Shocked
The planning part was pretty fun too. Going through my closet and jewelry armoire, picking out exactly what I was going to wear, thinking of how to do my hair & makeup. Calculating just how much the day will cost me and how much $$$ I can save. Deciding which CD's I'll bring for the drive up & back. The only real variable is what time I'll get there, and that doesn't matter so much.
   There was just enough notice ahead of time to where things could be well thought out but the trip could still feel rather spontaneous. Best of both worlds. heh I'm ready. Cool
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #61 - Feb 6th, 2009 at 8:54pm

Yup, at 114 lbs. My comfort zone is between 105-110.

I was just teasing! Wink

Enjoy Disney Land! Cheesy
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #62 - Feb 7th, 2009 at 4:54pm
Enjoy your rain Angel.  Wink Cool
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #63 - Feb 9th, 2009 at 6:00pm
LD: Thanx. I did! Cheesy

Tanai: Oh, I have been when it's here. Wink

Hair: Lesson learned. Never wear a flipped ponytail to Disneyland! At the end of the night, I ended up ripping out several strands of hair that had gotten stuck on my hairtie. Cry No surprise, really...given the rain and all that whipping around on rides.
    But I ended up giving my hair a much needed drink with an overnight EVOO treatment and putting it to bed. Did a WCC the next morning and all was well. Must remember to do contained styles on Disneyland days.

Anyway, today was the usual CWC + Detangling spray routine. Haven't braided yet. Still taking my Biotin like a good girl. ...

Weather: Very odd. One minute it's sunny, the next it's pouring. Huh

Disneyland: Sweet. Cool Started out with 6 of us: my parents, my sister, sister's bf, my buddy T and myself. We went on some rides (Big Thunder Mountain in the pouring rain - always a blast) and saw Billy Hill & the Hillbillies in the Golden Horseshoe. My parents left around dinner time. Then my sister, her bf, T and I went to CA Adventure for the Tower Of Terror - sister's favourite ride. I hadn't been on it in over a year, so I was clinging to my own handlebar and T's while screaming bloody murder. Grin After that, my sister & her bf wanted to get fudge for the ride home, so T & I went back into the Disneyland park with them. After they left, T & I had dinner at Pizza Port (been forever since I had pizza), then went on the new Submarine Voyage, which I hadn't seen since the Finding Nemo remodel. Pretty cool!
    Lastly, we headed over to the Blue Bayou for dessert - an ice cream cookie boat with lots of chocolate & caramel syrup and a mast with edible sails. T didn't want to share it with me, but gave in eventually. ...
    Then, we left the park, hopped on a tram and went back to our cars. It took exactly 107 minutes for me to get from the parking structure to my driveway in the rain. I went to bed after washing up, but it took 2 whole days for my waterproof mascara to wash off completely. Angry Another lesson (re)learned: avoid waterproof mascara!
    Oh, and I signed up to finance an annual pass, so I can go back to Disneyland anytime I want for a year. Cool Meaning I won't have to miss out on Bats Day. Wink

Other Stuff: Been doing some early spring cleaning in areas of my bedchamber that haven't been touched in years, if ever. Freed up even more space! Cheesy
My parents have wasted no time in turning my sister's old room into a guest room. Dad bought an antique dresser for it that I'm jealous of.
    We have company coming in from out of state on Friday, so now they'll have their choice of guest rooms at our place.

Yesterday, I bought a bunch of tops at Express. Today, I'll be returning all but 2 of them. Roll Eyes C'est la vie.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #64 - Feb 10th, 2009 at 2:57am
Is it just me, or did the ribbon in your avatar change color??
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #65 - Feb 10th, 2009 at 7:14pm
Sakina: It did. Wink Very astute, my dear.

Hair: Today, I went through the usual Tuesday clarifying routine. No leave-in's, though, as I was pressed for time. ACV seems to make my hair softer than DWV, and less dry, so combing and braiding is easier. Smiley I think I'll stick with it...at least for awhile.

Still can't shake the idea of getting a serum, so one of these days, I just might. Either Biosilk or Chi. Roll Eyes

Ran out of my conditioner blend this morning and mixed up a new one. Now I'm tracking how long it takes me to go through a 12.6 oz. bottle.
    Other than that, still taking my Biotin and waiting, waiting, waiting...
Hair's in the usual single braid today.

Music: Big Dave just sent another ungodly-long list of songs that he wants everyone to learn in a week. Suffice it to say that the man's expectations are unrealistic at best. ... The band has decided on the name Big Dave and the Gas Guzzlers, complete with a gimmicky old cars/gas pumps theme and a cheesy slogan. The further things *ahem* "progress" with this band, the less interested I become. As if the bad Elvis tunes weren't enough...

Other Stuff: Returned the crap that didn't work out at Express and got my money back. Yay. And I plan to do a little online clothes shopping after next payday. Smiley

As for our weather, the rain has moved on. Skies are blue/white and cloudless as ever, though it's still cold.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #66 - Feb 11th, 2009 at 2:06pm
...still taking my Biotin and waiting, waiting, waiting...

And waiting... it takes 6 months for it to start working hun.  Roll Eyes Tongue
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #67 - Feb 11th, 2009 at 3:45pm
loldont remind us(we got bottles  1 day apart lol)
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&&...&&&&&&&&metal head straight
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #68 - Feb 11th, 2009 at 7:32pm
Tanai: Quote:
And waiting... it takes 6 months for it to start working hun. Roll Eyes Tongue

Indeed. I've taken Biotin before for 6 months exactly. No results.

Hair: Today, it got a WTC "just because"...a spur-of-the-moment decision that consequently made me late for work. Angry Leave-in's were Detangling spray and EVOO, and either I overdid it with the latter or didn't get all of the conditioner rinsed out because after my hair dried, the back of it was all greasy in the middle. Undecided Tomorrow morning's CWC should clear it out, so I guess I'll just have to be a dirt magnet until then. Tongue Hair's braided as usual, so it's not too bad.

Nails: Have been converted into little blood droplets courtesy of Sally Hansen Salon Laquer in Cerise Noir. Due to a crazy schedule and a nagging mother, I've had to finish the new mani at work. So what else is new? Roll Eyes

Weather: In the 50's during the day and 30's at night. I've remorsefully postponed all power walking until March.
   Had a short convo with a Detroitian co-worker this afternoon about the difference between northeastern cold weather vs. southwestern. It was a mutual agreement that southwestern cold is far worse. Must have something to do with humidity (and complete lack thereof).
   Speaking of which, my skin is horridly dry again. Super moisturizing bodywash and nightly moisturizing is mandatory. I think I'll also get a deeply moisturizing lip balm tonight. Oh yes, and my nose is still bleeding. Curse you, SoCal! Angry
   lol Just as I'm typing this, a visiting co-worker from our Radnor, PA location informed me that it's warmer in Cleveland than it is here. Roll Eyes

Other: Spring fashion is here and scary as ever. Tongue At least my favourite pants are on sale.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #69 - Feb 11th, 2009 at 8:29pm

Nails: Have been converted into little blood droplets courtesy of Sally Hansen Salon Laquer in Cerise Noir

hehe  Smiley
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Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic.  ~Rosalind Russell&&&&&&...&&&&&&
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #70 - Feb 12th, 2009 at 1:24pm
Indeed. I've taken Biotin before for 6 months exactly. No results.

That's when it starts, I didn't notice an actual difference until 9 months or so.  Tongue Biotin is certainly not a product for people with no patience.  Grin So of course I use it...  Roll Eyes

Just as I'm typing this, a visiting co-worker from our Radnor, PA location informed me that it's warmer in Cleveland than it is here. Roll Eyes

Yep out here too, yesterday we made it to 63°. Now we have 50mph winds. And it's 50°.  Tongue Power already went off once.  Angry

Spring fashion is here and scary as ever. Tongue

Yes, surprisingly there are people out in the world who like bright colors.  Grin Really bright colors even scare me.  Cheesy
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #71 - Feb 12th, 2009 at 4:29pm
Other: Spring fashion is here and scary as ever. Tongue

I hear you.  My daughter and MIL love it, but those colors make my skin look dusty.  And some of the color combinations, such as a bright pink shirt with a bright green bird (a t-shirt I saw in old navy) are extremely confusing to the eye.  Shocked
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #72 - Feb 13th, 2009 at 6:55pm
W4LL: Wink

Tanai: Quote:
That's when it starts, I didn't notice an actual difference until 9 months or so. Tongue Biotin is certainly not a product for people with no patience. Grin So of course I use it... Roll Eyes


Yes, surprisingly there are people out in the world who like bright colors. Grin Really bright colors even scare me. Cheesy

Bright colours and bad shapes. Someone needs to admit that capri pants were a very bad idea. Grin

Didn't realize that your area had that sort of weather. Shocked It always looks so temperate on TV... Roll Eyes

Skyfire: Yeah, the pink & green combo has been a preppy trend for several years. And if you have a warm skin tone, most of the screaming brights won't flatter you.

Hair: The roots were extra oily this morning, so another vinegar rinse was needed after the initial wash. After that came the "treat" and "condition" phases, but with some, er, distractions. Angry My only only leave-in for today was Pantene Detangling spray. After air drying, the ends of my hair still felt dry and a bit nasty, and they tangled in some places. Angry

Angel Hates Oil: After only 2 days using Olay Ribbons bodywash, I tossed it. Only bought it because I happened to have a coupon and had wanted to give it a try. Unfortunately, like many Olay bodywashes, it's loaded with oil and leaves a Vaseline-like coating on everything it touches. Tongue
   Long story short, I ended up having to replace my shower poofs & cap and clean my entire shower, which helped to make me late for work. Angry Even added a little ACV to one of my B&BW bodywashes to help remove the wax coat on my skin. Tongue Washing once doesn't remove it, unfortunately.
   Come to think of it, the evil ribbons may have been responsible for yesterday's greasy spot in the back of my hair. It has a way of creeping up the back of my neck. Tongue

This is all unnecessarily revolting. I may donate the remains of my EVOO to the kitchen and wash my hands of it, literally and entirely.

Angel Hates Bleach: So why must her mother be so fond of it? It's in most of our household cleaners...and I ended up ruining both my Jack Skellington hoodie and the jeans that I have on while cleaning the shower this morning. Angry
   When one's wardrobe is a palette of dark tones, one mustn't use bleach when cleaning. It's that simple. Perhaps browsing the "green" household cleaners at Target last night was something of an omen. Hmm...
   In any case, my mission is now to replace my damaged clothes. Been needing new ones for awhile anyway.

Angel Loves Friday The 13th! What a lucky day, eh? Tongue
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #73 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 4:42pm
Bright colours and bad shapes. Someone needs to admit that capri pants were a very bad idea. Grin

Grin Especially on us of less stature.   Cheesy

Didn't realize that your area had that sort of weather. Shocked It always looks so temperate on TV... Roll Eyes

ROTFL I wish. No we run the gambit. We get cold, wet, hot, dry, windy, nice, humid. Mostly a little bit of everything.  Roll Eyes
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #74 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 1:38am
Tanai: Quote:
Grin Especially on us of less stature. Cheesy

Quite true. Capris make the legs look shorter...not a problem for yours truly, but a common problem for many petite women.

ROTFL I wish. No we run the gambit. We get cold, wet, hot, dry, windy, nice, humid. Mostly a little bit of everything. Roll Eyes

Mother always said that variety is the spice of life. Roll Eyes Probably beats the daily hot/dry routine here though. Tongue

Hair: While watching me finger comb my hair this morning, my father said it looked thin and that I needed to cut it short and have it styled. I informed him that I'd already gone that route in my early 20's and came out looking like Jodie Foster. Not my thing. Tongue

Today's routine was a simple CWC + Detangling spray. Style was a flipped ponytail. Thank goodness for my flipping tool! It really has been an asset.

Tonight, I plan to try an overnight treatment with Suave Tropical Coconut conditioner in place of EVOO. Naturally, I'll follow with a WCC tomorrow.

Other: Our family friends from KS (surrogate family, really) are visiting after almost 2 years. It's awesome to see them again. Smiley They are far more accepting of technology than my parents - my KS "dad" showed my mother how to do simple things with her cell phone while my KS "mom" reset our wireless router and let me check out her MacBook (I like Macs). Smiley Mother was defiant, of course. Roll Eyes

A Victoria's Secret swim catalog came for me in the mail today and mother trashed it without even giving it to me. Angry I retrieved it and told her that the cover model reminded me of her in younger years. Unimpressed, she seized it, trashed it again and told me to stop wasting my money on them.
... Oy.

Later on, she told my KS "mom" that I can't cook, then spent at least half an hour talking about my ex-husband. Yup, she was on a roll today. *sigh*
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #75 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 6:22am
Later on, she told my KS "mom" that I can't cook, then spent at least half an hour talking about my ex-husband. Yup, she was on a roll today. *sigh*

Oh boy....time to get out the ear plugs! (((hugs))))
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #76 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 2:10pm
Quite true. Capris make the legs look shorter...not a problem for yours truly, but a common problem for many petite women.

Huzzah for long legs! However there are times when I would like to not be a top contender for most short waisted.  Tongue Roll Eyes

Mother always said that variety is the spice of life. Roll Eyes Probably beats the daily hot/dry routine here though. Tongue

Well we do get traditional four seasons here, instead of the SoCal set: earthquake, fire, flood, drought.  Roll Eyes Grin
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #77 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 3:27pm
Isabeau: Grin No kidding. *hugs*

Tanai: So you've stolen my figure as well, I see. Grin Although, technically, the waist is a horizontal line, not vertical. So there's no such thing as being "short waisted." Wink But I have a short torso & long limbs as well (aye, in addition to having spiderweb tresses, I'm also built like a daddy long-legs spider - a joy for any arachnophobe!) so I know how you must feel about being a mass of only bosom & bottom when you sit down. Grin

And flood?? My dear, I've only witnessed one flash flood in my entire life and it was wayyy up in the mountains during a sudden rain. Mostly, it's just drought, fire...and the odd earthquake on occasion. Roll Eyes

Hair: CWC this morning + Detangling spray on length + VO5 shine spray on the ends. I had to come into work early, so my hair is still drying...I think. Plus, it's raining cats & dogs outside. Cheesy I brought a hairtie and my pony flipping tool which I'll be using when I finally get a break.

Weather: Yep, it's raining again! Smiley Strong winds, too. My umbrella bent backwards as I tried to make my way across the parking lot at work. If anyone in the store was watching, they probably got a good laugh. Wind vs. Angel vs. umbrella. Roll Eyes Bloody useless contraptions!

Stuff: Out of sheer boredom, I visited the mall yesterday. Not the fashionable one that I usually go to, but the one nearest my house. Ohh yes, it's ghetto. Especially after they added the Walmart. Tongue And half of the stores are closed down and empty. But I realized 2 things: 1.) JCP does not carry khakis in my size. Period. 2.) The Icing has some cool stock right now. I had only a few minutes to check it out last night before they closed, so I plan to go back today. Yes, Miss Goth Couture does occasionally find decent adournments at stores like Claire's and The Icing. Shhhhh.... Wink Grin
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #78 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 4:17pm
So you've stolen my figure as well, I see. Grin

I prefer to think of it as my own unique interpretation.  Roll Eyes

Although, technically, the waist is a horizontal line, not vertical. So there's no such thing as being "short waisted." Wink

Huh Makes you wonder why they refer to it as such.  Roll Eyes

But I have a short torso & long limbs as well (aye, in addition to having spiderweb tresses, I'm also built like a daddy long-legs spider - a joy for any arachnophobe!)

LMAO  Grin

so I know how you must feel about being a mass of only bosom & bottom when you sit down. Grin


And flood?? My dear, I've only witnessed one flash flood in my entire life and it was wayyy up in the mountains during a sudden rain.

All I know is they show flooding in SoCal after like an 1" of rain on TV.  Huh Roll Eyes

If anyone in the store was watching, they probably got a good laugh. Wind vs. Angel vs. umbrella. Roll Eyes Bloody useless contraptions!

Grin I can one up you. I was trying to wrap up my auto close umbrella when it opened up on me again and I couldn't get it to close again.  Tongue Embarrassed Roll Eyes Grin I think someone did laugh, they were lucky I didn't bop them with the umbrella.  Cheesy
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #79 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 6:45pm
Now your ribbon is blue-what gives?
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #80 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 8:06pm
Tanai: Quote:
All I know is they show flooding in SoCal after like an 1" of rain on TV. Huh Roll Eyes

That might explain it. I can't recall the last time SoCal got a full inch of rain. Roll Eyes

I was trying to wrap up my auto close umbrella when it opened up on me again and I couldn't get it to close again. Tongue Embarrassed Roll Eyes Grin I think someone did laugh, they were lucky I didn't bop them with the umbrella. Cheesy

Grin Grin That's great. Let me guess, you no longer use umbrellas either? Roll Eyes

Sakina: Quote:
Now your ribbon is blue-what gives?

It's magic. Wink

Hair: Clarified, thank goodness. The new shower caps that I bought are too loose and made of a crunchier plastic. I don't dig them. Tongue
   Only leave-in was a light coating of EVOO while hair was still wet, just for detangling purposes. Now, hair is braided and just hangin' out.

Other: The kid from the warehouse at my work came by my office for some manila folders and music recommendations. I was happy to supply both. Wink

As for the blues/bad Elvis band, I don't think I'm going to participate after all. It's a disaster waiting to happen.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #81 - Feb 18th, 2009 at 3:15pm
Grin Grin That's great. Let me guess, you no longer use umbrellas either? Roll Eyes

Oftentimes no. Or I use the manual open/close ones that pinch fingers.  Tongue No more autos for me.  Roll Eyes
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #82 - Feb 19th, 2009 at 11:17am
(((((Hello my Angel, hugs)))))  Smiley

It's been quite a while, I wanted to drop in and say hi.  I caught up on your new journal quickly and seems like things are as rockin' as ever for you, that's awesome!  You're still working, still singing and still a long locked, beautiful goth Pantene sistah  Cool.  I miss being around the boards!

Your hair sounds gorgeous as always, and how could it be any other way with you taking such pristine care of it?  Cool how it came out red on your new license!  Yes, my hair is still short, actually a little shorter than last time as I got it cut again.  But, I think that was the last, it might be time to grow it back again, see how fast I can catch up to you!

Love ya!  Kiss
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #83 - Feb 19th, 2009 at 11:53am
Tanai: Strange. I have the automatic opening variety and it works fine, just a pain in the butt to carry around. Especially on windy days. Might as well just take my chances with the rain...it's just water, ya know? Roll Eyes

MAGGIE!!!!!!! *tackle hug* Grin Always great to see ya, sistah!
Yep, still working, singing and rocking the long locks. Now, I'm finding new ways to rock Pantene - blending with cheaper products really extends its life. Wink
   But you shouldn't have too much trouble catching up to me since my hair grows at almost half the normal rate. Roll Eyes
   Anywho, don't be a stranger, dearie. You're always welcome here.

Hair: CWC + Detangling spray the last 2 days. What else can I say? It just hangs there! Grin
   I think I might be growing weary of the scent of my light conditioner. Every time I take my hair out of its daily braid, it smells weird. Not bad, just weird. Undecided Perhaps the Suave Ocean Breeze scent doesn't compliment the white floral Pantene fragrance very well. I may switch back to the Soothing Lavender Lilac eventually. It's more goth anyway. Grin

Shtuff: Tuesday, I did a new mani with Revlon's Steel-Her Heart one hand at a time. I'm already sick of it. Tongue In fact, I didn't even put a topcoat on my left hand and I don't even care. Revlon polish goes on really streaky and is difficult to remove. After Monday, I might have to go running back to a plain ol' Sally Hansen black.

My toenails are screaming for attention as well, but I'm waiting until March. All of my rejected OPI polishes are being wasted on saved for pedicures since no one ever sees them anyway. Roll Eyes

So, this morning I have the early shift at work, and despite being pressed for time, I managed to get more put together than usual. Huh Doesn't make sense, but I'm not complaining! All of my jeans were dirty, so I pulled my slim fit cords from a drawer and paired them with a collared shirt with embroidered roses. 2 ball studs and 1 crystal stud in each ear, an intaglio rose necklace and an onyx pinkie ring. Oh, and work boots, of course. All black. And I actually made the effort to apply some concealer before I had to rush out the door.
   Shockingly, I also remembered to bring food and music to work with me. Wink

Weather-wise, it's been freezing for the past several nights. This morning, it was sunny, but everything was covered with ice...including my car. Roll Eyes
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #84 - Feb 20th, 2009 at 12:18pm
I call my umbrella "wand of rain prevention" because whenever I take it with me (just in case) it fails to rain.  It's huge, though, so at least it makes a good beating stick.  Just in case.  I rarely end up actually using it to keep the rain off me.

As for being "short-" or "long-waisted"  I always interpereted that as the vertical length of the portion of one's torso between the bottom of the ribs and the top of the pelvis.  On me, it is like half a centimeter (yes that's an exaggeration), so I can relate to the bottom/bosom thing.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #85 - Feb 20th, 2009 at 4:39pm
As for being "short-" or "long-waisted"  I always interpereted that as the vertical length of the portion of one's torso between the bottom of the ribs and the top of the pelvis.  On me, it is like half a centimeter (yes that's an exaggeration), so I can relate to the bottom/bosom thing.

That's me too!  Grin If mine's half an inch I'd be shocked.  Grin Roll Eyes
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #86 - Feb 20th, 2009 at 8:02pm
Skyfire & Tanai: The waistline is actually horizontal - the thinnest part of the body between ribs and hips. Everything else is just part of the torso, be it long or short. And short torsos seem to be common among short women. But hey, we can wear low rise pants without looking obscene. Grin

Hair: Did the usual WTC today. The treatment stayed in for over an hour while I put on a peel-off masque, cleaned my seamless combs and did laundry.
   Last night, I did an overnight conditioning treatment so my hair is all kinds of smooth today. And I just realized (again) that I should be at 26" by March 1st. Smiley

Other: Had to play "Chinese laundry" with my delicates today and either hang everything or lay it out to air dry before rushing off to work. If I threw it all in the dryer and let it run, my meddling mother would've inevitably found some way to mess with it. ... I'll give everything a short whirl in the dryer just for shape when she's not around. Better for the fabrics (and the electrical bill) that way anyway. Wink

On a personal front, the keyboard player for my father's band (no, not Moon Pie, thank goodness! Grin) came into the lobby where I work today for a visit after getting out of the traffic courthouse across the street. The man is over 45, with a young son, and has a crush on me. Roll Eyes It's so sad. Perhaps he's trying to impress me with his speeding ticket? Grin Anyway, we "talked shop" for a bit, which to us is music, then he went off to the store for earplugs. hehe As an employee, I get mine for free. Cool

On the financial front, today's payday! Smiley Thank you, Lord! Now, I must blow it all with reckless abandon and no regard for future emergencies - woohoo! Lips Sealed carefully consider what to spend it on and how much to save. Wink
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #87 - Feb 21st, 2009 at 3:34pm
btw, the green ribbon in yr avatar is my favorite so far.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #88 - Feb 23rd, 2009 at 5:34pm
Skyfire: Thanx, love. Smiley I've been in kind of a green mood lately, as even my shower products will attest to. I have neon green bodywash poofs, green apple light conditioner, a green shampoo blend and green handsoap. The main colour in my bathroom is also green. Grin

Hair: 3rd day CWC hair Undecided but I'll be braiding it soon anyway. Whatever.
Yesterday, I used twice the usual amount of EVOO on the length and ends before air drying and braiding my hair. When I took it down at the end of the night, it was soft, smooth and tangle-free. Even after going on several roller coasters. Cheesy

On Saturday, I discovered yet another new use for light conditioner: in-shower body lotion! I really should start a list. Grin

So yes, as I mentioned, I ran out of Suave Ocean Breeze light conditioner and am now using Juicy Green Apple. Updated product list coming soon. hehe

So Much For Saving: Went a little crazy over the weekend. Embarrassed I bought a gauze skirt from Charlotte that I returned this morning, a black amethyst shower gel from Bath & Body Works (just for the bottle, really), and some new accessories from The Icing. Wink Cubic zirconia earrings for the 2nd and 3rd holes in my ears, a black rose barrette/pin with black lace and feathers, a thin, black sequin scarf, a peacock feather headband, a peacock feather hairstick and a black aurora borealis crystal bracelet (to match the peacock feather hair toys, of course!). I also ordered 3 pairs of new pants from JC Penney.

Disneyland: Was fun even though my sis & her bf didn't show. For the first time, I joined my parents when they had cocktails and lobster nachos at Disney's California Adventure. Of course, I didn't partake of either Shocked but my mother said that they had excellent virgin drinks and ordered one for me. Heavens to Murgatroid, was she right! I had what they called a "lava smoothie," which I guess was like a virgin piña colada with tart raspberry syrup.
   And just because you can't go to Disneyland without dropping mad coin, I bought a new purple acrylic skull and a black Primal Elements candle with a rhinestone fleur de lis. There's also a cute Jack sweatshirt that I really like, but it will have to wait.
   Anyway, good times were had by all. Mother & I took the front seats on the return trip and sang along to old tunes on the satellite radio while dad snored in the back. The whole gang made it back to our place by 9:30.

Laptopless: No new laptop yet. Possibly tonight. We'll see.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #89 - Feb 24th, 2009 at 4:34pm
Hair: 4th day CWC. Tongue Today was supposed to be clarifying day, but there was a slight change of plans. I was up at 6 AM and hair was washed, sprayed and braided by 11:30 when I got to work. Yes, very early hours, I know. Tongue I'll clarify tomorrow.

Also mixed up another conditioner blend, but I probably won't use it until Thursday. There's still just enough remnants in "empty" bottles of Full & Thick and Moisture Renewal conditioner that I can get a day's use out of them...if I shake them hard enough. Roll Eyes No need to be wasteful.
    Soon it will be time to make another shampoo blend as well. After going over my stock of shower supplies this morning, I concluded that I probably have enough shampoo and bodywash to last through the year. Perhaps I should look into getting a Costco membership so I can buy Moisture Renewal conditioner in bulk. I go through 12.6 oz. of the stuff in 2 weeks.

Still Laptopless: Well, Best Buy's laptop selection this week is crap, so I won't be buying a new one anytime soon. Tongue Must keep watching the ads.
    As for the old one, I'll see about donating or recycling it.

Other Stuff: The reason I had to get up and ready so early this morning was because we were having our carpets cleaned when I would usually be in the shower, starting my day. I had almost finished rinsing the conditioner out of my hair when my father pounded on the bathroom door, demanding that I get out because our KS guests needed in. Their return flight left this morning. Sad
    After bidding them farewell and readying the house for the cleaners, my father & I opened the cards that our KS guests had left on the kitchen table for us. Enclosed in mine was a $50 Best Buy giftcard. Smiley I love those guys.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #90 - Feb 25th, 2009 at 3:28pm
The gift card was a nice surprise!   Smiley  Maybe Best Buy will have a kick-arse sale on laptops soon... 
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #91 - Feb 25th, 2009 at 5:43pm
Trisha: One can only hope, right?

Hair: Finally clarified, and finished off my 33 oz. bottle of Pantene Full & Thick conditioner. My only leave-in was a bit of EVOO, so hair is kinda greasy in places, but I'll be braiding it in less than an hour so it won't matter. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for a serum that's free of alcohol and oil.

4 days until it's time to measure again. I know I have at least 26". Smiley

Shtuff: My new pants have shipped, so I'm watching obsessively for a package. And that will only be half the battle. I'll still need to see if they fit properly once they arrive.

This morning, I woke up with half a voice. I may be coming down sick. Sad

Also, my sunglasses fell apart and I forgot to bring a spoon to work so I can't eat much. I also had to park about a hundred miles from my office because everyone and their friggin' grandmother was in the parking lot. Oh, and I clocked in late when I was hoping to do the opposite. It's been a day already. Tongue

Nails are bare and longer than I'm comfortable with. I may have to clip them even though I know that's bad for them. They've gone too long without being filed down.

Anywho, I'm off to OD on chamomile tea & peppermints.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #92 - Feb 26th, 2009 at 1:15pm
This morning, I woke up with half a voice. I may be coming down sick.  Sad

Tongue I've been battling a bout of sinusitis for more than a week. I've only managed to keep in bearable with a strong dose of vitamin C. Even still I still have headaches, sneezing, stuffiness etc. ... Unfortunately tis the season.  Tongue Then in about a month or so I get to look forward to allergies! ...yeah![/sarcasm]
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #93 - Feb 26th, 2009 at 1:43pm
Well, it's official. I've fallen under the weather. Again. Tongue
All but about 25% of my voice is gone. I have only a raspy lower range that sounds kind of like Miley Cyrus after a 30-year chain smoking habit. If I speak very quietly, I lose the rasp and almost sound like Jessica Rabbit. Grin So that's my entertainment for the day.
   Oh, and I forgot to bring my black cherry Halls to work, which sucks because I'm on the phone all day. Tongue

Last night, I got fed up with my nails and did a total overhaul. They're now short, black and maaad shiny.

A co-worker walked through my office this morning and asked about my favourite TV shows. I told him that I didn't really watch TV (on the whole, I can't stand it)...then he brought up Abby from NCIS and I knew exactly whom he was talking about. Did I remind him of her somehow? Roll Eyes He told me that she was from New Orleans, which I didn't know. And I told him that the actress who plays her is blonde in real life, which he didnt' know. heh

Anyway, hair. Not much to say. Just the usual CWC, Detangling spray, braid routine. All's well.

Haha. Another co-worker just left my office. She said that I needed to smile more, which led to a conversation about sickness and our freaking schizo weather lately. It's hot, it's cold, it's dry, it's raining...no one's body knows what to do and we're all getting sick as a result. Makes me wonder how people in places like Denver get on with their weather changing at the drop of a hat. Roll Eyes
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #94 - Feb 27th, 2009 at 10:08am
We have that problem here in Missouri, too.  The saying goes if you don't like the weather in Missouri, wait 5 minutes and it'll change.  Funny yet true.   Tongue  Plus the area where I live sits right next to the Mississippi river, so we've got that complicating things too.  Someone in my office of 16 people is sick at any given time...hacking, coughing, sneezing.  Blech.  The only cure is to move to a different part of the country that isn't seasonal.  *shrug*  Or have a kick-arse immune system like mine.   Cool
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #95 - Feb 27th, 2009 at 3:23pm
...In Maybelline I trust...  Grin I concur.  Wink Though Ulta is winning my love at the moment. Roll Eyes
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #96 - Feb 27th, 2009 at 7:19pm
Tanai: Never been to an Ulta store...most of the ones in Cali are northwest of me.

Trisha: SoCal has only 2 seasons: summer and the other season that isn't. With some spastic weather convulsions in between. Roll Eyes

My Nose Runneth Over: Trying to sleep through post nasal drip last night was a joke. I ran a fever and my glands swelled, then there was having to blow my nose every 10 seconds or so. Roll Eyes Good times.
    After taking some Advil, turning off my electric blanket and playing some ambient rain CD's, I finally managed to catch a few more z's.
    Temperature is fluctuating, but so long as I have Advil and black cherry Halls nearby (and tons of Kleenex), I'll be functional. My voice is back to about 85%, though I still haven't dared to sing. And I can actually breathe today, which means sleeping tonight should be much easier. Thank God! I was dreading another 3-weeker. Tongue

Hair: Friday WTC. Actually bothered to squeeze the excess water out of the length with my microfiber towel before applying the treatment. Let it work it's magic for over an hour while I did laundry and poked around online, then rinsed and followed with light conditioner as usual. Leave-in's were Detangling spray and EVOO. The latter, of course, made my hair greasy, so braiding was mandatory once it dried.

Stuff: Tracked my JCP order and my new metro pants left Sacramento this morning. They should be in LA by tonight *crosses fingers* which means they should be on my doorstep quite soon. Cheesy God, please let them fit!
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #97 - Feb 28th, 2009 at 7:04am
SoCal has only 2 seasons: summer and the other season that isn't. With some spastic weather convulsions in between.  

Lol! In Canada we have two seasons as well: Winter and construction!  Grin  Hope your feeling better soon! Smiley
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #98 - Mar 1st, 2009 at 6:16am
Ugh...another cold.  Hope you better soon!
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #99 - Mar 2nd, 2009 at 8:32pm
La Diosa & Isabeau: Thanks. Smiley

Recovery: It's been a week now and I'm finally almost well. Speaking voice is back to about 90% and I can even sing a little bit. It's good to be able to do the Roy Orbison growl again. Grin Strength & volume will return once all of the nasty phlegm is gone. Tongue

Hair: 3rd day CWC. Hair stayed down all yesterday to measure and my VO5 shine spray made the ends really dry. Tongue Over the weekend, I noticed that my Pantene Detangling spray was more than half gone, so I filled the rest of the bottle with Suave Kids leave-in spray & mixed them. Is it just me or does the combination not work as well as Pantene by itself? Huh Oh well.
   Today's leave-in's were the new leave-in spray blend & EVOO. Hair is in a flipped ponytail. And once again, I'm on the fence with oils and considering switching to ELOO after my EVOO bottle is empty. If ELOO doesn't work any better, I might abandon the oiling idea altogether.

Also, after 6 weeks & 1 day, my shampoo blend ran out, so I had to make a new one this morning. The new combo is Pantene Full & Thick with Suave Extreme Strength and just a liiiittle bit of spring water. Smiley

Goth 101: So today, Angel was graced with the amusing task of explaining to a young co-worker that just because he listens to an emo band does not, in fact, make him emo. Grin Also that age can be a useful gauge when distinguishing a true goth from an emo brat (we'll touch on originality, style, music and maturity later, I'm sure).
   He was astute enough to guess that Edgar Allan Poe's work was gothic, but I had to inform him that Gen Y vampire novels like the Twilight series are not (don't even get me started on Anne Rice ...).
   Tragically, Angel also had to point out that Bram Stoker's Dracula was a book long before it was a movie. ... Hey, this kid's extremely sheltered. But at least he was smart enough to go to the source rather than making assumptions or asking people who wouldn't know.

So, keep the questions coming, kiddies. Information for you, entertainment for yours truly. Grin
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« Last Edit: Mar 18th, 2009 at 6:23pm by N/A »  
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #100 - Mar 3rd, 2009 at 9:49am
Re:  Goth 101...I'm glad the boy was at least smart enough to ask your opinion/advice.  One at a time, eh?   Smiley
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #101 - Mar 3rd, 2009 at 1:33pm
Glad you're on your way to recovery!  Good to hear you feel better.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
WWW Curlgirl64  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #102 - Mar 3rd, 2009 at 7:17pm
Trisha: Quote:
Re: Goth 101...I'm glad the boy was at least smart enough to ask your opinion/advice. One at a time, eh? Smiley

Better than none, I guess. Roll Eyes But yeah, I'm always a willing teacher. hehe

Curlgirl64: Quote:
Glad you're on your way to recovery! Good to hear you feel better.

Aww, thanks, hon. Smiley

Hair: Went through the usual clarifying wash routine and decided to condition with Pantene's Moisturizing treatment. Left that in for an hour while I did laundry and stuff, then rinsed, oiled, air dried and braided. The length is greasy from the EVOO, which might defeat the purpose of clarifying just a little. Undecided Oh well.

It should also be noted that this year was the first time I've gotten only 1/4" growth for February. I usually get 1/2". Also...I have enough shampoo to last through the year. Wink

Other Stuff: My new metro pants arrived yesterday and fit perfectly. Cheesy Well, ok, the legs are just a liiiittle short, so I can't let them shrink. Everything else is perfect though. heh Angel can wear petite sizes after all...who knew?
   So I washed them this morning and hung them up to dry. The cool things about these pants are that they don't wear out or fade like jeans do, they allow for way more freedom of movement, they're fashion neutral (can be dressed up or down) and take less time to wash than my jeans, which means less water use. So huzzah for fashion and efficiency!

Now I need to find some new shoes to go with them. They'll put my old Ariats to shame. Roll Eyes
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #103 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 8:28pm
i want more goth 101 so i can be less of a noob u already have me listning to goth bands preach sistahh Tongue
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #104 - Mar 5th, 2009 at 1:40pm
Fisher2: Grin Grin Not to worry. That won't be my last Goth 101 section by far.

Hair: 2nd day CWC with leave-in spray on the length and EVOO on the ends. Hair is surprisingly smooth and cooperative this morning, so I've pinned the sides up with barrettes and left the rest down. Smiley

Other Stuff: My new pants smell weird. Undecided Even after washing them...and using body spray on them. Undecided I suppose it might be the Colorguard coating or whatever they use to prevent fading...it's a very chemical smell, but bleh! Tongue I hope a few more washings will take care of it.
    The legs are indeed too short, so I'm going to order from the regular misses sizes next time. Angel is a tiny thing, but doesn't fit the proportional "petite" mould very well. Undecided
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #105 - Mar 5th, 2009 at 7:42pm
this dont have goth 101 Sad *sad panda*
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #106 - Mar 6th, 2009 at 2:11pm
The legs are indeed too short, so I'm going to order from the regular misses sizes next time. Angel is a tiny thing, but doesn't fit the proportional "petite" mould very well. Undecided

Gah why do they always insist that because we're petite we must have short legs.  Angry ... Most pairs of petites are too short, most pairs of regulars are too long.  Tongue I own both, except only one pair of petites which are surprisingly long enough. Quite a few of the regulars need to be worn with heels of some sort or be hemmed. *sigh* They need to learn not everyone's 5'8" with exceedingly long legs or 5' with short legs. Inbetweenies tend to have pant issues.  Tongue
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #107 - Mar 9th, 2009 at 4:58pm
Tanai: That's what tailours are for. Wink

Hair: 3rd day CWC hair. Leave-in spray on length, EVOO on ends. At the moment, it's still air drying from my shower at 10 AM. So far, I've taken 2 Biotin tablets today.

Over the weekend, I picked up 2 more Suave light conditioners. Both Soothing Lavender Lilac. *shrug*

Nails: Did a new pedicure yesterday: black base with black rainbow over. Looks decent enough, but I'm glad that I save my OPI polish for my toes. I can't stand it anymore. Tongue

Also started a new mani yesterday and finished it this morning. Sally Hansen Salon formula in shooting star - a highly reflective and shimmery silver. The texture is too rough to shine well, which is common among sparkly polishes, so I'm not in love with it. Undecided But I think it would look rather nice over a black base. We'll see.

While waiting for the new mani to dry this morning, I experimented a bit with some of my polishes. I made a pretty sick dark topcoat with a mix of Maybelline clear, Cover Girl's boundless color in city lights and OPI's my private jet. The combination made a brilliant black rainbow that sparkles in the bottle and should look sweet over dark nail shades. Cool

I also played around a bit with black bases, seeing which other colours would look good over them. Black bases give sinister depth to bold or pale metallic shades. Wink

Other: The family's having our taxes done today. Finally! If I get a return at all, I plan to buy a new laptop. Not having one kinda sucks and I'm going to need one eventually anyway.

Tomorrow, my boss is going to the corporate location in LA to meet with a few of the managers and discuss the future of my mother's and my position. It's said that our duties will change, but mother believes that they will dissolve our position entirely. She's been near hysterical for months.
   But, as usual with life-altering changes, I'm not the least bit rattled or even surprised. She's been waving the last lap flag and talking "doomsday" for years. And even if she's right this time, there's nothing that either one of us can do about it. Of course, I'll keep an eye out for other opportunities, but I'm the kind to wait and see what happens, when it happens, if it happens rather than getting caught up in the hype.  Roll Eyes
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #108 - Mar 10th, 2009 at 4:49pm
Hair: Clarified today. A little EVOO on the ends & length, as usual.
    Lately, every time I do something "special" for my hair, like clarify or deep condition, I find myself wondering how and if I'll be able to do these things when I start working full time again. The easy answer is no. I will have to come up with alternatives for both that won't make the 'rents freak out. Not to mention time constraints...
    Naturally, it will be a different story when I'm able to live on my own again.

Stuff: Good Lordy, have I been busy! At work, at home and everywhere in between. In the evenings, I've been skipping power walks and crashing early, which isn't like me at all. Undecided
    Also been dealing with a friend's emo issues. ... Don't get me wrong, I try my best to help the guy, but I've got my own $#&% to deal with and he has to help himself first.

Sent out 3 résumés yesterday. Heard back from a staffing agency. ... Totally figures.

Anyway, work's crazy so I must get back to it. Ciao!
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #109 - Mar 11th, 2009 at 11:40am
Hair: Couldn't sleep, so I got up at around 4:30 AM and figured I'd just start getting ready for work since I had the early shift anyway. Hopped into the shower & did a CWC. Leave-in's are the usual spray conditioner blend on the length and a little EVOO on the ends/underside for insulation.
    It's been bloody cold lately! 60's during the day and below 50 at night. This morning, I decided not to take any chances with my hair and tucked it under my cloche hat before going out to my car. By the time I arrived at work, it was warm enough that I didn't need it.
    As of now, my hair has dried completely and is ridiculously soft. I've finger combed through it, but won't be able to braid it for at least another hour.

Work: No news yet on the fate of my position, though I imagine it has been decided. After going through the term files this year, I realize that many of them were for people who hadn't worked for the company as long as I have. I've run across quite a few names that I recognized - people who hired on after me and termed before me. It may be an omen.

Other Stuff: Decided to spoil myself a bit yesterday and bought a glittery black liquid eyeliner from Sephora. Cheesy Also indulged myself some chocolate raspberry goodness from Godiva. It's been a pretty rotten week, but I'm feeling better. Smiley
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #110 - Mar 12th, 2009 at 5:03pm
Hair: CWC + leave-in spray + EVOO. That's become the usual routine. Left it to air dry, as always, but for some reason, it's just looking ratty today. I'm definitely going to braid it when I get a break at work and get it out of the way.

I'm still harvesting, taking Biotin and all that good stuff.

Work: The boss returned today, but with no news on the fate of my position. Mother says they probably won't know until next week. I'll be faxing my rez to someone else today.
   Gawd, the lady in the office behind mine is eating something that smells like the most heavenly garlic bread!

Health: Power walking has resumed. Last night, I walked the usual 2 mile route with 2 lb. weights on each ankle. My iPod has only 2 songs on it so far that match my walk rhythm exactly: Love Like Winter by AFI and Stiff Kittens by Blaqk Audio. Music augments the endurance of any workout. I love my little iPod! Cheesy
   Sometimes I wish that I had some kind of rave jewelry, like glow bracelets or something, to be safer on the street since I wear black and walk at night.

Other Stuff: My grandfather and his gf will be in town in less than an hour. Cheesy We've certainly had our share of house guests this month! Hmm...wonder if we'll go to Disneyland over the weekend.
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #111 - Mar 12th, 2009 at 5:44pm
wallmarts 3$ for jelly bracelets i have 2000 in neon green and black
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #112 - Mar 13th, 2009 at 10:13am
Enjoy the visit with grandpa!   Cool
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #113 - Mar 13th, 2009 at 6:06pm
Fisher2: I already have tons of black jelly bracelets. I was referring to something that glowed or lit up.

Trisha: Smiley I did, though it was rather brief. Last night, I went with the 'rents, my grandfather and his gf to the Roadhouse for dinner. One of those places where you throw peanut shells on the floor.

This weekend: The 'rents, grandpa and his gf are touring Catalina and the Queen Mary, so I'll have the house to myself. Smiley Definitely going to do a new mani for St. Patrick's Day.

Hair: Last night, I did an overnight conditioning treatment with Suave Tropical Coconut. Today was the usual Friday WTC, using up the last of my Pantene Moisturizing treatment. My only leave-in was the spray conditioner blend. I didn't bring any hair toys to work with me, so the hair is staying down. I need to leave it down more often anyway.

Weather: Warm during the day...usually. It breaks 70. Nights have been insanely cold. Too cold to walk last night, sadly.

Skin: Horrendous at the moment. I refuse to go out in public - work is bad enough. I've stopped using my moisturizer as I suspect it may be the culprit, and the weekend will be a blur of hair and face treatments. And AIM. And candles. And darkness. Weeee!

Anyway, happy Friday the 13th, all! It's our last until November.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #114 - Mar 15th, 2009 at 2:35am
Hair: CWC this morning. Leave-in spray blend on the length, EVOO on the ends and underside. The ends are to the point where they can no longer survive without oil. 'Tis the unfortunate norm when growing for length. The ends dry out after a month or two...and I'm not due for another trim for 3 months yet. Ah well.
    Anyway, today's style was the usual single braid. Nothing fancy...I can't be fancy these days. Angry

Skin: A gradual improvement? It's tough to tell at this point. Had to brave horrified stares when I dared to venture out in public (under the bright lights of Wally World, no less!) for a new masque and moisturizer. I went about my business, not making eye contact with anyone but knowing bloody well what they all saw. As a reward, I bought 2 new nail polishes: Sally Hansen Salon laquer in Pat On The Black and Navy Baby. Très gothique. Wink Then it was back to the batcave.

Nails: Oh yes, a new mani. One coat of black and one coat of metallic green. It didn't turn out as wicked looking as I'd hoped. Undecided In fact, I'm not sure that this particular shade of green is doing my skin tone any favours. But it's something.

Anywho, I'm off to put away my new nail polishes, drench my hair in EVOO and admire the flicker of real candles for one last night. Cheers!
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #115 - Mar 16th, 2009 at 4:57pm
Hair: Did a WTC yesterday and a CWC this morning. Leave-in spray blend & EVOO both days. The length and ends are behaving quite well, but there are a great many short hairs at the top...either breakage or new growth. Undecided It's ok though because once dry, they straighten out, lay down and conform with the rest of the style du jour.
    Speaking of which, today's is a flipped ponytail.

It's Not Easy Being Green: Last night, my mother noticed my nails under the kitchen light and said that they were pretty, but agreed that this particular shade of green wasn't terribly flattering to my skin tone.
    Later, when my sister joined the lot of us for dinner, she too noticed my green nails and compared them to emerald euphoria beetles (euphoria fulgida). Tongue Oddly enough, the same thought crossed my mind when I first applied the black and green paint. So now I get to ring in St. Patty's day with "festive" bug nails. Tongue

Other Stuff: On the subject of St. Patty's day, my father's b-day is tomorrow and the whole family is going to Disneyland. I have to leave work early to catch a ride with my sister and her bf when they go.

Fashion wise, I managed to put myself together today to see whether or not I'd be able to get away with it tomorrow. The ensemble is black slacks, a plum v-neck tee over a black scoop neck, a black beaded choker, slim, black bracelets, black ball earrings and a reconstructive makeup job. And I made it to work early, even after hitting Starbucks on the way. Wink God willing, I'll have the same sort of luck tomorrow.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #116 - Mar 17th, 2009 at 3:37pm
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my fellow Irish lasses. Smiley

Luck was on my side again this morning and I was able to get put together and into work early. Almost an hour earlier than yesterday!

The hair got a CWC + leave-in spray + EVOO on the ends as usual. It's a bit greasy, but I'll be braiding it in a few hours. In the mean time, it's air drying.

Had a few makeup revelations yesterday. One being that I'll no longer be wearing traditional eyeliner. It doesn't do my eyes any favours. Another being that buying loose white talcum powder from Amphigory is a waste of coin. I can go the old school goth route and get a 15 oz. bottle of cornstarch baby powder (oil-free, with aloe & vitamin e!) from Wally World for like $2. Duh, Angel. Roll Eyes

So today, I'm sporting a blend of Maybelline Shine Free loose powder, Amphigory white loose powder and cornstarch baby powder and all seems well. Also, just eyeshadow on the top lid - no liner. Both are decided improvements to my look, budget and routine. Smiley

That's all for today. Tonight, I'll be at Disneyland. Cool
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #117 - Mar 18th, 2009 at 12:44pm
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my fellow Irish lasses. Smiley

I still like to hold out hope that there's some Irish in my blood somewhere.  Roll Eyes

Had a few makeup revelations yesterday. One being that I'll no longer be wearing traditional eyeliner. It doesn't do my eyes any favours.

I use dark eyeshadows as eyeliner. Either by itself or combined with a similiar/same shade on the lid. It's less harsh then regular eyeliner, but with the same effect. A nice angled eyeliner brush from a drugstore is what I use. Just a thought.  Smiley
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #118 - Mar 18th, 2009 at 4:52pm
Disneyland: Insanely crowded. Particularly with young children, which is most unusual for a Tuesday. Huh My family wondered if elementary schools were on spring break already. Wait times for most of the rides were just under an hour. My poor grandpa and his gf paid $48 extra to get into California Adventure and only got to do one ride. My sister, her bf and I didn't get to go on many rides inside Disneyland park either...although we were entertained by one of the butlers at the Haunted Mansion.
    He started by commending me for not wearing green on St. Patrick's day, but I held up my nails to correct him. Then he said that he appreciated the fact that they were dark green as opposed to bright, gesturing toward my sister's spring green shirt. Grin He looked at everyone else in line and remarked, "They're all poseurs! We've been wearing this colour for years!" The Haunted Mansion uniforms are, of course, dark green.
    Then, he applauded me for wearing black because it was suitable for mourning the beloved friends and family who had passed. With a snarky grin, he added, "And the behated ones as well." Grin And of course, he did all of this with a forced British accent.
    Lastly, he entertained the lot of us with physical slapstick before letting us into the foyer. My sister and I remarked later that it was great to see a cast member who so enjoyed their job.

Anyway, my family stayed until after the fireworks show was over. We were all quite tired and sick of the crowds. My sister's bf slept on the drive home, even while she and I macked on In-N-Out. Wink Before that, all I'd had to eat was the Dole whip that her bf bought me outside the Tiki Room. I think I finally made it to bed around 1 AM.

Hair: This morning, I finally got to clarify. It's nice to get really clean after a day at Disneyland. Something about crowded public places, I guess. Roll Eyes
    In any case, today's only leave-in was a bit of EVOO, which left the length greasy in some places and smooth in others. It will all be braided before long.

Other: Will power is not my friend of late and I've not been fighting it very well. I seem to have an overwhelming, compulsive urge to spend money because, quite frankly, I'm sick of doing without!

On that note, I've all but decided to get my father a b-day card and an ice cream cake from Cold Stone because he didn't enjoy Disneyland at all.
    And there are a few little (terribly gothy) items that have been calling to me as well. Heh heh. Old habits are hard to break... Roll Eyes
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #119 - Mar 19th, 2009 at 6:02pm
Tanai: Quote:
I use dark eyeshadows as eyeliner. Either by itself or combined with a similiar/same shade on the lid. It's less harsh then regular eyeliner, but with the same effect. A nice angled eyeliner brush from a drugstore is what I use. Just a thought. Smiley

*nods* I do the same thing, but with a lipliner brush. Except wearing eyeliner by itself, that is. Most people can get away with that look, but it doesn't work for me at all. Tongue

Hair: CWC today, with an ACV rinse before the last conditioning. My bottle of Suave Juicy Green Apple conditioner is no more, so current daily hair products are:
  • Suave Soothing Lavender Lilac conditioner
  • Pantene Full & Thick/Suave Extreme Strength shampoo blend
  • Pantene Moisture Renewal conditioner
  • Pantene Detangling/Suave Kids leave-in conditioner spray blend
  • EVOO

For clarifying:
  • Pantene Purity shampoo
  • ACV
  • Pantene Moisture Renewal conditioner

  • Pantene Fortifying deep conditioner
  • Pantene Nourishing mask
  • Suave Tropical coconut conditioner (overnight)
  • EVOO (overnight)

Only had time for 1 leave-in today which was the conditioning spray blend, so naturally, the ends are a little dry. I was in a bit of a hurry this morning, as usual. Roll Eyes

Oh My Goth: Tried out a homemade paling masque after my shower this morning. No notable difference after the first use, so it either has to be done repeatedly over time or I'm too pale already for it to affect me. Grin

Still gothifying my shower stuff as well. Before trashing my rusted shower caddy, I decided to try and save it first with a fresh coat of paint. We didn't have any white spray paint, so I turned the whole thing silver. Smiley Should look pretty spiffy with my gawthy shower stuff in it.

Other Stuff: Stopped by Cold Stone on the way home from work yesterday and got a cake for my dad. Devil's food with mint & chip ice cream and little Oreos on top. And they offered to write him a b-day message. Then, it sat in my car for a bit while I popped into Target for a card.
   After the group of us (my parents, my grandfather, his gf and myself) had dinner at Olive Garden, I called my sister over to the house and presented dear old dad with his stuff. The cake was quite good (despite the frosting turning everyone's teeth green Grin).
   So I'm now the official b-day saver. Have a crappy b-day? Angel will fix everything, or at least do what she can. Wink Grin
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #120 - Mar 20th, 2009 at 11:22am
Angel will fix everything, or at least do what she can

Somebody has to save the day...it may as well be us.   Cool
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #121 - Mar 20th, 2009 at 3:41pm
Tried out a homemade paling masque after my shower this morning. No notable difference after the first use, so it either has to be done repeatedly over time or I'm too pale already for it to affect me.  Grin

Psst, milk helps with redness.  Wink

So I'm now the official b-day saver. Have a crappy b-day? Angel will fix everything, or at least do what she can. Wink Grin

Good to know, seeing as mine's right around the bend.  Wink Grin
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #122 - Mar 20th, 2009 at 4:18pm
Trisha: Quote:
Somebody has to save the day...it may as well be us. Cool

Grin Why does that remind me of Mighty Mouse for some reason? Roll Eyes

Tanai: Quote:
Psst, milk helps with redness. Wink

As a matter of fact, the recipe I used was 50% milk. Cheesy

Good to know, seeing as mine's right around the bend. Wink Grin

I shall keep that in mind. Wink

Hair: Friday = WTC. Of course, I had to be a bonehead and forget to bring the Fortifying treatment into the shower with me. Roll Eyes So after the "washing" stage of the shower was done, I had to jump out of it and run to my room to retrieve the treatment from my armoire (of course I was wearing a towel - filthy minds!). Then jumped back in and all was well.
After treating and rinsing, I got to break in my new bottle of Suave Lavender Lilac conditioner. The fragrance is ok with me now. Rather bathroom-y, but when combined with the white floral scent of Pantene conditioners, it actually kind of smells like one of my favourite perfumes. Cheesy
   Today's leave-in's were the spray conditioner blend and EVOO. As of now, hair is still quite damp. I'll braid it later as usual.

Other Stuff: Before rinsing the conditioning treatment out, I filled the bathtub, added milk and baking soda (yup, another paling recipe), and soaked for 10 minutes. Ahhh...  Smiley

Sadly, my rusted shower caddy couldn't be saved, so I had to toss it. But Target has a big, shiny chrome caddy that might make a lovely replacement...and today just happens to be payday. Wink
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #123 - Mar 23rd, 2009 at 5:57pm
Hair: 3rd day CWC + leave-in spray blend + EVOO. Style du jour is a flipped ponytail.
   The new shower caddy is working beautifully! And I've been looking at a few toiletry bottles in different styles and sizes that could make simple lotions and cleansers look like witch potions! Grin

Work: Actually got to work a full day today as mother has fallen very ill. I wish her well, but certainly don't mind the extra hours. Wink

Weather: Spring is uncommonly late this year. Huh The highs have barely reached 70 and we're usually well into the 80's by now. I'm all about cold weather, but when paired with blindingly bright sunny days, it seems terribly odd. That's how SoCal does winter: cold, dry, sunny.
   We did get rain yesterday, but after a few hours, the sun was back and the sky was clear and blue again. Perhaps winter's farewell.

Nails: Well, the green beetle mani is no more. Yesterday, I thought I'd give Revlon's Midnight Affair a shot. The colour is nice - sort of reminds me of a Pantene bottle cap - but the finish is dreadful. It looks pretty in the bottle, but once applied, it goes totally flat, losing all depth and lustre. I'll keep it around, however, in case I someday get the urge to use it under silver or sweep a little glitter on top.

Other Stuff: Bought 2 new Sephora eyeshadows over the weekend. Matte #7 - a rich burgundy purple in the pot that turns into more of a plum colour on skin. Strass #1  - white with silver glitter that I actually bought to use as a skin highlighter. Most people use blush or bronzer to get a healthy, radiant, sunny glow, but we pallid, gothy types tend to do the opposite. Wink Also spotted a shade of Make Up Forever Star Powder in white with a pale blue sheen. Thought it might make an interesting blush alternative.

ETA: I just realized that today marks 3 years since my paternal grandmother's passing.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #124 - Mar 24th, 2009 at 1:18pm
Strass #1  - white with silver glitter that I actually bought to use as a skin highlighter. Most people use blush or bronzer to get a healthy, radiant, sunny glow, but we pallid, gothy types tend to do the opposite. Wink

I only use the lightest application of blush, otherwise I look like a zombie. I use a mica infused lotion as an all over highlighter under my foundation. Gives my skin a nice soft glow. But yes same concept since the flecks are a pearlescent white. I look like a freak if I use bronzer.  Tongue Roll Eyes
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #125 - Mar 24th, 2009 at 4:23pm
Tanai: Grin The zombie look is rather appreciated in my subculture. Wink

Hair: Tuesday = clarifying day, but today, I decided to try something new. Not knowing whether my father was working this morning, I had to find a way to shorten my shower. So I cut out the 2nd wash...and you know what? Not much of a difference from what I can tell! So now I know I can get away with doing a clarifying wash any day of the week without getting screamed at. Joy. Roll Eyes

Today's only leave-in was a bit of EVOO, of course. And I'll be braiding in a few hours. All's well there. So...

Onto Crappier News: Plans have been set into motion to eliminate my position at work. The official announcement will come later, of course, but we're aware. It's been a long time coming.
   So now, Angel must get quite serious about finding a new job, which she realizes won't be so easy with such an economy. Undecided But it will happen. I refuse to get counterproductive and freak out.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #126 - Mar 25th, 2009 at 4:40am
I'm really sorry about the news regarding your job and I'm also sorry I have no words of comfort in these times.  Waiting in limbo must be so hard.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #127 - Mar 25th, 2009 at 1:10pm
I refuse to get counterproductive and freak out.

You certainly shouldn't I've got the best advice right in my siggy |
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #128 - Mar 25th, 2009 at 6:45pm
Drear: It's alright. $#&% happens...life goes on. ...

Tanai: It's true that humour can be found in most situations...but certainly not all.

Hair: This morning, I got up yet again before my father had gone to work, so I stayed in my room for awhile and enjoyed a Godiva "blood" bar while listening to a classical compilation CD. Then I fingercombed my hair and did a scalp massage until my arms got tired. After that, it was off to the shower...after another fingercombing to remove tangles, of course.
    Just the usual CWC today with the usual leave-in's...and the usual style. Didn't have time for anything fancy. But I did get a lot of other things done. Like laundry, dishes, shaving, masquing and cleaning all of my combs. Roll Eyes

Last night, I went out in search of another clarifying shampoo as I'd all but run out of my Pantene Purity. Target was the only store in town that carried the 25.4 oz. size bottle. However, once I got there, I found myself comparing prices and ingredients...and I actually walked out with a different clarifying shampoo. Herbal Essences Drama Clean. ... I know, right? I've been beside myself ever since. Embarrassed But that, I realized, is a good indication of how important it is to me to remain true to Pantene. So the next time I need clarifying shampoo, I'll get Purity, as I should have last night.
    In the mean time, I'll have this new stuff, which actually doesn't seem too bad at first glance. The ingredients are comparable to Pantene Purity - only with natural extracts in place of panthenol - and it smells great! I even put it in my empty Pantene Purity bottle and diluted it a bit with high quality bottled water, since I'm fond of the "soft" feeling it gives my shampoos.
    So yeah...it's something new. Why not?

Music: Been awhile since we've seen that category in here, eh? As it happens, the former members of Picus Maximus are getting together at Lizard's place for a jam session tonight. I've been brushing up on the harmonies that I'd abandoned months ago and am surprised at how much I remember.
    It's just for laughs, really, but we all miss hanging out and none of us have other plans tonight. Well, ok...I was going to drive through Old Town after work this evening and possibly get out and put my camera phone to the test... but that's nothing I can't do tomorrow.
    So again...why not?
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #129 - Mar 25th, 2009 at 8:00pm
Hang in there girl! Smiley  I had that happen a few times at jobs too.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #130 - Mar 25th, 2009 at 10:20pm
Sorry about your job.  Hopefully, you'll get another soon. Smiley
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #131 - Mar 26th, 2009 at 1:20pm
It's true that humour can be found in most situations...but certainly not all.

And it's certainly wiser than crying over spilled milk, albeit sometimes a good cry is best, but so is a good laugh, particularly when no one knows why you're laughing.  Roll Eyes Grin Wink

Been awhile since we've seen that category in here, eh? As it happens, the former members of Picus Maximus are getting together at Lizard's place for a jam session tonight. I've been brushing up on the harmonies that I'd abandoned months ago and am surprised at how much I remember.  
    It's just for laughs, really, but we all miss hanging out and none of us have other plans tonight. Well, ok...I was going to drive through Old Town after work this evening and possibly get out and put my camera phone to the test... but that's nothing I can't do tomorrow.
    So again...why not?

Yes there's always tomorrow to terrorize unsuspecting people/wildlife with your camera.  Grin Cheesy Hope you had fun!
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #132 - Mar 26th, 2009 at 5:54pm
Isabeau, LD & Tanai: Thank you, ladies. ...

Hair: The usual routine with the usual results. CWC + leave-in spray + EVOO = clean, smooth hair with the ends slightly greasy. It's ok because the usual style prevents it from looking totally dreadful. Today's happens to be a flipped ponytail. Very casual.

Music: The jam went well. So well, in fact, that the boys want to make it a weekly thing again. Fine...until I start working full time. Undecided

Work: Argh. The drama continues. The sooner I'm out of here, the better. Angry

Other Stuff: Sadly, I don't think an after hours trip to Old Town is in order today either. I don't feel up to it and need to make it to the pharmacy tonight before they close anyway. Blah.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #133 - Mar 26th, 2009 at 6:38pm
Working at a job that you know is coming to an end soon can be tough.  Too bad you can't turn the band thing into a full time job.  Is it possible that you can? Undecided
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #134 - Mar 27th, 2009 at 6:44pm
La Diosa: Grin Grin That's a good one.
No, dear, full time musicians have a reputation for a reason - they're essentially bums. Rule 1 of professional musicianship: it doesn't pay. Especially original material. No one gets into music to make money, and even if they try, the reality lesson is instant. Musicians do what they do because it's what they love to do and for no other reason. On occasion, it can make a quick buck but it's by no means a stable source of income. Art never is, hence the phrase "starving artist."

Hair: Friday WTC. I gotta say, I'm loving these diluted shampoo blends! Cheesy The lather that they produce is more soft and luxe than straight Pantene shampoo alone.
   Treatment for the day was Pantene Fortifying under a shower cap for the usual hour. Then, rinsed and finished with light conditioner. The usual leave-in's: spray conditioner blend on the length, EVOO on the ends.
   As of now, my hair is wound into a bun and secured with a peacock feather hairstick, which has been gaining quite a bit of attention...and compliments. Wink

Accessorizing: So yeah, peacock feather hairstick, which has black aurora borealis beads at the base. So, the 2nd holes in my ears are sporting auora borealis crystals and I wore a black aurora borealis crystal bracelet, which has also earned itself a compliment. Oh, and my silver and onyx pinkie ring, but I'm almost always wearing one. I really must start saving time in the morning to get put together. Far too much of my cutest stuff never gets worn. Roll Eyes

Work: Argh! The boss called my mother and I into a meeting this afternoon to hash out trivial details. Upper management is splitting hairs over budget constraints which is, in turn, affecting everyone else. Our duties have been revised and our work time cut by mere minutes, which they're convinced will make a big difference in the long run. *shakes head*  Whatever. I can only hope, pray and try to be rescued from this circus soon.

Weekend: My buddy T will be in town tomorrow and wants to get pizza and visit Old Town. The day after that is my father's car show gig. My mother's even been talking about bringing her '64 1/2 Mustang convertible since it's now totally restored. The problem is that dad's sick as a dog...Lord only knows how he'll sing. Undecided
   With any luck, my skin may be cooperative enough to wear makeup 2 days in a row.

when you spend your whole life
building stone castles
when the walls start to crumble
exposed to the world

when the wind burns my face
and the smoke burns my eyes
I can't ever cry
I can't ever cry

     -Oingo Boingo, Help Me
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« Last Edit: Mar 29th, 2009 at 6:12pm by N/A »  
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #135 - Mar 28th, 2009 at 4:38pm
Rule 1 of professional musicianship: it doesn't pay. Especially original material.

Ugh...too bad. Embarrassed  Although, I guess if it paid well you would've been doing that already. Roll Eyes
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #136 - Mar 29th, 2009 at 6:42pm
LD: Uh...yeah.

Health: It had to happen. I'm sick again. Tongue Both of my parents have been violently ill for 2 weeks. So, being that I live with them, work with my mother and am in a band with my father, it was inevitable that whatever they had would pass to me eventually.
   But I've been a good girl, getting plenty of fruit, water, rest and good drugs. ...

Hair: Getting minimal effort today. Just a CWC. No leave-in's. Air dried. I'll be unconscious most of the day, so it won't matter.

Around Town: My buddy T and I decided to go to La Jolla yesterday instead of Old Town. A bit out of the way from our meeting point, but fun nontheless. We walked along the shoreline, snapped pix of things with our camera phones and browsed the shops, restaurants, galleries and hotels. Shutterbug that I am, I couldn't resist dragging T into a new fine art photography gallery, and he actually seemed impressed. Grin
   Speaking of photos, a few shots from yesterday:

T took this candid one of me as I was taking a pic of something else.
All I can say is thank God for SPF 70+ because it was dreadfully sunny. Tongue My hair was in a flipped pony braid...not that you can tell.

A few shots that I took of the coastline:


Anyway, after all that, we drove back to the mall and had a late dinner at California Pizza Kitchen (T had a giftcard). It was a pretty fun day. Smiley
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« Last Edit: Apr 5th, 2009 at 4:09pm by N/A »  
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Posts: 2375
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #137 - Mar 29th, 2009 at 6:53pm
Whoa, beautiful pics, Angel. Smiley  Very impressive that those were taken on a camera phone.  Pics on my digital camera often times don't come out as clear.  I've been saying that I need to get a new camera for a while now, your pics are even more evidence of that. Tongue
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #138 - Mar 30th, 2009 at 5:11pm
LD: Thank you kindly, madam. Smiley In truth, they look terrible in high res, so keeping them small was mandatory. Roll Eyes 'Twould be a whole 'nother story if my real camera was in working order.

Hair: Randomly decided to try something different this morning and did a modified WTC. Washed entire length with my usual shampoo blend, then applied Pantene Fortifying treatment and left it on until the end of my shower. Conditioned with Moisture Renewal conditioner and voilà.
   Actually, the results aren't much different from those of the usual WCC. Undecided So I guess treatments must last a full hour to be effective. Oh well. When I start working full time again, it won't be an option.

Anyway, the usual leave-in's: spray conditioner blend on the length and EVOO on the ends. It's completely air dried now, but I haven't decided on a style for the day. I've brought a few hairtoys for during my break, but that's over an hour away.

Just before work, I ducked into Wally World and got a brand new bottle of Spring Valley Hair, Skin & Nails vitamins. A 40 day supply! Cheesy

Health: Ugh. Had the headache from Hades last night. Gosh darn these sinuses! Angry The congestion is unbearable, though it seems I've only contracted a weak strain of the virus that both my parents had. I can still sing, which is a great relief.
   In other words, it sucks, but it could be much worse.

let's have a party, there's a full moon in the sky
it's the hour of the wolf and I don't wanna die

I'm so happy, dancin' while the grim reaper
cuts, cuts, cuts but he can't get me

I'm as clever as can be, and I'm very quick
but don't forget - we've only got so many tricks
no one lives forever!

      -Oingo Boingo, No One Lives Forever
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #139 - Mar 30th, 2009 at 5:28pm
Nice pics!  Feel better soon!! Smiley
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #140 - Mar 31st, 2009 at 12:23am
In truth, they look terrible in high res, so keeping them small was mandatory.


'Twould be a whole 'nother story if my real camera was in working order.

If it's digital, what kind of camera is it?  I have no idea which kind to buy.

Oh, and I was so wrapped up in your pics, that I forgot to send some well wishes your way.  I do hope you feel better soon! Smiley

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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #141 - Mar 31st, 2009 at 5:24pm
Curlgirl: Thanks, hon. Smiley

LD: Thanks, and no, it's not digital. I'm a purist. Wink But I've always been partial to the Canon Rebels. They can be a bit pricy, but they're totally professional...and they're available in digital, if that's your thing.

Hair: Clarified with Herbal Essences Drama Clean shampoo for the first time this morning. Wow! Not only does it smell fantastic and contain fruit extracts (we know what a fruit bat Angel is), it made my hair feel really soft after washing. Cheesy I might need to rethink my stance against Herbal Essences...yet again. Roll Eyes
   Not that I would ever abandon Pantene, mind you, but I'm already using so many other brands that acknowledging one more would hardly make a difference. I'm well aware that there are other great products out there and I'm not opposed to trying them. Smiley

So anyway, washed once with this lovely (and slightly diluted) new green shampoo, followed with an ACV rinse, then conditioned with Pantene Moisture Renewal. Today's only leave-in was a touch of EVOO.
   After detangling, I could see no obvious difference in the results of using Herbal Essences clarifying shampoo vs. Pantene. Whew! And during my break, of course, I'll do the usual single braid thing.

In other news, tomorrow is measure day! Cheesy Must remember to keep my hair down.

Music: Had to opt out of tonight's practice with the guys as this blasted virus is now affecting my voice. Sad

Health: Ughhhh, my stomach hurts. So badly that it's giving me goosebumps. I knew better than to OD on vitamins and then mix them with cough syrup...but I did it anyway. ... Tomorrow I'm going au naturel since nothing I've taken has had any effect whatsoever.

Work: Our Fire division has been bought out by another company. More people have changed positions and more positions, I suspect, will inevitably change. I've been here too many times to count. When things start getting crazy, it's time to go. The problem is that now there's no place to go. Undecided

Other Stuff: Got my tax papers back yesterday. The government is giving me back almost $1K. Cheesy My parents tried demanding it of me last night. HA! I'm buying a laptop. Suckers. Cool
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #142 - Mar 31st, 2009 at 7:40pm
yay angels getting a laptop wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ooooooooooooooo Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Tongue Lips Sealed Smiley Smiley Smiley ive always wanted to use excessive smilys my life is complete now
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #143 - Apr 1st, 2009 at 5:52pm
Fisher2: Yep, hopefully soon. Smiley

Health: Nothing like being up all night, unable to breathe. Sad Tonight I'll steal the Afrin and knock myself out with Advil PM.
    Still can't sing, but at least I can talk (which is a requirement of my job). The only cold medicine I'm allowing today is for congestion. And the only vitamins I'm taking today are my Biotin tabs. The heck with everything else, and the heck with this cold! Angry

Hair: CWC + leave-in spray + shine spray. I'm wearing my hair down all day so it will stay perfectly straight for measuring tonight. The result should be either 26 1/4" or 26 1/2".

Other Stuff: My sister and her bf got a puppy - a lab/German sheperd mix, all black, female - and I'm heading out to their place after work to see her.
    My parents are angry because an apartment is no place to raise a large dog. And while I agree with that, I'm not going to be one more person giving my sis the 3rd degree for it. I'm sure that she and her bf will bring the dog over to the house often and let her run around in the yard.

Finally emptied and cleaned out a pretty, dark handsoap bottle to serve as a facewash dispenser in the shower. And I finally replaced my neon green shower poofs with blood red ones. ...
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #144 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 6:38pm
Hair: CWC + leave-in spray blend on the length + EVOO on the ends. I guess I managed to apply the EVOO while my hair was still quite damp because it wasn't greasy when it dried. It is, however, moisturized. Smiley
   It's being worn down again today...all 26 1/2" of it. Wink The front is being held back with my new favourite hairtoy: a black satin headband with roses and feathers on one side. Trés gothique! I only wish the rest of me was well enough to get put together and complement it. Undecided

Sickly Fashion: Well, I did what I could. Roll Eyes Trousers paired with a puffed sleeve "Lolita" tee. 3 ball studs in each ear to match the buttons on my shirt. And my work boots, of course. All black.
   Just a little makeup: concealer, loose powder, lipgloss and clear mascara, which is more than I've been able to wear in a week. I'm in dire need of a manicure.

Health: Angel is finally on the mend. Smiley Last night, I got a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. No coughing fits, no emergency nose blowing, nothing! Thank God for Afrin and Advil PM. I'll have to try that again tonight. Smiley As for today, I've been medicine-free and my singing voice is returning.

Oh My Goth: The new facewash dispenser is great. Not only does it fit the aesthetic better, but it's way more efficient. It allows me to mix and dilute facewashes and also hides the fact that I'm 29 and still using Clearasil. Grin One of these days, I might have to get a pic of all my gothly shower goods. lol

Other Stuff: My sister had a hair appointment this afternoon, so she brought her new puppy, Chloe, over to the house for my parents to watch. At the moment, the pup is no bigger than a cat, and like any other baby, has tons of energy and chews on everything. She also seems very fond of me. Smiley

Anywho, that's all for now. I'm off to have some orange spice tea.
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #145 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 7:23pm
hooray get better soon i havnt seen u on aim in a while guessing ur off work now
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #146 - Apr 3rd, 2009 at 4:31am
Glad you're getting better.  I'd love to see that hairband.  Sounds beautiful.  Yay!  I'd love to see your gothly goods! Smiley
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #147 - Apr 3rd, 2009 at 5:07pm
Fisher2 & Drear: Smiley

Health: Almost well. Smiley Had another good night knocked out on Advil PM and Afrin up my nose. Whatever works...
    Today, my sinuses are reasonably clear and while "the voice" is steadily returning, I can't let it go just yet. Give it another day or two. Tonight I will attempt to sleep drug-free.

Hair: WTC. Shampoo blend, Pantene Moisturizing treatment, Suave Lavender Lilac conditioner. And the usual leave-in's. Apparently, my hair is staying down yet again today since I forgot to bring a hairtie to work. That is, unless it feels like taking one of my desk pencils hostage for awhile. Roll Eyes

Work: Predictably, no luck in the job hunt whatsoever. And today's paycheck can't begin to cover what I owe. Insult to injury, I don't even have enough gas to make it home tonight. *sigh*

The Rest: Looks like a Lips Sealed weekend.
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #148 - Apr 3rd, 2009 at 7:54pm
Sad good luck on everything and if i remb right u said stay away from suave clarifying so today at 10pm im grabbing some pantene lol bout time i start to XD anyway best of luck and btw ive got 3 yrs under belt in 8 days ^.^
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&&...&&&&&&&&metal head straight
fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #149 - Apr 6th, 2009 at 5:13pm
Fisher2: Thanx, kiddo. I hope you like Pantene Purity. It's the best clarifying shampoo I've ever used. Although, I've also become quite fond of Herbal Essences Drama Clean of late. Roll Eyes

Health: I'm finally well and the voice has returned...just in time for a band practice tomorrow night. Smiley

Hair: The usual routine. The ends are greasy from the EVOO since I applied it after they'd started to dry. But it will all be back in the usual braid soon anyway. No worries.

Finally ran out of my shampoo blend this morning. The one I mixed after it is a blend of 4 different shampoos: Pantene Full & Thick (which is now gone), Suave Professionals Extreme Strength (also now gone), Pantene Ice Shine and TRESemmé Anti-Breakage. My little 12.6 oz. Pantene bottle was very full after adding bottled water to the mix. I might add more after the first few uses.

Other Stuff: With the help of some spare change and an old b-day giftcard, I was able to get just enough gas to make it home on Friday, though I did have to wait for traffic to die down. Once home, I rolled $22 in coins, which filled up my tank yesterday. Thank God for small favours!
   For the next 11 days, I won't need anything, which means not having to spend money. Thank God for that too.

The weekend wasn't as wretched as I'd feared. I ended up playing a lot of online bingo, cleaning my bathroom and scanning the web for new avatar pix. Smiley

Watched the ACM Awards last night with my parents, which was a predictable suckfest with a few good moments. My mother recorded it so she could fast forward through the inevitable horrors. I swear, the music industry is in the worst shape ever right now. It's torturous watching these kinda things. But it was good to see George and Reba take the stage again.

As for my own band, brother Moon Pie will be joining us for tomorrow night's practice. And it's supposed to rain. Cheesy
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #150 - Apr 6th, 2009 at 6:54pm
beenb raining for a good spell here fun at night suckfest at day hope to see ya on aim sometime lol
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&&...&&&&&&&&metal head straight
fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #151 - Apr 7th, 2009 at 6:10pm
Fisher2: Yes, it seems to be raining everywhere except where I live. As usual. Roll Eyes Enjoy it while you can is all I can say because life basically sucks without it.

Music: A slight change of plans. Instead of rehearsing with my brothers tonight and celebrating Moon Pie's return, I'm being whisked away to the police station downtown for my sister's bf's graduation from the academy. Oh well.

Weather: Rain...today. Really?? Current conditions read 65° and partly cloudy. However, if you walk outside, it's 80° and not a cloud in the sky! I question where these "sources" are getting their information. Huh

Hair: Began the morning by turning on my blacklights and electric candles and giving myself a scalp massage to classical music. After combing through my hair, I clarified with (slightly diluted) Herbal Essences Drama Clean and ACV. Silly as it sounds, I look forward to clarifying now if not only for the scent of this shampoo. It's fantastic and has honestly made me consider switching a few of my products from Pantene to Herbal Essences. And as I've said before, if that happens, I'm totally cool with it. But we'll see.
   Anyway, after conditioning and finishing my shower as usual, I decided to try using my blended conditioner spray as my only leave-in. And you know what? I think I like that way better than using EVOO alone. My hair is just as easily combed through and has no greasy streaks. These new methods have me thinking that my old clarifying routine was a bit extreme. Shocked Heh. But that's Angel for ya. I've always been a natural extremist. Roll Eyes

Contrarily, lame and boring as it sounds, the only suitable hairstyle for today will be the usual single braid. I wanted to do something different (aka: special) for the graduation ceremony tonight, but that isn't possible on clarifying days. *sigh* I wish I could at least make a French braid or something, but as yet, that's impossible to do on myself. Undecided

Other Stuff: Man, I'm having Disneyland withdrawal something awful. Yesterday, I found out that this year's Bats Day event is in May, but I might need to go sooner than that. Like in a few weeks, perhaps...
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #152 - Apr 7th, 2009 at 6:35pm
angel is there any way u can get on aim and LL lol i have no1 to talk to this school break...Sad
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #153 - Apr 8th, 2009 at 4:36am
I'm experiencing such reality shocks from reading other members journals. Wink  The weather forecasts seems to have got better over the past few decades here but it's not always the case as you've so clearly illustrated.

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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #154 - Apr 8th, 2009 at 7:41pm
Fisher2: Guess we're just on at different times, mate.

Drear: Actually, it's hardly ever the case. I'm starting to believe that weather statistics for my area are skewed on purpose to preserve the idea that it's an ideal place to live. And we're all aware of how the media tends to exaggerate. Roll Eyes Forecasts should always be taken with a grain of salt.

Weather: The rain did show up at around 11:00 last night. And it shorted out our sprinkler system controller, which made the sprinklers come on and stay on, as well as make horrible noises against one wall of my bedroom for no less than 3 hours. Angry
   I finally went outside and tried to turn it off...but it wouldn't. So I woke my mother and told her what was going on, but she couldn't shut the system off either and noticed that the wires were burning. Shocked She woke my father, who basically unplugged the controller from the wall and all was quiet after that. Neither the backyard nor the house burned down, but I didn't go back to sleep.

Hair: First CWC with new shampoo blend and I'm having 2nd thoughts. Undecided Ever since I began blending shampoos, my scalp has seemed dryer and more prone to dandruff. And on occasion, it will itch like crazy. I'm beginning to wonder if blending Pantene with cheaper shampoos is really such a good idea. Surely there must be a way to save money and use quality products at the same time. Maybe I'm just being hasty. I don't know. Undecided

What I do know is that I definitely want to colour my hair. I'm finally quite certain of that. Not just yet, of course. But it will happen.
Anyway, today was the usual. Leave-in spray blend, EVOO and the single braid. Perhaps over the weekend, I'll experiment with French braiding my own hair. Should be good for a few laughs if nothing else. Roll Eyes

Stuff: Well, it's official. My sister's bf is now a cop. The graduation ceremony was held in an auditorium on the Marine base downtown instead of at the police station, which was a wise decision. There were a lot of people there!
   Tomorrow, my family and his are getting together for dinner in Old Town.

In other news, I won't be getting a new laptop after all. Sad As I once mentioned, one of my wisdom teeth has a cavity. Well now, we believe said cavity has caused an infection in my gums and I will probably need antibiotics. After the swelling goes down, the bulk of my tax refund will go toward emergency surgery. *SIGH*

remembering you, fallen into my arms
crying for the death of your heart
you were stone white, so delicate, lost in the cold
you were always so lost in the dark

        -The Cure, Pictures Of You
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #155 - Apr 8th, 2009 at 7:52pm
oo wonerful cavitys i need to get mine checked out
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #156 - Apr 9th, 2009 at 10:34am
the bulk of my tax refund will go toward emergency surgery. *SIGH*

Oh no!   Sad  When will you have the procedure done?  --Let us know.  *hugs*
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #157 - Apr 9th, 2009 at 12:58pm
Shocked Gah, I hate cavities and I'm not looking forward to getting mine done when the time eventually comes.  Tongue Roll Eyes Undecided
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #158 - Apr 9th, 2009 at 5:50pm
Fisher2: Yes, keep up with regular dentist appointments. Especially while mommy and daddy are still footing the bill. Wink

Trisha: *hugs* It will likely be sometime in late May or early June if things go as planned. Undecided I'll keep y'all posted.

Tanai: Definitely get new X-rays. If your wisdom teeth haven't surfaced yet, they could be growing at a wonky angle and messing up the rest of your teeth without you even knowing it. Shocked That's not something you can afford to neglect...trust me!

Hair: The usual routine. CWC, leave-in spray, EVOO, air dry. Yada yada. Instead of a hairtie, I brought 3 bobby pins and a peacock feather hairstick to work today. The plan is to make some kind of funky updo for dinner tonight. Smiley

Fashion, Hunnay: Cool Taking a cue from my glittery black nails and darkly colourful peacock hairtoy, I paired a basic black ensemble with plenty of sparkly, colourful (yet still quite dark) makeup and accessories.
    The basics are black khakis, black boots and a short sleeved top with a wide scoop neck. Accessories are my peacock feather hairstick, dark aurora borealis crystal bracelet, 2 black ball studs and 1 aurora borealis crystal stud in each ear, a glittery mood ring, an abalone/marcasite ring and a dark silver/onyx pinkie ring.
Makeup was the fun part. Wink Instead of my usual Cover Girl foundation which darkens over time, I used my über-pallid L'Oréal stage foundation since I didn't want my face to be a different colour than the rest of my skin by dinner time. Tongue
    Anyway, eyeshadow is dark, matte gray with matte white under the brow, in the inner corners of the eyes and along most of the bottom lashline. Dark glitter eyeliner (that matches my bracelet) along top lashline. Smudged black liner (the goth staple) on the outer 3rd of lower lashline. Glittery black-burgundy mascara.
    White strass eyeshadow on cheekbones, forehead, chin and the bridge of my nose. And sheer, blackberry lipgloss. The theme is black rainbow/subtle Mardi Gras. Grin My look was called "dramatic" by a co-worker from New Orleans. Grin

Weather: Bipolar. One minute, it looks like rain. The next minute, it's bright, warm, sunny...not a cloud in the sky. What is this, Denver? Huh
    Last night, I had no qualms about washing my car, despite warnings of rain from my father. I'll believe it when I see it. My car was gross and the front end pelted with bugs. Tongue Springtime in the sticks.

Other Stuff: So tonight is dinner in Old Town with sister's bf's family. Tomorrow I get to rest a bit and then Saturday is my sister's bff's wedding. Tongue Busy week.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #159 - Apr 10th, 2009 at 3:47am
No, you've got Danish weather. Wink
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #160 - Apr 10th, 2009 at 7:42pm
Drear: Ah, you have spastic weather too? Tongue

Hair: Today's WTC used up the last of my Pantene Fortifying Treatment. On Fridays to come, I'll use the Nourishing mask. Used my leave-in spray blend alone today. No EVOO. And the usual braid, of course. Hair is ok, though it could really use a good serum. I'm getting tired of this oil business.

Other Stuff: Dinner didn't happen last night. My father is sick as a dog and got out of work very late. And for whatever reason, he has homeless homeboy of last year's fame "helping" him run his water route. Huh
   After dad got home last night, he and my mother had a HUGE fight over missing dinner, which I had no choice but to sit and listen to. Sad  Kids always hate watching/listening to their parents fighting, no matter how old the "kids" are.
   We had all hoped that my sister and her bf would swing by the house on their way back from Old Town (which is why I couldn't leave when the 'rents were fighting), but that didn't happen either. I ended up not eating at all and went for a power walk instead to relieve stress.

In other news, I have learned that the office where I work has good lighting for plucking eyebrows. Grin They needed work before the wedding tomorrow and I didn't have time to do them this morning, so I just brought all of my eyebrow tools to work. Fortunately, it was a slow day. Wink

Anyway, it's almost time to close down and clock out. Then I'm off to do a little lingerie shopping...another bane of womanhood. Tongue

wise men say
life is suffering
I'm living proof that this ain't right
every day
becomes my favourite day
it proves to me that I'm alive

     -De/Vision, Life Is Suffering
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #161 - Apr 13th, 2009 at 1:11pm
In other news, I have learned that the office where I work has good lighting for plucking eyebrows. Grin They needed work before the wedding tomorrow and I didn't have time to do them this morning, so I just brought all of my eyebrow tools to work. Fortunately, it was a slow day. Wink

Grin I do mine in the living room, Roll Eyes, as it's the only place where there's a fluorescent bulb which gives great lighting.

Anyway, it's almost time to close down and clock out. Then I'm off to do a little lingerie shopping...another bane of womanhood. Tongue

Tongue The only ones who get joy out of that are men.  Roll Eyes
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #162 - Apr 14th, 2009 at 5:39pm
Tanai: Quite right. Roll Eyes

Hair: So yesterday was a CWC with spray conditioner blend as my only leave-in. Today, I clarified, but brainfarted and put both leave-in spray and EVOO in my hair. I did it backwards. Now the ends are greasy. Angry
    Realizing my mistake, I mixed up another ACV rinse to use with tomorrow's CWC. As far as styles are concerned, I've just been doing flipped ponytails or braids to keep the length out of the way.

Wedding Stuff: Saturday was my sister's bff's wedding. I wore slacks and a Victorian blouse with a cami underneath. And Queen Anne Victorian boots, vintage jewelry, toned down makeup. Hair was in a flipped half-up. Mother said it was a casual look, but the wedding was in someone's backyard and most of the other guests were wearing jeans. ... So I was way overdressed. Embarrassed
    The wedding colours were white, black and Barbie pink. All of the bridesmaids' dresses were handmade and my sister's was too big. The reception was a potluck, which is almost always better than catering. The music was a hokey mix of early '90's country and dated alterna-pop stuff that I remembered from high school. And all of the guests gathered on the portable dance floor to catch the bride's bouquet and garter but scattered when they were thrown. Grin Good times.
    What really impressed me, however, was the curly, romantic hairstyles of the wedding party. I couldn't resist snapping a pic of my sister's 'do. It took me all morning today just to get it uploaded to my Photobucket account (thanks to my parents' incompetent POS computer), so I'll have to post it sometime later.

Easter Stuff: So Sunday, I donned all my frilly white lace and went to church with my family. ... ... LMAO! Yeah right. Roll Eyes
    The bunny did visit my house, however, and left all kinds of goodies for me in a plastic storage box. I spent the day making tiedye eggs and playing online bingo. Woohoo! Cool
    My sis, her bf and their puppy came over for dinner. Mother made a teriyaki experiment with rice, veggies and meatballs. Then we all hung out in the backyard while the dog ran around.

Other Stuff: My fed return arrived yesterday and I went to the Boudin café after work to celebrate. I now have almost half the cost of my oral surgery. Undecided And if I'm being quite honest, I'm not entirely sure that I won't use it for other things...namely a laptop. Lips Sealed The swelling in my gums has gone down and they're not terribly problematic anymore. I know I would feel better making a permanent investment in my teeth, but......... *sigh*  I'm torn. Undecided
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #163 - Apr 15th, 2009 at 11:34am
Hair: CWC with a vinegar rinse before the last conditioning. Only used leave-in spray today. Hair is sparkling clean and air drying at the moment. I'll probably do a flipped ponytail or something later.

Etc.: *sigh* So I have the morning shift today. My mother found a lump in her breast and has a doctor's appointment this morning. I've been hoping and praying that it's nothing serious, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't freaking out a little.
    For those who may remember, I lost my paternal grandmother 3 years ago due to cancer. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at the exact same age as my mother is now. Even with treatments and an eventual remission, it returned in the form of stage 4 bone cancer, which spread to vital organs...which killed her. She lived 15 years after the first diagnosis.
    Needless to say, I do NOT want to see the same thing happen to my mother. This family has seen way too many cancer deaths already. Sad
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wishing I had Long Locks....

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #164 - Apr 15th, 2009 at 11:40am
You and your family will be in my prayers, Angel.

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #165 - Apr 15th, 2009 at 2:10pm
*hugs*  I'll be thinking of you and your mom.  Keep us apprised, honey.  *hugs* 
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #166 - Apr 15th, 2009 at 3:12pm
I hope its nothing, Angel.  My mom has had cancer twice, I know its terribly scary.  Hang in there, we're all here for you and praying for her well being.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #167 - Apr 16th, 2009 at 4:03am
I hope it's nothing too, Angel.  (((hugs)))   
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #168 - Apr 16th, 2009 at 6:13am
I can understand that you're scared.  Like everyone else, I hope it's nothing.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #169 - Apr 16th, 2009 at 8:44am
((((HUGS))))  Hang in there hon.  Long ago I had a lump in my breast that turned out to nothing. I was given some meds and it went away. I hope your mom's is the same.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #170 - Apr 16th, 2009 at 2:45pm
Wow. Thanks, you guys! I swear, the support from everyone on this site is unbelievable. ...  Cheesy

This morning, I uploaded a few of the pix that I promised.

My sister's hair from the wedding last Saturday (yes, she's wearing her bf's jacket).

Angel's gothly shower friends. Wink

More later...I must get ready for work.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #171 - Apr 16th, 2009 at 5:25pm
Hair: The usual CWC routine + leave-in spray + EVOO today. The ends are still a bit dry, even with the EVOO, dear oh dear. I'll probably need to lose that inch in July.
    During my break, I'll either do a flipped ponytail or single braid. I ended up leaving my hair down all yesterday and it was a dry, tangled mess. Tsk, tsk.

Other Stuff: The nurse practitioner that my mother saw yesterday confirmed that there is indeed a mass. She's scheduled to see a doc and get x-rays in a few weeks, and in the mean time, she has stopped taking HRT.

So yours truly is trying not to worry about it all for awhile. I placed my first order with Lip Service today and am considering going to Boudin for dinner after work...I'm on a health kick. Smiley

you and I have no secrets
now baby, let me read your mind
I hear everything you're thinking
you can tell me what you find

          -Talking Heads, Radio Head
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #172 - Apr 16th, 2009 at 7:49pm
I hope all turns out ok!
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Accipere quam facere praestat

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #173 - Apr 16th, 2009 at 9:32pm
*hug* hope things work out angel
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #174 - Apr 17th, 2009 at 4:47pm
Alright so I'm about three days late and $30 short, which is about typical for me.  Roll Eyes

Anyways. *hug* Hang in there Angel my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 17. I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I found out, so I emphasize with your coping.

Your sis's hair looked lovely.  Cool

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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #175 - Apr 17th, 2009 at 5:24pm
Curlgirl64 & Fisher2: *hugs* Thanx, guys. Smiley

Tanai: Thank you too, sweetie. *hugs* I'm truly sorry to hear about your mother.

Hair: Friday WTC. As I've mentioned before, I'm not crazy about my current shampoo blend and have been considering using diluted versions of my favourite shampoos. I love the softness that Pantene Ice Shine provides and I also love the scent of Herbal Essences Color Me Happy. Thus, I'll probably end up going back and forth between the two in the future. I've not yet tried Pantene Nature Fusion, so that's something else to consider. Roll Eyes

Anyway, treated for the usual hour with Pantene Nourishing hair mask, then rinsed and finished with Suave Lavender Lilac conditioner. Used my leave-in spray blend on the length and EVOO on the ends. I've also determined that the weather is the culprit behind the dryness of my hair. It's wreaking havoc on my skin as well. Curse this SoCal Santa Ana $#&%! Angry

Braided yesterday, so I'll probably do a flipped ponytail today...since I just happen to have my flip tool in my purse. Roll Eyes

Pretties For ME: The Lip Service tops that I ordered yesterday for work and play:
If anyone cares.

Other Stuff: Woohoo! It's payday! Cheesy And my state return arrived yesterday! Cheesy Money, money, money. Kiss Few things Angel loves more. Grin Wink
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Accipere quam facere praestat

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #176 - Apr 17th, 2009 at 8:32pm
i love last two first one is to casual goth im guess thats the for work one?
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #177 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 1:12am
Your sister's hair looks really beautiful and I like your shower stuff.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #178 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 1:26am
Your sisters hair is pretty too...must run in the family. Wink

I really like the last top.  I also like the matching grey and black skirt.  It's cute the way they paired it with the lace tights and boots.  Although, I'd probably wear it with a black, v neck, lace cami instead of the matching top.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #179 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 11:18am
The Lip Service tops that I ordered yesterday for work and play:
If anyone cares.

I care, I'm always curious about clothes, even if I'm not buying them/wearing them.  Cool I like the hoodie. It looks gothly cute.  Cool

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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #180 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 4:16pm
Fisher2: The first two are appropriate for work, the last one is not.

Drear: Thanx and I love the way they did my sister's hair too. Smiley

La Diosa: lol Thanks...and it actually kinda does. My sister has the exact same hair type as my mother, whose hair was waist length in the '70's. I wish I could find a pic of it to post here! Wink
   My hair takes after my father's.

And yeah, I guess pairing the skirt and hoodie together would make it look more like a funky dress. I plan on pairing the hoodie with faded black jeans. Roll Eyes

Tanai: hehe Let's hope they fit as good as they look, eh? Wink

Hair: The usual CWC was made more challenging this morning with the water spazzing out. Freezing one second, scalding the next. Normal pressure, then extremely weak pressure. I was constantly adjusting! Tongue
   In addition, I'm also using a new shampoo. Yes, I finally broke down last night and bought Herbal Essences Color Me Happy, poured it into my 12.6 oz. Pantene bottle and mixed it with a dash of bottled water. The integrity of the fragrance is compromised a bit when diluted, but everything else still performs like I remember. Cleans like a dream, smells great, leaves my hair insanely soft. Smiley

Anyway, my only leave-in today was the spray conditioner blend. Didn't have time to put EVOO on the ends before they dried since my attention was needed elsewhere. At least I found a spare minute to comb and braid.

Etc.: The distraction? This little terror:



My sister left her dog at our house while she went to work. So the rents and I have been watching her.
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Accipere quam facere praestat

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #181 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 6:25pm
omg its sooooo cutee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want it
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #182 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 9:52pm
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #183 - Apr 19th, 2009 at 12:59am
lol Thanks...and it actually kinda does.

In my Napoleon Dynamite voice..."Lucky"!  Grin  I know the movie is old but it always cracks me up! Roll Eyes

I plan on pairing the hoodie with faded black jeans.  

I didn't realize that the shirt was a hoodie.  It'll look nice with black jeans.
This little terror:

Terror!?  That is the cutest puppy!  The second pic is way adorable!
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #184 - Apr 19th, 2009 at 10:23am
Awwwwwwwwww what a cute puppy!! Cheesy
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #185 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 12:21pm
Such character in that dog's face--awwww! 
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #186 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 5:58pm
The Pup: Grin She is cute, isn't she? A cute little punk...like most kids. Roll Eyes But she should grow into a very smart dog. And btw, her name's Chloe.

Hair: 3rd day CWC. Undecided Used leave-in spray blend on the length and EVOO on the ends. It's a wee bit greasy in places, but it will all be braided soon so it won't matter.

Yesterday, I wore it down with just the front part tied back and my new FX Silk Drops serum on the ends. The style wasn't my favourite, but it did what it was supposed to well enough...I guess. The serum was alright - I applied it while the ends were still wet and they absorbed it entirely. In the end, only the very tips were dry. The rest just hung there, sleek and straight. At one point, my mother's best friend took a strand of my hair between her fingers and remarked that it was "getting pretty long." Wink

Music: A benefit was held last night for the local music shop owned by Boscoe and his sister, and it was quite the shindig. Many bands signed on to play for free (including my father's), so there was music in addition to food and raffle drawings. It was great to see Boscoe again, both in person and onstage doin' his thang (though I don't care for the singer that he's been backing of late). He even took over the lead guitar on one song while dad's band was playing, and did a solo that would've made Eddie Van Halen cry (which is typical of his playing). Grin
   Toward the end of the event, he gave me a hug and called me "darlin'", which left me grinning from ear to ear. Good ol' Boscoe...I worship him almost as much as my father does. Roll Eyes

As it happened, there were a few of dad's musical high school buddies in attendance that night. Each of them now being among the most prominent figures in the local music scene, as reiterated by one of the other singers that night. And for a moment, it was like being reminded of the "music royalty" from which I descend, as well as the usual expectations that go along with it. No pressure. Tongue

It was a good night, even if my father was still sick and missing 2 band members. I got to meet Boscoe's sister and a few of dad's other musician friends, see Lizard (he was the sound manager for the night, and still on good terms with Boscoe) and visit with other family friends.

Fashion, Or Something Like It: Saturday, my nails got a much needed makeover. They're now cut to the quick and sporting Sally Hansen's Salon laquer in Navy Baby, another colour that looks good in the bottle but not on. Undecided It's too dark anyway, if you ask me. I prefer blues that stand apart from my typically black attire.

Yesterday was my first experiment with mineral foundation in a shade that actually matched my skin...enough. It's amazing! At the moment, I'm using L'Oréal Bare Naturale but I don't think I'll have any problem buying the designer brands in the future. I simply cannot say enough good things about it, and I can definitely see wearing makeup more often now. Cheesy

Other Stuff: Yesterday, I also bought a new laptop. Cheesy A beautiful, black Gateway - basically a souped up version of my old one. It was ready last night, but dad & I were at the benefit, so we went to pick it up this morning, along with a stand with a fan in it so this laptop doesn't meet the same fate as its predecessor.
   So, I've been having fun downloading and customizing the essentials. Wink

What else...? Last night, my sister said that she would help me finance my oral surgery next month. Oh, and my father's lead guitar player wants to do a few songs with lil' ol' me up front. Shocked Egad.
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Accipere quam facere praestat

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #187 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 8:18pm
congratz on lappytop
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #188 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 8:02am
Congrats on the laptop!!!!  That puppy is soooooooooooo cute!  My female cockatiel is name Chloe,too!
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #189 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 9:14am
Chloe is the cutest puppy.  Cool Great now I want another puppy.  Roll Eyes It never fails.  Grin

Yesterday was my first experiment with mineral foundation in a shade that actually matched my skin...enough. It's amazing! At the moment, I'm using L'Oréal Bare Naturale but I don't think I'll have any problem buying the designer brands in the future. I simply cannot say enough good things about it, and I can definitely see wearing makeup more often now. Cheesy

I've been wearing mineral foundation for about a year now. I love it.  Cool My first was L'Oréal. I'm using the Revlon one now, it's got a pinker tint which matches my skin better. But both are excellent.  Cool

Yesterday, I also bought a new laptop. Cheesy A beautiful, black Gateway - basically a souped up version of my old one. It was ready last night, but dad & I were at the benefit, so we went to pick it up this morning, along with a stand with a fan in it so this laptop doesn't meet the same fate as its predecessor.
   So, I've been having fun downloading and customizing the essentials. Wink

Good luck, we've had two Gateway desktops and both suck.  Tongue My laptop's a Toshiba. No problems with it... however I only used it for 4 months and still don't have a battery for it.  Roll Eyes
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #190 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 5:19pm
Fisher2 & Curlgirl: Thanks and lol. Wink

Tanai: Quote:
Chloe is the cutest puppy. Cool Great now I want another puppy. Roll Eyes It never fails. Grin

She's a funny little thing. My sis & her bf brought her over again yesterday, but I couldn't get any good pix of her. She was too busy running around the yard like a squirrel on crack. Roll Eyes

I've been wearing mineral foundation for about a year now. I love it. Cool My first was L'Oréal. I'm using the Revlon one now, it's got a pinker tint which matches my skin better. But both are excellent. Cool

Sweet. Yeah, it seems like I'm the last one on the bandwagon this time, which is odd for me. I'm usually among the first to try the latest and greatest of everything. Wonder what took me so long? Huh

Good luck, we've had two Gateway desktops and both suck. Tongue My laptop's a Toshiba. No problems with it... however I only used it for 4 months and still don't have a battery for it. Roll Eyes

Bummer. My first laptop was a Gateway. Cost me about $1,500 total and only lasted 2 years (granted, I guess I kinda helped that by frying the motherboard...whoops Undecided). That was why I not only paid much less for my current one, but bought it a stand with a fan in the bottom. We'll see if I can get the average 4 years out of this one, eh? Grin Roll Eyes

Hair: Clarified with the sexy, green Herbal Essences shampoo and an ACV rinse. As I stood there scrubbing my head and thinking (because that's what I do in the shower, for those just dying to know), I realized that I have enough gorgeously scented shampoo to last most of the year. Cheesy See? I am easy to please. Roll Eyes
   Anyway, conditioned as usual with Pantene Moisture Renewal. The only leave-in for today was Silk Drops serum, which is basically just cones and silk extracts. No oils, no alcohols. My hair seems to like it.
   In awhile, I'll be off to the ladies' room to braid.

Etc.: Slowly getting more accustomed to the new machine. She's a beauty - all shiny black with silver trim and glowing orange touch buttons. Like Star Trek meets Halloween. Grin But she's also kind of a pain. The keys are really big and you have to hit them in the dead center to type. The touch pad is also kind of weird - it's smaller and has a different texture than my last one.

Also, I'm thinking that news of my mother's condition isn't good. There have been several concerning phone calls and an imaging appointment is being scheduled already. I have a feeling we're in for a long, painful and expensive journey...and I'm well aware that we can't afford it. Sad
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #191 - Apr 22nd, 2009 at 6:04am
We don't have Revlon here but I'll try L'oreal's next time.  I'm not happy with my MF.
What a nice evening.  That sounds like a beautiful laptop!
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #192 - Apr 22nd, 2009 at 9:39am
Chloe is the cutest puppy. Cool Great now I want another puppy. Roll Eyes It never fails. Grin

She's a funny little thing. My sis & her bf brought her over again yesterday, but I couldn't get any good pix of her. She was too busy running around the yard like a squirrel on crack. Roll Eyes

Grin My Lab still runs around like a squirrel on crack sometimes.  Roll Eyes He'll be 2 in May.  Shocked Grin
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #193 - Apr 22nd, 2009 at 2:00pm
Drear: If the MF you're referring to is Max Factor, it's essentially theatre makeup and notoriously heavy. I wouldn't bother with it.

Tanai: Yeah, they don't usually grow out of the "puppy phase" until they're at least 3. Just like with humans, it takes awhile for the brain to catch up with the body. Roll Eyes

Hair: Last night, with the aid of a $2 off coupon, I broke down and bought 2 more big bottles of Herbal Essences shampoo: Body Envy and Totally Twisted. It's just for fun, don't worry. I have absolutely no intentions of abandoning Pantene. Wink

Anyway, this morning, hair had the usual treatment: CWC with leave-in spray and EVOO. Air dry, seamless comb, flipped ponytail. Weeee.

A co-worker from our Credit department saw my hair while it was still down and said, "You keep your ends trimmed." I told her every 3-6 months.

Other Stuff: My mother had another appointment today. She and my father were trying to arrange medical coverage this morning. Apparently, they're both preparing for a long battle. Ever the idealist, I'm still hoping it's a benign tumour or cyst...something harmless. Undecided *sigh*

On a more positive note, UPS is supposed to deliver my Lippy order today. Woohoo! ... We'll see if it's not waiting there when I get home.
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #194 - Apr 22nd, 2009 at 3:03pm
yay lippy n hey "Just like with humans, it takes awhile for the brain to catch up with the body" i resemble that comment
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #195 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 5:14pm
Fisher2: Every teenager resembles that comment...and almost as many adults. Roll Eyes

Lippy Stuff: Arrived yesterday Cheesy but all 3 shirts were too small. Sad So I put them all back in the box with a nice note and mailed them back for exchanges. At least they gave me a promo calendar to look at while I wait. Roll Eyes

Hair: CWC today. Leave-in spray on the length, Silk Drops serum on the ends. Style for the day will probably be another flipped ponytail.

Fashion. Dahling.: Put myself together again today. Jeans, boots and a slim, ruched mockneck, jewelry all in black/dark silver tones: black cameo necklace, black beaded bracelet, onyx inlay pinkie ring, 3 ball studs in each ear.

White eyeshadow under brow, gray everywhere else, dark glitter liner on top, smudged black liner on bottom outer 3rd. Black mascara from Sephora...not sure how long I've had it. Tongue White strass shadow along cheekbones, blackberry lipgloss.
   Used mineral foundation again today and still like it, but it also still takes me half an hour just to get my face makeup on. &@#% these scars! Angry

When I saw the a/c repair guy at work, he gave me strange looks and didn't act very friendly. Guess he'd never seen a goth before. *smirk*

The Rest: My deaf aunt and her bf fly in from WA tomorrow, so we'll probably do something with them over the weekend. Smiley

Mother didn't have an appointment yesterday like I'd thought. She hasn't scheduled one yet and is trying to work out medical insurance in the meantime. I'm doing my best not to worry until we know something for sure.
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« Last Edit: Apr 23rd, 2009 at 6:46pm by N/A »  
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #196 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 6:28pm
hope everything works out ok ^.^
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #197 - Apr 24th, 2009 at 10:30am
Sorry you had to return all 3 tops; that's a pain in the caboose. 

When I saw the a/c repair guy at work, he gave me strange looks and didn't act very friendly. Guess he'd never seen a goth before. *smirk*

Grin   Cool

I'm doing my best not to worry until we know something for sure.

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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #198 - Apr 24th, 2009 at 5:24pm
Fisher2: Thanx, kiddo. Smiley

Trisha: *hugs* And actually, the exchange started quite easily. Let's hope that Lippy keeps up with their end of the bargain and sends the correct items back to me just as promptly.

Holy Freaking Heifers: Angel's fat. Fat, fat, fat. Bluh. Tongue A few days ago, I jumped on the scale out of morbid curiosity...and was rewarded with morbid reality. A few ounces over 119. Shocked Lock up the Godiva boutiques. ...
   No time like the present to jump back into nocturnal power walking.

Hair: Friday WTC. Washed with diluted Herbal Essences Color Me Happy shampoo, treated for an hour with Pantene Nourishing mask, rinsed and finished with Suave Soothing Lavender Lilac conditioner. Only leave-in spray on the ends and length today as I was typically busy. Style will be a single braid.

Weather: Cool and cloudy. Huh It was 100° for a week, now it's supposed to rain tomorrow. I don't get it either.

Other Stuff: So, one week until May, which will mean a new avatar and a new measurement.

This weekend I'll be hanging out with the family since some are here from out of state. Then, next weekend is Bats Day. My buddy T (who isn't goth) and I will be meeting some other folks from a different forum that day. Should be interesting.
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #199 - Apr 24th, 2009 at 11:18pm
yay bats day to bad i cnt go
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #200 - Apr 25th, 2009 at 4:44pm
Hair: CWC + leave-in spray + serum. Hair seems content - it's drying at the moment. Sometimes, it seems like it's getting longer every day. Smiley I'm really starting to notice it now...as are other people.

Music: My father and his guitar player have decided that they want me to learn Shelby Lynne's song, Restless. Shocked No pressure. Might as well ask me to cover Reba, Trisha or Martina. I told him I was flattered that he thought I was so capable. Roll Eyes

Other Stuff: Been indulging other artistic outlets as well. At the moment, I'm working on another pair of wooden wall crosses.
   While rifling around in my armoire for a hot glue gun, I ran across these, which kind of made me smile:



Some experimetal drawings that I did in my senior year of high school. Roll Eyes

This one made me somewhat wistful:


From 4 years ago. It was my first ever attempt at drawing a skull and was done after midnight in the light of a single candle. Very rough, obviously. My bf at the time said that he didn't like it and I've not picked up a pencil since. *sigh*

Anyway, the 'rents are out visiting with my aunt and her bf. I guess the whole gang's getting together for dinner tomorrow night, and there's talk of going to the zoo or Wild Animal Park next week after my cousin (aunt's daughter) and her daughter arrive.

Until then, I'll be poking at my creative veins...or zoning out. Whichever's easier. Roll Eyes
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #201 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 12:54pm
I think the drawings are so cool!  I hope you'll "Pick up the pencil" again,soon!
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #202 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 2:10pm
I think your drawings are great as well. My artistic talents are limited to solely being able to look at and copy other peoples work.  Roll Eyes Alas. there's not much of a market for plagiarism.  Roll Eyes Tongue
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Posts: 2375
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #203 - Apr 27th, 2009 at 1:39am
Nice drawings, I really like the second one! Smiley

I can't believe you let some future member of the "Angel Dumped Me Club" discourage you. Wink  I hope you start drawing again if it's something that you still enjoy. Smiley  Have you considered framing your newfound pics ...or at least the skull?  I seem to recall you having a miniature skull collection.
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #204 - Apr 27th, 2009 at 11:28am
Wow!  I really like your artwork!  Never let anyone tell you not to draw!  Keep at it as its a great way to express feelings.  The skull is very good btw!  Smiley
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #205 - Apr 27th, 2009 at 4:23pm
Ditto what everyone said...plus that old bf was obviously an idiot.   Cool
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #206 - Apr 28th, 2009 at 2:50am
Everybody: Wow, you guys are way too kind. ... Thank you and God bless you for the compliments - they were quite unexpected (and definitely undeserved). Smiley
   No, I'd never considered framing any of my work, but those particular drawings are actually tiny in real life. Grin They were renderings for a particular technique that I was working with for an art class assignment at the time. The 2nd one actually made its way to becoming a poster, but heaven knows it certainly isn't framed or displayed anywhere. My mother tucked it away somewhere with the rest of my school projects. Roll Eyes
   And yes indeed, as most folks here will recall, that particular bf was quite idiotic. Roll Eyes

Other Creative Endeavours: Finished the set of wall crosses that I'd been working on today:



I zoomed in on one of them to show the detail of the decoration.

Hair: *sigh* Once again, it seems I've reached a dead end. An all-too-often recurring reminder of why Herbal Essences products don't work for me. Those who have read my journals as Angel Spun may remember the struggles I had with Herbal Essences and how every seeming epiphany would inevitably give way to disappointment.
   Now, even after their supposed "makeover," it seems that the joke is still on me. Though the shampoo was diluted, that old, familiar chemical burn has reclaimed the back of my neck. Angry This is truly it for me. Back to Pantene, yada, yada. I've said it a million times before. ...

Today had the usual CWC + leave-in spray + EVOO routine. Style was a flipped ponytail.
Instead of clarifying tomorrow, I'm going to attempt to offset the drying effects of the Herbal Essences shampoo with a COW. When I get paid on Friday, I'll run out and get a bottle of Pantene Purity shampoo for clarifying next week. Restoration will be the objective for the rest of this week.

Other Stuff: My cousin was in the backyard visiting with the rest of the family when I got home from work today, and I got to meet my 2nd cousin (cousin's daughter) for the first time. Smiley She is 6 months old today.
   My sister and her bf came over and the lot of us (8 + a baby) went to the Roadhouse for dinner. I stuffed as many free peanuts as possible into my purse as I wanted something healthy to eat at work tomorrow. Grin

Anywho, that's about it for now. My Advil PM is kicking in, so I'll be comatose as soon as I finish typing this.
Until next time, friends.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Wherever it is I need to be to do whatever it is I'm doing.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #207 - Apr 28th, 2009 at 1:48pm
Those crosses are lovely.  Cool
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #208 - Apr 28th, 2009 at 3:07pm
Everybody:  Once again, it seems I've reached a dead end. An all-too-often recurring reminder of why Herbal Essences products don't work for me. Those who have read my journals as Angel Spun may remember the struggles I had with Herbal Essences and how every seeming epiphany would inevitably give way to disappointment.
   Now, even after their supposed "makeover," it seems that the joke is still on me. Though the shampoo was diluted, that old, familiar chemical burn has reclaimed the back of my neck. Angry This is truly it for me. Back to Pantene, yada, yada. I've said it a million times before.
  the fruit bat gets put on hold behold Tongue
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #209 - Apr 28th, 2009 at 7:19pm
Fisher2: That would make sense if the shampoo I was using smelled at all like fruit. But it doesn't.

Tanai: Thanx. Maybe I'll post some pix of the other ones I've done over the years.

Hair: Bid my Herbal Essences Color Me Happy shampoo a not-so-fond farewell this morning. Fine by me, since they didn't even bother to use the Victorian spelling of "Colour." Grin

Anyway, to combat whatever dryness Herbal Essences wreaked on my hair and skin, I've decided to take a low impact approach. Hair got a COW with Suave Soothing Lavender Lilac conditioner and all the usual leave-in's. Suave conditioners don't contain cones, so my hair was a tangle-prone mess with dry ends. Tongue The usual afternoon braid was mandatory.
Tomorrow, I'll probably do a CWC - perhaps with an ACV rinse. I've filled my shampoo bottle with diluted Pantene Ice Shine. And I'll most likely get a brand new bottle of Purity shampoo on Friday. Man, I thought I was over these kinds of mistakes. Angry

Music: The boys were planning a practice tonight, but I had to decline on my father's and my behalves. Next week, we won't have family here from out of state.

Other Stuff: Put myself together again today. It's so much easier and more comfortable these days with mineral foundation.

Last night, I finally got my nighttime facewash into a gothly little pump dispenser. Been trying to decide if I'll eventually want to put my S&C into the matching 13 oz. bottles. Having all of my shower products sitting pretty in burgundy and black containers would give them a more uniform look - like they came from an old fashioned apothecary instead of a drugstore. Grin Even In Style magazine copied my idea (albeit with trendy shapes and bright colours). But hey, somebody has to be the trendsetter, hunnay. Roll Eyes
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #210 - Apr 29th, 2009 at 3:25am
I know they copied you. Wink  I always find that the trendy people copy me shortly after I get some idea that I think is somewhat original. Roll Eyes
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #211 - Apr 29th, 2009 at 4:21pm
Drear: It's happened before. Roll Eyes But much of the time, it's just an unfortunate coincidence.

Hair: Ahhhh. So yesterday, I declared a hair emergency and made an early Target run for Pantene goods. Returned home with Ice Shine shampoo (half of which is now diluted and sitting in my 12.6 oz. bottle), Detangling spray (as I realized the Pantene-Suave combo wasn't working) and both Deep Fortifying and Moisturizing treatments. Ok, and a bag of Reese's Select clusters to calm my nerves. Roll Eyes

This morning, I washed the entire length with diluted Ice Shine shampoo and followed with an ACV rinse. Treated for an hour with a blend of aloe vera gel, honey and the Moisturizing deep conditioner. Conditioned with Suave Tropical Coconut (which I realized is actually thinner than the Lavender Lilac formula). Finished with new 100% Detangling spray on the length and Silk Drops serum on the ends.
    At the moment, it's all still drying, but I can already tell it's going to have its fine silk qualities restored. Wink I don't know if my hair has ever been so grateful for Pantene and plenty of cones, cones, cones!
    In awhile, I'll weave it into the usual single braid, but not until I've finished playing with it thoroughly inspected it for recovery purposes. Roll Eyes

Etc.: My father made a roast out of things that we had just lying around the kitchen and you can smell it cooking all through the house. *sniff sniff sniff*
    My aunt, cousin and 2nd cousin are coming over for dinner again tonight. Aunt's bf had to fly back home for work.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #212 - Apr 30th, 2009 at 11:45am
Hair: The usual routine. CWC + Detangling spray + EVOO. It's air drying at the moment. Of course, I forgot to bring a hairtie to work, so I'll just have to leave it down until I get home. Otherwise, all's well. It's recovering.

If (only) I were a rich woman, I'd switch back to Restoratives Breakage Defense. My hair misses it. Sad

Other Stuff: The pot roast that my father made was quite good, though he wasn't happy with it. He takes his cooking projects very seriously. Roll Eyes
    Instead of everyone coming to our place for dinner, my immediate family went to see them at their timeshare on the beach. God, if I could live in a place like that, I would. It's heaven! Being able to see and hear the ocean at all times and almost literally walk out your back door and right into the water... *sigh* I've always had a very deep and unexplainable connection to the sea, so beachfront property is definitely another item on the "if I were a rich woman" list. Roll Eyes

Speaking of the relatives, today is their last day in town Sad and I hear they're going to Sea World. I texted my aunt to recommend feeding the bat rays if possible. Wink
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #213 - Apr 30th, 2009 at 4:32pm
I think I can identify with how your dad felt.  You have this idea of what your dish is going to taste like except it doesn't and it while it's comforting to be told it tastes good anyway, you're still left with this disappointed, irritated or frustrated feeling.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #214 - May 1st, 2009 at 9:36am
Like the new avi   Cool
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #215 - May 1st, 2009 at 11:40am
Yeah, cool avitar.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #216 - May 2nd, 2009 at 2:06am
Trish & Sakina: Thank ye, loves. Smiley

Drear: That makes sense, although I think his issue was more about the shape and consistency rather than the flavour.

Hair: Measure day! This morning, I washed the entire length with Pantene Ice Shine shampoo, then treated for an hour with the Nourishing mask.
    By total brainfart chance, I somehow grabbed my Pantene conditioner instead of Suave to condition after rinsing the treatment out. It's all good though.

Hair was worn down all day today, and I was finally able to measure it when I got home from running around after work. I'm quite happy to report that I've finally caught up to Maggie's former length of 27 inches. Cheesy
    It seemed that she could never quite get past that length, however. And for those who remember, she did get her hair cut very short a few months ago. So with her being my good friend/hair sistah/fellow Pantene goddess, I've decided to carry the torch on from this point in her honour.
    That in itself reaffirms my dedication to Pantene.

Lip Service: Finally heard back from them yesterday. Only 2 of the 3 shirts that I sent back for exchange were available in the next size up. My favourite one wasn't. Sad So they issued me a store credit...for less than the value of the shirt. Angry
    This, combined with having to pay for shipping on the exchanged items, had me doubting whether I would order from them again. This sentiment was augmented, of course, after I ordered something else to use up my store credit and had to pay another $15 for a separate shipment. ...
    Anywho, this is where I'd normally make some snarky comment about not being able to expect more from a high dollar Hot Topic, but the fact is I'm pretty sure that Hot Topic has better service. Roll Eyes

Other Stuff: We said goodbye to my WA relatives last night. Cry My aunt texted me when she got home this morning, and we talked for a bit about my eventual move northward. I'm beginning to think it may very well happen after all. Cheesy
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #217 - May 2nd, 2009 at 10:23am
my hot topic is really good in cost service i think it helps if you know everyone that works there
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #218 - May 2nd, 2009 at 6:25pm
Fisher2: Shoot, I've not walked into a HT in years...and with very good reason. Roll Eyes Probably haven't ordered from them in 10 years, but their service was decent at the time.

Hair: CWC, Detangling spray, EVOO, air dry, braid. The usual routine. Tomorrow should be the same, since I'll need a contained style and a quick, comfortable routine. I wonder I'll see any other long haired goths at the park tomorrow. heh

Other Stuff: Speaking of tomorrow, I need to get started on a new manicure pretty soon, but I seem to be falling asleep in front of the computer. Undecided
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #219 - May 4th, 2009 at 6:34pm
Hair: 3rd day CWC, but with an ACV rinse before the final conditioning. The roots were quite greasy this morning, Tongue so it was necessary. And ACV was really just the first step in an intense cleansing ritual, which is a common practice for me after being in very crowded places. Roll Eyes I also used antibacterial bodywash, exfoliated my face and hands and soaked my piercings in various substances to sterilize them.

Anyway, today's leave-in's were Pantene Detangling spray and EVOO. Despite having gone so long without a trim, my hair has been extremely cooperative: not tangling hopelessly, drying perfectly straight and smooth with no random kinks or excess dryness. Smiley

Soon it will be time for my break and I'll do the usual "Hop Sing" braid. Roll Eyes

Bats Day 2009: Traffic was light for the 2 hour drive to Anaheim. That morning, I'd been worried about being late and missing the meeting with people from the other forum, but I arrived an hour before it was scheduled. Smiley
   My friend T had been texting me all morning, and I finally met up with him just outside the park entrance. We made our way through the spectacle of spikes, chains and lace of fellow park guests to the assigned meeting place...and after waiting awhile, the other forum members showed up.
   I'd never met any of them before and knew nothing about them save their screennames on the boards. But, within minutes, the lot of us (10 in all) were fast friends. We spent the day as a group - hanging out, eating, gabbing and going on a few rides. Being in the presence of other goths - particularly friends - was a welcome change. But that's the point of it all, I suppose. To be among like-minded individuals. Wink

8 PM was the Bats Day ride through at the Haunted Mansion. When the 10 of us ascended the brick steps at the front of the facade for our group photo, I got to meet the man who started the event Cheesy which was something I'd always wanted to do. Not only does he belong to the same forum that our group did, he's also a super cool guy. Cool

Another thing I'd always wanted to do was ride the Haunted Mansion all the way through and I was finally able to do it yesterday. Twice. Cheesy

Strangely enough, the majority of our group was from San Diego, so we left at the same time.
   My buddy T had to help me locate my car since I'd been directed into the unfamiliar territory of "overflow parking" upon my arrival. Grin Once we'd found it, he also had to guide me back toward the freeway, but not before giving me 5 coupons for free In-N-Out burgers. Heh...good ol' T.

Anyway, the drive back seemed to take even less time than the drive up. I kept De/Vision spinning in the CD player and tried to memorize the order and names of the towns that I passed. Finally made it home just after midnight. What a day!

Other Stuff: Yesterday, I got a voicemail informing me that I could expect another delivery of darkly decadent goods from Lip Service today. Smiley
   As much as I'd love to rush home after work and see if anything is waiting for me, I must instead go about town in search of a decent b-day gift for my mother.

Tonight, I'll see if I can finally start reading again. And tomorrow, I must take my car in for yet another 5K mile service. Whew!

May the fourth be with you! ...
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #220 - May 5th, 2009 at 4:33pm
glad to hear ya had agod bats day wish i could celibrate it
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fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #221 - May 6th, 2009 at 3:16pm
Fisher2: Smiley

Hair: Yesterday's haphazard clarifying routine was the beginning of a horrible day. Angry I ran out of ACV and had to use an anemic solution, had to wash twice with clarifying shampoo and water was spastic. I officially declare it the worst clarifying routine ever. Angry
    My luck using EVOO as a leave-in was  no better and my hair ended up being greasy when it dried. Angry At least my braid was soft.

Today, however, it's a different story. The usual CWC routine + Detangling spray + serum. The air has almost finished drying my hair by now.

The Rest: Flooded the garage yesterday when the hose from the washing machine popped out of the sink. Angry Then at work, my new boss (who is hardly ever at our location) gave me a $#&% review. ... He's a horse's arse. ... So I was beside myself for the rest of the day. ...
    Thank God for my band. I wasn't sure if I was up to practicing last night, but I'm glad that I went. Far better than sitting at home and stewing.
    My aunt also invited me to housesit for a few days, beginning next weekend, which also helped combat my urge to throw things. ... Anyway, definitely one of those ... days that Tanai mentioned.

As mentioned though, today is different. I came into work early today (read: extra $$$) so mother could rush off to Disneyland for her b-day. After hours, I'm heading out to Point Loma to meet my relatives for dinner while they explain the demands of their new pets. I'll be watching 8 animals total. Shocked House/petsitting also = extra $$$.

The 2nd Lip Service shipment arrived a few days ago and another is due today. Smiley The bank is also sending me a shiny, new debit card after the last one was hit with a fraudulent charge. Weeee!

Frankly, Mr. Shankly, this position I've held
It pays my way and it corrodes my soul
Oh, I didn't realize that you wrote poetry
I didn't realize you wrote such bloody awful poetry, Mr. Shankly...

Frankly, Mr. Shankly, since you ask,
You are a flatulent pain in the arse
I do not mean to be so rude
Still, I must speak frankly, Mr. Shankly
Oh, give us money

                 -The Smiths, Frankly, Mr. Shankly
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #222 - May 7th, 2009 at 11:52am
Hair: Another CWC, except an ACV rinse wasn't necessary this morning, as it was yesterday. Leave-in's were Pantene Detangling spray (love that stuff!) and EVOO (not so much). As yet, I'm still undecided on today's style. It may be a repeat of yesterday's flipped ponytail or the usual "Hop Sing" braid. Roll Eyes

Work: Blargh! ... It has only taken 4 years to transition from liking my job to hating it. I've always known when it's time to move on and in this case, I've known it for awhile. But it's dire now.

Other Stuff: No Lippy delivery yesterday because no one was around to sign for it. Wouldn't it be lovely if the big, brown truck could pass by my house while I'm there? Roll Eyes

This evening, I intend to get my car clean and shiny for its service appointment on Saturday. It's going to be a lot of work. Roll Eyes

oh there ain't no rest for the wicked
money don't grow on trees
I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed
there ain't nothin' in this world for free
I know I can't slow down, I can't hold back
though you know I wish I could
oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked
until we close our eyes for good

    -Cage The Elephant, Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #223 - May 8th, 2009 at 11:00am
...  I know how you feel about work.  I have been places that I really liked and then when things changed I hated going to work everyday and taking the crap.  Hang in there sista! Smiley
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #224 - May 8th, 2009 at 6:03pm
Lisabelle: *hugs* Thanx, amiga. That seems to be the way most jobs are. Everything sours eventually. ...

Hair: WTC and man, did my hair need it! Between the EVOO from yesterday, cleaning my car last night and planting an entire flowerbed (36 dianthus) in the SoCal sun this morning, ..., it was naaa-sty! The ends were barren and tangled and my scalp was greasy and itched furiously. Tongue I couldn't jump in the shower fast enough.

Even after washing all of my hair, it still didn't feel quite right. Huh But I did the usual treatment (Pantene Deep Fortifying) for an h